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Everything posted by wcv

  1. Ah, I had actually typed up that response several hours ago and forgot to hit post, then came back to the computer to find the window still open. So when I initially typed he had not.
  2. Episode 19 needs to wrap up every loose end, including Saphira’s gym, the Team Meteor plot, the Elite 4 & Champion, and the ENTIRE post-game. 4-5 months is incredibly optimistic IMO.
  3. wcv

    Beat Terra

    One thing to note is her Pokemon gaining ? Type is a seed effect. If you force them out they will reenter with proper types.
  4. Ah okay, nevermind then. I thought you might be looking for Pokedex completion.
  5. Bad example. Charlotte would teach the exact opposite.
  6. Where are you in the game? For Deino: For Larvesta
  7. If you aren’t paying attention there can be a lot of backtracking.
  8. Sometimes little girls wander too far past the forest’s edge and are swallowed up by any number of enchantments beyond.
  9. Look up the move Flying Press, which is from the canon games and is both fighting and flying type.
  10. wcv


    Budew is the most aptly named Pokemon in existence. You see its bud, and then say "ew".
  11. While there is plenty of luck there's enough probability built into the first 4 levels that luck necessary can be minimized with a bit of basic math.
  12. Them: Fire's a shitty type. Me: Oh Charlotte's going to Charlotte all over you.
  13. There will be a path that leads leftward IIRC, and that will take you out of the building.
  14. Yep. Easiest way is just take the first square and rotate it 90 degrees.
  15. According to in-game legends Giratina is somewhere in the south. It turned the whole region topsy turvy at some point in the past before settling down somewhere and vanishing.
  16. Grab the ice stone in Ametrine Mountain to evolve Vulpix into Ninetails to start off. Solaris’s team does poorly against Ice types. You could also probably grab Sneasel from the mountain as well. What else do you have available. Just relying on Blazikem will not work.
  17. I'm with the people who use a mod to not have to use HM slaves,
  18. Okay, go into the save file folder for Pokemon reborn. There will an item called "Game", this is the file that the game reads whenever it goes to load up a save. If you have backups there will be other files in there as well. These will have your character's name, badge number, playtime, etc. If one of these matches your old character than all you have to do is rename that file "Game" and you can continue playing the old one. Note that there are a limited number of backups, so if you want two different save files you will need to store your other game's file in another location so it can't be automatically deleted when you hit the max number of backups. And what do you mean that your rejuvenation file refuses to be recognized?
  19. wcv

    My pokedex full

    Scyther has an extremely low encounter rate, specifically 1%. I'm unsure about Fletchling. I've found it before, but haven't been back there without repels in ages.
  20. Replace your save file with this one: Game.rxdata
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