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Everything posted by Alilatias

  1. I can help out if needed. I usually have a knack for finding weird stuff.
  2. The only shard I've found was in a place nobody in this thread has mentioned. In fact, it's in a lab where you fight a boss, but it's not a Team Xen lab. If you still need another hint after that, think of our favorite wacky scientist. I was actually going to ask about these card key shards last week, but nobody had even mentioned them on the forums prior, making me wonder if I had stumbled onto something that couldn't be completed.
  3. The only thing I can think of is that Crescent as a name is remarkably close to Cresselia, the Legendary Pokemon that obviously represents the moon. Hell, she seems to favor Psychic powers and Pokemon as well. Of course, the moon has both a dark and a light side. The MC's mother was a Fairy specialist. And we've established that Fairy types are actually immune to the shadow-turning process. So what does that mean for our MC? Is he/she a warrior of light? Crescent seems to want them out of the way for some reason, however. Aelita is most likely one of the Warriors of Light mentioned in the prophecy as well. She specializes in Fighting types. Melia is a normal type specialist. Normal, I think, is supposed to represent a neutral force. It's with this idea that I really don't think she's actually one of the warriors of Light. But the MC may be pushing her towards the light path, while Team Xen seeks to convert her to dark. Ren appears to be a Dark user. Madame X seems to specialize in Dragon types. Gaera may be another dark warrior, specializing in Ghost types. Just randomly throwing observations out there... Also, that 'Melia may have split into 3 differing on age' theory might be somewhat plausible. Know what else split into 3? The whole region itself. Strangely though, I think Melia might also be connected to the emotion trio (Azelf, Uxie, Mespirit). This might be looking too much into it, but at that lake at the beginning of the game, isn't there a statue of one of the three pixies? Probably looking too much into it though.
  4. I'm not sure if it's been reported yet (searched 'Teleport'), but I'm going through a Ralts starter playthrough right now and it turns out that Teleport is bugged to take you to Sheridan Village. You end up on a cliff where you're stuck permanently.
  5. It's pretty amazing how much has changed in the span of one version. Everything just seems so much better. Definitely worth restarting with a new save file. Feels almost like an entirely different game. Although I have one minor design gripe, I'm wondering why you get the Incinerate TM after you get Lava Drift, which is WAY stronger. IMO Incinerate should be made available somewhere in the Corta Mountain sequence instead (which would also greatly help anyone that uses any fire Pokemon that isn't the Torchic line), and the old Incinerate TM location should be replaced with something like Smack Down or Rock Tomb. Both thematically appropriate for the events in each area, don't you think?
  6. Hah, another 2 hours and failed to get another jackpot. I did however get Cyndaquil 10 times in a row at one point. I think I'll stick with the Ralts. Trying to get an Axew is not worth your sanity. EDIT: Right after I made this post, I got a second jackpot with another Ralts, this time with a better nature and IVs. I'll take it.
  7. Got a Ralts after like 2 hours of trying, even though I wanted an Axew instead just to find out what that woman in the Wispy Path says upon seeing one. The Ralts had a really bad -SP.ATK nature and SP.ATK IV too. But it's going to be a different experience, so I'll figure something out. (At least the Ralts is female, so I can breed for a better stat spread quickly.)
  8. Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but assuming the trading feature may happen early enough in the game to potentially make a difference in how people build teams, I think I have two ideas on how to balance it out (as in, prevent players from getting clearly overpowered Pokemon too early). 1) The Pokemon has to be at least encountered once before, thus registering it into your Pokedex, before the player can request to trade for that Pokemon. 2) The Pokemon that the trainer can receive must be of a gym type that the player has already cleared. If it's a dual type Pokemon, BOTH gym types would have to be cleared. This would effectively shut out the vast majority of higher-tier Pokemon from simply being traded over to a new file immediately (no Water gym exists yet so no early game Magikarp, same for Dragon types, etc.). This Gym restriction could be lifted when the player returns to Reborn City during Chapter 15 due to plot reasons. Of course, the latter would probably be near impossible to program feasibly...
  9. Considering the game would still need to go through quite a number of beta testing, a release for this week would be too hopeful, I would think. Especially since it still says 84%.
  10. Heh. A better way to go about it would be to simply increase wild Sawk encounter levels to a point where Counter would be deleted from their move list. In this case, Level 37+.
  11. Dumb question, exactly how do I make use of chat commands or well, using the chat box in general? The controls say to press Enter, but I see nothing to submit chat in.
  12. Even if Murkrow is axed, I think I would still mourn Jumpluff being moved more than anything else. Who knew the little dandelion would pack such a punch. Although it's probably because Hoppip line was just so amazing compared to all the other early game grass types. (That said I need to come here more often.)
  13. I'd like to suggest a fangame called Legends of the Arena. It's an RGSS game. http://www.reddit.com/r/legendsofthearena/ (Although at the time that this post is being written, the download links were apparently taken down by Nintendo two days ago, which is a bit bizarre as this fangame is almost completely unknown compared to most others out there, and the fangame itself hasn't been updated for 6 months, though the creator plans to reupload everything soon.) You and your younger brother Max have been traveling the Aria region for a few years. While staying in the normally quiet Plazadown City, you hear of a yearly tournament that is about to take place, with the qualifiers happening right in town. The tournament is run by a government that oversees the region from a city called The Capital. The tournament's purpose is to find talented battlers hailing from any level of society, and rocket the winner into stardom. Anyone and everyone can participate. However, 5 years ago, the very idea of holding the tournament itself was challenged. It culminated in a special bout between two rivals, and the loser was exiled. The government thought they would never hear from him again... I recommend this game in particular because of how different it is from most other fangames. Instead of a gym structure, the player is competing in a tournament along with several other characters, all of whom are given rather unique personalities and story arcs. The player character also isn't mute - and the writing is so good that the whole game just oozes charm. The story is somewhat lighthearted, focusing more on personal relationships rather than revolving around an organization (though there's still some of that, their goals are very ambiguous). Your starter is one of the 7 eeveeloutions, determined by a personality quiz. The music uses various Final Fantasy tracks, particularly those from XI and XII. Note that it's modeled after Gen 5, which means no Fairy types or Gen 6 Pokemon, with older mechanics such as powder moves still working on Grass types, paralysis still working on Electric types, and so on. However, TMs are not infinite use, and some HMs have different effects (particularly Cut being a 70 base power Grass move, and Rock Smash being buffed to 70 base power as well.) Currently the game has 5 tournament bouts (out of 8), and I'd say it has about 10-15 hours of content.
  14. I would just like to mention, a hilarious side effect of Sawk being moved earlier into the game is that you can simply catch one with Sturdy and Counter and immediately cheese the Solaris fight with it.
  15. One also has to remember that Mega Altaria didn't even exist yet when it was decided that Altaria would be her ace. It just happened later.
  16. Note what mash said, and also note that there's a new rebattle-able clown NPC in the Agate Circus that fills the same role as the Grand Hall trainers. He's located near the main tent, to the right of the person that explains Agate Circus' history.
  17. There should probably be a separate forum section for community release feedback/information, so people won't get spoiled by title shenanigans.
  18. So in this episode, we got to team up with 3 more of Reborn's Gym Leaders (Titania, Florinia, Julia). I think eventually we'll team up with all of them at some point in the game. You just KNOW Charolette (or hell, the entire surviving family) is going to want to eviscerate Sirius once she learns that he was behind the burning of their mansion. Terra though? She'll probably turn against Meteor for kicks and giggles.
  19. It's at the highest point you can reach with Waterfall through the Ametrine Mountain cave. Basically take the Ametrine Mountain path towards Calcenon City, but before you reach Route 3, you should run across a waterfall that you can travel up.
  20. I don't recall there being any other pre-Agate Waterfalls, so that's probably why the Iolia Valley waterfalls were enabled for us anyway.
  21. Hmm, come to think of it, what Pokemon did Simon and Tara have on their team? I figure the sidequest is probably going to end with us getting one of them.
  22. From my understanding of the situation, he never wanted Blaziken and Larvesta in the same file anyway (he only picked Torchic for test runs in each file to reach the Mystery Egg faster), so it's all good.
  23. I think what he's saying is that he restarted but kept a backup of each save from before he picked a starter. When he got a file that had Larvesta, he'd boot up that backup to choose a different starter (in this case, Snivy instead of Torchic) and play up to where the Mystery Egg was, so he'd have his desired starter and mystery egg Pokemon. But when he finally did get Larvesta and then reverted to his backup to choose Snivy, the next time he got to the Mystery Egg with that same file, the Egg produced a Tentacool instead of a Larvesta. I'd say this indicates the randomization occurs when you choose your starter rather than the start of a new save file, unless he kept the wrong backup.
  24. So from the mystery egg... Considering what was said in other threads about 1 in 20 people getting their desired Pokemon, there's at least two others as well. (He said there was one that hasn't been mentioned yet, all of them I pulled from this thread. >_>)
  25. Usually I picked either Froakie or Torchic. In my most recent runs however, I decided to go with Chespin and Fennekin even though they're both available later in the game, the logic being that I'd never use them otherwise. They're fairly interesting and not bad at all. (Also early Wingull is pretty awesome too.)
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