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Daniel Blackworth

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Daniel Blackworth

  1. Wouldn't it be nice if Mega Lopunny had access to Belly Drum and Extremespeed?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      then it would actually go to ubers... and drum bunny wouldn't be that great since it's frail as a boomerang

    3. IntSys


      I would still prefer Linoone for the combo, since Gluttony + Iapapa Berry guarantees the setup as long as it doesn't get OHKO'd.

    4. pyrromanis


      Espeed alone would make it extremely good! Belly Drum would just send it in Ubers!

  2. Can someone PM me a file of Desolation V4.1.1 without the music files? I'm kind of in a hurry to download it but the internet connection is a bit limited atm
  3. What do the stars in FE Heroes represent?

    1. Wolfox


      from what I know: quality

  4. Have you ever had that, "We don't talk anymore. We don't talk anymore. We don't talk anymore like we used to do," experience?

    1. WujiKyurem


      Yes; with two different people in the space of two months. Both times were before the song came out, though. It was distressing to say the least. I had an even bigger falling-out with someone half a year later, but at that point I decided I was done lamenting over everything and done dragging myself down. So a third case of that was averted.

    2. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      @WujiKyurem Did you have some sort of conflict with those two people?

  5. I personally enjoyed Sun and Moon due to the innovative style of doing things which included trial captains, islands, ultra beasts, and new pokemon.
  6. What happens if you combine FE's warlike world and medieval setting, and Pokemon's creatures, battles, and a set of mentally and/or emotionally umstable characters (Reborn)?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WujiKyurem


      I'm gonna plug some of the characters into your scenario bc why not:


      Pope Elias I would probably play a role in leading some sort of Rebornian Inquisition.

      Titania would be a renegade knight who rides around on an Escavalier.

      Team Meteor would have Pokémon that learn Guillotine so they can execute some of their captives.

      Sigmund would be a battlefield medic; and a piss-poor one at that.

      Taka would be decked out in some sweet falconry gear for his Flying-types.

      Kiki would basically be the female Miyamoto Musashi, with Victoria as her pupil.

      Serra would be the literal queen of a kingdom modeled in the Nordic/Scandinavian style and she'd wear furs, because Ice.

      Arclight, Hardy, Aya, and Cain would band together as a group of traveling minstrels.

      Radomus would stay safe by moving his castle to the Wasteland, digging a moat, and filling it with murkwater and Swalots.

      And finally, the Grand Hall would be renamed to 'The Grand Mead Hall.'

    3. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      @WujiKyurem The characters do fit the role you've placed them.

    4. WujiKyurem


      Haha, thanks. In all seriousness though, I feel like we may get something close to that when the PC and friends finally infiltrate Labradorra City. I mean, Team Meteor has already occupied it and is mounting a siege on Calcenon with what is literally the most optimal Pokémon possible for the job -- a pistol shrimp crossed with a goddamned howitzer. If Ame really loves us, she'll put Titania and Saphira in the same place (Labradorra, AKA Meteor Lounge) at the same time, and just let unadulterated carnage ensue. Either way, Sirius is going to have roughly 8 milliseconds to live once word of his pyromania reaches Demon Sisters 1 & 2; and he's equally as likely to find himself staring down a very angry (and possibly Mega) Salamence.



      BONUS just for the meme:


      Charlotte would be a not-so-renegade knight who perfectly fits the mold of Joan of Arc; cause of death included.

      Fern would be a highly insecure court jester who constantly throws hissy-fits because of how often he is shown up by everyone around him.

      Bennett would pioneer new theories of metamorphosis and evolution -- until El finds out and excommunicates him.

      Solaris would be a Templar Grand Master who is hunting for the Pieces of Eden rather than the four keys of Reborn.

      Samson, Ciel, Noel, and Anna would be parallels of Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie respectively.

      Terra would go from 'lion tamarrrr' to lion and become Aslan, and Lin would become the White Witch.

      Nyu would develop a nasty case of bloodlust and conquer half of Reborn with his horizons-spanning Pikachu Army.

      Ame would flee the war-torn Rebornian landscape, become a hermit, make a shelter out of the first mountain she came across, and tell everyone who passes by that the mountain is called 'Mt. Lanakila' with the hope that A-Vulpix will come frolicking down from the peak to cuddle with her someday.

      Luna stays exactly the same.

  7. Does anyone think camping is tedious and exhausting? I'm currently camping because I was forced by my school and it's heavily affecting me. At least, I can use the internet at late night.

    1. Hect


      I think camping is quite enjoyable.. as long as it's warm outside, that is.

    2. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      @Inactivity It's actually something related with the Boy Scouts Org in our school. It would have been fun if we weren't forced to have long formations and other activities

    3. doombotmecha


      camping is fun if you prepare properly. forced camping, on the other hand, can be a real pain. It's a mental thing.

  8. Should I donate to the Jinx Guild or not? I'm not quite sure if it's worth it to do so. Can anyone tell me what happens if I do donate?
  9. Planning on restarting with a mono water team with rain as the gimmick. I'm in need of feedback because I'm not experienced in competitive. Thanks
  10. A couple of questions 1. What pokemon should I use to defeat Tristan? 2. What are Tristan's pokemon and their nicknames? 3. Is there a way to go to the summit of Silver Rise without having to traverse it again? Cause I need Trapinch. So far, the story's quite interesting but the dungeons are quite tedious and daunting at times.
  11. So, this league is back! I wasn't able to participate in Season 1 much due to conflicting schedules, but I guess I'll try again this season. I'd like a Grass Theme Card with the Ace Trainer as the Sprite.
  12. I don't think it'supposed to be 33 because if I remember correctly, it was around 39 or something
  13. Can you recommend a good story-oriented DS game?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Felicity


      professor layton series?

    3. Cyanna Cyril

      Cyanna Cyril

      Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team

    4. Anstane


      There's Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors. You might want to try it out.

  14. My thoughts on V8 Should I do a rerun of V8? If so, I plan on doing a monotype and for this reason, I'd like to ask your opinion on what type I should use for this run.
  15. Can anyone send me a download file for Rejuvenation V8 without the music files because I only have limited space in my laptop?

    1. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Oh, that's easy. All you have to do is download Rejuvenation and take out the music file.

    2. dead account

      dead account

      Your laptop doesn't have enough space for about 500 MBs of music? Can't you delete or uninstall something to make room?

    3. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      Oops, my bad. I made a mistake... I mean, I'm actually downloading it on my phone because for some reason, my laptop cannot connect to the internet, and my phone has insufficient space for Rejuv 8

  16. Can anyone send me a download file for Rejuvenation V8 without the music files because I only have limited space in my laptop?

  17. Can someone PM me the location of the Odd Key in Rejuvenation? Thanks.

    1. biboo195


      Bruh, it's spoonfed to you in V6 and V7. Just go to Narcissa's gym after you beat Amber and use C on the left Chandelure statue. Voila

    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      I wouldn't say it's spoonfed. It took months for me to find out that at one point you have to walk on black space instead of going to another room.

    3. Daniel Blackworth
  18. If you were to create a pokemon game, what pokemon types would have a lower rank on the league? Middle rank? Higher rank?

    1. Commander


      Low Rank: Bug, Rock, Steel, Flying, Normal

      Middle Rank: Poison, Electric, Ice, Ghost, Fighting, Dark

      High Rank: Psychic, Dragon, Fairy, Fire, Water, Ground

      (Your welcome)

    2. Zargerth


      It all depends on how challenging and interesting the teams would be. Still, I'd place Bug and Normal quite early on, while Ghost (because bias) is one of the later gyms.

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