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Daniel Blackworth

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Everything posted by Daniel Blackworth

  1. Anything and every thing sweet from cake to chocolate to ice cream and other sweet food you can name
  2. Heal Lissa, hurt Virion Male Robin: 20 Female Robin: 30 Lissa: 21 Frederick: 19 Sully: 8 Virion: 14 Stahl: 26
  3. Oh I never really bothered to use guides much though in my runs. Thanks for the tip. I'll go look for it right now.
  4. Just realized that Ninetales Alola is actually pretty cool and cute at the same time

    1. BlackRum


      I guess that explains the typing

    2. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      @BlackRum LOL.... I didn't expect I accidentally made a pun.

  5. Wait.... Smack Down is already available? Can you give a screenshot on where to find it, as I'd also like to use it for my team.
  6. Watched 'Your Name' earlier. It was kind of a tearjerker but I'm happy it ended well. Coupled with good graphics, a unique story, and characters, I really loved the movie.

  7. The shiny encounter rate has been boosted a little but shinies are still uncommon to fins. Anyway, why don't you introduce yourself at the Grand Hall?
  8. I think so too. I usually prefer pairing characters who suit each other.
  9. We'll probably get them next ep as Caz said in an update awhile ago that the next island will have lots of water.
  10. Unlocking the special bug in Mario 64 wherein you can do an easy shortcut through one level
  11. That feeling when you want to sleep but you think that sleeping is a waste of time.
  12. It looks pretty good. What program did you use to make it?
  13. You're so lucky you get to visit two of the countries on your list!
  14. They all look quite cool. I like the Amaria one best though.
  15. Yeah, there were some DS games that I wanted to play but they were never translated or the translation is only partial. They also have so many games exclusive to their country and when they go worldwide, it's highly likely that the game will be released months later.
  16. Those places you listed are also ones I'd like to visit someday. I want to see the different scenes every country has.
  17. If you had the chance, what country/s would you visit? For me, I've got three main countries I'd like to visit in the future since my goal in life is to travel to as many countries as possible. First is, Japan. I'd really like to go there for many reasons. When I started reading manga around three years ago, I instantly fell in love with Japan. The culture, the scenery, and the food you can find there is just so interesting. Also, I'd love to purchase manga and anime merchandise, even though I have no skill in speaking Japanese whatsoever. Another is that it is one of the main centers of videogames, especially RPGs which I really enjoy. Second is, the United States of America. For some reason, when I read a book about the Bicycle Race in America, I got interested with exploring the states. Various literary sources and media allowed me to become interested and I have associated certain traits with certain states. Like, for New York, I consider it as very beautiful yet crowded metropolis while for Indianapolis, I associate it with racing. For Kansas, the countryside due to Wizard of OZ while for Alaska, the ice fortress in the north. I simply love the diversity of the states and it's interesting that there are several time zones within it. Third is, France. Why? It's one of the most beautiful countries in the world, especially its capital, Paris. The City of Love offers so many things, from the Eiffel Tower, stylish boutiques, luxurious restaurants, museums, and theaters. There are so many reasons why I love it and I'm excited to visit it one day. So, how about you? Where would you like to go to someday?
  18. That feeling when Final Examinations are coming up in a few days and I'm not even ready.

  19. It's actually still possible to survive without perfect IVs and EV training. I don't do it cause it's quite tedious and takes away the fun of the game. Yeah, I think it's quite challenging not to have perfection in terms of stats but when you defeat a strong trainer, it feels quite satisfying, you know.
  20. Welcome to the forums, Akita! Hope you enjoy your stay.
  21. How did you access the manor? I thought it was not possible to explore it at the current version.
  22. Imagine a world wherein cats rule every nation and force people to give them food.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      They have secret societies.

    3. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Wait, I can't find my cat

    4. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      It's having a meeting with the organization.

  23. Today I learned that life is simply a matter of perception. How you interpret situations and incidents depend on you. You may feel that a bad comment is something you need to get mad on but you can always think that you can improve from your mistakes and flaws. Downfalls are not really hindrances; it's just a matter of how you look at things.
  24. I guess I'll try that although I might not have time right now due to finals coming up
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