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The club for everything Rejuvenation!
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  2. Madam X stated that the only similarity between MC and herself is that her mother gave her life to protect her. We know for a fact that this isn't the case for Crescent: she was protected by her brother rather than her mother, and both MC and Crescent are interceptors, not only that, they're even cohosts, sharing the same core is kind of a big deal. Also, Madam X didn't recognize the MC at first. For all the other members of the main cast this can be explained with MC being perceived as different members of the A class (or Ana) by different people and who Madam X perceives as changed at some point do to time traveling or interdimensional traveling shenanigans, but Crescent knows personally all of them, and who can take their appearance, even if the person she sees MC perceives MC as changed she would still recognize that person as one of her deceased friends, it won't take nearly as long for her to put 2 and 2 together.
  3. Clear can't make new space out of thin air, she can only make illusions. If it was clear, you would have crashed on the wall, and that would have been it. The quest was definitely manufactured by an higher being, probably Karma, since we have evince of it being involved with it (how one of your mates "reacts" to Melia speaking to your mind, that was more likely than not just Karma's whispers, you've seen them in Terajuma when an eye appears in Melia's head and she says to have heard something, and on the train trip that starts the GDC arc, which tells Alexandra to stop the train, there are a lot more of those in the Renegade route), but might have been Variya, or some other entity with that level of power.
  4. in all the tutorials ive seen in modding items in, they always mention running compileitems and that seems to be missing from my game files and debug screen
  5. Well, then I'd say it ties to the very last revelation that got everyone in the group pretty upset (until Crescent came up with that "Interceptor Effect" excuse).
  6. I have played through .Karma two times before. That section still confuses me.
  7. You'll have to get to the end of the .Karma Files to make an educated guess about what was going on there.
  8. They modify the shape of Sawsbuck, escape road
  9. So recently I wanted to transfer my current playthrough of Rejuvenation from my PC to my Mac. I know I only have to transfer my Game.rtxdata to the new Save folder of the Rejuv of my Mac, my problem is that whenever I try to open my zip archive of Rejuv, it inmediately downloads the game instead of entering the archive itself I remember seeing my brother help me out with the updater to run it, but I don't know exactly how he did it to do the sane things for my current save data
  10. I think it is Crescent we don't know much about her but she and madam x are both powerful and when madam x was around the protagonist she knew they were the interceptor probably from the start plus she never tried to killed them
  11. Well, I figured out how to add the move into the "List of animations", but it still doesn't appear. The move is called DRACONICSLASH and I named it Move:DRACONICSLASH in the animation editor. When using the move this message shows up in the console but I don't know what any of this means Exception `KeyError' at Rejuv/BattleScene_Rejuv:1567 - key not found: :DRACONICSLASH def pbFindAnimation(move,userIndex,hitnum) begin noflip=false if (userIndex&1)==0 # On player's side anim=$cache.move2anim[0].fetch(move.intern) <----- This is line 1567 else # On opposing side anim=$cache.move2anim[1].fetch(move.intern) if $cache.move2anim[1].key?(move.intern) noflip=true if anim anim=$cache.move2anim[0].fetch(move.intern) if !anim end return [anim+hitnum,noflip] if move == (:BONEMERANG || :THUNDERRAID) return [anim,noflip] if anim anim=$cache.move2anim[0].fetch(:TACKLE) return [anim,false] if anim rescue return nil end return nil end
  12. I have created several custom moves but I haven't been able to figure out how to assign an animation to them. All I know is that it has something to with the animation editor in debug mode. I'm just trying to copy an already existing animation and use it rather than make a new one from scratch
  13. following haru's tutorial, i managed to add in charcadet, armarouge, and ceruledge, along with their respective evolution items. yet, in game, i can't seem to be able to use the armors the same way i would with a water stone. what am i doing wrong? ^^my text files regarding the evolution items. any solutions?
  14. hi ^^ i downloaded the fishing one but it doesnt work, its not auto hooking and im in gearen only getting the evo of muk and qwuilfish in sewers, pachirisu has pickup in lead and no items fished up
  15. So I've been wondering for a while. I know this topics wad probably brought up a couple of times as far as I know, but I do wonder; Do you guys think it's possible to see Gen 9 Pokémon in a future Version of Rejuv? Cause honestly the idea of using the Paradox Pokémon for a playthrough sounds really neat ngl
  16. Yeah sorry I did meant Sneasle I sent the message in the middle of the night so I wad tires to notice what I actually wrote Thanks btw
  17. 1. Use a Dawn Stone on Female Snorunt to get a Froslass (Wispy Ruins has one in the 2-badge door). Use a Galarica Wreath on a Slowpoke-Galar to get Slowking-Galar (Both can be found in Chapter 7). 2. Snorunt doesn't have a Hisuian form. Do u mean Sneasel? Sneasel-Hisui can be obtained in Chapter 15. Level it up during the daytime while holding a razor claw to evolve it into Sneasler.
  18. I've tried to revert to previous save files multiple times and have found that entering doors just keeps sending me errors, mainly one about an undefined method. The one that I reverted to is talking about an undefined '[]' method for nil:NilClass. Currently I just can't seem to even enter the first gym and while I had been able to enter it sometimes others it would just force quit the entire game without even giving an error. Been trying to find if anyone else has had this issue and have yet to find an answer so here I am to ask for assistance on the forum. Game - Void.rxdata
  19. I have a couple of questions regarding there different Pokémon that I'm allowed to use in my Poison-Ice-Fairy run of Rejuv 1. How do I get the items required for Snorunt to become Froslass and for G. Slowbro to become Slowking? 2. Can Snorunt evolve into His Hisuian counter part? And if so how?
  20. It's a self-imposed challenge, you make the rules, but generally, multi-form mons are allowed in monotypes as long as you use the form of correct type (for example, if I was doing a mono Water, I could use Rotom-Wash, but not any other form of Rotom, and Type:Null is allowed only with the Water memory). For in-battle transformations, you can find much more divergence in the rules.
  21. I see, well it is a good things that I am currently trying to get the EXP share (even though I am also trying to get the cards for the EV trainings) and in one of the quests not only do they give you a Type:Null but also the Poison memory... Which Is neat
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