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7 Fledgling


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  1. Who is rem? more seriously good job will look into it
  2. Wow thanks for making this i wanted to but got sidetracked It s not confirmed for sure but maman s husband went to work outside gdc to get money for their child While neved claims he does work for team xen for his daughter So it s a possibility Also ana has an unknown "grandmother" though her being an android suggest she was made
  3. well damn you pull no punches You certainly gives good argument for that old theory(it has never been a bad one but it sounds so easy it could be a red herring) there s also this line though there are some i feel looks off I reckon madame x said her mother died protecting her similar to nancy.now i don't believe mc=madame x if only because mc can be a male, but that makes one difference between them But the point that conflict the most with the theory is an off comment madame x says
  4. there used to be one but i think it was too buggy and the creator prefer waiting for v13 if redoing it at all
  5. I think what amanda meant by "mc has already been to aevium is that one or many of their previous incarnation as interceptor did roam the region before(like adrest was probably) It s possible that the current mc used to be in aevium and either didn't tell anybody or have faulty memories(probably the latter) but if they did wharever notable thing they did then is not related to the big picture, or is but in a way we have no way to know yet
  6. Your opportunity to read the books start some time after you meet garret and the two of you go to the private section of the library Those books are laid across the floor of both the library and of shiv's mansion(not the one in silver forrest, it you are at the right point in the game you will know which one i m refering to) and are differently colored:none of them are particularly hard to find(not locked behind any kind of puzzle) and just require wanting to explore the two place. You don't need to read all 9 of them: if i m not wrong you only need to read 5 of them and 7 is enough to get the "good" ending even if you didn't side with shiv.The shiv choice that is refered to is not the first one with nova, but the one in Cella. I d say there is some sense to siding against shiv in the second one and doing so wont lock out out of a good ending(i can talk in spoiler if you want but i m keeping it vague on purpose).But siding with him at the time make the situation at the end of ep5 marginally better and can back you up if you didn't read enough of them
  7. I guess the unown dimension is still linked to earth or it was an illusion so our body never actually left the library
  8. It sounds good! It makes me think of a cave so i assume it will be a background for some puzzle
  9. I never had this problem in my own game Do you have rejuv latest version?
  10. So before i detail anything i must say that i liked the game! I do play a lot of fire emblem as well as devil survivor(playing=/=good) So to me trpg is a genre i ve come to like a lot I only played once so far(i will try to do so one more time to try and get a better turncount) but the map design seemed good to me:The map is very big for the 4 characters we do have but there s not much moment where all we do is walking:the enemy count seems on point The demo is also a rescue mission and it really did succeed in that regard since the map size+handling the enemies in a timely fashion make failing seem like a real possibility(that and watching the person being saved slowly suffering, adding some constant pressure to get things done quick The rythymin combat: it s not really something i am used to but once i understood how it worked how was able to manage decently and even enable moves that would have been too risky in a game where tankiness comes from avoid/pure tanking).It s fun too. With the tighther hitboxes i noticed that sometimes the lag would make you miss some of them.It happened only one time where i can be sure it was the lag and not me and some other times too, although in those cases my own reaction speed might be at fault.I think that in those cases, the game is unable to detect the press of the z key and launch the dodge attack animation simultaneously The characters have colorful expression and banter.Obviously we've only seen a glimpse but what i ve seen is already interesting enough The map ost fitted well and i m curious to see where the story will go I have not yet encountered any major bug but the game seems to ask a lot out of a computer: mine is reasonably powerful(8go ram,i5 processor) but sometimes i experienced lags in menu, during saving, between the transition map-->battle or when cursing through the map itself.Those were not too annoying nor gamebreaking but i don't know if it s something that can be ameliorated or if it s just the map size that pushed the games limit.The memory space of my computer is also quite limited so it might have had something to do with it The saving mechanic is a godsend(literally as well), especially since the map was challenging.Though it might lead to a point where it s impossible to loose since you can use it for checkpoint but also as a way to retry any battle(since they are all skill based, a stubborn enough player will probably be able to eventually do perfectly at most battle) .At the same time it s the player putting effort into retrying and you can view it as simply a way to not waste time going through entire sections of "solved" gameplay.I don't really know Suggestion -Not sure how extensive nor how necessary it would be but maybe separate difficulty into the two sides of this game, since both don't require the same skillset A)The tactical difficulty:ennemy stat, their class, their equipement, their ai,their placement: anything that makes juggernauting with a singular unit difficult and would force/incite the player totake a more careful/cunning positioning B)The rhythym difficulty:affecting the hitboxes sizes, their speed, their shape if it come to be relevant: anything that increases or decreases the attention required for any particular combat.I think the difficulty in the demo should be alright for most people but people with lower ability to follow the tune/with disability/willing to play more relaxed might appreciate a more accessible, while more experienced rhythym game player would probably be able to handle something more demanding. -Maybe add tradding between characters? -Depending on how you view your game design you ight wanna put a limited number of saves through a given map.Or leave it as it is since backtracking can be a turnoff
  11. I think he really is just a dead man, but on the offchance that he is a character that we know?maybe vitus, puppetmaster or but i really don't think that s them. A funny answer would be that xenadin was a previous interceptor(not adrest since he sounds like he lived a long time ago) and that when he died the interceptor became the mc Though this theory really has absolutely no basis
  12. I know rejuv is an anime but your japanese translation made me chuckle a bit(in a good way) Nothing much to add as i don't think we have any element to discriminate an answer over another, though i never thought that xenadin could be the yvetal.Though it would seem odd since when you dive in the sheridan wetland laboratory that talks about how yvetal is in a cocoon now, madame x note speaks of it with hostility, as if yvetal or the person that gave it to her is her enemy, yet if she is defeated she will say "i m sorry father" so it seems quite contradictory
  13. If you listen to her about half the operation we see xen doing are supposedly unauthorized, but since we have no clue what exactly their rules are it s hard to get the purpose behind that. Well Anthony tried.And at least it seems he is not too restrained by the almighty cutscenes. Can't wait to see how he adapts to gearen
  14. you forget that sakitron follw comic toon logic, therefore orbital or 4 story fall are mere fake death Everyone could guess that there was no way we would get paid that much, but still it hurts(also how low value is the pokedollar/filthy rich are the blakeori that hundred of billions is pocket change?)
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