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Status Updates posted by SilverAngelus

  1. Which ultra recon squad member is your favorite? Why?

    P.S. I wonder what they look like without the uniforms.


    My favorite would be Zossie cause she appears to be the fun immature one. :) 

    The handle bar mustache guy scares me.

    Soliera is one letter away from Solviera. ^_^  Also her hairstyle is cool. (Although it reminds me of a unwanted certain someone from RWBY)

    Dulce.....is very sweet. :P 



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SilverAngelus


      @Zargerth *hides under bed*


      @Ice Cream Sand Witch I never realized. And I only did this for fun, it's not like I have some true purpose with this. Sorry if this is bothering you.

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Oh, no. ICSW just meant to brag about being the first to ask the question here (as far as I know). Sorry for the misunderstanding ^^'

    4. SilverAngelus


      @Ice Cream Sand Witch Solviera still apologizes and wonders why we're talking in the third person.

  2. Hooray Eviora and I are twins in rep ^^

    @Alistair @Eviora

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dreamy
    3. Eviora


      I will not be defeated!

    4. SilverAngelus


      As of this message, we're still twins in rep. (67) 

      But honestly speaking, you've been here a lot longer than most of us and should have more rep than what you have now.

  3. Nyahahaa

    Related image


    Also, has Neo ever spoken in RWBY? Cause I don't remember her saying anything. Like anything at all. (Is she mute? or the strong silent type?)

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Wolfox


      Neo is the best Chibi. How was she gonna sing tho?

    3. SilverAngelus


      Just dropping this here

      Related image

    4. Wolfox


      Remember when Roman was the main antagonist? Me neither

  4. I agree with this, yet I don't agree with this. 

    Related image

    1. Wolfox


      simple answer: This dude

    2. SilverAngelus


      better answer: These dudes

  5. What just happened

    Shiny Altaria on my first try from the ultra wormhole! Hallelujah! This my first shiny everrr in Ultra Sun!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alistair


      oooooo lucky boi~

      Idk if proud is the adequate word since I suppose it boiled down to luck, but I'm certainly happy for you. Enjoy your shiny Altaria ;)

    3. SilverAngelus
    4. Dreamy


      Golden Cloudbirb <3

  6. My candy cane broke....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SilverAngelus


      Related image

      It was broken, and now I dropped it on the floor.

    3. seki108


      Have to post the classic:


    4. Candy


      double ouch #candycanelivesmatter

  7. One Pokemon who truly deserves a Mega Evolution is Skarmory! 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. SilverAngelus


      Alright people, listen up!



      Second, Alistair, that was a joke.

      Plus, mega evolution stems from Rayquaza, so it makes sense for Ray-Ray to mega evolve.

    3. Youmu9


      If Skarmory got a Mega it would lose it's flying type because it would be too heavy.

  8. I dreamed that I found a shiny Type: Null and a shiny Surskit.

    1. Wolfox


      I dreamed I got s Ghost Rare Stardust Dragon...

    2. SilverAngelus


      I had a Majestic Star Dragon...

    3. Wolfox


      Damn, that's pretty cool. If only that card was actually usable consistantly

  9. On the Eve of Christmas.....


    Merry Christmas everyone! Have a wonderful and joyous year! (or what's left of it XD) 


    [Insert amazing Pokemon Christmas photo here]

    Image result for pokemon christmas

  10. Everyone has their share of problems in life. I just want all of you to know that we'll be cheering for you to be successful and for you to move forward in your life!


    Who's we?




    Image result for pokemon celebration meme

  11. Guys. It needs to be done:


    Image result for mega staraptor


  12. Beerus reacting to Zeno is funny. "Z-Z-ZENO SAMA!!" Then there's Son Goku. "Zen-chan!"

  13. Who here is a cat person?

    Or a dog person?


    I'm kind of both, with leaning more towards cats. 

    yet I have no pets

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      l'm neither part cat nor part dog. So... neither. :P

      Not being a butt doe, really don't have a preference other than l'm not allergic to doggos so l can actually have one as a pet.

    3. seki108


      Definitely more of a cat person.   While I'm mostly ok with dogs, part of my old fear of bigger dogs remains, especially around bigger dogs I've never seen/interacted with before.

    4. Wolfox


      dogs. while I also like cats, I grew up with 2 dogs so I'm not really used to not having any around

  14. Adenomatous Polyposis Coli

  15. What Pokemon that did not obtain mega evolution do you think should have a mega evolution?

    IMO, I think Luxray should have a mega evolution. The mega stone would be called Luxrite.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SilverAngelus


      @Wolfox A gen 5 Pokémon? You forgot Haxorus. Also what would mega Mimikyu even look like? 

    3. U-M


      @SilverHelio Literal hell. Or whatever creature is under that cloak.


      And Mega Yanmega should exist simply for the name. 

    4. Sapphire Mahala

      Sapphire Mahala

      *cracks knuckles and continues on for wolfox

      staraptor (send help that thing would be busted)

      weavile (run just RUN)

      alolan ninetales( an actual goddess)

      arcanine (we all wanted this don't lie you wanted it too)

      hydreigon( i don't even want to imagine what this would look like)

      lapras( just cuz literary just cuz)

      drapion( run dangerous op pokemon)

      magnezone(idk...just pls send help)

      scrafty(oh GOD no just no)

      galvantula(pls just kill me now)

      honchkrow(legit cuz shofu won't allow this not to be a thing)

      togekiss(yes my pretty yes soar majestically)

      gliscor(hmmm suck his blood gliscor)

      rotom( AN ACTUAL DEMON)


      lugia( an actual majestic king)

      darkrai ( god demon)

      dialga ( royal time emperor)

      giratina ( hehehehehe)

      kyurem( cold king)

      and i'm done

  16. Waiting for the day it's birthday wisher LykosHand's birthday so I could wish them a happy birthday.

  17. I want this. All of it. All for me.


    Image result for pizza inside a burger


    1. Wolfox


      and now I'm hungry again...

    2. SilverAngelus


      *stomach growling*

  18. TFW you have free time after a long enervating work week.

    Image result for kitten

  19. When you find a wild cubone:

    Related image

    It's what Cubone needs

    And me

  20. Who is your favorite character in RWBY? Why?


    Who's my favorite character in RWBY?

    Isn't it obvious?.

    Blake Belladona.



    1) Cats

    2) I can relate to her.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. seki108


      Ruby might still take the cake for me, with me honestly like her cheerful optimism (though she never seemed too naive, like other characters of the type seem).


      Qrowe would be a close second, just because he's that awesome and can easily steal whatever scene he's in.

    3. Wolfox


      Well, Weiss has been Number 1 for me since forever, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

      Second is Qrow, cuz he owns every scene he's in, even when he's not in them (the scene where Taiyang talks about tricking him into wearing a skirt. We were all thinking about Qrow in a skirt)


    4. SilverAngelus


      So I said Blake is my favorite character. And she is. But I realize now that I wasn't being true to myself. My #1 fav character is truly Weiss followed right by the rest of Team RWBY as all tied for #2. 

  21. Shout out to my great friend Eviora! (Cause I want to.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SilverAngelus
    3. Eviora


      Oh.... hi! I don't watch status updates that closely, so I didn't see this at first. I feel a bit guilty! Thanks!

    4. SilverAngelus


      @Eviora There's no need to feel guilty! I do this for you! ^^

  22. Looks like Nebby won't get in the bag, but Zwei will!

    Image result for zwei in the bag rwby

    Here's a bonus:


    cute RWBY comp 194: Zwei. join list: CRC (289 subs)Mention Clicks: 34678Msgs Sent: 105494Mention History Prev First CRCCL Last Next do you want a certain themed


    cute RWBY comp 194: Zwei. join list: CRC (289 subs)Mention Clicks: 34678Msgs Sent: 105494Mention History Prev First CRCCL Last Next do you want a certain themedQpURDkxw4PRgcvIRGkdKs8yjPFprkc2i0-zreMffijA.jpg?w=344&s=8a237a51e395496251762fbd96f33f33



    1. seki108


      I like the bit of potential Monochome/Checkmate in the last one.

  23. So there's debate on whether pineapple goes with pizza or not. I don't have a real answer to that cause, well, I've never tried pizza with pineapple.  I know how pineapple tastes and I know how pizza tastes, but together? They are both pretty good on their own, pineapple is very sweet (can be) and pizza is just very scrumptious. (I guess that can be depending on where you get the pizza from).

    So my question is, how does pizza with pineapple taste?


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Dreamy
    3. SilverAngelus


      Ayyy we got more pizza on pineapple LOL

    4. seki108


      Just noticed one of the more informative Youtube channels I request posted this a few days ago.  Coincidence???  A very interesting look at pizza in general


  24. Some funny Weiss Schnee from RWBY fan art pics:


    Image result for weiss schneeRelated imageRelated image

    Related image

    Image result for weiss schnee rwby funny

    And here's an epic one:

    Related image


    1. Wolfox


      Weiss is always a win.

    2. Dreamy


      I approve. and thanks for inadvertently reminding me that it's new episode day!

    3. SilverAngelus


      @DreamblitzXI forgot as well!!! Thank YOU for letting me know!

  25. So local bully of the school community (LOL) "suggested" that I pull more pranks. Then I told him the only thing that needed pulling is his pants up.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alistair


      So THAT is why you pranked me >.<'

    3. SilverAngelus


      No no no, that is not why. I don't listen to bullies.

      That prank was just a simple prank to a friend. That is all. I was just playing with the spoiler tags. ;) He had no influence over me. Now I'll really be going.

    4. Alistair
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