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Everything posted by wcv

  1. I believe the rules say we're not supposed to give instructions on how to use debug mode. Either reset discs which you can buy with shards, or with ev reducing berries which can bought in the Department Store.
  2. Do the Mulch quest in Obsidia Ward after facing Ciel.
  3. You can buy the Power Items in the Department Store, which give something like ten EVs in the chosen stat after every battle. Since most Pokemon can give up to 3 when you beat them this is a massive boost in quickly EV training Pokemon.
  4. wcv


    What do you mean?
  5. There's a thread here with the solution: I had to look it up because I am utterly tone-deaf.
  6. There is, and I'm trying to find it again, but don't remember where I got it. Edit: nvm, posted above.
  7. *shrug* I've never found Shade to be particularly difficult. I know that my experience isn't everyone but he/she's definitely not one of the most difficult IMO. And on the matter of updating, I agree with Commander above. The Penta-Op is ultimately about them having a great experience with the core Reborn game. That both helps them get engaged viewers and earn money, but also helps the game itself by hopefully getting viewers interested in the game, and hopefully involved as well. Its win-win. To that end they should use the most complete and polished version available. The community release is community only for a reason. There's bugs that come up in the community release that wouldn't appear in beta due to the larger number of people playing and testing. There are crashes, minor error, and etc. that will come up (just look at the reports already). Having them try to play what is effectively an unfinished episode is the wrong move IMO. So the Penta-OP shouldn't update before Public Release IMO.
  8. I still say Serra's the most likely wall from here on, and I don't think she'll do it. Charlotte is more likely, and even then they should have the resources to recover by that point.
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