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Just noticed the existence of the Infernal Field, all I have to say is, what the... hell ?

Guessing we are about to fight Tesla on this field in the Elite 8 battle, I am currently shitting in my pants. Like, is there a type on some field which is more broken than the Fire one on the Infernal Field ? Basically no weakness at all, of course no possibility to cheese with Stealth Rocks, obviously a Fire moves buff, and then a double-boosted Inferno which cannot miss, plus probably another free boost thanks to Blaze or Flash Fire... Indeed, what the hell is that ??

Can't say I look forward to fight her. Charizard, Houndoom with a double STAB boost (wonder which one of these two will be mega), Ninetales, Chandelure, Crest Magcargo (!!!!), Torkoal (let's go for another Fire boost with the Sun because why not), Typhlosion can all learn Inferno. Butchery incoming. :)


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Could be for Tesla indeed, but i also think we'll see it for another battle with groudon. So either Cera or maybe Indriad/Vitus who retrieved it ? Precipice blades creat this field on dimensional one, there's no way it won't be used.


As for the other field, Colosseum, any idea who this might belong to ? Probably someone with Zacian / Zamazenta

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6 hours ago, Eixenr said:

Could be for Tesla indeed, but i also think we'll see it for another battle with groudon. So either Cera or maybe Indriad/Vitus who retrieved it ? Precipice blades creat this field on dimensional one, there's no way it won't be used.


As for the other field, Colosseum, any idea who this might belong to ? Probably someone with Zacian / Zamazenta


Not sure about that, all I know is this field gets me hype and makes me want to build up my boy Golisopod especially for it.


5 hours ago, Ram Cxz 007 said:

wait which field are you talking about colosseum and  infernal field never seen it in wwiki did you made it up for may be im something i heard about volcanic but it does give perfect accuracy for inferno


Lmao just discovered these two by error two days ago while I was looking for information on the Bewitched Woods. Now I'm just terrified by the Infernal Field. By the way I agree that we could fight Indriad/Vitus on this field as well.

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hey  i have something cool i noticed after the v13 story game if you enter cassandra's room there is a cool conversion with her. its so cool to me i had tell most of you guys might noticed but its cool even after the game story ends i had to says an excellent detail for what dev did now i really cant wait for the next version

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hi so almost all main characters friends like melia ,venam , erin ,aelita ,huey, ren,rein has a unteired mon was this intentional or just gave them because its good one for a design 





Huey:almost all his team is untierd

Reina:Some of her team are unteired

Erin:some of her team are untiered


The first for has crest for each of them or a item which makes them formidable 

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lore wise

huey, reina and erin aren't real fighters so it makes sense why their team are mostly untiered

zetta also has a silvaly and there is no lore explinations for why they both have it so idk

seviper has been venams ace for a long time

and meganium cause zetta has typlosion so melia gets the johto starter thats weak to it

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i said asked it bcz the crest that are given to some made them actually good mon in sense power for eg:seviper it is now faster and can hit really hard its now a dangerous pokemon if none can out speed it or tank it .another question:in the story we have seven kingdom will we be able to know more about the kingdoms and its rulers possibly meet them in the future we know four kingdom based on the castles kindom of Nymeria (name-no idea),kindom of Kasura(Kasumi the ruler),kindom of zygara(Iseil the ruler),kingdom of ghovora(Griselda the ruler )who might the others .wait a second this is aevium right but katsu said this placed where unhibited then how is it possible for the four of the seven castle to exist here if its unhabited before .

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Oh yea probably crest were given to them to make their mons stronger so most likely swoobat and Flareon are gonna get crest silvaly was honestly decent and didn't need a crest which is prob why it's npc only 


About the castle.

In the bad future we learnt from madame x blacksteeple castle was the kingdom of nymeria and the castle belongs to her 

But also we learnt from Melia that there's actually 2 castles at blacksteeple 

We just can't access the 2nd one so that's 5


We also know spacea and timea atte rulers with their own castles which was at least implied so that's all 7 



Also yea

In the Sheridan past arc we did sorta question how are they are protectors of avieum if avieum was supposedly deserted and from the implications of hazukia family we know they're Wealthy but also not part of the 3 family from the miera region which was mentioned by narcissas grandma as well as anathea 


But yea we don't know about all of this plus the fact that the garufians existed and are apparently most likely separate from the kingdoms tho there may be overlaps















Edited by Mei-o_Scarlett
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ok hi so we know that the the siblings came archetype so which arceus became the archetype is it original arceus i think one fell on earth and is now residing in mc .one question if adrest awakens doesnt mean our consciousness will be overtaken by adrest so why are we allowing the mc friends to wake adrest up and doesnt they realise in a sense we are dying

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ohh so i think my worrying was dumb .so is rift stakataka a collection multi pokemon may be ultra beast there are so many door which cannot be access in v13 like the gate ,and the building in gearen the back door in giratinas room in wispy tower how many more are there one i remember is bridge in yuis ranch does it have any legendary pokemon in pearl route mosely talked about the destroyed timeline wy did she say that

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it was probably a glitch but it was cool after madelis 3rd layer battle and cut scence melia suddenly turned into madelis and when use bicycle she turned back it is really a funny experience by using walking around like madelis and suddenly turned into melia 

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hi so is the concert ticket a sidequest thing or main storything.one more qns is there any story  in v13.5 .its not a romance thing but is silly question does amber have a liittle crush or somethng on the mc because in nightmare realm she appears to more of a cute i mean much or relaxed around the mc 

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