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Vince&Sylveon last won the day on June 20 2023

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    Inside LINK VRAINS

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  1. Re-upload -Several areas have been remodeled (28). Some places you shouldn't save in: Neo Lumiose City (season 2 maps) (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, Center), another Lumiose City (W) but from one of the floors from Haunted Mirror Forest. Shell Sage Room, Aquarium Park (1F, 2F, 3F, Clearing), Silver Undersea (also the underwater part too), Camphrier Town, Route 5, Couriway Town, Anistar City, City Peak, Restricted Area, Lumiose Hill, Water Institute, Route 4, Route 1, Vaniville Town. -Added one sidequest that, upon completion, will enable your team to be fully healed after each battle so that the player won't have to backtrack to Pokemon Centers. The reason for so many remodels is that when dealing with MKXP's vaunted error of "Operation not supported by MEGA surfaces" when you press F12 (soft-reset) and try to go into certain places again, unfortunately that entire tileset would have to be scrapped. "Outside 2" was the main culprit of this error. Those 28 maps before the remodel were under "Outside 2" tileset, so they all had to be changed to another appropriate tilesets. That said, some things can be mitigated and that'll be 28 less errors to deal with. However, there's still several maps out there, and turns out another tileset named "GDC Interiors" also caused the crash as "Outside 2". So, that means the description I had on the first post still apply: instead of soft reset with F12, it'll be better to exit out the screen by clicking the X on the top right corner. Anyhow, since Virtualization has been complete, I'll probably be putting that game aside for other ventures, but I may stop by occasionally if there are any inquiries. I won't be able to mention any future plans I have in store, mostly because I am not sure if I were to actually make it happen, so I'm going to just keep quiet for now. It would be equally bad if I were to mention hypothetical plans and not follow up with them. For now, I'll be taking a good long rest!
  2. Re-upload: -level cap increased from 95-100 -Filled in the remaining areas of Kalos (Victory Road and League). This game is now considered complete story wise!
  3. Re-Upload! Updates: -Coastal Kalos areas added for players in V14.2: Route 6, Parfum Palace, Route 7, Battle Chateau, Connecting Cave, Route 8, Ambrette Town, Route 9, Glittering Cave, Cyllage City, Route 10, Geosenge Town, Route 11, Reflection Cave, Shalour City (plus Tower of Mastery), Route 12, Azure Bay (small map for now, may expand when I feel like it), and the other half of Coumarine Town. -A bit of epilogue based on Cardfight Vanguard IF series. -Level cap raised from 90 to 95 with the 17th badge. Fixes -Fixed an area inside Alain's Lounge where an event tile is missing a control switch, which is #64 Sparring. Previously the player can skip the Suspicious Cafe completely.
  4. Re-upload! Updates: -New areas added for V14.1 such as Route 4, Santalune City, Route 3, Santalune Forest, Route 2, Aquacorde Town, Route 1, Vaniville Town, Route 21, Route 22, Victory Road Entrance, and Route 7! -A bit of epilogue based on Cardfight Vanguard IF series. -Level cap raised from 85 to 90 with the 16th badge! -Another Sylveon form (based on hybrid of Accesscode Talker and Sword of the Nation, Bastion Accord) that can be obtained shortly after the end of the events on the Fairy Battleship. -Fixed TM compatiblity and move tutors for the seven Sylveon forms (water, fire, electric, psychic, dark, grass, ice) to match regular Sylveon's TM/move tutor learnset, Darkfluid to match regular Hydreigon's TM/Move tutor, and A-Greninja to match regular Greninja's TM/move tutor. (Initially those species did not learn any TMs and any moves from the Move Tutor.) It seems like I've reached an awkward stage of the storyline now that the entirely of Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS has been covered, so I've decided to fill in the missing areas of the rest of the Kalos region. As of now, the Central Kalos has been filled via the areas I've made for this version. However, the Coastal Kalos has been untouched entirely, so V14.2's mapping and trainer testing will take a long while compared to 14.1 (still have my notebook that contains the list of trainers), so I'm not sure how soon when I'll finish that part (just started). Maybe if I were to divide some of my tasks, then I won't be extremely stressed and get easily burned out. Having to make at least four cities/towns such as Ambrette, Geoscene, Cyllage, and even Shalour might seem intimidating, but I'll eventually get through it. Can't stop now that I went incredibly far on this project, right?
  5. Re-upload! Fixes: -Fixed an issue where the player won't be able to catch Pokemon due to a certain control switch. Control switch 290 was when you pass the first lap in Lightning Land. Looked at the script and saw that, in particular, switch 290 was used to make the wild Pokémon knock the ball away (yes, even Master Ball). Hence the change from 290 to another unused switch (I chose 352 since it was blank at the time) Miscellaneous stuff: -Added legendary Pokemon for players to catch (covers up to gen VIII Pokemon). -Added all Mega/Gmax stones for players to collect and use (covers up to gen VIII Pokemon).
  6. Small re-upload: -Repositioned "transfer player" when talking to Bonnie shortly after talking to Alain in the lounge about the Fairy ignis going back home. -Added Camphrier Town West of route 5 although it is optional to explore.
  7. Re-upload! -Fixed an area inside Abandoned Mansion to where you won't get stuck pushing a boulder after you picked up Sablenite in Prism Tower B4F. -Several BGM changes (several Gradius series soundtracks replaces other BGMs that I used to have). Do not save in those areas or you might get stuck there. Those rooms from Fairy Battleship got a huge remodel as well as having powerful items in those rooms. Those remodeled rooms are inspired by several high-speed stages from various Gradius games. -Fairy Battleship B1.1F -Fairy Battleship B1.2F -Fairy Battleship B1.3F -Fairy Battleship B1.4F -Lightning Land (Rainy) That's all I can remember for now.
  8. Re-upload! During the past week or two, I continued where I left off (from 8th badge to 15th badge, pretty much the rest of the adventure) while doing some map editing and filling in the missing dialogues (vrains episode 85ish to 98). Even though I seemed to be satisfied of my progress, I felt there may be something more that has to be done. But for now, I just uploaded my folder a moment ago. It has to be done at some point because during my self-testing phase, I had to fix probably one or two event tiles when transferring the player to another spot AND I also have to fix one tile passability, otherwise you'll never be able to walk around in Mirror LINK VRAINS due to passability of a certain tile being "X" instead of "O". Since I got through the entire adventure myself, I do hope other players would be able to get to places without being stuck. There's always a possibility that I've overlooked something, so the 1KB Game application to RPG Maker is still on the folder as well as the PBS files in case you want to "Warp to Map" to another place.
  9. Re-upload! (second link before the word "recent") -Solved an issue where the player is stuck when the player is about to confront Petral the second time in Data Storm Interior (Only major issue I found since I was still playtesting.) -Several more gift Pokemon (mainly the Sylveon forms) got optimized moves and stat investments. -Map and trainer edits until 8th badge. As I said on the previous post, probably won't be able to weaken the trainers any further after the sixth badge. -Prize money from defeating trainers have drastically nerfed. (Though not so much as I've found somewhere in the script that depending on the number of badges you have, it multiplies the amount of prize money. I.E. 3 badges mean prize money is tripled.) On another note, something that I should've mentioned a few months ago I noticed on that 7-hour stream made by HYDE (Youtube) several months ago about someone mentioning that those X items 6 are free...not anymore! It now costs six times as much from the regular X items. For example, if X Attack costs 550, then X Attack 6 costs 3300.
  10. Re-upload! Somewhat of a slow news as I did not have any plans to add new stuff post V13 of Virtualization. As such, the badge count is still 15 and the level cap is still 85. However, I have started a new save of my own project and did some map edits of existing maps while playing. With snap edges on for several maps, I had to extend my map dimensions by 16 more width and height and move the map 8 tiles away from top, bottom, left, and right so that the player will not be too far of that side. If I turned snap edges off, then you will see some of the panoramas set on certain tilesets instead of plain black. Not only that, another reason why I started a new adventure is that when I am testing early game trainers, I try to not make them seem unbearable, though certain elements like STABmon movesets and setting EVs are still intact. Perhaps the only thing I can weaken from standard trainers is to make them have NFE Pokemon, which I did so far. This will probably mean Eviolite will be held on most NFEs, making them more defensive instead. The map and trainer edits go up to the fourth badge (after Ariel’s Cascade) and shall continue to try weakening some trainers along the way for season 1. I probably will not be able to weaken them any further after the sixth badge since the levels are where most fully evolved Pokemon are at. Eventing edits have also been made, though it's mostly editing gift Pokemon to have optimized moves and stat investments, so you'll have some fully invested Pokemon from the get-go. You can still change certain aspects such as abilities and nature in Neo Lumiose City (SE).
  11. Re-upload! Added new content for V13: -Some dialogues implemented based on Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS episode 117-120 -A whopping 50+ standard battles as well as 4 major battles!
  12. Re-upload! Added new content for V12: -Some dialogues implemented based on Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS episode 103-117 and Yu-Gi-Oh 5DS episodes 123-130. -Several trainer battles, and that includes 4 major battles.
  13. Re-Uploaded! Fixed an issue when the player tries to exit Ranger Hideout and gets taken to either an area with Level 72 trainers or the remodeled Lumiose City (W). Added a control variable to keep that from happening until a certain point of the story is reached; you'll be able to go back to the old Lumiose City (W) and get your third badge from the Chancellor. It's probably the current game-breaking bug that was found thanks to Pyuku.
  14. Moonblast-only run will resume…soon.

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