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Sigh...there are many reasons why the E4 would be in Episode 19 so it's best not to question it. For a different story for a fan-game I've worked on, we've actually put a leader in with the E4 for an episode as there's really no point not to. The stretch was so short that it'd be easier just to make it the longest episode vs the two shortest episodes in the game. I have my own theories why it was laid out like that, but to each his own. Don't jump to a conclusion that this is the best option for the game, when quite honestly, you don't even know what the section is about.

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I'm actually curious as to what each staff member's favorite music track, pokemon, and gym leader in the game is,

Well I guess this is one that I can answer for once :D.

Music: I usually play with the sound off tbh

Pokemon: Azumarill

Gym Leader: I'm not sure. I like a lot of them. Does Anna count? If so then Anna. If not, then I can't decide.

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Sigh...there are many reasons why the E4 would be in Episode 19 so it's best not to question it. For a different story for a fan-game I've worked on, we've actually put a leader in with the E4 for an episode as there's really no point not to. The stretch was so short that it'd be easier just to make it the longest episode vs the two shortest episodes in the game. I have my own theories why it was laid out like that, but to each his own. Don't jump to a conclusion that this is the best option for the game, when quite honestly, you don't even know what the section is about.

Oh, I'll question it all day. After all, that's what any logical person does when they don't have all the information they need.

I believe in thinking critically, which involves asking questions in order to better my understanding of a particular topic.

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I'm actually curious as to what each staff member's favorite music track, pokemon, and gym leader in the game is,

Atmosphere- Dramatic

Other than smeargle it would be Poliwhirl

Shade (I love dark scary beings that will never be understood.)

Edited by smeargletail
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Well I guess this is one that I can answer for once :D.

Music: I usually play with the sound off tbh

Pokemon: Azumarill

Gym Leader: I'm not sure. I like a lot of them. Does Anna count? If so then Anna. If not, then I can't decide.

Anna always counts.

@Foamy. If you're that desperate to know why it's not 20 episodes, I refer you to this interview Ame did a year and a half ago;


I don't think this necessarily answers the question being asked- this doesn't say "why," just that it is the case.

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@Foamy. If you're that desperate to know why it's not 20 episodes, I refer you to this interview Ame did a year and a half ago;


Combining the Elite Four and the postgame is fine, and Amethyst can do with her game what she feels is correct, but I would personally prefer an episode break in between the final gym and the Elite Four. Hopefully her rationale will become apparent in subsequent episodes, because I'm inclined to believe that she has a good reason for every decision she makes.

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Favorite theme:

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh idon'tfuckingknowdude

Favorite Pokémon

We've been through this but sure, I'll gladly send you more gifs of the cutest thing that has ever existed


Favorite Gym Leader

Does "No one" count? No?

I guess my favorite Gym Leader is Radomus.

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I don't know if you've answered this before, but why 19?

Why not a clean and straightforward episode count of 20?

Personally, I would love it if the Elite Four were saved for their own episode. The anticipation of waiting for the final challenge after earning the last badge would be so sweet.

Basically what commander said. After badge number #17, it's basically a straight shot to the next gym, and the elite 4 thereafter. There isn't enough content to make up a full episode length (which is also why there'll be a 2-for-1 in an earlier epiosde.) In the past I've written in stuff to make up the time but anything I could do for that at this point would just be contrived (and we'll be close to level cap anyway)

Q:what feature,plot point,mechanic or event while coming up with the idea for it felt was just going to be amazing but when you were through with it you were ready to kill everyone who played the game through the point?

Q:What 1st mega introduction do you personally want to add to the game regardless of even if it will be available post game?

Q:Will episode 19 be out before 3016?

Q:can we expect magikarp to come back before the Elite 4 any hopes at all?

If the Yureyu HQ crashes one more time, I'm going to delete this entire website.

This has already been done, so... idk.

Lord, I hope. Probably not. Kuro says not.

All non-legendaries will be pre-E4.

will be there any spin-off game after Reborn?

Not that I'll have any part in. I'm getting demoned away ASAP.

I don't know if this has been asked, but would legendaries, all of em, be available post game? I mean, I really want to have a hold of em all. ._.

All legendaries will be post-game.

If 7th gen is released before Reborn is completed, will the game be updated as it did for 6th?

I don't wanna talk about it Q~Q

I'm actually curious as to what each staff member's favorite music track, pokemon, and gym leader in the game is,

Oh and on Shade's gym, that gym theme is toooooo sick. It's so heavy and creepy. I think you said it was a reverse version of the regular gym theme with modifications or something? What were the details on that one's creation? What tools/instruments did you use on it?

I think I've already covered the first three, but I'm a big fan of Ametrine City's music. Gardevoir. Titania.

Shade's battle music was just reversed

The overworld gym music was reversed + a metallic effect

I use Goldwave for quick sound edits like that. It's not really possible to do instrument changes with just an mp3; I'd need raw project data in some form which obviously Glitch doesn't publish.

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If 7th gen is released before Reborn is completed, will the game be updated as it did for 6th?

Judging from how often new generations come out I think we might even see gen 8 before Reborn is completed. Huh? Maybe I shouldn't have said that - I think Ame just fainted.

Seriously though Reborn is gonna be a great game even without gen 7 mechanics. Besides someone other then Ame might try to add it into Reborn. Leaving all the work to her doesn't seem right.

Not sure if it was asked before but Ame what Pkmn game(s) (official or fangame) did you enjoy the most? Besides Reborn of course. :-)

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Hello,first off congratulations on the best pokemon game ever,it's my favorite pokemon game by a longshot.I hope nobody has asked this,but what is the background of shade?will he play a bigger role in the future,do we find out more of his history?and will he partner with us like some characters in the past?

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Hey there! I was just wondering if any of the lesser-known characters (like Craudburry) were based on actual people or experiences?
For instance, did you maybe live next to a crotchety old crone named Craudburry when you were a child, and name the in-game character after her?

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Hey there! I was just wondering if any of the lesser-known characters (like Craudburry) were based on actual people or experiences?

For instance, did you maybe live next to a crotchety old crone named Craudburry when you were a child, and name the in-game character after her?

I know many of the grand hall trainers are based on users from the site (I think Vinny is one). There are some inside jokes such as Mr. Bigglesworth, but I'm pretty sure there are a few others, but it's not easy to remember them all.

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Judging from how often new generations come out I think we might even see gen 8 before Reborn is completed. Huh? Maybe I shouldn't have said that - I think Ame just fainted.

Seriously though Reborn is gonna be a great game even without gen 7 mechanics. Besides someone other then Ame might try to add it into Reborn. Leaving all the work to her doesn't seem right.

Not sure if it was asked before but Ame what Pkmn game(s) (official or fangame) did you enjoy the most? Besides Reborn of course. :-)

This is Ame's co-worker typing. I got into the office today and found her writhing on the ground. She keeps twitching and saying "Gen 7" all over. Do you know what this means?? Is this a new street drug? Should I call the police?????

To elaborate more seriously on the gen 7 stuff, I will probably leave the bulk of the data work to the users like I did with Gen 6. Then we have some advantages now that we didn't during the Gen 5>6 transition such as that we are much more up-to-date on the whole (remember until E15 there was still a lot of 4th gen content that hadn't been implemented), and the fact that we have a scripting team. Little Lewis doesn't really maintain a presence in the community but he is still with us on implementation (he's polishing up online features right now!!) and could probably take care of any scripting stuff that I can't (and I'm much more comfortable with that than I was when Gen 6 hit too).

As for sprites, I'd probably just bite the bullet and kick donation incentives so we could use Smogon's this time because while I (hope I've proven by now that I certainly) can make our own, it's frankly not worth the time especially when they already undertake the project quite well.

Big things would be availability + changes in field effects. We'd have to see another x.5 episode and pad out development time and just ugggh.


At the time of its release, I probably enjoyed Crystal the most. It felt mystical to me, in a few different ways (I had fun figuring out the Unown; rumors about getting to the Orange Islands, etc)

Hello,first off congratulations on the best pokemon game ever,it's my favorite pokemon game by a longshot.I hope nobody has asked this,but what is the background of shade?will he play a bigger role in the future,do we find out more of his history?and will he partner with us like some characters in the past?

To really give you the best answer to a question like this, I figured I should ask the big guy himself. Here's what he said:


Well, I think that about says it all! I feel elucidated. Moving on!

Hey there! I was just wondering if any of the lesser-known characters (like Craudburry) were based on actual people or experiences?

For instance, did you maybe live next to a crotchety old crone named Craudburry when you were a child, and name the in-game character after her?

If so, not deliberately.

Although I'll tell you what, we do live across from some kind of crone... She literally called the city on us and had us fined for like a thousand dollars because our grass was too high............. she snuck into her neighbors house and hid chocolate in places so that they would get an ant problem. like??????

I'd like to know whether Cain is supposed to be gay, bi, or pansexual?

Also, is Titania lesbian/bi at all?

Foamy is correct about Cain, he's pan.

Tania is probably ace.

Most of you already answered who was your favorite character in the game, but I'm curious, why is it your fave?

Heh. There's a few reasons, but the main one I'm not going to say until the game is finished and I do my LP of it, and the other will have to wait until y'all see her gym.

But another one I can talk about, is back from the league days. Organizing 17 people to all be on 20 hours a week (when you're not paying them) is hard. Like really hard. My solution to this was the line-host system. Leader access was gated by a line host who kept records, refereed, directed traffic, and so on. Another lesser-known duty of line hosts was to operate as backups if a leader was missing. That included battling and acting as them. But that was how I made sure that even if the actor in question couldn't make it, that the challengers could still get their battles.

So, there were a handful of times I had to act for all of them over the months. Titania in particular stood out back then, because she was always by far and away the hardest for me to write for. I think it's because my personality back then was the polar opposite of hers. I usually avoided confrontation like the plague, for instance, whereas she was brutally honest at all times. It took me a little while to get into that mindset, and even then it was still challenging, but once I did I started sort of looking up to her. By now I've learned a lot from her, but, there's always more.

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If so, not deliberately.

Although I'll tell you what, we do live across from some kind of crone... She literally called the city on us and had us fined for like a thousand dollars because our grass was too high............. she snuck into her neighbors house and hid chocolate in places so that they would get an ant problem. like??????

The heck??

Like who even does that over something as petty as lawn maintenance??

I hope she was caught sneaking into her neighbors' houses, so she could be charged. Make her pay for all the pest control bills, too.

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So I thought of another question.

Where did you get the pokemon sprites from? Obviously you made the Gen 6 in-house, but what about Gen 1-5?

Also, why are your sprites in 32-bit color mode instead of 8-bit? It cuts the size in half from what I've seen, with no noticeable difference.

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That Titania thing was insightful.

This also confirms that Ame is a ditto(hence her love of purpleand Crystal, as ditto's sprite was purple in Crystal!) and used Imposter during the league days to pose as gym leaders.

and lol at the old lady. Must be like one of those stereotypical mean old ladies who make a fuss over anything to keep themselves happy. Though wait, the city seriously fined you guys over that? That's incredibly stupid.

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