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Everything posted by ArcBolt27

  1. nice work so far......... excited to see more in the future
  2. i called it............... people still fail to realize they should NOT be posting bugs here but should be posting them on the rejuv club page............... seriously people i hate to sound like a stickler for this kind of thing but those pages exist for a reason
  3. that and possible key story happenings that u personally find interesting
  4. ^this................ shame people dont get that by now............. sure the update is still very young but you would think even with that in mind people would understand but alas
  5. an interesting idea, and if you were to d it arc based then maybe add a few pics at the start of each new arc as a sort of recap of the previous arc's events and a few at the end of each arc to summarize key events u may find important.............. or at the least a screenshot after each arc that gives a possible progress update on how many fallen pokemon there may or may not be
  6. no lie more likely than not people will still post bug/error reports here after seeing messages like this and then subsequently knowing they shouldnt.............. people are like that anymore -_- that or create topics for their own personal bugs here, get told this very same thing and still proceed to do it anyways............ reminds me of an old saying i learned from MMOs that could sorta be applied here: you can heal injuries, but you just cant heal stupid
  7. dot believe so, probs not until v12 comes out but i wont even try to tread those waters yet
  8. ill say this so the jan nor the other big time rejuv regulars have to but most likely will anyways.............. DONT POST BUG REPORTS HERE, for now if you have any bugs/crash errors to report, go over to the rejuvenation club and post them there
  9. ArcBolt27

    v11 lore

    not entirely sure but i do believe dealing with the dimensional gyarados with incognito crowly before getting sent to blacksteeple will have a positive impact as noted by the dialogue she uses f such a thing as been done............... an interesting idea i actually literally just thought about is maybe implimenting a system for v12 much akin to the system used in pokemon desolation where dialogue will change color depending on relationship increases/decreases with certain people (it was green for increases and red for decreases and who were affected were noted in the dialogue accordingly)................. just an idea but i do think it would greatly help those who are trying to get x person to hate them while still making sure y person is still their best friend
  10. was just looking thru all the currently available forms and their respective pokedex entries............... the infernape change just SCREAMS goku from dragon ball, especially the pokedex entry, heck slow start kinda fits too considering the pokedex entry................ im guessing that was intentional? nicely done regardless, and im guessing the color rework is to tie in to the whole "super saiyan" part of it (the yellow-ish palette with the flames and such)
  11. to the rejuv club with ye............... all that stuff is being handled over on that page............ figured i'd redirect ya there before someone else does
  12. there's no point in trying anymore.............. wait for the pack to be updated for v11 before attempting......... if it wasnt obvious enugh, the v10 modpack is incompatible with v11.......... yet oddly enough the sharedPC mod still seems to function normally but none of the others do which is understandable.................... as for when the pack will be updated, your guess is as good as mine
  13. only reason why anyone would be stuck in the void room is if they saved in there, otherwise they could just reset and not go in there >.> and quite frankly who in there right noggins would save in a void room where any form of mobility is impossible (no offense intended btw)
  14. i can confirm both as a thing myself, kinda gamebreaking tbh and im not lying when i say im gonna make the most of it while it lasts XD
  15. gonna say it here since v11 dont have its own bug report thread yet.................. leftovers is a little busted in v11, for some reason its healing twice instead of its intended healing............ not sure if its a bug or not tho bug again since v11 dont have its own bug report thread i figured i'd mention it here............. note black sludge does not have the same "issue" of double healing that leftovers does
  16. *provides 2 spools of military grade rope and 2 rings of industrial quality duct tape (dont ask why i carry those :P)* i could also see if i could acquire the assistance of mosely's pangoro to guard the exits if that would help any XD
  17. jan.exe has stopped working, please restart your human and try again
  18. wouldnt mind v11 as a christmas present thats for sure *hint hint*
  19. Pre battle dialog: Hey there! i've been aching for a good battle, are you up for it? Battle Format: Singles Field Effect: None PkMnTRAINER_Female Sera 6,FULLRESTORE,FULLRESTORE MUK,95,BLACKSLUDGE,POISONJAB,KNOCKOFF,FIREPUNCH,CRUNCH,1,M,1,False,ADAMANT,31,70,Slop,false...,4,252,0,252,0,0 GOLURK,95,ASSAULTVEST,DRAINPUNCH,EARTHQUAKE,ICEPUNCH,SHADOWPUNCH,1,0,0,True,ADAMANT,31,70,Titan,false...,4,252,252,0,0,0 MAWILE,95,EXPERTBELT,PLAYROUGH,SUCKERPUNCH,KNOCKOFF,CRUNCH,2,F,0,False,JOLLY,31,70,Mama;-;,false...,4,252,0,252,0,0 VIKAVOLT,95,CHOICESPECS,THUNDERBOLT,FLASHCANNON,BUGBUZZ,AIRSLASH,1,F,0,True,MODEST,31,70,Sparkplug,false...,4,0,0,252,252,0 ALAKAZAM,95,LIFEORB,SHADOWBALL,PSYSHOCK,FOCUSBLAST,DAZZLINGGLEAM,3,M,0,False,MODEST,31,70,Medivh,false...,4,0,0,252,252,0 ROTOM,95,LEFTOVERS,THUNDERWAVE,HEX,DISCHARGE,LEAFSTORM,1,0,5,True,TIMID,31,70,Budget,false...,4,0,0,252,252,0 Trainer Defeat Quote:That was a solid match! It seems i still have much to learn.
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