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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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Satomi's hour in the van had been for the most part a process of her continuing to go through her notebook fast, but this time around mostly because she was taking notes of the other members of the party. She also spent some time going through just the things she had already written and writing remarkably small little notes in the margins (with a brush, at that!).


When they actually got to the office proper, Satomi took note of the rather unhappy-looking woman. Satomi figured that she was probably unhappy because of the arrival of a bunch of thoroughly strange people, that was understandable, but for the most part what Satomi found notable was that this woman had quite a bit of weight to her. Clearly, this woman was quite wealthy if she were able to afford to be fat like this.

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Kusuke spends most of his time focusing on an oft-neglected portion of his drive; the fact that it also allowed movement in space. He subconsciously used it already, when choosing whether to let an object move along its prior (or future) path or pin it to its current location in space while he fiddled with its place in time, but separating the two manipulations was harder than it looked. The effort largely consisted of Kusuke staring intently at a blank spot on the wall or floor, flickering in and out of sight on occasion. His expression shifted from focus, to frustration, to a rather pleased one when he abruptly appeared exactly ten feet ahead of where he had been previously standing; shortly after this, the fat woman walked out.

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Frigus followed along behind the vans on his glider while making sure to keep low to a ground and keep an eye out for trouble.  Luckily however his vigilance was unnecessary as everyone made it there in relative safety. He allowed his armor to dissolve before entering the Protectorate building, revealing his face for the first time since before the battle.


Once he entered building and determined that at least this wasn't an overt trap and that they seemed good intentioned, he shifted his focus to (mentally)reciting spells he knew, breaking them down into simpler pieces that he can rearrange and work into new spells.  All the while trying not to think about the fact that this meeting was going to be a catastrophe.

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The ambassador felt strangely optimistic when he dramatically entered the PRT's headquarters, and he even found the time to make a flashy and presumably appropriate swish of his dark purple cloak. He thought about all of the ways that the meeting could go horribly wrong, and the many ways he could try to defuse the situation as he waited for further instructions. Jun stood to attention with an alarming speed when the woman called out to the group, and he would slowly approach her before he would offer her a handshake and say a friendly (Well as friendly as someone who sounds like General Grievous) "Hello, I am Ambassador Jun, and I like to think that I speak for the rest of the group when I say that we are only here to help and that it is a pleasure to meet you miss?".

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Calvera once again approached Satomi, to continue their prior conversation.

"Yes, I am a star, yes as in the ones in the night sky, inside of a human body. As to why or how... I am unsure. Surely something to do with our purpose in the multiverse."

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  The woman in question fails to shake Ambassador Jun's hand.  "Director Piggot." she says simply, before gesturing after her.  Following along, the party would eventually come to a room full of vaguely comfortable chairs, already seated are Armsmaster, and several unknown figures, a male in red Body armor, looking tired, but grinning widely, a woman in a bodysuit covered in a circuit pattern, who looks doubly tired next to him, A younger person in a dark red outfit, and a Video-screen, on which is a woman with very plain looking features.


At the back, a woman wearing fatigues and a USA-print bandanna stands simply.


  Piggot herself takes a seat in front of a stack of papers which is impressively high.  Slowly easing herself into position, she settles, before taking the stack and straightening it, slowly and meticulously.


"I'll admit, this is a bit out of left field.  Could you explain whether or not this is a prank?" she says.


When nobody answers, she continues, shortly after. "Because I'll be the first to admit my sense of humor is lacking, and that I honestly don't find it funny if it is."


"A group of around 10 Parahumans, powerful ones at that, appear out of nowhere in my city, oblivious enough to not know extremely basic information, but savvy enough to participate in a battle with lung, prevent massive collateral damage, and then aid in his capture and the evacuation normally reserved for exactly this type of situation."


"I'd really like for what you say next to convince me that a group with massive Master/Stranger backup hasn't been wandering the country, picking up drifters, and then blowing it all to target my city.  Because that's what these." she says, pointing at the stack of papers.


"Strongly imply."


If nothing else, the woman seems to be a genius at taking the best news and warping it to apocalyptic proportions.


The Red Armored guy has covered his mouth with a hand by this point, while the video-lady smiles encouragingly.




Everyone is in position, The doors have been barricaded without incident, and the druggies are nearly finished putting sacks to vans.


With a word, all hell is going to break loose.






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Harry had made a point of sitting himself next to Lilly when he entered the room, prepared to do what he could to distract her. So if she attempted to speak up while he was talking, he could reprimand her for interrupting. "Not a prank, Ms. Piggot," Harry stated calmly, as the woman completed her opening, before muttering, "except maybe on us."


"Can't speak for anyone but myself, but I'm not a parahuman. Dr. Harry Walters, pretty standard human, training in field surgery along with a few other fields. And, don't get me wrong, I'm just as afraid as you are when I don't have information, but, isn't this one of the better things that could happen if a group of nine supposed parahumans decide to show up to a party without an invitation?"


"In vague terms, I suppose, we're a group of interested individuals from a small recently established group. Came to Brockton Bay because we needed something, and couldn't really go elsewhere. You know how it is. However, we saw the possibility of collateral damage with Lung and decided that it would be immoral of us to let it pass if we had the ability to help. About our general organization? I suppose Jun could tell better than I. They're the head of PR right now, as much as that branch exists."

Edited by Strider
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If Proditor was capable of frowning, he would've. Two people were the true problems in there, Skidmark and Squealer. The others weren't so much of a problem, especially because they were not capable of harming him, since he was on top of the roof. Overall, his side had the advantage of surprise... They would have to just use it well. Which, coincidental, was Proditor's plan.


At will, Proditor's helmet opened further, allowing more of his psychic power as he begun his work. Down below, the merchants would suddenly find... Weird things happening. Specifically, every single truck door suddenly slamming shut, and one of the people carrying the drugs would suddenly find their minds being assaulted by another entity, one with a staggeringly large will. Specifically, Proditor invading his mind. If the man in question has his will dominated by the Ethereal, he would suddenly begin to destroy any drug nearby, including the one in his hand.


As Proditor did so, he sent out a message to Soma and Arminius, his voice suddenly entering their minds, with his usual, echoey sound, with one phrase for each.


"This is Proditor. I am disrupting the Merchants."

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The ambassador had quietly nodded along to everything that his newly met colleague was saying, while mentally replaying his interaction with the director. She hadn't shaken his hand; had he insulted her somehow, or was her petulance something he would need to consider in the future? As Harry continued, he began to shift his focus to determining what to say to put out the fire that had inexplicably started on a certain bridge before that bridge had even been built. Thus Jun was able to immediately pick up where Harry left off, saying, "You could call us that 'People's Assistance and Rescue Team, or PART for short. We're simply a small band of like minded people from diverse backgrounds with a wide array of skill sets who have dedicated ourselves to preventing the collateral damage that is caused in the battles between heroes and villains.".

The red dots on Jun's visor started to shift in color to a more friendly green as he continued. "While we do try our best to try and evacuate people and draw fights away from civilian populations whenever we can, our main goal is to try and help people to prepare for future disasters". His stance subtly shifted to become more relaxed and friendly as he said "Now for the most part we have agreed to try and pretend that we know as little about this town's political scene to remain a neutral party. And to that end some of us have chosen to avoid or forget that information entirely, as much as that is possible". He coughed once to try and get everyone's attention before he closed his speech with "We simply want to do our PART". 

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(15, 11) Piggot spends a long moment in silence.


"Fine.  I'm going to make you a very simple deal.  I'll pretend to believe you, even though none of it adds up, and you all register as Protectorate Affiliates."


"That means Power Testing, Paperwork, and a Heads-up if you decide to do something that flips the board of this city's carefully balanced situation again.  You want to help Brockton Bay? I'd like to keep it in one piece, and a bunch of ignorant parahumans running around without any supervision, oversight, or coordination with local authorities is going to rock the boat entirely too much for my people to keep a lid on it."


"In a perfect world, this would be the part where I convince you to Join the Protectorate and PRT as full members.  But I think we both know that is hoping for too much."


Her grimace is pronounced at this point.


"You've all shown up with one good mark on your record.  That makes me want to believe you, and it also means I can't.  It is not made easier with very strange behaviors you are all too willing to claim are a ruse.  Being willing to work with us, however, will."


The lady on-screen at this point pipes up.


"I'm very interested in just what you all have planned, this many new parahumans, Tinkers, shakers, and all, are bound to quickly become a powerhouse if your potential is cultivated.  I'm sure Piggot would also be interested in such plans, if you believe they will help with disaster relief."


Armsmaster nods.


"I agree with Dragon, simply having seen what your Tinkers are possibly capable of, I would not be opposed to working with you on joint projects.  I'm sure we have much that would be worth sharing between our groups."


It is at this point that Piggot Steeples her hands together.


"I want to know a lot of things about what is going on here."


"But I will be satisfied if I can get your cooperation and disclosure of what your plans are."

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Frigus entered the room and sat, politely waiting for the others to finish speaking.  Once they had he spoke up to answer Ms Piggot's question about their future plans.

"As for what we've got planned.  I believe we had decided to work on cleaning up the bay, removing the sunken tanker, clearing out what druggies we can, that sort of thing.  We got sidetracked with Lung."

He shifted to address the other two as well with his next statement, "If you're interested in power demonstrations I'd be happy to show you, but I hope you've got an appropriate location in mind, some of us have...expansive powers."

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Harry sighed. That could have gone better. Could have gone a hell of a lot worse too though. "I'm all for testing and paperwork. I will need a bit more info on whether I'm signing away my soul by being an affiliate. And, pardon my ignorance, what extra requirements, commitments, and perks would be gained by signing on as full members?"

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One of the most clearly nervous people in the office was Satomi, who was kind of lacing her fingers together and then unlacing them repeatedly so she had something to occupy herself with. See, Satomi knew that if she opened her mouth it was extremely likely that she would screw everything up, because she could tell that even some of the mundane staples of this world were wondrous to her, and pretty much a thrid of anything that anyone wanted to talk about was going one hundred percent over her head. Parahumans? Tinkers? Shakers? Power testing? She was lucky that they were mostly talking about things like "disaster relief" that she could figure out fairly easily, but she still didn't say anything. Just sat there quietly and nervously.

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Lilly seemed to be about to say something. But then stopped. Ador was looking at her. After a moment, she followed up on the talk of cleaning up the bay.

"I've considered using telepathy to get the sea life to help in removing the wreckage. But I'm not Sure if I could get a large enough group....Are there any additional problems that might come up in such an attempt?"

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Drug Busters



As the Doors Slam Shut and a War Cry of Stellar proportions, The Merchants are suddenly assaulted by the gang!


Skidmark's Sandbagging Passive makes his Dex be considered Zero for calculating Average Dex!


(19, 12) Proditor easily sways one of the merchants into destroying the drugs he has with Psionic Control, throwing the drugs to the ground and stomping on them, before shooting the bag with a gun.


Arminius Inspires Fingers, granting her 4 Bonus strength for 2 turns!


Fingers responds by bashing the shit out of nearby Junkies, dealing (1d4+5=3+5=8) 8 Damage!


Two of the junkies go down screaming, and then silent, unconscious.


Somatotrope uses Stormfront, throwing a handful of gravel into the air, and extrapolating it, dealing (8d2=13) 13 Damage, split among all targets, as the rocks and dirt suddenly explode into jagged shards and boulders!


Two more Junkies go down, one of them with a leg pinned beneath a large rock, about the size of a car tire.


"What the Shit?! Augh! Kill these fuckers!"


Skidmark uses Speed Panel: Defense on Himself, Attacks which deal less than 4 Damage instead deal 0 for 3 turns, as he places a glowing square of kinetic force in front of him to push away attackers!


Somatotrope uses Stormfront again, dealing (8d2=11) 11 Damage, split up among all targets!


One more Gangster goes down like a sack of bricks as a baseball sized chunk of crystal cracks him in the head!


Skidmark uses Speed Panel: Enhance Speed Panel on himself, granting his Speed Panel: Defense Buff an Extra Turn of Duration, and Doubled effectiveness!  It now takes 8 Damage or more to damage him at all, as he layers another panel over his defense panel!


Skidmark uses Speed Panel: Attack on himself, adding 2 Damage to his ranged attacks for 3 Turns, placing a glowing square of kinetic force in front of him to speed up his projectiles!


Squealer runs to one of the doors, but it's Barred!


Skidmark uses Speed Panel: Speed on himself, granting him +2 Dex next turn, as he places a thin band of kinetic force to either side of him in case he needs to move quickly!


The Junkies are Stunned by everything going on!


Skidmark uses Speed Panel: Blockade on Somatotrope, reducing her attack by 2 Next turn, placing a panel of Kinetic Force directly in front of her!


Squealer runs to one of the vans, trying to open the doors!



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Arminius: Fine

Fingers: Fine (+4 Str, 1 Turn)

Proditor: Fine

Somatotrope: Fine (Speed Panel, Blockade, 1 Turn [-2 Attack])

Junkie: Fine (Mind Controlled, 4 Turns)


The Merchants


Skidmark: -1 Health (Enhanced Speed Panel: Defense, 4 Turns [8 Damage required to damage the user]) (Speed Panel: Attack, 3 Turns [+2 Attack]) (Speed Panel: Speed, 1 Turn [+2 Dex])

Squealer: -2 Health

Drug Vans (3): -6 Health

Junkies (25): -23 Health, (Stunned, 1 Turn)



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Battle Pace/Average Dexterity: 1


Skidmark:(7 Dex, 7 Moves)

-Somatotrope: (2 Dex, 2 Moves)

Skidmark:(5 Dex, 5 Moves)

-Arminius: (2 Dex, 2 Moves)

Skidmark:(5 Dex, 5 Moves)

Squealer: (2 Dex, 2 Moves)

Skidmark:(5 Dex, 5 Moves)

Junkies: (1 Dex, 1 Move)

Skidmark:(5 Dex, 5 Moves)

-Proditor: (0 Dex, 1 Move)

-Fingers: (1 Dex, 1 Move)

Skidmark:(7 Dex, 7 Moves)

-Somatotrope: (2 Dex, 2 Moves)

Skidmark:(7 Dex, 7 Moves)

-Arminius: (2 Dex, 2 Moves)

Squealer: (2 Dex, 2 Moves)

Drug Vans: (0 Dex, 1 Move)




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Proditor himself remains motionless, his robes swaying idly in whatever wind is currently in the air at the moment. All of his actual action is throughout the entire building, as he continues to cause his disruption... Which comes in the form of a dark purple, misty field to suddenly spring to life in the middle of the room... And then explode, knocking away those hit. Of course, his goal wasn't to kill any of them, just either knock some out or disrupt the rest.


Proditor uses Rift on Skidmark, Squealer, and Junkies, dealing 3d8+INT damage to each of them and forcing a check against Proditor's Int*1.5 vs Essence. If an enemy succeeds against this check, they take half damage.


The Junkie under Proditor's mind control is commanded to then aim his gun at Skidmark, specifically an arm or leg, and fire.

Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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"I don't have any powers," Mirri states, "I shoot things.  I have an aerospace engineering degree.  And a substantial amount of training as a pilot, smith and fencer.  What more do you need?  But if you want to see what I can do, I'm always up for showing off to potential customers.  Feel free to send jobs my way whenever you want to trade cash for backup or air support."

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"We don't hire Mercenaries, M'am."


Piggot's face changes to a much more neutral one.


"Clearing out the Boat Graveyard? You know that's government property, right?"


"You wouldn't be getting paid a fair amount if you did, even after getting the proper paperwork."


She leans back.


"Assuming you don't have a problem with that, I'm sure as a Protectorate Affiliate, we would be obligated to push forward paperwork that might speed up you having legal precedent to do so."


"We have the facilities on-board the Rig to test a wide range of parahuman abilities, even... expansive ones... like you claim to have."


"If you can bring your entire team here in the future for a proper meeting, I can get the paperwork in order for you to read over, and inform the people who need to know."


"Full Protectorate Members receive fair wages, and operate under PRT supervision.  Tinkertech made by Protectorate members is property of the Protectorate, and There are other conditions based around scheduling, public events, and appearance."


"As for Power testing, give us a bit of notice, and we can get the testing suite ready.  Same stipulation for any meeting with Armsmaster.  I'm sure Dragon has her own schedule for you to work with."


"Actually, I can easily make accommodations for something as valuable as this.  I'd say 5 minutes notice and a location will give me enough time to send a small drone your way, or videoconferencing, if you like.  I look forward to helping develop any sort of technology that might be useful to our shared goals of helping others."


Dragon continues from there, speaking to Lilly


"Preliminary data shows a distinct lack of sea-life in the graveyard itself.  I doubt you would get much with your Master Ability, if it is limited in that fashion."



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"I'll sign on as an affiliate then, so count my soul as signed away. Can't be bothered with the public appearances and such of full membership. My current schedule is up in the air, and I wouldn't want to have to drop everything to go to a PR event to meet little kids." He hesitated, thinking for a moment, and then asked, "Do you mind if I say here for the night? I'd like to get online if possible, and fill out the paperwork, since my sleep schedule is messed up at the moment."


Addressing the mention of power testing, Harry stated, "Is tomorrow morning, around eight, too little notice for giving my nonexistent powers a test?" At this point Harry considered mentioning something, but quickly thought better of it, and instead asked, "Can I also get a peek at the medical facilities around here, sometime later? As a Doctor by trade, I like to see the innovations in the field when I can. Maybe take some tips to help people out. Who knows?"

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"If you're fine with it, we might as well all come in at eight for our power testing.  Should we all have time afterwards we can get the paperwork done and have some of our people talk with Armsmaster and Dragon."

Frigus turned to the other members of his team.

"Unless any of you have an issue with it."

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