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Status Updates posted by andracass

  1. this is the best profile picture

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wolfox



      Then I guess I should say Cinder did indeed fall



    3. andracass




  2. i hit 1000 posts

    that's so much posts

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Hmmm nice nice~ ❤️ It's always times like these l look at mine and remember l've been here fooooorever.

      To 1000 more! ❤️

    3. Dreamy


      also I just checked mine because of this and wow nearly 2k, I don't even feel like I'm that active

    4. andracass


      we're all just very loud people

  3. i've posted this in a few other places, so i'm also going to post it here because i can't shut up about zeroranger


    breath of the wild
    hollow knight
    persona 5
    mass effect 3
    Portal 2



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. andracass


      i'm also noticing that i played most of these in the last year- p5, fe3h, zer, hollow knight, botw (kinda), celeste, horizon...

      oh by the way i'm kicking off ftl in favor of horizon

    3. Dreamy


      I wonder what my actual top 10 would be; picking favourites is too hard...  


      OneShot/Rakuen and maybe To the Moon / Finding Paradise would be in there though

    4. andracass



      more people need to appreciate oneshot


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. andracass


      also me neither

    3. Dreamy


      Maybe you made it and then erased your own memory of making it so that you could play it as a regular player but then you also erased your memory of the fact that you erased your memory, and how to get your memories back

    4. andracass


      honestly i think that's just the best explanation

  5. takumi is the worst boy.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. andracass


      sorry, i can't hear you over the sound of him shooting Elise

    3. Zumi


      cant hear u over the sound of him being one of the rare actually compelling and deep characters in the game

    4. Amethyst


      the only thing he compels me to do is facepalm

  6. The mafia club was actually the drama club the whole time.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. L'Belle


      such is life

    3. Candy


      No wonder our hashtag-the-feels equivalent hasn't seen real use since January 😂

    4. andracass


      tbf ever since jasper showed up......

      he's basically just eaten the channel

  7. i murdered the GRE today and I'm so fucking tired that I couldn't remember what key opened my house and i'm really slap happy and probably going to pass out the moment I post this

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BRS swag

      BRS swag

      Oh. That's nice to hear. I've been pondering myself about it. Which country are you from?

    3. Dreamy


      Apparently GRE is some kind of big test, so grats to cass! I've just come out of a set of exams myself, so I can kinda sympathize.  


      Now sleeeeeeeep

      and prepare for the even more painful testing that is e19

    4. andracass


      don't know what GRE stands for it but it probably deserved it

      it's just a standardized test for getting into grad school.


      > Which country are you from?



      and prepare for the even more painful testing that is e19






  8. three houses is probably one of my favorite games ever

    and i'm still only halfway through my first playthrough

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. andracass


      it's so fucking good

      like, first they just kinda took all the best mechanics from all the FE games and kinda squished them together and it's easily the best FE game with regards to the actual gameplay
      but there's just so much good

      the soundtrack is incredible

      the characters have a lot of depth to them

      they got rid of all the stupid shit from the older games (hhhhh babyrealms)

      like i'm willing to put it in my top 5 games right now

    3. Gentleman Jaggi

      Gentleman Jaggi

      I felt pretty ambivalent about the game before release but I got quite; split routes had been done twice before in the series and neither one made me feel particularly hopeful about it this time. I'm not even halfway through by now but I already see myself replaying the game to get the other routes; it feels like this game does a lot of things specifically to fix complains people had about Fates.


      Only thing I feel they kinda dropped the ball on are the classes; the highest tier classes have a lot of awkward requirements or abrupt end points. Also gender-locked classes just should not exist anymore.

    4. Godot


      One of the battle themes crack me up because it sounds like the chorus to an old Disturbed song, and I can never unhear it when it plays.

  9.  i, for one, am proud of how far we've come

    join us


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dreamy


      i will not submit

    3. Zumi


      one of us, one of us

    4. Mimikyu


      OnE oF uS
      oNe Of Us
      OnE oF uS

  10. i wrote 1100 words describing the final boss sequence of kirby: planet robobot.


    (it uses discord text formatting so just, like, do the italicizing in your head or smth)


    ok so im playing this game, right
    it's, y'know the kirbo game, right
    so i'm on the last level and i'm fighting the boss. and i'm all like "ok really you're the final boss" and also like "you can't be the final boss you don't even have _the music_" but i'm fighting the boss and i beat him and the person who made the boss was like "shit i gotta get **personal** with you but then another guy is like "gtfo person who made the boss" and she's all like "but" and he's all like "no you gotta go because imma gonna be the second boss" and everyone's like "oh ok we totally saw this coming since the boss (now known as "the first boss") was super underwhelming 
    so the second boss goes into evil monologue mode and is like "see this thing? this thing is the third boss and i gotta beat you because it says so" and everyone's like "wait but that means you're gonna di-" and then the game is like *boss music plays so you're fighting the second boss who shoots out replicas of the person who made the first boss and spins around and shit
    then you beat the second boss and the second boss is like "mwah ha ha you'll never be able to beat me when i take control of the third boss!" and he puts on a helmet that lets him control the third boss but then the person who made the first boss is like "no ur a BICH" and knock the second boss right in the face and grabs the thing that controls the third boss 
    the person who made the first boss is then all like "i don't even _like_ you i just wanted your _stuff_ [third boss]" but then third boss starts freaking out and zaps the controller out from the person who made the first boss. the third boss then takes control of the second boss and is like "yo capitalism _rox_ and imma destroy all organic beings kbai" and then zoops off into space so then the person who made the first boss is all like "FUCK that wasn't supposed to happen i just wanted to punch the second boss in the face and then steal the third boss _is that too much to ask_ so then she's like "ok kirbo you gotta go to space. take this robosuit and go to space." (which makes the space core immensely jealous) kirbo is all like "poyo!" and hops into the robosuit. he walks toward the window and then the guy the first boss was based on shows up right outside this bigass window on his entire fuckin battleship (cuz he saw the third boss or something and was like "oh shit"??? idk but he's there now) and he just sorta nods to kirbo
    kirbo now understands what he must do so with the robosuit and the person who made the first boss's blessing so he jumps out the window and then the robosuit just eats up the bigass battleship and i'm like "wait what the fuck are you doing you can't just _do_ that that has to be against the rules or something no really what the fuck" and so kirbo, now the entire fucking battleship piloted by the guy the first boss was based on, zoops off into space after the third boss while the person who made the first boss waves from the room that the first and second bosses were fought in. 
    kirbo flies into space as the battleship _and then the music starts playing_ (so im all like "ok this is it this is the real game") so you have this big spacefight where the third boss is shooting giant lasers and meteors at you and really just doing an all-around great impression of the Area 6 boss from star fox 64
    but then after you beat the third boss, it's all like "oh you thought _that_ was a good impression of the Area 6 boss from star fox 64?? wait until you see THIS" and then the third boss fuses with room that the first and second bosses were fought in to become the fourth boss who is now basically literally the Area 6 boss from star fox 64 complete with giant sphere, tentacles, and lasers who you then continue to fight in space as the entire fuckin battleship brought in by the guy the first boss was based on (we still don't know where he went)- all of which is accompanied by considerably worse music than the third boss
    eventually you finish blowing all the casing off the fourth boss it becomes the fifth boss who is then revealed to be the semifinal boss from the fifth stage of kirby super star who is also now doing its best impression of other various star fox entities such as monching your ship and flinging various objects that have no business being projectiles at you. other notable qualities include much better music and being a complete pushover.
    after you blow up the fifth boss, a big flashy explody ending sequence starts. except it was all a lie: the fifth boss (who is now the sixth boss??) shoots a cannon straight through the battleship causing critical damage. the guy the first boss was based on (who is apparently both alive _and_ well _**and**_ aboard the ship that you not only pilot but also literally are) uses his sword to activate an emergency ejection system that ejects the front of the ship that _used_ to literally be you but is no longer because the entity known as "you" was just forcibly ejected from the ship and is now simply kirbo in a robosuit who is now rocketing toward the sixth boss (who is the fifth boss created by the casing blown off the fourth boss who, itself, is the fusion of the third boss and the room that the first and second boss were fought in). kirbo does some fancy robo tricks and basically drills a hole straight through the sixth boss who then violently explodes in a fashion that makes you go "okay, there's _no_ way he's getting back from that." but you're still sitting and waiting for the end credits _just_ in case.
    but then you sit and watch the end credits and get hit with a "the end?" after they're over because FUCK you this ride is NEVER over


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dreamy


      I support this game. especially the part where kirby goes poyo

    3. CURIE


      You're gonna have to make a revised version of this after beating the True Arena, that's all I'll say

    4. Mimikyu
  11. i spent three hours on this and dammit imma post it

    hi i am andracass and welcome to my giant list of FE hottakes! you can go here: https://fesorter.tumblr.com/ and literally sort every single character from all the FE games you've played! it's kinda terrible and the results end up being a giant mess!

    also here's mine.










    editor's notes:

    the list is definitely most accurate near the top 25 or so. everything after that is, effectively, a numbered tier list.

    cyril should be at the bottom. everything after that is either a.) a misclick error; b.) a character i don't remember or haven't met; c.) oliver, who is so awful he does not deserve a number and should be sent to the shadow realm.

    if anyone was just incredibly cheated by this list, it's ephraim, who really should be up by dimitri.

    i will freely admit that lucia got 14th because she is very pretty.

    the honor of best boy has been granted to claude.

    if there's anyone who was just incredibly cheated by this list, it is definitely byleth. the last time i did this, m and f byleth were separated, and i haven't played as m, so m!byleth ended up near the bottom. byleth is tied with azura.

    1. SilverAngelus


      Three hours for this long list o_o

      Give yourself pats on the back, you deserve it~ 

      I'm not too familiar with FE, tbh, but I do like Edelgard, so excellent choice 👍

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      what happened to dorcas :[

    3. andracass
  12. if you ever want to hide something

    just put it right under a cat

    no one will ever notice.

    1. Dreamy


      I require a cat to put on top of myself now

    2. laggless01


      ^ The internet has ruined that sentence

  13. happy birthday ame!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    1. Amethyst


      thanks hon........................... love you too.......

    2. inktalegaster
  14. so i finished white path in three houses

    this game is incredible

    if you aren't playing it what are you doing

    1. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      Crying about how the Wii didn't get the game? 


      I'm watching other people play the game on YouTube. Definitely a slower experience, but it does give the guys more time to potentially think things through between battles, so hopefully there's a little less stupidity going on that there would be if I were playing it myself!

    2. andracass



      it's worth going just for the music

  15. finished two routes of FE3H with 100 hours clocked in.

    here's to 100 hours more.

  16. happy 26th birthday jan!!! gosh i can't believe how old you've gotten

    1. Jan
    2. andracass


      42 years young, as they say!

  17. ooh me me i wanna test

    1. Dreamy


      lets see if replies set it off too

    2. Dreamy


      guess not.

      (ily cass)

  18. hi i just wanted to say that i like your signature

    ok have a good day

    1. AZzy


      Thank you! Have a nice day as well~~

  19. always remember proper oarenting technique when you're out rowing!

    1. inktalegaster


      rowing is hard when u making some real nautical miles

  20. i missed FE3H too much so now I'm playing blue route

    1. Wolfox


      Roar with us Cass! Roar the Roar of LIFE!

  21. is there an unwritten rule somewhere that requires all gaming laptops to look awful

    1. Dreamy


      All of the marketing/design around any kind of "gaming" piece of equipment is just horrible.

  22. i think my homework routine is now just me listening to Tempest of Seasons super loud while...doing whatever it is i have to do

    1. SilverAngelus


      I think I'll try this for next time

  23. i, for one, am proud of what we've accomplished today.


    now i can die happy.

    1. Dreamy


      proud of you two but plz no die.

      u still gotta pay me for aipdate

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