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Status Updates posted by SilverAngelus

  1. Maqqy! Dawn! Platinum Berlitz! 

    Happy Birthday~ 💜 💜 💜

    Here's to hoping you'll have a fun day~ 🎉

    Make sure to eat cake if you can~ 🎂

    And then go visit your dentist 😅


    Image result for happy birthday piplup


    1. Maqqy


      Ahhhhhh I love it 🥰 Thank you silver the literal angel 😁 have a fun day too!!

    2. Candy


      Happy birthday from a smol candy too~ 🍭

    3. Maqqy


      Thank you Candyy now give me a thousand gummy bears 😋

  2. Happy Birthday Lía~ 💜

    Here's to a lovely day. I know you deserve it~

    Make sure to eat cake if you can~ 🎂

    And then go visit your dentist 😅

  3. Loving the new profile pic~

    It looks so heart-warming 💜

    1. Maqqy


      Thank u :’’)


      love yours too ❤️ you could say she’s... angelic....



  4. Happy Birthday Q-Jei~ 💜

    Make sure to eat cake if you can~ 🎂

    And then visit your dentist 😅


    Image result for flannery pokemon birthday


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sayia


      Happy birthday Q-Jei! 🙂


    3. PESH1


      Happy birthday 🙂

    4. Q-Jei


      Thank you all for your kindness, this is really comforting! ❤️ 

      I hope you'll enjoy this week at least as much as I do 😄

  5. Mimikyu is an angel.

    1. Samtale


      except when they have the murdurous bloodlust for pikachu other than that complete angel.

    2. SilverAngelus


      That's not all Mimikyu...

  6. Happy Birthday~

    Be sure to eat cake if you can! 🎂

    And then visit your dentist 😅

    1. Godot


      Thank you, I'll keep that in mind, haha.

  7. Happy Birthday Alis! pix pix! Enjoy the day~

    🎂 And be sure to eat lots of cake! pix pix! 

    And then go visit your dentist 😛 

    1. Alistair


      Thanks Sol ^^

      Luckily I have good teeth

      *noms the cake*

    2. SilverAngelus


      Well, if I'm going to tell peepos to eat cake, I gotta tell them to watch their health as well 😅

  8. What an adorable Mew you are ^^ 💜

  9. Happy Birthday Angelkitsune~

    Be sure to eat lots of caaake if you can! 🎂

    And then make sure to visit your dentist 😅

    1. Angelkitsune


      Thank you SilverAngelus!!! and don't worry I don't have a cake to eat anyway o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

    2. SilverAngelus


      You say you don't have a cake to eat (😿), so I hope you enjoy this virtual cake: 🎂 (😺)

    3. Angelkitsune


      Haha there is no need but thank you for the cake.

  10. Today marks my official 4 year anniversary of Rebornevo~

    My anniversary is technically some time before this date because I was lurking on the site without an account and downloaded the game before I made an account, but I'll just consider this date to be official. 😸


    P.S. It's been four years?!?!?!


    Edit: Hol' up. This calls for caaaaaake! 🍰

    1. Candy


      Happy anniversary, fren~ 🍰

  11. Happy Easter~

    Make sure to eat lots of chocolates if you can! 🍫

    And then be sure to go to your dentist.

  12. Which is more difficult, in your opinion? The gauntlet fight from Reborn or Rejuvenation's Gear/Zetta intense mode fight on Valor Mountain?


    To me, it's the intense mode Geara/Zetta double battle.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maqqy


      Omg I just realized it’s you silver. Silverangelus outsold silverhelio.

    3. Rising Emperor

      Rising Emperor

      I agree the Geara/Zetta battle was harder because not only their pokemon were equal if not higher level than our own, or tag partner(Melia) was absolutly no help at all so, might as well be battling those two by yourself.

    4. Commander


      @Rising Emperor Correction: Battling those two by ourselves would've been easier as we could've done more damage. Melia is a wet sponge which is only good at being a short fused meat shield.


      But Geara/Zetta Normal >>>>> Glass Gauntlet in difficulty still.

  13. Wait, when did I reach 500 rep? I didn't notice till now. xD

    I thought I was at, like, 479 rep. lol

    1. Maqqy


      Now at 510 congrats silver king of rep

    2. Dreamy


      good stuff 👌

    3. Wolfox
  14. You can't take over the world on an empty stomach. Here:




  15. If Sobble had a ghost type evolution




    1. J-Awesome_One


      Definitely works on the Theater idea that a lot of people think Sobble has. Me included.

    2. Candy


      I'd love this ❤️

  16. A happy belly is an ice cream-and-whipped-cream full belly. pix pix~

    1. Candy



      I'm kidding, geez

    2. SilverAngelus


      Not understanding how that is lewd

  17. Happy Birthday! pix pix! Make sure to eat lots of cake!!! pix pix! pix pix! pix pix! 🎂

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SilverAngelus


      S'okay, as long as you had fun!!! pix pix! pix pix! pix pix!

    3. Abyssreaper99


      Yep, had lots of fun with a nice hangover at the end of it. 

    4. SilverAngelus
  18. I had this dream where the legends for Sw & Sh were two chibi red and blue wolves. pix pix~

  19. Succefully froze mentos as ice cubes. pix~ pix~ 1420940849_peepoevil.png.4c27f7f7419a89517b4991afdf93ce05.png

  20. . pix~ pix~ ? pixpix? pixpix? pixpix? ! pixpixpix~! pixpixpix~! pixpixpix~! 

  21. Spoiler

    Wondering if the mysterious black box from the MC's mother in Rejuv contains a mega ring 💎


  22. "Even if we don't understand each other, that's not a reason to reject each other. There are two sides to any argument. Is there one point of view that has all the answers? Give it a thought."

    1. Commander


      Every argument no matter how warped or perverted had to come from some kind of truth. But for every truth there is an opposite and equal lie. Something you say may be right from your knowledge but factually wrong in the truth of things. It's best to listen and acknowledge then to argue the same thing endlessly. I usually end up reading what people say and say nothing back not because I'm not willing to argue, but because people have a hard time accepting they are wrong on something they believe in. You can have an argument that is 100% factual and irrefutable and people say you're wrong and not listen to a word you said. I often just say my said, let my opponent say there's and leave it at that.

  23. Happy Birthday ✨Starry✨, and I hope you enjoy this wonderful day~

    Ever since you got here, you've been incredibly helpful and I hope you continue to be this positive helpful person! 

    🎂 💜 🎉 🎊

    1. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Thank you, sorry just had to grab my sister

    2. Vinnie


      Happy birthday!

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