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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Everything posted by Zumi

  1. jesus CHRIST this is probably the longest one yet, but probably also the second to last one before the thread closes. I tried to answer pretty much all of the ones that came after my last answer post, so strap in and get ready for a long read!
  2. image.png.b6724e145711369a5dbfbe0680d0681a.png

    1. Lord Drakyle

      Lord Drakyle

      Zoom Zoomy Zumiii! i'd ask for the context but i think that the image posted is your ahead of time answer to any questions that can take a Yes or No response XD

  3. This thread will be closing tomorrow, so if you still have any inquiries left, better post them before the thread locks!
  4. zumi off the shits

    1. NullCat



      How was it?


  5. i will punch a doorframe and no one can stop me

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Alisae


      the window will stop you

    3. Zumi


      bold of you to assume my door has a window

    4. Alisae


      as long as you are stopped from punching, there can be a window on your door

  6. Can you please quit worrying about whether there's romance in the game or not? Like legit, at this point this song and dance is getting genuinely old and it's becoming increasingly tiresome to continuously have to debunk these assumptions. The reason you're not getting romance routes is because Jan doesn't feel comfortable writing them as he doesn't like harem-y game types and mechanics. I've said it before -- Rejuvenation is not a dating sim and never was gonna be one, so please stop assuming that it was. That's literally all there is to it, nothing more. (btw the Ren/Aelita speculation is fine, but this doesn't necessarily mean that based on their interactions there's romantic tension between the two, keep this in mind)
  7. back at it again at krispy kreme, lesgooooo By the way, as a little heads up, please understand we will not be able to answer 99% of your questions about future content, as we don't want to accidentally spoil anyone. Please keep this in mind before asking your questions as we'd rather not continuously have to tell you that we can't say!
  8. Hey guys, a little reminder to not use this thread for inquiries about the game a la bug reports and save file issues! This is moreso to ask about the development/story of the game or personal questions specifically for the devs.
  9. as per usual can't answer all of them, but here's a good chunk of your questions answered again!
  10. maxresdefault.jpg

    1. Chrixai
    2. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      ...Are ya tryna say "look at this clown"? 🤔

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      i thought i fuckin told my coworkers not to fuckin post this on the internet

  11. can't answer all of the questions above, but i will answer a couple that i can! late response but V12 is probably my favourite so far, though this also has to do with V12 having been an absolute blast to work on. there's a lot of stuff in this episode that i genuinely enjoyed making and playing, so that's probably why! 1) Mine's Ampharos, followed by Darmanitan! 2) Most of them if not all will be unavailable until post-game. 3) Who knows? :^)
  12. the fact that you feel like you're entitled to date a fictional character says more about you than us not adding that feature in the game..... it's not a dating sim. it never was gonna be a dating sim. idk why you're going into a pokemon game expecting it to be a dating sim when it's not even part of the maingame series. the characters do not exist for the sole purpose of thirsting over. like jan already said in his post, just because a character is nice to you does not mean they're attracted to you, because yknow, friends exist! relationships are not inherently romantic and can be platonic too.
  13. ive been posting nearly every day here but im in a MOOD anyways here's a ryland doodle. i really like him
  14. the ride never ends, my friend. the next version is already being worked on, we just take a little time before posting the new status thread. lots of it is preproduction and preparation anyways lmao I'm kinda guessing it's little nuances in how the characters move and behave. In text it's easy to describe facial expressions and changes in tone of voice etc, but the game's limitations with sprites make this a lot harder. Tho, Jan has been trying to give expressions to characters even with the limitations, which gives a little bit more personality to the characters, so it's being tried to work around this limitation ofc! wh... and why exactly would you want this LOL the mystery gift feature is available in essentials, but i think this kinda depends on whether online play is added or not. that, or a small data patch that lets you download a certain mystery gift mon, but that's for way later in development, maybe V16 stuff I'm guessing. As for greninja, still can't say anything about that dude. For now, don't get your hopes up for ash greninja being added in :V
  15. Commander, do you mind not answering these questions yourself? The devs are supposed to answer these questions, not you.
  16. part 2 because i have no self control. minor spoiler warning i guess
  17. alright hi i woke up so now i can get cracking at some of your questions! i can't answer them all, but i'll try to get a good chunk out of the way. sorry if i skipped your question bc that means someone else might be better off answering those for you! It's a long ass post so I'm putting it in a spoiler, but have a good read!
  18. also in the case i win another day i'd like to take this moment to say thank u for 69 days won. i'm an adult

  19. Actually had to answer this question earlier elsewhere! But to post it here as well, there's no set age for the protagonists as we'd like for players to fill in these gaps themselves -- however, they're designed with the idea of them being all around roughly 18 years old. As for the amount of endings/routes I don't think we can give out details about that, sorry! unless jan decides otherwise
  20. To answer the question leaning towards me (heh) I studied animation for a good amount of time at school! It doesn't take too much time to animate them as a result, as most of the stuff I've learned at school in regards to movement/timing is stuff I can apply to both regular animation and sprite animation. The principles you have to follow in animation are applicable regardless of medium, after all! As for spriting, it is a skill I've built up over the years as I've been working on Rejuv since pretty much the beginning of the journey. It's something that I've learned over time. Combine that with that I also do regular art outside of Rejuv, so it's kinda just the combination of a couple different skills I've honed! It's a lot of practice, practice and even more practice, but it's something I enjoy doing, which is why I put so much effort into these things. You learn more when you have fun, after all!
  21. looking at ppl's reactions to the Big Whammys(TM) of the episodes.
  22. It's a hobby for pretty much all of us! Of course, Jan still puts in most of the time out of all of us (to the point i feel like he does rejuv more than other stuff smh) but most of us do it next to other work we have. Personally I do work when there's a need for it, usually after work I actually need to do at that time i.e. commissions or other stuff like that. It takes more priority the closer to a release we are and sometimes it takes a little bit of time to get started (tho for v12 i got started and then didn't stop for 3 weeks), though I can't speak for the others how they treat the project -- so maybe others will be able to give you insight on how they deal with it!
  23. Mega ring will act both as the z-ring and the mega ring, and you'll receive it from the story, not a sidequest. 1) Yes! And no :^) 2) Can't say!
  24. So... Lately we've been receiving a lot of questions in regards to the game -- more specifically about the story. We would like to clear a couple of these doubts or questions up, so this thread will remain open for a week to ask about anything in regards to Rejuvenation! This could be about the storyline, but also about the background or behind-the-scenes stuff in regards to the creation or writing of the story. Or, you could just ask the dev team how they've been experiencing development so far! The thread is meant less for the technical aspect of the development -- but if you're curious, you can still ask questions about it. Answers will mostly be provided by @Jan and me, but it's possible that other dev members like Azery (change ur name binch!!! i cAN'T @ U), @Winter or @Alex chime in from time to time as well if they're able to answer the questions better than others can! Hopefully we'll be able to clear up any doubts or questions you might still have. We'd like you to stay courteous however -- any crude questions (i.e. "can you kill off this character bc they suck") will be ignored and removed. Aaaand of course we won't be able to give clear answers about most unreleased content, though that should speak for itself. Before you post in this thread, we'd like to answer three of the most prominent questions that have been asked lately. We'd like you to read these thoroughly before posting! If these questions are repeated in the thread, they will be deleted as well. ================== You're finally going to get one in V13! No. There have never been plans for romance routes, or a set romance at all. The MC is not going to end up dating someone whatsoever -- And the relationship points you gain from hanging out with characters are not used for romantic intentions, but rather will affect how future events might play out later in the game. Right now there's no direct notable consequences, but they will affect future events, so they are still important. No. Melia has no romantic feelings towards the player. Instead, Melia is in love with Venam and vice versa -- They simply haven't outright confessed to each other yet. There's been multiple hints towards this and proper buildup as well, but Venam and Melia definitely are attracted to each other in the romantic sense -- not in just the platonic sense. ================== If you've got all that, go ham! We'll be happy to answer your questions! The thread will be open for a week, after that it'll close. A new thread might be made after V13, but that's still up in the air so we'll see around the time that's out. Still gonna take a while unfort Have fun!
  25. It's allowed! If it's hosted on an external site, link to it -- if it's an oneshot, you can put it in a spoiler.
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