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    • OmegaStellarSolare

      Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : Light, Darkness and Shadow. In the scene (where Madame X punishes Madelis) :
      Nastasia : So, how are you adjusting?
      Ren : It’s… A little weird? It feels like my head is lagging, but…
      Nastasia : You’ll get used to it. Probably.
      Madelis arrives.
      Nastasia : Madelis… Where have you been this entire time?
      Madelis : Well, I said I was going on vacation, but…
      I really was just hiding from—

      Then both Nastasia and Ren reacted in fear of seeing someone behind Madelis.
      Ren : Ren, stay behind me.
      It was Madame X.
      Madelis : Huh?
      She turned back and saw her. Furious and yet in cold tone.
      Madelis : M-Madame X…
      Madame X : Do you understand what you’ve cost us?
      Madelis : …
      Madame X : This team cannot succeed if unity isn’t our biggest strength.
      We lost because our lack of unity. Do you know who divided us?

      Madelis is moving way in front of Madame X.
      Madelis : …It was me.
      Madame X : Correct.
      Because of your incompetence, the Shadow Pokemon project failed.
      (moving while talking) The mission at Valor Mountain has failed.
      Zetta has been reverted and captured by Crescent.
      And finally, thanks to Aevis, Geara is unable to function as a member of Team Xen.
      Such a waste.
      Madelis : Wait, what? What happened to Geara?
      Madame X : See for yourself.
      Grunts. Bring him here.
      Ren : ??!!!
      Grunts brought Geara and left.
      Madelis : Geara?
      Geara : *Loudly sobbing uncontrollably like a 3 year old*
      Ren : OH, MY GOD!!!

      Madelis reacted in horror of Geara’s fate.
      Madame X : This is the consequence of facing Aevis and fails.
      Geara’s reduced to a crybaby incapable of saying a single word, neither of thinking.
      Ren : Why would Aevis do that?
      Madame X : Because Geara unleashed his wrath and got tortured, bruised and his ego decimated. To the point of no complete mental recovery.
      It took… 30 minutes.
      Ren (disturbed) : Ow! That’s quite an horrifying turn of events!
      Madelis : I can’t believe this. That means that triggering him is no longer an option.
      Madame X : I told you all that messing with him is forbidden which it was my own job of taking care of him.
      But even a little mistake can have lethal consequences.
      Enough of this. It’s important for me to know, though…
      Note : Being reduced to a mentally broken person with a mind a 3 years old or less is even worse than being separated into millions of pieces. Does this remind you of a certain anime? Well, see you next time.
      · 1 reply
    • punished.sh4y

      Check out @TGuilerrr YangMod Intense Mode! I just finished up my Fire monotype for version2.3, and I really enjoyed the care and custom effects put into it.

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    • punished.sh4y

      pfp by my lovely friend @steamedanimations on Instagram
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    • OmegaStellarSolare

      Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : Light, Darkness and Shadow. It's Ana's story. As she's having a freetime with Aevis in Grand Dream City :
      Ana : Thanks for accompanying me.
      Aevis : Think nothing of it.
      Ana : ...
      Aevis : What's wrong?
      Ana : Everyone said that you rarely can show a very dangerous side of yours.
      Which it is really concerning.
      When you're outraged, you really break people who have crossed the line.
      Can you tell me how mad can you get?
      Aevis : ...
      I don't know. But it's better of you to not know what I have done to them.
      Ana : Maybe it's justified. They were irredeemable demons. And yet you didn't kill them.
      Aevis : I'm not Crescent and neither Madame X. I'm not murderer.
      You better know that I wanted them dead... I would have done so.
      But living them with being left away, humiliated, broken and ignored. That's how's worse than death.
      Killing them feels empty inside. You gain nothing. You'll never be in peace.
      And so you'll be haunted for the rest of your life being no different than the ones with their motives we dissaprove of.
      Ana : Oh...
      Aevis : That's why I'm helping you in order for you to never experience suffering just like I used to be.
      Ana : You're trying to say that I shouldn't follow on your footsteps. I should choose my own path.
      Aevis : That's the idea. One day or another, you'll find your own way.
      Ana : I clearly understand.
      Aevis : Shall we return?
      Ana : Yes. Actually, I'm becoming so sleepy.
      They went back to the Rhodea's Penthouse.
      Note : I'm going through vacation. Even so, the story still lives. So I won't be absent in summer vacation. I'm always present if I want to. See you later.
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    • consarn

      loving the forum scam spam
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    • GrovyleTheThief

      Winter's Fury update
      So I'm done writing the next batch of chapters along with a special Episode about Mary's past. I'm not sure how long implementing all of that would take considering that I also have to make maps and events. Thank you for reading and I hope you'll be able to see this next batch of story.
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    • DerogatoryTrainer

      Might have not mentioned it here but I'm doing a Soul-Link Nuzlocke here: https://nuzlockeforums.com/forum/threads/ff2023-madness-comes-in-pairs-a-pokemon-blaze-black-2-volt-white-2-redux-soul-link.21812/
      Just in case anyone on this site was interested in wanting something of mine to read while waiting forever  for Part 4 of Rejuvenation
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    • OmegaStellarSolare

      Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : Light, Darkness and Shadow. It's Aero's story. In Zorrialyn Coast, as Alain is searching for both Aero and Goomink :
      Alain : *sigh*
      I can't believe they went far ahead into Badlands.
      I wonder if they- HUH?!
      Alain found Aero and Goomink being KO.
      Aero (in pain) : O...o..o..ow...!
      Alain : Oh, my god?! I-I need to call Aevis. I'll be right back.
      Alain called Aevis as they went taking them into Sashila Village.
      They scuried to the Inn at Sashila Village in hopes of saving Goolink and Aero.
      Goomink : Hrk...
      Aero : ...
      They both woke up.
      Aevis : Thank goodness.
      Goomink : Hrggnh?
      Goomink finds out that he's in different place.
      Goomink : Alain! And Aevis! Where both of you find Goomink? And Aero? ...Where are Goomink and Aero?
      Aevis : Chill out. We're in Sashila Village. There's no need to worry.
      Goomink see... We end up in Sashila Village.
      But Sashila Village in Badlands, no? That mean Goomink make it to destination!
      Alain (sarcasm) : And so Aero is. Right at the worst possible way. Great!
      Goomink : How Goomink get here though... Goomink have trouble remembering...
      Aero (suddenly woke up) : I do remember.
      Alain : Huh?!
      Aevis : *sigh* I'm glad you're alive.
      Aero : Yeah. It was a miracle that we were saved thanks to you.
      Alain : Can you explain what happened?!
      Aero : I sure can explain and you're not gonna believe what I saw.
      Cut to flashback.
      Note : It's sad to see Typhlosion and Meganium never showing their Mega Evolution in Pokemon Desolation. Mostly, Meganium who, according to most of them, is the worst designed starter. Kinda sad, it is. See you next time.
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    • Cerulean

      This is the greatest game of all time. I highly recommend it. 

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    • .reeejee

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