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I'm fairly certain that will be never. The reason why the stairs have that happen is due to coding pushing the character up and over so in that case you don't even have control.

Speaking about that,

why not program all the stairs tiles to push you up and over? Because of the way you walk straight across stairs right now, you appear to be walking diagonally across those stairs.

Edited by Busti
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Speaking about that,

why not program all the stairs tiles to push you up and over? Because of the way you walk straight across stairs right now, you appear to be walking diagonally across those stairs .

that is one part illusion and one part programing the up,right down,left is programed on the railing, and since the stair tiles are angled it can look like you went up,right and down left even if you don't touch the railing. hope that helped

Edited by smeargletail
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I got into this game pretty late--episode 14 or so. Before gen 6 was released and aegislash became available, what was Titania's ace?

While I think I came into the game aroundabout the same time as you, afaik, Tania's ace was (And I think actually still is) Scizor.

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Titania's Ace in the real Reborn League used to be Scizor, so that's probably her in-game Ace, yes. I don't recall anything saying she ever used a Metagross...

Lin's the head of Team Meteor who fought Saphira at Tanzan Mountain with a Hydreigon, although I'm not sure on what Drakyle is referring to.

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"You" as in the player, probably.
Titania's most frequently used pokemon off the top of my head were Scizor, Lucario and Empoleon. But this was before Gen VI.

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Yeah, 'you' being the player themselves as we know for whatever reason her first encounter with you she never really got told who you were because no one wanted to admit to her who you was with her and you in the same room as them which makes me wonder given recent circumstances how she will react when she finds out who the player is if she hasn't already in which case again I ask how she reacted is something to imagine

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oh i haven't gotten there yet...

but i'd imagine she'll be the "final boss" of team meteor. so you'd fight her after either the last or the second-to-last gym battle, on some field of her own design

looked her up, found out she has a hydreigon. wonder what the rest of her team is? is it a monotype like cain or fern, or does she win with her favorites like solaris?

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Oh, that makes sense. Although doesn't she say that Sirius is a bad liar when he says you're a new recruit?

looked her up, found out she has a hydreigon. wonder what the rest of her team is? is it a monotype like cain or fern, or does she win with her favorites like solaris?

In the real Reborn League, she was the Dragon Gym Leader, so she'll probably be using a mono-Dragon team.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a question for anyone who is willing to answer: Is there a version of this game in Spanish, or do you guys plan on releasing it in Spanish? You see, I currently live in Mexico and I always tell my friends about the game and how awesome it is but they can't play it (at least not to full extent) because of their lack of English, so I was wondering if their is a version in Spanish or...?

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I'm guessing she inevitably got buried in a junkalanche? More than a few hoarders have perished that way.

Nah, she had to clean up it or get outta there. She's still kickin' though -.-

How does eating/tasting work with ZEL? As in, let's say that Lumi and Eve like chocolate, but Zero doesn't. Would it taste good or bad, and would each of them taste it differently or would it taste the same for all of them since they have one tongue?

It's difficult for me to answer this because different people experience sensations differently-- but due to the limitations of our own perspectives and research, it's unclear how much of that is a result of physiology or psychology.

More clearly. Person A likes chocolate and Person B doesn't. Now if Person A had Person B's body, would they still dislike it? Are they experiencing the same sensation and judging it differently, or are they experiencing two very different things as a result of having different taste buds?

I don't know the answer to this and I doubt anyone definitively does.

My personal theory is that it's a combination of both physiology and psychology. So perhaps chocolate tastes different to Zero than it did to Eve in her own body. It does not taste as bitter, for instance. Eve may sense this and either form a new opinion of it, or maybe her impression of chocolate is already stained by past dislike and she still decides it's not for her.

What does Ame think about Amaria and Serra?

Amy and I don't talk as much anymore, but we used to be good friends. So obviously I like her and stuff, you know?

definitely also stole her style of emoticons ^~^

Serra and I have only spoken in training and passing so I don't know the actor that well (although she is gorgeous, like dayum).... but as a character, I think she has one of the more cohesive themes in the game (speaking in terms of type/personality/how that shows up in battle). Unfortunately, that hasn't translated into a particularly interesting role in the story, but I'll see what I can do for her.

What is the "signature food" in Reborn? (like the Lava Cookie in Hoenn, Old Gateau in Sinnoh, exc...)

There isn't a single one, but we get stuff like candy and ice cream instead.

Diagonial walking? How possible is it? :D Well technically its already happening when u walk up some stairs...

Also i watched some of the sprites making, and .... well .. u are heroes... since this is not some rom hack, but RPG maker, wouldnt it be easier to use the sugimori artwork as a base? (i dont know the limitations of RPG maker)

Very possible actually! There have been 8-direction movement scripts for RMXP for years. However, they don't belong in a 3rd gen-styled pokemon game.

I'm not really sure what you mean about the second part, but sugimori art is usually concept/promotional material rather than appearing in-game.

On the topic of Adrienn and the work they are putting in to restoring Reborn will the wasteland get the rubbish cleared and pushed back so only wasteland is in the gym or?

Even if they did, it would just reform. That stuff is a little more stubborn... but they'll get to it someday

Is Eclipse ever going to get back to her body, maybe through a Dusknoir helping her soul back to her body?

That would be nice, huh?

I got into this game pretty late--episode 14 or so. Before gen 6 was released and aegislash became available, what was Titania's ace?

Confirming it was Scizor.

I have a question for anyone who is willing to answer: Is there a version of this game in Spanish, or do you guys plan on releasing it in Spanish? You see, I currently live in Mexico and I always tell my friends about the game and how awesome it is but they can't play it (at least not to full extent) because of their lack of English, so I was wondering if their is a version in Spanish or...?

What was said is correct. There's no use translating before the final patch though, otherwise all that work would have to be redone with each release.

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I'm not really sure what you mean about the second part, but sugimori art is usually concept/promotional material rather than appearing in-game.

well i mean that since, as i see the sprite making is some time consuming job, you could choose an easier route in converting some sugimori arts you find to your liking, to a more pixelous form compatible with your rpg maker.

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I've been having one question at the back of my mind for a long, long time.

Is that boy ever going to realise that his Pidove didn't become a Powerful Staraptor? Is his family going to hide the truth for ever?

I assume he's going to train it and evolve it, since he is obviously interested in its supposed final form...

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Was Victoria's crush on Cal a real thing that happened in the League?

Also, will that lady in Peridot's tiny patch of grass who gives us an incense appear again?

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I'm not an expert on shiny Pokemon so I don't even know if gen III (I think 5 did) even had shiny sprites for the overworld Pokemon. I mean if someone wants to sprite all 800+ (could potentially be 900 since Gen VII is going to be a thing) icon sprites for EVERY single Pokemon I'm sure someone around here would be willing to put them in the game. Just my oppinion that it isn't worth a hassle for such a minor thing that requires a huge workload. I mean if it were easy to implement it could be turned into a community project, but I wouldn't get your hopes up.

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