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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Status Updates posted by SilverAngelus

  1. Yaaaaaaay 😄

    RWBY Volume 6 is coming out soon! 😻




    Is it just me or do the graphics look better?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Wolfox


      good point... Salem does need a new enforcer

    3. SilverAngelus


      Seki: Sorry Senpai, had to go to sleep.



      I'm thinking Blake, bebrcausef the jacket/coat we see 



      That person isn't wearing the heels that Blake wears. It could be a new character, or it could be Arthur due to the theme of the clothing. But it would be sooo awesome if Blake were a Maiden


      Or this person may not be "evil." More like another Seasonal Maiden~


      Also, first time I watched trailer, right when the "narrator" says love, I noticed Weiss reacts in a tsundere-like way. Coincidence?


    4. Wolfox


      White rose is getting official support now. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS~

  2. Spoiler

    So Master Trainers are a thing in the upcoming Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Pokemon Let's Go Eevee.


    Master Mimikyu trainer~

    Speaking of, when is Pokemon Let's Go Mimikyu coming out?


  3. I thought I was good at math. And then came calculus. 😅

    1. seki108


      I know that feel.  shudders     Even if I understood most of it, I never liked it and haven't used most of it since.

  4. If Freeze-Dry is super effective on Water types, then shouldn't Scald be super effective on Ice types? 🤔

    1. Wolfox


      Now that you mention it, yes.

    2. J-Awesome_One


      Random thought but they should make an Electric Type move that has a chance to burn a Pokemon. 😄

  5. Why am I dracula?

    1. SilverAngelus


      Does no one get the reference?





    2. LykosHand
  6. Spoiler

    Bewear the XenPurgis


    1. Rising Emperor

      Rising Emperor

      I don't know why but, ever since the puppet master told us this, that one sentence still bugs till this day. Who or what is the Xenpurgis? What are their/it motivations? How dangerous are they? Why do we specifically have to fear them/it? 

    2. SilverAngelus



      I get an impression that the XenPurgis is a kind of force, not necessarily a person or thing.


  7. ~Solviera was here

  8. Rank accurately updated.

  9. Tfw you spend most of your money and then you randomly check the ice cream vendor's stand for blue moon ice cream when you know it won't show up just like all those other times but then it does show up


    1. Wolfox
    2. LilyX


      It´s actually much cheaper to just try your luck on one of the usual vending machines. Especially since you can safe and reset.

  10. Who is alarm and why do they keep calling Senpai at 3 in the morning?!

  11. Well I finally reached 300. 

    Last time at 200 I wanted to keep it at that even number but some r00d people changed it 👀

    Let's keep it the round 300 this time, okee? 😸

  12. Happy Birthday Evi-chan!

    I hope you enjoy this day! You deserve to after all, as I wish you a speedy recovery~





    1. Eviora


      Belated thanks! That's a very cute pic~

  13. Anyone find a Venusaurite in Reborn?

    1. Zargerth


      Yes. Have a chat with Seacrest, the old man in Peridot Ward. I can't remember if there was a pre-requisite, but he hands you Venusaurite at one point anyway.

    2. SilverAngelus


      Seacrest is the old man who maintained the garden in the Peridot Ward, correct? I don't see him now where he was.

      EDIT: I found where he is, and he gave me the Venusaurite! 😄

    3. Zargerth


      He should be in Lower Peridot Ward, at the fountain near the Pokecenter.

  14. Kaaaaaaa booooooooooooooom!

    1. Anime


      booooooom kaaaa

    2. SilverAngelus


      We meet at last Bam/Viole

    3. Anime


      im sorry for not replying im barely on the forums~~

  15. Greetings! Been awhile since I've made a status update. So to kick things back, I thought I'd share my Reborn team (Post Amaria). 

    Here's Team Solviera in Reborn: (drumroll)




    1. seki108


      Little Meiling is all grown up.

    2. SilverAngelus


      Don't forget Togekiss...

    3. seki108


      I forgot I traded you a Togepi back then as well

  16. Your logic is invalid. I drink milk.


    Image result for rwby i drink milk


    1. Dreamy


      you're a real grown up now

    2. Wolfox


      you're already better than Edward Elric

    3. Dreamy


      I mean...


      His body was kinda trying to eat/sleep for two people

      but hey

  17. Mimikyu was here 👀


    And now I'm copying Skitty


    Don't mind me. Just joining the fun train~


    1. Sayia


      I will take a free Mimikyu 😄 

  18. So I heard you like Nightcore music.

    I hope this will appease you.




    I also have a bonus; just something I happen to like and I thought I'd share with you




    1. Sayia


      I really like them both! 😄

      Thanks for sharing them with me Solviera~ ❤️

  19. Oh my. I have 200 rep . o .

    Hope it stays that perfect round way. :) 



    (Fyi, I'm not gloating or anything. I am very well aware that there are members with less rep than me that deserve a lot more of it than me, like some staff or even global mods or @Eviora)


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seki108


      I'll at least make it symmetrical again.   You are halfway to crashing now

    3. Candy


      too late

      and pls rep is more like positively correlated with how much yaw post stuff so liek just be happy about having a pretty number~ which hath already been ruined by Knightly and moi >:)

    4. Dreamy


      eeey congrats!

  20. Hey, hey - Listen to this song

    Or you could even sing along!


    I look like someone else, but I'm just me!

    But because of how I look, I'm quite loney

    The sun, oh yes, the sun it just scares me a bit

    But I really like the dark, I happily admit!


    I just wanted to be friends with you

    And that's why I like to copy Pikachu

    My costume looks so realistic

    I made it on my own, I'm quite artistic!

    You wanna take it off? No, that's the worst!

    If you saw what's underneath, you'd get cursed!


    I look like someone else, but I'm just me!

    My name is Mimikyu and I'm not that spooky!


    With my big, big claw I'll protect you in a scary fight

    I can use my thunderbolt to lighten up the scary night

    I'm a Pokemon that you can put your trust into

    So please, let me be friends with you? T~T


    I look like someone else, but I'm just me!

    At day I'll brave the rays and fight, and at night I'm cuddly

    I look like someone else, but I'm just me!

    With you standing by my side I won't be lonely


    I look like someone else, but I'm just me!

    My name is Mimikyu, don't call me spooky!

    I look like someone else, but I'm just me!

    If you let me be your friend, I'll be the best! You'll see~

    1. SilverAngelus


      @Sirius Siriusly? Listen to the tone of the song


  21. Spoiler



    That's strange, why would Lin want the MC unharmed? What could she be planning?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. seki108


      doing what I do best       blame me watching Yandere Simulator videos again

    3. FairFamily




      Yet Lin let Titinia penetrate her with Titania's sword. Seems like a major flaw in your logic.


    4. seki108



      True, I overlooked that glaring detail?  Maybe she's looking to build a harem?


      Ame rejected her, and Lin was too heartbroken an killed her out of yandere? anger...................  Not enough pieces to say for sure yet.   Considering she went all out trying to kill Saphira, she obviously wants to be the only dominating dragon of this shipyard/port.


  22. Who else opens Pokemon Desolation and leaves it on the startup screen for the music? That music is my favorite kind; it's so beautiful and makes me want to tear (to an extent). It sounds like it was played with a Violin. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    1. Dreamy


      now we just hope V5 eventually appears out of the blue. I got about halfway through V4 but not having a bunch of the newer things like speedup and move animations hurts.

  23. I've never ever seen such beautiful spriting in my life


    1. seki108





      Also, that Accelegor has a case of Zaku monoeye going on:


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