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Everything posted by ArcBolt27

  1. as there are a few real time based events in full moon if you dont really want to wait you can always set your computer's internal clock to that general timeframe and wait until after said event is done with to revert it........ saves time for those who may not like waiting hours upon hours just to be able to progress......... not that its necessarily a bad mechanic per se but its more niche imo than anyting
  2. cuz seanis secretly plotting something behind our backs and dont want us to know until the very last possible second............. thats just how sean is and i wouldnt have it any other way jk but in all seriousness, i havent the foggiest of ideas and am quite curious about that myself
  3. wish i could help but alas thats one megastone i never found............ not entire sure if it even is available or not but seeing as its counterparts the blazikenite and swampertite are available it wouldnt make much sense imo if the sceptilite werent also available so i probably just overlooked it in my playthrus
  4. which is understandable giving stealing from the kecleon shops in the mystery dungeons is pretty much asking for a fast trip to the main menu screen
  5. 2 words: sucker punch.............. its not worth it and considering its classified as a trainer battle u wont be able to run
  6. true.. it is modeled after the mystery dungeon games after all
  7. 2 ways to solve that quest: either pay 50k up front or try to steal it and risk facing a lvl 100 kecleon
  8. u could always just finish v10 then take the GDC warp while its still a thing and finsih them afterwards if that suits ur fancy tho there might be some possible missable dialogues in various areas or other things of that sort if u do such as a specific help center quest chain granting bonus dialogue in GDC if u completed it in full (wont say which for those who may lurk but never did the quest or dont know the dialogue in particular)
  9. at the very least ull probably have to be in GDC (most likely the pokemon center would be the best bet) seeing as the teleporters that carry u between the mainland and GDC are going away in v11
  10. hmmmmmmmm i coulda sworn i found a second one........... dont remember where i did if i did tho
  11. well its probably rather obvious that it would happen anyways but im fine pokemon-wise for the most part save for a couple minor additions i can deal without.......... i'd moreso prefer some of the unavailable TMs to become available as some of my pokemon dont really have that much viability for how i want them due to not having key moves which for some reason are only learnable via TM
  12. its like that in the real games if im not mistaken tho some fan games might change this but just know that its not a bug........ tho the creator might have intended to let us swap abilities with the capsules but im not 100% sure....... so for now take it as it not being a bug unless the creator says otherwise
  13. all is well tho, when beta-chan turns 100 she will pass on and will be in our loving arms
  14. why do i get the feeling this is hinting at something
  15. inb4 we get thrown a curve ball from left field courtesy of sean's i hate melia express and the locke continues............... for all we know it could when we least expect it....... ive been surprised by stranger things so who knows
  16. here's to hoping a 3rd season if sean somehow miraculously manages to come out of his lava bath unscathed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but that couldnt POSSIBLY happen now could it? NAH that'd be WAY too convenient
  17. could very likely be possible..... ill know for 100% certainty later on as im going thru rejuv for the 5th time.... will respond accordingly when i do get there
  18. plus iirc when we went and "tampered" with the past didnt we meet souta but under a different name? or am i just pullin that outta my bum
  19. would make sense seeing as they brought ren over to "the dark side"......... inb4 ren gets a sith-esque makeover and gains lightning based magical powers................... considering what melia is capable of and who knows what MC is fully capable of i daresay something like that happening to ren isnt as farfetched as some may think
  20. moreso on the latter for me...... honestly i can kinda expect crescent to be neved's daughter but i'd be more shocked if she was our mother this whole time and we didnt know it..... plus a lot of theories from past versions could potentially make it seem all the more valid
  21. i'd personally like to see neved again just to get him back in spades for imprisoning me in blacksteeple for that little time i was there...... plus he was the catalyst of my mama's death (the cause obviously was madame x)
  22. z-rings enabled mega evolution in sun/moon/ultra sun/ultra moon too
  23. exactly and the the means of fixing it not being available til a later version meaning we have to lug it around in our inventory til the means to fix it becomes available..... tbh that honestly doesnt sound like all that bad of an idea if i do say so myself, especially considering how many badges we still have yet to obtain and all
  24. im probably getting my hopes up but if beta testing is going this smoothly we might have v11 within our hands within the next week or so
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