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Status Updates posted by Dylanrockin

  1. You know what I want more than anything? Not another mainline Pokemon game for another year, and give us another Pokemon Conquest game or Mystery Dungeon. Super Mystery Dungeon was awesome, but it had pacing issues, and Conquest was a great Disgaea/Fire Emblem/FF Tactics game that I want more of.


    Give me more creative side-games and not constant mainline games every year; I'm getting burnt out like no other.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      I also hated the living hell out of a lot of the characters and how they built them up with such fanfare, but didn't do crap with them. If their names weren't Lilie or Hao, then they didn't matter at all. They should've done their thing and stopped while they were ahead, than just wasting my time with useless dialogue that didn't amount to ANYTHING.


      *takes breath*

    3. Azeria


      You're not the first person I've heard say that and it's pretty valid honestly. I'm not too excited myself because SM itself wasn't too long ago and I don't feel like it's been long enough yet. Maybe they'll get me interested, maybe not. I believe in judging a game based on it's own merits and negatives however rather than bringing in bias from previous editions.


      Team Skull was lit though, loved them. Easily the best part about the games.

    4. Combat


      My biggest issue in Sun was the lack of exploring and dungeons. The game felt a bit like a rail shooter IMO. That, and some of the Z Crystals were stupidly easy to get, since I was led to believe we would need to work to get all of them.


      Guzma was the best leader so far though. 

  2. Here's a question I'm willing to ask to you: Is it dangerous that people see YouTubers as their "friends"?


    I look at this not only from a psychological perspective (mostly towards children in this regard), but also from a "professional" one. In regards to the latter, I look at it in the same light as how a student-teacher relationship SHOULDN'T be. You should not make friends with your teacher, just like you shouldn't make friends with some guy on the internet making videos, who is pretty much playing up a funny facade for your retention and ad-revenue. It's a one-sided relationship in that regard. When it comes to children, which comprises a huge majority of the demographics there, it's not exactly a safe option for them, from a sociological standpoint, to treat their favorite YouTuber as their friend.


    I could go on, but I'm mostly interested in how others feel about it, because it is a topic of debate that would be interesting to delve into more.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. IntSys


      I believe the furthest it could get would be "idolization," rather than being friends. Much like how some of us (and many that came before us) had idols as we grew up, whether it be a pop singer or an action star. I'm personally not the one to indulge into idolization, but seeing how most people (going by people around me + news coverage) aren't reported to have gotten themselves into the wrong path because of idolization, I don't think it's particularly dangerous to do so.

      Honestly, considering how the line between Youtubers and the viewers are only ever so slightly thinner than stars outside Youtube and their respective audiences, I believe that experiences with the two are very much alike. I haven't seen people considering their idols as friends, so I would expect people not to consider Youtubers as friends, too, though I would appreciate a counterexample of someone that has considered a Youtuber as their friend, with the one-sided intimacy that one would expect from a relationship of unequal powers (Perhaps the case that had made you ask the question?).

    3. Shamitako


      Pmuch what Seal said, it depends on how genuine they are. Some of the people I watch are just being themselves while doing something they enjoy on camera, and those people are often very interactive with their audience.


      None of them can gain my friendship, as I very narrowly define it, but I can see why others feel a more intimate relationship with them. And to be honest, I feel in many cases it's not one-sided. The YouTuber may not be aware of each individual, but I can see them developing a sense of intimacy and affection towards the concept of an individual fan. Just look at the level of trust displayed at meetups they do at conventions compared to more typical celebrity meetups.


      As for danger, I'd say yes. Because developing a sense of mutual trust and intimacy without actually knowing someone sounds like it could lead to all sorts of messy.

    4. Dylanrockin


      One way that I feel it'd be easier to look at this situation would be from a personal vlogging/live streaming aspect of it, where you see the person's face quite a bit, and there's a lot of interaction. Some have a camera on and some don't, but a huge majority do. One unhealthy way of thinking about it from a streaming perspective is when some impressionable viewer reads the description of stream and the streamer says something along the lines of "donate x amount of dollars for me to notice you". Some viewers really do, genuinely, care about their favorite streamer or vlogger and tends to take upon them, what IntSys said, a sort of "celebrity/idol worshipping" stance on the matter. They believe their streamer is their friend when it comes to that (this mostly applies to significantly younger audiences, as I'm sure most adults would definitely not let themselves be manipulated so easily like that.)


      In that situation I put above, it's a matter of the viewer thinking that their "idol" cares about them when they show a genuine reaction to their donation and praise them, and in some vain scenario where the viewer meets them irl and realizes their idol doesn't know who they are, then... well, I don't need to tell you the rest there.


      But, that's just a very specific scenario, and I'm sure some other people have counterexamples to that and probably better organized than my scatterbrained...ness.

  3. I remember back in High School that my friend and I would geek out over a new calculator. Seriously.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      TI Nspire CX Cas, yo! That Calculator got me through Calculus with relative ease.

    3. Rot8er_ConeX


      TI-84+ here. personally wish they'd made the Color version of it back when I was in HS - imagine the codes I could have put into my Disco Dude program.

    4. Dylanrockin


      For me it was more of like trying to put the Gameboy Color emulator on that bad boy; even if it didn't put out sound. That and my friends and I were trying to find ways of sneaking it into the ACT Exam room, since it's banned.

  4. If anyone has Windows 10, please tell me how it is. Because I'm debating whether or not I should get it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SnowGlaceon


      Windows 7 is still good, so if you feel like downgrading, go ahead.I think the system gives you about a month to downgrade b4 it deletes the old OS.

    3. Dylanrockin


      First impressions of it are this: Why are my icons flickering, whenever I right click something? Apparently it's something to do with my graphics drivers.

    4. Bearadactyl


      That's why I recommended a clean installation. The upgrade process typically breaks drivers, particularly if you don't have an AMD system.

  5. Update: At the beginning of June I will be upgrading the Reborn Forum's Pixelmon Server. It will be upgraded to a 4GB server.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shamitako


      Well, I gathered that, but I haven't encountered you. Largely because Pixelmon has grown to big for my PC to manage and thus I haven't been on the server

    3. Shamitako


      Nice to meet you I guess? I'm not good at meeting people >_<

    4. Dylanrockin


      I feel like I have met you before, in the past, since the name seems fairly familiar. But, pleased to meet you as well :) But, to everyone on the forums, there will be a huge update for our server, next month or so. Mainly to fix a lot of the problems that overseas people have been having with it.

  6. On the topic of "Dylan's Unpopular Opinions..." and things that I can't seem to shut up about that I feel need addressing.





    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      Well, it's just that I feel that artists deserve more than what they're getting. Whether it be fan-game, professional or even unrelated things like movies, theatre, etc. Being good friends with many artists on deviantART who do this sort of thing for a living, it's really disheartening to see such great talent wasted on scummy producers and directors who let them take advantage of their work; only with the expectation that they'll be treated with "exposure" which won't even amount to anything, in the long run. And there are even some producers and directors who are proud of it, which I find disgraceful. It's not fair to the artists, and I can't help but be vocal about this sort of thing, given how horribly they are treated. I was actually talking with several of my dA friends and even my artist about it, and I'm going to quote what they said in this screenshot:





    3. Zumi


      i genuinely feel bad for any artist exploited for so-called "exposure"

      i mean there may be some people who genuinely can give people exposure but even then the artist should be paid for it

    4. Dylanrockin


      I'd like to address this Note on dA that I got last week about an essay that I wrote on the topic of this particular subject from my friend who read it. Same person from above:


  7. I guess my main concern and problem with Sun and Moon (the games) is that it's a game that's trying way too hard to be something it's not. Sun and Moon are constantly in your face about character development, and story, but even still it falls flat in the end, because the only character that has any kind of development throughout the story is Lilie and Hau. But, honestly, Hau was so boring and generic that I couldn't care one bit about him.


    And then it's story is just bonkers and all over the place, with horrendous pacing and questionable Trainers that... I don't know why they decided "Oh let's give all these Trainers have 1 Pokemon for the first 30% of the game, and increment them by 1 slowly", because that doesn't make leveling freaking annoying at all.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Combat


      I mean, sure the story wasn't great, but it was probably better than most of the other main games (save for Black and White, which had a pretty good story.) There were certainly too many characters for its own good, most of which weren't memorable, but it was still better than "Hi I'm a gym leader you beat me goodbye forever." that we've endured for generations.


      My biggest issue with Sun and Moon was that the game world felt like it was meant to host the player and nothing else. Despite having four islands, the cities were super small and filled with fake doors, there were almost no dungeons or cave systems, and there was only one evil hideout for you to go through.


      And don't get me started with the pointless cameos. Who the hell thought we needed Grimsley in the game?

    3. Dylanrockin


      The story was a complete joke, at least pacing wise. And I hated the fake doors and the rule of thumb that I have with there being too much characters is this: you can never have too many characters, so long as you make them relevant and actually do something worth a damn and matches up with the length of the story. Because who wants to play a JRPG with a cast of collectively 15 characters that is 80 hours long? That's be too few, because normally there'd be about 35+ to accommodate that length. But for Sun and Moon all those other characters not matter at all. And you can make the rationale that it's a Pokémon game and they're like Gym Leaders, and serve to be McGuffin holders or whatever for the others. And that's true, but this game is trying to tout itself as a JRPG by going to some masquerade party and shouting "hey look at me, I'm a JRPG like the rest of you" and doesn't even do it very well. If it wasn't being so in your face and try-hard about its story and characters than I can excuse that. Like it's not even subtle.


      Also fuck those stupid cameos. They just did that to make fans of those games go "Oooooooh this is AWESOME!" mostly the ignorant PokePlayers and people who don't know any better would find that to be cool and endearing to their characters . But it isn't, because THEY DO NOTHING! They do a thing and are never seen again. That's stupid and a complete waste of a cameo that could've lead to something cool like a side quest, but didn't.

    4. Combat


      At least Looker got the attention he deserved.


      Wait, Annabel was a frontier brain? Oh...

  8. The past few weeks I haven't been feeling like myself. I feel like, in real life and on the internet, people have been feeling a lot more negative towards me, and I don't know why. At school, I'm the kind of person who minds their own business, and keeps out of anything drama related, but as of late people have been giving me strange looks, and acting more negatively towards me. I haven't said/done anything to deserve it, because I actively choose to NOT do anything that could warrant that, so what's the deal?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      Oh, so that's what you meant by that. But it's more like this person says that they can say a lot of bad things about my personality, without really having a feel for my personality in the first place. So I guess in this case it's more towards them just making things up about me as a person without knowing much about me from the beginning.

    3. Commander


      I mean yeah every person has their good and ugly sides, but you are saying this one guy is going to go out of the way to try and make your life miserable by telling people bad things about you to other people. All it does is make them look pathetic in the long run. They are hurting themselves more than they are hurting you. Maybe they are just mad over something really stupid and will get over it (hell I've been pissed off before and said stupid things...which lead into drama as people took them too literally). I don't know the full situation, but that's my experience. Maybe there is a valid reason for the person and maybe it's something silly. It's hard to tell with people.

    4. Dylanrockin


      It's just that, I'm confused why people are mad at me and I haven't even said/done anything to deserve it. Some of my friends from the previous years don't seem to respond to me the same way, and they all act passive-aggressively towards me. But, the whole thing with that one person is that they act like they know a lot of dirt about me, when I hardly ever talk to that person in the first place. We have similar classes such as a Musical Theatre class, other than that they don't know that much about me.

  9. Question: "Hi" vs. "Hello" - which one and why?


    Personally I'm a "Hello" person.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ojama Yellow
    3. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      I use Good morning/afternoon for formal conversations while I use the two for informal conversation. I use Hi if I am the one who greets a person first while I use Hello for replying to someone's Hi or greeting.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I use neither, I use Heyo or hiyas. Cause I'm a rebel who can't be stopped.

  10. Anyone who has a Playstation Vita what games do you have on it? Currently I have Phantasy Star Nova, Tales of Hearts R, Soul Sacrifice, Spelunky, Rogue Legacy, Gravity Rush and Ys: Memories of Celceta.


    Any games to recommend that isn't Persona 4 Golden?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Maelstrom


      D5 looked way too grindy for me.

    3. Magus


      Get the project D.va games, they are so addicting, and everyone could use a little more Miku in their life.

    4. Maelstrom


      I hear even the P4 DAN game is better than those, though.

  11. Say what you will about First Person Shooter games all being the fucking same, what with their half-assed story modes and FAR too much emphasis on the multiplayer side, but Halo 1, and 2 had both going for them. God I miss classic Halo 2 multiplayer more than any shooter game. Glad to see people working on a project to bring it back: http://www.h2v.online/


    I normally hate the hell out of FPS's (believe me, I hate FPS's), but all I ever want out of a shooter is a solid singleplayer experience, is that too hard to ask out of modern FPS's? At least Doom 2016 gave me what I craved since Halo 2 - a solid singleplayer experience. None of that stupid emphasis on multiplayer, DLC, Map Packs, and pre-order garbage.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      Borderlands, yeah, I can agree with. It was a fun RPG-Shooter game and it had a pretty interesting Telltale game based off of the series. But, other than that I can never find myself finishing the games because when I hit the 70% mark of the game I just stop, for one reason or another. Possibly because of how tedious it got at points.


      But, the thing is I don't play FPS's, they are my least played genre, however they did have some pretty good shooters, like the original Halo, Halo 2, Goldeneye, Time Splitters original Doom 1 and 2 as well as Doom 2016. All of which were solid on their own merits, without multiplayer being shoved down our throats.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ye. Give Wolfenstein: The New Order a shot then. They didn't even tack on a Multiplayer for that game. 

      Also I'm not the biggest fan of the genre myself either. But it's msotly since it's a mostly online one these days and I'm not really a fan of online games etc. ((I say knowing full well I play LoL... though barely anymore.))

    4. Dylanrockin


      Sounds like something I'd need to look into. The thing is I don't mind FPS multiplayer, so long as it's done right and it's not irritating like CoD and even like Halo 4 and on. To where it's so mindless and the developers only care about pushing the multiplayer aspect of those games to high-hell with day one DLC, pre-order bonuses before the game is even announced (which is fucking infuriating in its own right) and making the singleplayer pretty much barren and dull.


      Halo 2 had a pretty solid multiplayer that I really miss to this day as well as having a singleplayer that was very fun and had a story that I actually cared about. But, if an FPS can deliver to me a solid singleplayer experience (because I'm not holding my breath that any FPS multiplayer will be good, unless it's a standalone game like TF2, Overwatch, etc) then I'll play it.

  12. So, I bought a PS4 specifically for Final Fantasy 7 Remake. What are some games people can recommend to me, besides KH3, which I am holding off on buying until there is more to it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LemonJones


      God of War is very cool. It has changed from beat 'em up to Dark Souls that also tells an absorbing story. Combat feels very satisfying.

      Devil May Cry 5!

    3. Gentleman Jaggi

      Gentleman Jaggi

      Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is a really pretty game.


      I think there's still a big sale on Japanese games going on in the PS shop so definitely check there too.

    4. Maqqy


      NieR: Automata, Spiderman and Red Dead Redemption 2.

  13. Does anyone else have like... a web search routine? Like, every 5 minutes I'm like: Check deviantART -> check pixiv -> check Tumblr -> forum post -> check YouTube.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pandalex12


      It's best if I didn't say ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

      Mine's: YT->Reborn->Reddit->Email->Revision sites

    3. YinYang9705


      Oh god do I ever have one


    4. Dylanrockin


      I should probably revise mine, since you all have mentioned similar ones XD deviantART -> pixiv -> Tumblr -> Reborn -> YouTube -> email -> university email -> Twitter.

  14. I performed "Christ you know I love You" for my university's Arts Retreat. Jesus Christ Superstar, ftw!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dylanrockin
    3. AuthorReborn


      A very underrated musical, but one of my favourites.

    4. Dylanrockin


      Definitely. And I'm going to be trying out for both The Music Man and Jesus Christ Superstar, this year at my University. Along with Legend of Sleepy Hollow and The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe.

  15. Right now, I wish I had someone to just... vent and rant away to. Because... I have so much crap that I need to get off my chest, in some way, without sounding like a complete asshole.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      At least you show honesty in your words. Not very many people have that nowadays. Anyways, how would you feel if you were an artist that works 60-70 hours a day, every week to make a living and was approached by a "developer" who acts selfishly for the sake of their own game? Approached on the basis of working for exposure, for an amateur developer who if he is turned down will insult you and say that you are in the wrong for turning down the offer. Would you enjoy that? No, I don't think you would. It makes me wonder why people in the Pokemon Fan-Game Community lack basic human morals to treat people properly, and not itemize them for the sake of their talents. Also with people in the community being fucking elitist ass-holes who think they can treat people like dirt, because they were turned down. I'm not gonna say who the person is, but I can tell you that they're from Relic Castle, and doesn't know any fucking better. He's the type of person who thinks he knows everything about game design, after being on the site for half a year, with little progress on his game, and therefor thinks he has this "divine rite" of artists working for him for free. Which pisses me off in several ways, mostly because he disrespected one of my best friends, who I've known for like 7 years. JUST because he was turned down! IT'S RIDICULOUS and it makes me so mad and ashamed to know that I am surrounded by people like him, on a day-to-day basis.

    3. pbood2


      Thanks for the kind words. I know what you mean and it's sad that not many people have it nowadays. I rather just know the truths whether than deal with people lying to me because I'm a trusting and caring person so that could bite me if someone does that and they are secretly plotting against me for a while. I would not like to be approached by a selfish game developer which is why I try to make sure my team knows how much I appreciate everything they do for me and for the project and not just asking for whatever I need done for their role.  Am I being selfish still though even by doing this because now you worried me that I might be selfish because of what you mentioned. Problem is that it's not just people in the pokemon fangame community that lack morals these days, it's possible to be anyone sadly.  But no I would not enjoy being ridiculed just because I turned down their offer.  They are currently at RC because if they are then I don't know the male but I thought I had an idea of who he could be because I have had negative experiences with a male before like your friend seems to be having. Do you think it's wrong to ask people to work for free if they are okay with giving their services and talent for free? I'll continue this later. 

    4. Dylanrockin


      I honestly have no idea why I am here on the forums right now, given everything that's happened to me, but whatever. I'll at least answer this. The thing is... if someone is openly WILLING to do this, and were not approached by you specifically, then its fine. If it's someone like my artist, who does this for a living and works day and night to complete commissions, and you asked them "hey wanna work for me? I'll pay you in exposure." or something along those lines that make it sound like your project is just THAT much more important than their own well-being, then its wrong. I hire people to do the work for me because it's honest, and a good business practice. It's good a business practice for the real world, whether you like it or not. There's no getting around it. If you wanna become a game developer in the future, and pay people in exposure or a pat on the back, then I'm sorry, it's not gonna get you anywhere. Chances are, if you have someone working for you for free, they're going to leave sooner than if you were to actually give them compensation for the time they're allocating towards your work. People who do commissions, like my artist, who's been with me for 2 years now, hasn't had a second thought about my project, because I've kept up with my payments and have been an honest businessman who shows for his work. I've spent upwards to 20,000+ dollars on my game, in the past 6 years, and that's not something anyone can say they've done. I've gained a positive reputation for that, and it might sound annoying to have to pay people to get artwork, but that's just how it is. Amethyst has to do it, I have to do it. 


      And to follow up on that. If these people you approach need to do commissions to sustain themselves, and you ask them to work for you in exposure or a simple pat on the back, then you're depriving them of what they need to survive, for the sake of your own fan-game. Which is... ABSOLUTELY wrong. They're putting in time for YOUR game, so if you wanna make an "honest trade" you better pay them in advance. Otherwise it isn't honest. It's labor that they're not getting anything out of. There is absolutely no way this can be justified, unless these people don't have to worry about personal finances or commissions and they're doing this willingly.


      This is a quote from my artist, when I asked her about the subject of "working for nothing."





      So, long story short, you do you, but chances are... I won't give anyone's game a second thought if I found out they had artists, who do artwork for a living, made artwork for their game, for just a simple "yeah, you did great." Also if you use Kickstarter, then you're also in the wrong, since Pokemon Fan-games, no matter who in the hell is making it, doesn't deserve funding from shit. It's a fan-game and they don't own the rights to it, to be funded. It's annoying, it's hard to accomplish with a fan-game, but if what's gotta be done, then it's gotta be done. I had to work 3 jobs for the entirety of summer, just so I could fund my game for an entire year, and pay off my aunt who robbed me blind, because she bought me a car and didn't tell me till the last second that I had to pay for it.


      Anyways, I'm gonna be parting ways from the forums for a couple weeks. I've got many things on my hand and way more agitated than necessary with all the crap I've had to put up with, this past week. I'll still be working on my game, but not saying anything about it, until I return. Sorry if this seemed way more aggressive than it needed to be, but I needed to share my 2-cents on the matter of "exposure, and working for free non-sense."

  16. YouTube's evolution? Don't make me laugh! And you wonder why I hate YouTubers, and YouTube celebrities all the same! Scum, all of them. I am surrounded by scum who think they can just get away with this.



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      I'll join you on that. I wish for them to find a justiviable reason for behavious such as this

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Unfortunately, behavior like that often seems to go unpunished on Youtube and other big social media sites. Someone could do or say something completely disgusting, even threatening, and not face any consequences and the one who reported it will get an automated message saying it doesn't violate the site's policies. On the other side some people get randomly suspended for saying something innocent like "My favorite cereal is Cinnamon Toast Crunch" or "I listen to music while I do my homework". 


      I'm not completely sure, but I think some really big sites use bots for discipline since it'd take the human staff forever to go through reports on a site with hundreds of millions of users. It's the only rational explanation I can think of for why a lot of these people don't get punished. Which means they either need better bots or more staff. 

    4. Wolfox


      or perhaps both

  17. Good news! I got my A+ Certification for Computer Hardware and IT! All those years of working with computers, back in Middle School, are finally paying off :D 

  18. I call bullshit!




    The PS3 barely managed to equal out to the Xbox 360's sales. But they were evenly matched, even though the Xbox 360, at launch, had that... 57% failure rate of Red Ring's.


    But then you look at PS4 vs Xbone and then...




    That is the textbook definition of hubris there, kids. Microsoft's sales in 2013 reflects how awful their E3 Press Conference was, which for those of you who watched that conference... ooof boy. It was bad. They were so full of themselves and tried marketing the Xbone as a Home Media Player, rather than focusing on what their general market cares about: games.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      The RROD was extremely prominent on launch Xbox 360's, mine was one that suffered from the... 54.2 percent failure rate. For the most part I strictly PC game and play PS3/PS4 exclusives. My loyalty to Microsoft was dwindled over the years, thanks to their cocky-overconfidence in their Xbone.

    3. Dylanrockin


      For a more up-to-date sales chart:



    4. 5hift


      Lol that Knack 2 at the end was more of a joke but yeah I honestly don't know why there was another one made.

  19. I question how people spend upwards to 3000 dollars on Love Live content... How? Just what is it with Love Live that I'm not getting? Anyone who has played the mobile game/watched the anime, please tell me just what it is that I'm not getting about it. What I see, when I watched someone on Twitch play the game is that it looks like your typical school Idol anime game.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tartar


      The same way people spend hundreds of dollars on Fire Emblem Heroes, or on Champions and skins in League of Legends.

      Some people value their time more than they value their money. And if one likes the gameplay and the characters, it is natural to want to speed up progression, especially if you have the means to do so. Sure this may be an extreme case, but some people have a lot of money, and spending that much over the course of a few years may be a reasonable investment if you find it to be a fun game.


      And rhythm games are fun. I've probably spent +50 dollars on song packs for Cytus and Deemo.

    3. Dylanrockin


      Well the main question is just what is it about Love Live that I'm not getting? Like, I see people making Honoka Shrines with plushies, expensive figures, and everything Honoka all in one place and what I'm thinking is "It's a cutesy anime about high school idols? What am I not getting... here?" It's kind of like what happened with Sailor Moon when that was first around, but back then I could understand why it was so popular. Love Live I just don't get. I'm not saying its bad because clearly its not, but I'd have to hear it from someone who's played the games and watched the anime to understand what makes it so appealing and make people spend a little too much money on characters for their mobile game. Just what is it about the series that makes people's heads explode?

    4. Tartar


      People can grow attached to a thing for any number of reasons, and there are many ways to enjoy a product. 


      Currently, there's a person donating 100$ to Ame's Patreon every month. Over 2½ years he too will spend the equivalent of 3000$ on Pokemon Reborn. Merely because he likes this silly little fanmade Pokemon game. Some people spend thousands on League of Legends, others on World of Warcraft. People get attached to things for deeply personal reasons. But to sum up, people get into things because they find them to be fun, rewarding and fulfilling. To some people those needs are fulfilled by Love Live. 


      Is there a need to understand it on a deeper level?

  20. Tooth pains. Oh god does it hurt, so badly. Emergency dentists visit tomorrow.

  21. I got my tooth pulled. So that's a thing.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamitako


      ^^^Pretty much this except 14 and molars

    3. Dylanrockin


      That's what I had pulled, a molar; and now I have a roll of gauze in my mouth ;w;

    4. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Ouch. Feel better.

  22. SO. Who here plays Stardew Valley :3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      I currently am at around 30 or so hours, RIP my game OTL

    3. Shamitako


      Mrrp? Stardew Valley, yes. And unlike Undertale/whatever that other game was that went viral last year. I actually quite enjoy it. Only on my first summer so far, it's so time consuming :c

    4. Dylanrockin


      Agreed. I'm still super addicted to this game, and I find it better than Harvest Moon. Cannot wait for the 4 player co-op to come out, so I can play with friends.

  23. Who's gonna watch SGDQ this year? Anyone into speedrunning?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      The game lineup this year is kinda okay, I was really hoping to see some more Battleblock Theater, but that was already done during AGDQ 2016. But, I'm still going to be binge watching it this summer.

    3. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      I watch and donate every year!

    4. Dylanrockin


      I try to donate, when I can, but most of the time I do.

  24. This episode of the XY Anime brings all the feels: http://gogoanime.io/pokemon-xy-episode-14 Espurr is too cute!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rot8er_ConeX


      I want to watch the XY (Z) Anime so bad, but I've yet to find a way to watch it consecutively.

    3. pyrromanis


      I watched this episode yesterday and I was astonished how the spooky start resulted such a cute ending!

    4. Dylanrockin


      The anime is making me feel things ;A;

  25. Here's a question for everyone. Would Pokemon be considered of the Fantasy genre?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      I believe it to be Fantasy, but I find this topic being thrown around, constantly.

    3. YinYang9705


      It's part of the genre know as urban fantasy, so yes it is fantasy.

    4. Sutoratosu


      Sci-Fantasy actually. There are both elements of fantasy and science fiction present

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