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Celestial Fire

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Celestial Fire last won the day on August 16 2018

Celestial Fire had the most liked content!


19 Fledgling

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  1. I played E18 with the zekrom path can someone tell what happens in reshiram path.
  2. Welcome to the forums! hope you enjoy your time in Reborn
  3. Thanks for the helpful feedback and also this was made awhile back when it was kind of new. I fixed some of the problems
  4. are you talking about aelita your rival and the person from sheridan village give this a heart if thats the person your talking about.
  5. I'm confused what are you talking about
  6. I forgot about that, I edited it. I apologize and when I meant the story is bad I meant the choices that create different paths. Anyone I deleted that part so it didn't confuse some people.
  7. I don't know maybe we should ask mods.
  8. I tried to battle last night and it didn't not work so i'm wondering if trades still work.
  9. I hope for future updates too.

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