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  • e19 when


    what up, fuckers

    it has been roughly five million years since i've grabbed the mic. it feels like just yesterday i was telling the dinosaurs all about meech.

    it has been roughly 50 million years since our last release. we have eliminated progress bars from the face of the earth, so i'll not hold up the show and just answer the question that i posed in the title:


    spring 2022 (if all goes well!)


    ok everyone who just wanted the date can go.

    for everyone else:


    where we @

    first, there is a nightclub!

    you can hang out with people and battle to your heart's content. there's a shitload of battle content, from the boss rush to the battle tower with lots in between. it's basically just everything detailed on this post here so instead of rehashing that all out here, i'm just going to tell you to go read what i said way back in may 2019.




    basically, the nightclub is done and functional. there's lots to do there. it'll be neat.


    second: there is a postgame!

    structurally, it plays a bit more loosely than the main story- completing postgame will still require completing all the quests, but there's a bit more flexibility in what you want to do and when you want to do it. 

    and if i'm being perfectly honest it is way too fucking big.

    stupid huge.

    turns out the whole quest-per-legend deal results in a massive amount of content. obviously i don't have a solid estimate since no one's quite played through it all, but it sounds like it might work out to be 4-5 episodes of content.

    hell, the main story content is already, like, two episodes of content.

    we're basically just adding a third of the game's current length to it.

    which is important because...


    what's left

    testing is left.


    what's right

    well, we gotta clean up a bunch of loose ends before we even get to testing. this is the last episode! and if i'm being perfectly honest, we're tired. free us.


    things that need to be finished before testing: (this is where we hid the dead progress bars)

    - Animations

    there's, like, 18 left? the animation squad has been working real hard on making the move anims super sharp. make sure you turn them on!!!!

    - Early game updates

    haha yesssss i finally got ame to do these

    i'm not going to dig up my old posts on early game since i don't want to look at the date and take psychic damage; suffice it to say that early game kinda sucks compared to the rest of the game and it's getting a revamp. there's some new areas! some redone old areas! a plot that makes you a little less dizzy from running back and forth!

    man its gonna be great.

    right now 3 episodes have been updated, and we're doing some touchups for the rest.

    - Ending scenes

    so this content is classified, but eventually this stupid fuckin game has to end and you'll get some bonus scenes with some chars under certain circumstances.

    - Nightclub polish

    so shout out to azzie for doing a fuckload of dialogue for the 500000000 (that's a metric fuckton for those of you unfamiliar with math) battle tower trainers, as well as some general chat dialogue for the chars you've been stuck with all game. there's still a bit of that left to do.

    - teams


    so from what i understand, the "gameplay" in these types of games consist of "battles" that someone has to "make". and "apparently" the person making them has (mostly) been "me".

    i've got like 12 left. oops.

    - Field updates

    making hundreds of teams means that i've taken a pretty close look at the field effects, and there have been a lot of minor changes to fields to make them make more sense/more balanced/better.

    - Bugs

    mr lord Perrence has been doing god's work wrangling our massive fucking buglist and making the new AI functional (oh yeah that's right we redid the ai but don't worry about that)

    bugfixing never ends, but eventually we will stop trying.

    - Sprite updates

    a lot of the sprites are, and i believe this is a term the kids are using these days, "crusty".

    we only produce well-made sandwiches here, meaning we are removing the crust.

    here's a preview of what's been done:



    we're buying the protags some fucking shampoo.

    you can actually watch us do for decibel live on twitch this sunday at 3p MDT! (that is 37 hours from the time of posting.)


    - leftover bullshit

    look you never know what's gonna come up while we clean up the rest of this. i can't even remember what all we've done since e18. 


    and then- and then- we will do some testing.

    this is the largest amount of content we've ever tested at once by a gigantic margin, so we're not even sure how that's going to go. the first round of semi-public testing (that is, something you, dear reader, will be able to participate in) will be the community release, which occurs after beta testing. we will say when beta testing starts. at that point we'll probably have a general sense about how long each phase will take. the rest of the details will probably be kept under wraps just to preserve what middling amounts of sanity we've somehow maintained a grasp on.

    i've been holding on to an @everyone on the discord server for years and you better believe it'll be used when the game's ready.


    this is the home stretch, y'all. thanks for all your patience. it'll be worth the wait.

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    dsfhafdnfas?!?@?!@?! the postgame n wrapping up of the story quests sound so exciting +++ fully fleshed out quests for the legends this is amazing im gonna cry this is so exciting ty devs n team fr=or all the hard weorm [cry]

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    The end is near. I am massively looking forward to all t new things. The new legendary quests taking up 3-4 episodes of content is amazing (prob not to you devs but for us the randoms fuckos who play the game - Gonna have that 1000 hours spent on the game kek). Looking forward to the changed early game. Always good to have some different things.


    If Rejuv v13 is anything to go by, I feel like one help channel will not be enough. Cass, I pray for your health. Here is one(1) Psychic damage reversal potion. It restores sanity for a day so use it wisely.

    Last but not the least, thank you guys for all the hard work in bringing us the game.


    17 minutes ago, Seal said:

    Can't wait to actually cry when this comes out

    Oh yeah, I will be super sad once I reach the ending... 😿

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    2 minutes ago, andracass said:

    it was incomplete and shouldn't've been posted.

    i took over because she was tired



    1 minute ago, Amethyst said:

    i had accidentally hit enter and then i decided words were too hard Q~Q



    I'd like to send 500 million doses of health potion to both Cass and Ame 

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    Hi, Cass.


    Thank you for the update. Even though you put forth spring 2022 as the estimated release date, please feel free to extend it to whatever you need. I'd hate to see a repeat of what happened to Cyberpunk 2077.


    Also, if you could make it more clear (either here on the site or in the finished game) how to financially support you and the rest of the team for your hard work, that would be great.


    Take care of yourself.

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    Lets goooooooooo


    Imma finally get to go on the ferris wheel. That construction working npc will finally, finally let me go on that ferris wheel.


    (Fr tho tsym to all devs, we all appreciate the work ur doing) 

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    Finally after 5 years of waiting😭


    We'll be able to enter E19 and stop Lin once for all, ladies and gentlemen. For everyone in Labradorra City and the whole region. Let's gooo😆😆😆


    Also I like Vero's new haircut and I will be here for the Decibel makeover  Can wait mostly for Lucia and Alice's changes; especially that ridiculous backsprite of the former.😁💖


    I'm just excited, once I get to play the game again and I'm glad I managed to finish it completely before it comes out. Now I'm crying out of joy, give me some tissue😭😭😭

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    it sounds like it might work out to be 4-5 episodes of content.

    hell, the main story content is already, like, two episodes of content.

    we're basically just adding a third of the game's current length to it.


    So since e18 has dropped you managed to do 6+ episodes contentwise AND finish & release demo for Starlight? That's impressive.


    Looking forward to the testing 💀😂

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    First, this summarize my feelings right now lol


    May I say a couple of things here?


    One: 4 to 5 episodes? This is insane! I can't wait to play this masterpiece in all its glory!!!!


    Two: you know, we could wait even more if needed, we all just want you guys to be able to complete the game while holding some of what left of your sanity lol


    Three: might I give a suggestion? Why note releasing the final game of reborn birthday (if there is one, I don't know)?


    And for last but not least: THE HYPE TRAIN IS REEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAL!!!!!!!!

    giphy (1).gif

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    The only question that I have

    Is there going to be Fern slap? That question is eating me 

    And now I´m thinking that is done like on "How I meet your mother" with slow motion and epic music while you slap him



    Maybe I have a problem

    Nah is Fern 

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    Welp I vastly underestimated how much there was left to do. I was thinking it would be all completed by the end of the year. Foolish and delusional on my behalf. My fault. Looks like I'll have to nuke another save file cause I've got to see the early game changes for myself. Take all the time y'all need breaks and all that. You guys are beyond insane for all the hard work you're putting in. 

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    Finally got around to making an account after lurking for the longest time, just to say the hype is real!! ^^ So excited for Spring 2022, I won't be able to enjoy the mainstream games again ;P.

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    I haven't had this much anticipation for a new game in a very, very long time. Reborn is legitimately already one of my favourite video games of all time 


    best of luck down the final stretch to everyone working on it

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    I have no words to describe how excited I am for e19 since it has the best feature of all time:



    Jokes aside, my hype for this game is over the roof. It's much more than just "a game" to me

    As soon as it comes out I want to fully translate it in italian because I know way too many people who say that "Reborn is cool, but I'm not good enough with english". I've always wanted to do it but it was a bit pointless doing it before e19 you know


    (Also I love that there is no gen8 but plz buff Silvally's multi attack like in sword shield it would be pog)

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    I'm REALLY happy to hear about the progress and all the content about to be in!


    But one thing I wanted to ask: will there be a "Synopsis" that's accessible from the main menu, so you can remember where you left off and what to do (similar to the Redux Mod)? There ARE some temporary points of no return and so going to Grand Hall isn't always accessible/convenient and I feel like a game being this long warrants being able to check where you are in the main game (and what puzzle I'm on or who I'm supposed to visit or something).

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    7 hours ago, Krellian said:

    First, this summarize my feelings right now lol


    May I say a couple of things here?


    One: 4 to 5 episodes? This is insane! I can't wait to play this masterpiece in all its glory!!!!


    Two: you know, we could wait even more if needed, we all just want you guys to be able to complete the game while holding some of what left of your sanity lol


    Three: might I give a suggestion? Why note releasing the final game of reborn birthday (if there is one, I don't know)?


    And for last but not least: THE HYPE TRAIN IS REEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAL!!!!!!!!

    giphy (1).gif

    Thanks for handling my duty~

    And yeah, this is the most hype I've felt in a good while!

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    7 hours ago, HelpMiiPlease said:


    i am going to regret this so much


    4 hours ago, Shinano said:

    Finally got around to making an account after lurking for the longest time, just to say the hype is real!! ^^ So excited for Spring 2022, I won't be able to enjoy the mainstream games again ;P.

    y'know gamefreak i'll be looking for a job soon

    1 hour ago, Lorisaur said:

    (Also I love that there is no gen8 but plz buff Silvally's multi attack like in sword shield it would be pog)

    there are actually some gen 8 moves that i've looked at and thought "hey, adding this could be neat."

    but adding gen 8 and patching up movesets would be a shitload of work

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    Gotta say, was not expecting a definitive window for the final episode.  


    And although it may certainly be subject to change ( Due to Any unforeseen bugs on the way)


    The hype is indeed real. At the very least, this'll keep me from lurking on the development page every month. 


    Also updates to early game?


    Yes please. Personally, I wouldn't mind if you kept the opening somewhat the same. Still starts off pretty strong for what you were going for. 


    Definitely going to try to avoid spoilers. Need that fresh experience.

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    Protagonist sprite updates is good, honestly they are kinda needed. Will their overworld sprites be updated as well or only the battle sprites?


    Will the early game update change any of the actual plot beats or is it only gonna slightly order around some things to result in less running around? Honestly I always found the first half of the game to be the more enjoyable one so I'm a bit anxious about any major changes to that.

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    17 hours ago, Evi Crystal said:

    Finally after 5 years of waiting😭


    We'll be able to enter E19 and stop Lin once for all, ladies and gentlemen. For everyone in Labradorra City and the whole region. Let's gooo😆😆😆


    Also I like Vero's new haircut and I will be here for the Decibel makeover  Can wait mostly for Lucia and Alice's changes; especially that ridiculous backsprite of the former.😁💖


    I'm just excited, once I get to play the game again and I'm glad I managed to finish it completely before it comes out. Now I'm crying out of joy, give me some tissue😭😭😭

    Agree with all of this and I laughed at the mention of Lucia’s back sprite, her hair looks like it’s falling apart lol


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    6 hours ago, Gentleman Jaggi said:

    Will the early game update change any of the actual plot beats or is it only gonna slightly order around some things to result in less running around? Honestly I always found the first half of the game to be the more enjoyable one so I'm a bit anxious about any major changes to that.

    it's nothing that substantial. 

    like, i moved a tree to the side, for one thing.

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    just wanna say a big Thank u for making a masterpiece of a game and like the new character design to be looking C R U S T Y.U guys are the best and u can take all ur time to release it since we know dat it was a big episode and the finale.Really u guys are awesome

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    Given that a certain game that involves a certain deity species coming from a certain development company will be released on Jan 28th, this Spring 2022 probably means some time not too close to that date. Otherwise that company will be like 👁️👄👁️

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    Really missed the Andracass vibe in the dev blog, glad things are moving forward like this :)


    Now, let's hope the game doesn't implode in the last stretch, or the code gets accidentally wiped somehow...

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    On 10/23/2021 at 1:48 PM, hanakibi said:

    hey, no rush i wont be able to play it when it gets released anyways cuz college is a bitch


    Spring 2022 suits me perfectly, I will be over with all my life endevours by that time and will have a free time.


    16 hours ago, andracass said:

    it's nothing that substantial. 

    like, i moved a tree to the side, for one thing.


    I can see at last few trees that moving them to the side would be quite substantial, e.g. in any part where the Pulse-Tangrowth is involved. Or in Byxbysion.

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    9 minutes ago, Egzample said:

    I can see at last few trees that moving them to the side would be quite substantial, e.g. in any part where the Pulse-Tangrowth is involved. Or in Byxbysion.

    honestly, i've talked about it enough at this point that i may as well just show it


    this one here in jasper

    you don't have to cut through the stupid building after the vines go down

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    18 minutes ago, Juice said:

    I thought Cass was gonna kill me the other day for assuming it was gonna be Spring 2022



    she still may kill me but I'm glad my estimate was right! 

    i'm always very, very, incredibly hesitant to put out a release date because we simply don't know what will come up and don't have the resources to handle unseen problems.

    people guessing release dates also often have no idea what they're talking about

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    1 hour ago, andracass said:

    this one here in jasper

    you don't have to cut through the stupid building after the vines go down

    praise the Lord!



    (/'  ')/             \('  '\)

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    Will the changes to the early game end up being super significant or mostly quality of life stuff? I have a friend who wants to play but they also want to have roughly the same experience I did so we can talk about it together. They're currently debating starting now (and ideally finishing up through ep 17 sometime around the release) or just waiting until the full game drops and playing the whole thing then.

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    9 hours ago, Twig said:

    Will the changes to the early game end up being super significant or mostly quality of life stuff? I have a friend who wants to play but they also want to have roughly the same experience I did so we can talk about it together. They're currently debating starting now (and ideally finishing up through ep 17 sometime around the release) or just waiting until the full game drops and playing the whole thing then.

    "super significant" is probably a strong word for it. some areas have been redone, and early game is a little less annoying to progress though.

    they will likely have a better time if they play it later, but it wouldn't be worth getting too fussed about, y'know?

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    Man i shudder to imagine the amount of testing needed and countless potential bug when this version came out, even rejuv needs a few months to iron out those bugs and thats only amounted to 1 version, and here we have 5 version worth on content, its gonna be a looong roller coaster

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    Yeeees! We have a (tentative) release date! We can finally rescue Aya!


    (Seriously, if she doesn't complain about how it feels like she's been trapped for years, I will be disappointed).


    (...how long has she been trapped, anyways? She was kidnapped before we fought Charlotte...)

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    thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou. I can hardly contain my excitement!!!! Please don't rush, this final episode deserves all the love and care you can bestow upon it. 

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    5 hours ago, Outside Indoorsman said:

    Yeeees! We have a (tentative) release date! We can finally rescue Aya!


    (Seriously, if she doesn't complain about how it feels like she's been trapped for years, I will be disappointed).


    (...how long has she been trapped, anyways? She was kidnapped before we fought Charlotte...)

    I wholeheartedly second that! Not only her, but imagine what would Terra says about that? It HAS to be some 4th wall breakings somewhere lolololol

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    7 hours ago, jimmyrecard said:



    I came here from Australia to clarify that you are talking about Northern Hemisphere Spring, not Southern Hemisphere?


    Moving to Australia is actually their backup plan, if nothing is ready by May.

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    I’m gonna be really sadistic here and say I really don’t want a happy ending to this game. It wouldn’t fit the plot with everything else that happened. Obviously I don’t want to put any spoilers here but let’s just say the “Hydreigon Incident” stays in my memory and is one of the first things I think of when this game is mentioned. Not to mention the Bridge and the Volcano - to name a few. This game is dark and I hope it gets darker. Can’t wait to see how this all ends.

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    I can’t wait for the release! I have been preparing to kick Lin’s ass for three years! I am in the process of training timid Naganadel to level 95, but I’m not sure who I should replace (my team, typical for Reborn, has like 20+ members, but my key go-tos are listed below:


    -Greninja (protean, hasty) / Gardevoir (telepathy, modest) / Azumarill (huge power, adament)

    -Blaziken (speed boost, adament) / Arcanine (justified, naughty)

    -Salamence (moxie, jolly) / Garchomp (rough skin, jolly)

    -Malamar (contrary, naughty) / Aegislash (stance change, adament) / Scizor (technician, adament)

    -Lycanroc (sand rush, adament) / Excadrill (sand rush, adament)

    - Alolan Raichu (surge surfer, modest) / Vikavolt (levitate, modest) / Electivire (motor drive, adament)

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    On 10/28/2021 at 12:51 AM, jimmyrecard said:



    I came here from Australia to clarify that you are talking about Northern Hemisphere Spring, not Southern Hemisphere?


    I think so too man, um from Brazil so I can relate to you. I believe Amy is European, so yeah, reborn is coming somewhere between March and May 

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    God I don't wanna get too hyped and contribute to pressure but holy shit I'm so excited I have no words. Reborn is approaching the end!! I've been a fan for years, I think I first started my first save file in like 2015? I can't wait to see Episode 19 and the post-game in its entirety, and play the final Reborn beginning to end!

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    First of all, I loooove the way these updates are presented. The mood and the humor is very amusing.


    Second of all,


    a plot that makes you a little less dizzy from running back and forth!

    Does that means you'll finally be getting rid of the moments of problem within a problem within a problem within a problem?


    I still remember when I had to go get like Strength so I could pass some tunnels and go save some orphan kids from team meteor but I needed the badge so I had to travel to this ash island but then the gym leader puts me through some trial to go fetch some guy at a volcano and finally battle the leader but then that guy turns out to be a traitor and the leader fucking dies before giving me the badge so I have to find the substitute leader but now Cain has been missing for a while so I have to go look for him...


    At that point the orphans should be as good as dead. And Titania.

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    2 hours ago, ThiroSmash said:

    Does that means you'll finally be getting rid of the moments of problem within a problem within a problem within a problem?


    I still remember when I had to go get like Strength so I could pass some tunnels and go save some orphan kids from team meteor but I needed the badge so I had to travel to this ash island but then the gym leader puts me through some trial to go fetch some guy at a volcano and finally battle the leader but then that guy turns out to be a traitor and the leader fucking dies before giving me the badge so I have to find the substitute leader but now Cain has been missing for a while so I have to go look for him...


    Yeahh that whole part to me is the biggest problem in the story. I can't think of how it can be improved though.

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    On 10/24/2021 at 4:24 PM, andracass said:

    honestly, i've talked about it enough at this point that i may as well just show it


    this one here in jasper

    you don't have to cut through the stupid building after the vines go down

    If you're looking to cut down on general tedium and needless backtracking, might I suggest making a set of stairs here to replace this rock climbing wall? The player has to go from fiore to the circus multiple times and having to go through the canyon and grass every time is a little annoying. Its not like I would ever use this part of the map currently since by the time you get rock climb you already have fly which is a much more efficient means of travel. 



    If you can include more fast travel options for certain sections of the game, similar to being able to fast travel with radomus and co. back to the castle after dealing with adrienn and el that would be nice for qol, A couple of instances off the top of my head that make sense would be after saving victoria from aster and eclipse at the bottom of the grand stairway and going with her to shelly's place and going with amaria from the harbor to break into the factory, etc.

    Another thing that I figure would be appreciated by players that replay this game is if you can make the void segment after the glass gauntlet an optional choice to go through. This section mainly serves as story and lore dump which is nice on the first playthrough, but gameplay wise is a bit uneventful and drawn out? That's a creative decision I am less inclined on making a judgement call on though but just wanted to bring it up.


    Didn't mean to tell you how to do your job, so sorry for rambling. Thanks for trying to streamline gameplay even if it is just moving a tree or two, truly makes a difference. 👍

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    15 hours ago, bloo123 said:

    If you're looking to cut down on general tedium and needless backtracking, might I suggest making a set of stairs here to replace this rock climbing wall? The player has to go from fiore to the circus multiple times and having to go through the canyon and grass every time is a little annoying. Its not like I would ever use this part of the map currently since by the time you get rock climb you already have fly which is a much more efficient means of travel. 



    If you can include more fast travel options for certain sections of the game, similar to being able to fast travel with radomus and co. back to the castle after dealing with adrienn and el that would be nice for qol, A couple of instances off the top of my head that make sense would be after saving victoria from aster and eclipse at the bottom of the grand stairway and going with her to shelly's place and going with amaria from the harbor to break into the factory, etc.

    Another thing that I figure would be appreciated by players that replay this game is if you can make the void segment after the glass gauntlet an optional choice to go through. This section mainly serves as story and lore dump which is nice on the first playthrough, but gameplay wise is a bit uneventful and drawn out? That's a creative decision I am less inclined on making a judgement call on though but just wanted to bring it up.


    Didn't mean to tell you how to do your job, so sorry for rambling. Thanks for trying to streamline gameplay even if it is just moving a tree or two, truly makes a difference. 👍


    good suggestions! that bit of route 2 is definitely already on my mind, and i think you'll definitely appreciate the tune of a lot of the early changes. in addition to fast travel in a lot of those cases (already got the stairway for instance), we cut a lot of the running around between shelly and kiki in general and i've been trying to put a focus on streamlining + reducing railroading for just story purposes.

    although i agree with you about the void, i don't think i can do that. there's also some extra stuff in there now too that would complicate that idea... 


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