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Daniel Blackworth

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Everything posted by Daniel Blackworth

  1. TFW a four day holiday ended and you realize that you've been chilling all along and forgot to study for an assessment.
  2. We might be able to do so in V9 considering that GDC has several sidequests and it may involve the continuation of that story.
  3. That introduction was quite interesting! Anyway, welcome to the forums Moceaum.
  4. Gardevoir's best moves are immediately learnable through its moveset while Gallade's is a bit harder to form and the evolution process those require you a Dawn Stone
  5. How do you access the cave? There was a person blocking it right saying something about his brother?
  6. Wait... where can you get that Croagunk? Also, I've always wondered how can you reach that cave in Redcliff Town? I've got 4 badges but I don't know those stuff lol
  7. Why did I not know of this before? It looks so cool. I love the modernistic feel of the UI. Hope you can make more improvements.
  8. I'm currently exploring RPG Maker XP but it's kind of sad I can't get the full version because I'm not allowed to have a bank account.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hect


      Right. You can just get a Steam gift card.

    3. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      I'll try to do so. Where can I obtain one and how do I purchase RPG Maker XP through steam?

    4. ArgenHyuu


      Well, you need a Steam account for that. Purchase a Steam gift card at any gaming store, then follow these directions: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=1122-RTSC-0478 or you could ask the people at the store as to how you can load your wallet.

  9. Shiv's pretty cool and his backstory's dark but kind of shows a regretful side to him
  10. Who's hyped to play the new Layton game this March?

  11. Isn't Luna 18 also? Considering that the protagonists and rivals are also around that scale and they look quite similar in age.
  12. @mde2001 I wish to create a Pokemon Fangame, to be precise.
  13. I'm planning to develop my own game in a few month's time depending on how busy I am but am not quite familiar with the programs, resources, and software I need to do so. Can anyone suggest: 1. Software - scripting - coding - spriting - map maker - others 2. Resources - tilesets - sprites - OW sprites - others 3. Tutorials for Game Dev
  14. Grand Dream City HYPE! I'm pretty excited on what will happen in V9 especially with Bladestar and the petrified Flying gym leader. I'm also excited for the sidequests (hope there will be pseudos lol)
  15. Expect some unexpected twists along the way and some downright creepy things. Also prepare for some difficult choices that could decide the future of the characters.
  16. Just read this.... the story seems interesting with the main characters being somewhat of a negative person and the opening paragraph being somewhat reflective of what will happen later. This is my first time doing feedback but I'll try my best. For feedback, I noticed a few things that were missed. - What does the first sentence mean? Does it mean that the child has lost his parents or the child left the parents? The wording seems somewhat unclear as to the real meaning you wish to portray. - The first dialogue part 'a kind and elderly mother sang' should probably be edited because it feels that we are expected to know that it is the protag's mother. For me, it would be better to portray her physical characteristics rather than vaguely give us a mother to supply as the description. Also, it is best to combine this part with the slightly nagging tone at the end. - The setting of the story (house and outside area) should also be described so as to allow the readers to visualize it and have a clearer picture. - I feel that the banging of the chopsticks should be done after the mention of Riku because the effect of it becomes delayed and is not as beautiful if executed immediately. - I think the first chapter should be lengthened with a bit more conversation with the mother and Akihito.
  17. Would Aegislash be better if it had double its current speed?

    1. Lugruf


      Tell me a single pokemon that would be worse if you doubled its speed

    2. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      @LugrufExtremely slow Gyro Ball users?

    3. Anstane


      Yes. Yes it would be better if it had double speed. The only time it would not be better is in Trick Room, which is rare enough that it would hardly be a problem.

  18. For one, you could give to us the general plot of the game (or simply a gist of what to expect. It could go like this: You are a teenager in the (blank) Region and your goal is to.... so on and so forth. Also, you can show us the features in a more detailed manner.
  19. "Life is not just filled with happiness or sorrow. Even the thorn in your heart, in time it may become a rose."

    1. Wolfox


      I am going to save that quote, also the thorm may growinto a rose, but it will probably still hurt. perhaps even more

  20. I'm kind of similar to Florinia. Not that I completely am emotionless but more of that I've learned over time to suppress my emotions and pretend that I'm just fine with everything.
  21. For me, it's gonna be Slyveon, Fennekin, and Togedemaru. And the best would be..... Just joking. Diancie Mega takes the cake
  22. Charlotte with all that fire. The field was absolutely bad for my non resistant mons. I had to reset a couple of times so that my volcarona could sweep with Quiver Dance + Heat Wave
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