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[Valentine's Day Celebration] Love at First Lie: A Chronicles Sidestory

Daniel Blackworth

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@Alistair as far as I know we dont know the effects of the chocolate and as I see it it may have bad effects, giving them to drak may or may not give us info about 1 the effect of the chocolate 2 about the sender of the chocolate


and I gave some to him too (I was the first to give chocolate)



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> get bandwagoned D1/D2 in other 4 games

> roleclaim D1 to not get bandwagoned

> get bandwagoned anyway

> Bandwagon on Newt count: 5

> Times Newt was mafia: 0

> profit

Things are getting personal huh


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Whatever. I was not going to take any sides in this game. And you say as I am a threat to you. But as I said, I don't care. I can still win if I'm dead, so this is probably the most stupid bandwagon I've seen. You guys won't change anything in the game, you will just waste a lynch. Go ahead. You guys are digging your own graves.

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@Eviora Oh, I'm not counting that one :P don't worry




OOC: Btw guys, I think we are getting a bit too far. This is just a game and we don't need to be aggressive to each other and we don't need to take anything what happens here personally. We are here to have fun, please remember that.

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Newt I voted you to make you reveal what you claimed to know. You said you wouldn't take any side in this game, yet you teased us saying you noticed something about the message. Don't complain that you always get lynched: if you don't take any side, if you don't help anyone, no one will defend you. Considering that at the moment I don't suspect anyone, lynching you is the same as wasting the lynch on Drakyle. If you start helping us I'll be glad to change my vote.

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I'm with Anti. There's no reason to kill off a harmless TP when we have a much better chance at randomly lynching a Mafia. But we don't have to be random at all, we can weed out the scum through their actions.


It sounds like Chocolates have positive effects based on alignment. If simple enough, I believe this means that if a Town gives one to another Town, then it will be good. But if a Mafia gives one to a Town, it will be bad. Etc.


If that is indeed the case, let's use this as a scum test.


[Friendship Chocolate] Alisae


Shouldn't be a problem since we're both Townies, right? If you suspect me for being a Mafia, you can just refuse, then I'll suggest @Lord Drakyle to scum test this way, since he's a guaranteed Townie.


Lose-Lose if you're a Mafia, Win-Win if you're a Townie.

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@Corso I know nothing. That was just a bluff. 

@Castiel101 Alisae and Quinn are fighting, a bandwagon is forming on me and... a lot of pages 

@NickCrash I'm not seeing any love in this game. And it's a rule that no one is following:

"(10) Love the host and other players! Love and have fun!"

[Unvote] Newt


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Didn't feel like posting here again today but you guys made me smile. Thanks.

Thought about it more and I agree with Anti and Baz. There's too little benefit in lynching Newt. I just didn't know who else to vote and wanted this out of the way, but it's not a solution to help weed out scum. Sorry for bw on you Newt.


[Unvote] Newt


... That said I still don't know what to do. I have a bad feeling about all this Quinn vs Alisae turmoil and I doubt anything good will come out of it. Other than that, I'm kinda lost. Maintaining my chocolate to Corso because I townread him though. Also townreading Anti and Baz.

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why not use newt as a guinea pig? giving him chocolate, I am not sure that if a person gets more than one chocolate that he will know what is what

Also we dont know the kind of effect (it may kill not later)



I didnt saw corsos message till after I sended this 

@Corso what do you think?

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I agree with you Drakyle, it's just that it's not an easy task considering the people who aren't contributing also happen to be the ones who usually don't post much, for the most part, regardless of their alignment. Like Castiel, Paul, Seal, Amine...

Here's what I think for now. Corso, Candy, Baz and Anti all seem fairly genuine to me.

Newt is confirmed TP.

Drakyle is confirmed town.

I've already stated my opinion about Eviora, Alisae and Quinn.

I know I'm town.

That still leaves a good number of potential suspects. I'd say maybe I have a weird feeling about ECT, but what he's been doing is voting for Newt, and expressing uncertainty, which is exactly what I've done myself. I can't really suspect him without being a complete hypocrite.

@EndearingCharacterTrait you said you had some opinions earlier, but everyone seems to have ignored that. Could you just quickly tell us your reads?

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one final post for now too:


@Alisae A rule in every game we have had so far of mafia here and should still be present is to be respectful to the other players, it's one thing to accuse someone of being mafia or try to gather support for your claim on them but it's another with namecalling and remarks that cause someone distress, stress or generally upsets/angers them. If you don't believe someone keep it friendly and keep it polite when trying to point out your opinion.


@AlistairI don't want chocolates


and as for the rest of you, I am currently feeling the lesser productive or 'inputting' players so to speak is Anti_Hero and Amine, amine in particular said very little last I saw, just came in made a vote without much solid background reason to do so and left, of which his vote was placed on Bazaro who last I checked was trying to help identify the message sender which then conflicts with the idea of him just saying 'to the messenger: go screw yourself' which is frankly rather rude but still if he doesn't like the messenger why lynch vote someone trying to help us identify them?


@Amine Chankey3ft7 please explain your reasoning

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1 minute ago, Candy said:

@Lord Drakyle but... but chocolate made by me are guaranteed to taste good if yaw don't want mah choc I can eat it myself y'know~

And who dis hooman(s) who is "simply bandwagoning and saying stuff without information to provide"??

a whole mountain of posts to go through but so far I found anti_hero and amine both cast votes but haven't contributed much at all, in fact amine's vote makes no sense based on what they did say.

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