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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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Magna would have grinned, if it weren't for the lack of facial tissue. In her face. The beast was reanimated, that was for sure. It's eyes glowed red, much like Magna's did. But was it under her control?

"Move left. Now right. Now spin in a circle," she thought, as she issued commands in her mind. "Now face the other creatures of your kind and roar hostilities at them."

Hopefully the other mortals would figure out that this Shadow Beast wasn't like the others. She didn't quite want to outwardly reveal that she was in control of one of them, as it may easily lead to the implication that she was the one who summoned all of them to attack. For now, she would wait to reveal that tidbit of knowledge, and focus another enemy instead. Allowing her reanimation to attack the group of enemies nearest the opening that overlooked the castle, Magna switched to the other side, attacking the creatures blocking the exit on the opposite end.

Revived Shadow Beast B cannibalizes Shadow Beast A

Magna Reaves Shadow Beast F

Conditional Move (Magna): If Shadow Beast F dies, use "Reanimate the Dead" on Shadow Beast F

Edited by Stalkerkain
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The Grey Cloaked man smiles even wider as he looks at Shadow Beast B.

"Ehehehhahahahhaha; oh of course!"

Turns to face Magna Sylford

"Glowing red eyes; just like a certain someone"

After making that remark he charges at Shadow beast D while firing books at it: he says out "I am going to relish the sound of your bones breaking"

Solomon creates a giant fist and slams Shadow Beast D with it

Solomon Uses Beware My Might! At Shadow Beast D

Edited by Cronos5010
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Jade O'Duffle - 33/33, Stunned

Their screes were so ear piercing that Jade couldn't focus. He stumbled a bit. "Ugh, these beasts are more annoying than chirping crickets when you're trying to go to sleep." It was times like these where he starts to grit into the piece of grass in his mouth, it allows him regain his focus.

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Kagari grit her teeth and looked over herself, checking to make sure she hadn't accidentally lost her form in her surprise. Pleased to note that she was still human-looking, she got to her feet and growled.

"Knock me down, will you...? You'll pay dearly for that."

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She snarled as the beasts howled and rose back to their feet, like all those past injuries were nothing. Infact... they were quite literally nothing now, Aurora could see that much from the pristine states of their hides. She had only hunted one prey like this, that healed so fast and came in numbers... she'd elected to simply retreat in the end, and they'd followed. It damn near took the girl and entire rest of those traveling with her fighting them before the damn things died and finally stayed dead, though... that was more likely due to the wolf girl's howling flames obliterating them where they stood than anything else.

Yes, yes... Owlbears did strange things when they were possessed by talking black flames leaking from their eyes like tears. And even stranger when they finally died and the flames left, but not before cursing all of their names and vowing to return and finish what was started... and even specifically addressing her by the name she'd been told was hers. She had never quarreled or hunted anything like pure black fire though. Why the hell would she? Fire burned, fire stung... made her blood boil inside her carapace, just as frost slowed her and made every one of her muscles spasm in such pain she could hardly move.

Regardless though, luckily for the fleshies who would've otherwise been food if not for this attack, it seemed the armored being had realized the same thing about these lot as well... because Aurora certainly wouldn't have opened her mouth to do the same. She set her sights on one of those who'd been struck senseless by the screech not long ago, and her eye flashed a brilliant silver yet again as a beam travelled as fast as literal light and hit the other armored being, the one who actually had some sort of flesh under theirs and wielded that... burning fire-like energy that she already hated just from looking at it.

Fire Mending Ray on Hiroki

((Mending Ray: Heal 1d4+SYN HP, Cure 1 Status))

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Bridgett recovers from her stun, and cannot be stunned next round.

Theodore resonates with the Shadow Beasts, inflicting [2] damage to each, before the pattern collapses. He sends a reverberating burst at Shadow Beast A for [6] damage.

Shadow Beasts A and C angrily rake their limbs at Heo for [6] and [8] damage for a total of 14.

Hikari recovers from her stun.

Edmond welds Shadow Beast A for [0] damage. The next attack will deal [11] extra damage.

A strange "shoop" sound follows Pluck's horn-blowing. Shadow Beasts E and C have now become one larger, angrier Shadow Monster that will take the place of E on the initiative ladder.

Sachi draws the monster's attention. It's unable to resist the challenge of a Hero.

Kagari recovers from her stun.

Solomon puts Fire Emblem mages to shame with his impractical usage of books, dealing [5] damage to Shadow Beast D.

Jade recovers from his stun.

Aurora shoots a healing beam at Hiroki, fully healing her and allowing her to act this turn.

Katsuo recovers from his stun.

Shadow Monster throws itself at Sachi. It knocks her over. . . but she quickly reasserts herself none the worse for wear except for taking [4] damage.

Heo punches at the newly formed Shadow Monster for [17] damage, and follows up with a spinning blade strike for [13] damage.

Hiroki fires another fierce beam of plasma from her main cannon at the Shadow Monster for [24] damage. Hikari follows up for [1] damage with a glancing blow.

Magna's reanimated Shadow Beast slashes at Shadow Beast A for [13] damage. She brings her symbolic, but decidedly impractical weapon down on Shadow Beast F for [5] damage.

Snow focuses on not getting hit for the round.

Shadow Beast F takes a swing at Jade, [3] but he stumbles out of the way.

Shadow Beast D does the same. [66] It's a bit more lucky, landing a strike on the elusive gunslinger for [7] damage.

Hikari's spells fade.

Enemy Status:

Shadow Beast A: Badly Wounded

Shadow Beast B: Undead

Shadow Beast D: Healthy

Shadow Beast F: Death's Door

Shadow Monster: Death's Door

Ally Status:

Jade: 7 damage, cannot be stunned (1 turn)

Heo: 19 damage

Katsuo: +1 SYN, -1 INT, cannot be stunned (1 turn)

Sachi: cannot be stunned (1 turn)

Kagari: 5 damage, cannot be stunned (1 turn)

Bridgett: 4 damage, cannot be stunned (1 turn)

Snow: RES+2, Damage+3 (1 turn remaining)

Others: Normal


Bridgett: 25

Theodore: 23

Shadow Beast A: 21

Hikari: 19

Shadow Beast B: 18

Edmond: 17

Sachi: 16

Pluck: 16

Kagari: 13

Solomon: 11

Jade: 9

Aurora: 8

Katsuo: 8

Shadow Monster: 6

Heo: 6

Hellfire Knight: 6

Magna: 5

Snow: 5

Shadow Beast F: 5

Shadow Beast D: -3

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Edmond Cooper-33/33 Healthy

Edmond glanced around. In the midst of frantic battle, it seemed that a general consensus had been reached. None of the beasts had fallen, but all seemed badly wounded except one. Wait. There's only five? So...what happ--oh. That guy can fuse more than just inanimate objects. Interesting...Well, only thing to do is to target the last one that's still healthy.

"We need to focus on the healthy one! You with the missiles! Can you use that big attack that hits them all again?"

Edmond used Weld (1d4 damage and 2d4+INT added to next attack)

"Also, someone needs to put some pressure on the fused one!"

((Maybe use secondary actions to target the fused beast?))

Edited by Strider
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Jade O'Duffle - 26/33, Healthy

Gritting that grass helped Jade notice the first beasts swing but he was not prepared for the second beasts strike. His luck had to give in eventually. He's still a bit shaken up from that screech and there's only one bullet left in his chamber. Angered at the shadow beast the struck him he aims the the barrel of his gun at the fiend's heart and pulls the trigger.

Aim to Kill with Cryo Rounds on Shadow Beast D, 1d6 + DEX + Cryo Rounds Effect (-1 innitation)

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A trumpet blared in the background, as some beasts were starting to fuse together. Was this one of there abilities as well? She turned, to see the source of the noise coming from... a bird. Magna scratched her head, as she couldn't discern why a bird would want to fuse these already hostile creatures into something bigger and meaner. But then, it was as if a light bulb went off in her head. "If that thing dies, I could have a bigger and BETTER minion! Then I won't have to do as much!" she thought to herself. "Minion! Attack the big one!"

Magna uses Reave on the Shadow Monster

Shadow Beast B betrays the Shadow Monster!

Conditional Move:

If the Shadow Monster dies before Shadow Beast B's turn, attack Shadow Beast D

If the Shadow Monster dies before Magna's turn, use Reanimate the Dead

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"Kill all at the same time, huh..."

Kagari frowned. She had no way to attack multiple enemies at once. Annoying as it was, she was not going to be of much help in this current battle. Perhaps it might be better to switch to support, instead. She placed a hand on her chest and hummed a clear note. Her hair started shining, emitting some kind of melody.

As the music played, her body began to change - her swimsuit shimmered and was covered by an elaborate dress. Her right arm from the shoulder was left bare, while her right arm was cloaked in a long pink sleeve that ended in a cuff at her wrist. On her left wrist, there was another, isolated wrist cuff which seemed to serve no actual purpose. Her blouse itself was white and buttoned up to just below her neck, but it was accompanied by a pink bolero jacket, the front of said jacket decorated by a large white ribbon. It was from this jacket that the aforementioned sleeve extended. Her skirt, matching her jacket, was pink, with a white trim. Her legs were clad in white stockings, nestling inside a pair of pink heeled boots. Her hair grew longer and changed colour, becoming largely pink, but the translucent purple tips remained unchanged. She was, as a whole, extremely pink.

A pink handheld microphone materialised in her hand, its cute white ribbon resting squarely atop her fingers, as the song faded. Compelled by the nature of her transformation, she struck a pose for nobody in particular, making a V-sign with her unoccupied hand and winking.

"Magigel Idol ★ Slippery Kagarin is making her debut~"

Kagari Transforms!

Edited by Code: PIRULUK
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"MY Lady are you hurt?" Mornings Arrow asked her master."Don't worry its only a little scratch. What's the field like now."The platinum hair mage asked as she shook her head to clear the ringing. "Two hostiles fused into one and is severely injured, another one severely injured as well, one heavy injures, one minor damage, and the one you blasted has joined our side. Warning allies think that must take them all out at the same time or they revive." The device responded.

Bridgett tsked her tongue as she aimed her staff "I got a little to trigger happy so i can't fire off the breaker. So i guess i will do my best to weaken the strongest one then. You ready Mornings Arrow." She said as the magic circle appeared under her feet again. "Yes My Lady.Bombardment Ready." Mornings Arrow replied "Okay then load cartridges and fire. Magic Arrows!!"

Bridgett yells as the four light blue light shoot towards the enemy.

Uses all Magic Arrows on Shadow Beast D and uses her last two cartridges(4D4+24 damage all four shots and two cartridges)

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Snow, The Lady Ashford.

"I guess if there's any time to press the attack it's now." This wasn't going so badly. Perhpas she could at least somewhat rely on these mortals. She still wasn't looking forward to it, but they were at least competent. She didn't really understand some of their abilities, but... she didn't need to understand all the magic. She also didn't understand the warrior who fought with her butt. Was it really that effective of a weapon? One's backside? She'd have to inquire in the art of butt attacking... to see just what it was capable of.

"DIE!!!" a harsh winter wind whipped up out of nowhere as suddenly Snow rocketed forward, letting the wind guide her body, and more importantly, her strike.

activate Galeforce, Use Basic Attack, Winter's Fang (melee), versus the newly formed Shadow Monster ((the one that Pluck is currently creating.).

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Yet again, Aurora's eye seemed to flash with that otherworldly light as the same brawler she'd propped up with her power earlier found some of his wounds resealing. Yes... so far this engagement seemed to be going to plan, they kept pressure on the beasts, and all she had to do was ensure none of them croaked before the job was done. And it's not like waiting the extra length compared to doing it herself was a bother either; whatever she might've gained in expediency for the task, she would've undoubtedly lost more of in energy wasted... that and patience seemed to be a virtue that whomever she'd been before, she'd definitely learned.

Hells, who knows... if the beasts ended going out smoothly, well... maybe she could even make a habit of this type of thing...

Mending Ray on Heo

((Mending Ray: Heal 1d4+SYN HP, Cure 1 Status))

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Katsup - 32/33HP, Healthy

Recovering from the ringing in Katsuo's ears took more than a moment, by the time it was over the battlefield had changed a lot. Most notably, there was a new foe that was a bit more dangerous looking than the others. Gwaedu blinked a couple times to let him know of the new threat.

"Ah, sorry, I couldn't hear you before." Katsuo apologized, "Yes, I see it now. Let's go."

Gwaedu let out a very long and angry buzz, a sort of war cry. Katsuo joined in, "Uuuuraaaaaa..!"

They charged the larger enemy, Gwaedu swung upward towards it, backed by the raw power that was Katsuo.

Basic Attack on Shadow Monster

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Bridgett fires a pair of magic bolts shaped like arrows into Shadow Beast D for a total of [14] damage.

Theodore sets up resonance with all the existing Shadow Beasts for [1] damage, and will continue to resonate for [2] more turns.

Shadow Beast A lunges at Heo, slamming into him and stunning him for [5] damage.

Hikari casts a spell on Hiroki, boosting her power for 3 turns.

Shadow Beast B slashes at the wounded Heo for [10] damage, and he collapses into unconsciousness, severely wounded!

Edmond Welds Shadow Beast D for [0] damage. It will take [10] extra damage on the next hit.

Sachi guards the fallen Heo from further harm.

Another odd "shoop"ing sound sounds as Shadow Beasts D and F fuse into one more monster. Shadow Monster B replaces Shadow Beast D in the init order.

Kagari changes into the kind of wildly impractical outfit one would only find on a person who thought it was a good idea to sing instead of fighting in combat.

Solomon drops some more tomes on the newly formed Shadow Monster for [15] damage.

Jade fires at the same monster [97] for [6] damage.

Aurora mends Heo's wounds. It doesn't seem to rouse him, though; he's pretty badly hurt.

Katsuo yells and smashes his mace into the first Shadow Monster for [7] damage.

The Shadow Monster seems to wisen up slightly, raking a large claw at Magna for [11] damage.

The Hellfire Knight nods at the suggestion. "Yeah, my auxiliary guns were overheated before! Eat this!" The figure releases another burst of hot plasma for [9] damage to every enemy on the field! The first Shadow Monster collapses.

It rises once again as Magna resurrects it, bringing it under her control. Her other minion strikes at the other Shadow Beast for [11] damage, knocking it over, where it lay unmoving.

Snow's icy strikes bite into the final remaining foe. It screeches once, but a ragged, and less nerve-strikingly shrill sound, before it finally ceases moving.

A bit after the beasts die, the strange pillars that had fallen from the sky fade away, and with them the barriers they'd erected. The path forward is open, though it's long and winding, snaking upwards through the rock.

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Snow, The Lady Ashford.

"And that, is how it is done Mortals.~" Snow said to no one in particular. She stood triumphantly. whatever it was from the beasts on her blade. She was rather distracted to the point she didn't really notice the apparent mercenary yet again fusing things. Snow wasn't really that impressed by these mortals though, they were... adequate. But, if they were alongside the calibre of one such as herself... she expected a lot more, and was left wanting. There was much to be desired. She'd have expected them to at leeeeeeeeast be on the level of the other divine knights... or at leeeeeeast as competent as the bat shit crazy bonkers pirate who tried way to hard. The Guy who's pet hated his damn guts. Hell, Cojiro was more competent then his master by FAAAAAAAAR. Ignacio... at least being stuck with them is better than him.

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