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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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Ambassador Jun made damn sure to thank Kusuke by offering the man a handshake before he said "I thank you for your kindness young man, and I will try to repay my debt to you some other time.".

But only after he finally finished repeating the words "Wait fuck!".


Ambassador Jun proceeds to walk up to this "Armsmaster" person before he offered them a handshake. "My name is Ambassador Jun, and I can attest to the fact that this group has only the best of intentions". He silently thanked the fact that no one could see what his eyes were doing as he uhh, checked Armsmaster's armor out. "Also I must say that your armor's design is very interesting, did you design it yourself?".

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Frigus dissolves his Keyblade into a flash of light and icy mist.  He then steps over to the conversation with Armsmaster, his armor rattling some on the way.  "Cape names" were mentioned, the idea seemed somewhat childish to him though it served a purpose, he also noted that both the "Ambassador" Jun and Satomi had given their own names.

After waiting for the others to finish asking their questions he spoke up "We'll need to know where we're meeting for the debrief, otherwise it'll be kinda hard to get there.  Non of us have been in the city very long and I don't think anyone thought to get a map."

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"It is good to meet you all. I am fine, simply receiving communications from a good ally of the protectorate and myself."


"Yes, Lung is a very dangerous parahuman. Enough to single-handedly wrest control over a massive amount of territory."


"My Armor is of my own design, though I have received Assistance from Dragon on some fronts."

He says, shaking Jun's hand briskly


"We will be meeting at the PRT HQ Building.  It is very noticeable."

Looking off into the distance, a large building does seem to indeed stand out against the skyline.


The PRT Squad cuffs the gangsters there, loading them into another van, and drives away.


"Will you require transportation?"




Provided the Gang goes back, Soma, Arminius, and Proditor would see a window, which, when looked through, reveals a bunch of figures in sketchy clothing shoving handfulls and handfulls of cocain into bags.



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"I'll certainly need a lift. Not sure about the others. . . Lilly! Can you send that thing of yours over to tell our friend that we'll be a bit late or something? Or fly over yourself, then come back? Don't want them to get too worried." Harry gestured off somewhere a bit to the left of the docks. "I'm guessing the acquaintance you mentioned isn't a firebreathing lizard, right? Dragon, I mean. Wouldn't be surprised, but sounds like they're an engineer or something. Also, can I use a computer when we get to HQ? Haven't been online for a few days, and I've got some friends who tend to get a bit antsy if I don't check in every once in a while."

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"No, they are not" Proditor replied simply, floating up to the roof where he then opened his helmet, psychic power flowing from him as he focused his power downwards, almost like an extension of his soul going through the ground until he reached the roof of the floor that the Merchants were in, listening in to whatever they were saying.

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"A ride would be nice, yeah." He was still watching the man. Armsmaster didn't seem to be malign, but neither did his rival, or the man's cronies. Right up until you felt the tip of the knife slide between your shoulder blades, that is. Or watched it happen to one of yours. It was worth keeping on his feet. But first, coffee. It was shaping up to be a long night either way. 

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"Mmmm, sure. they have the mind reading guy with them right?"
Light envelopes Lilly and Ador, and they split, once again distinct individuals in body and mind. Ador gives a little "rawrrrr" sound and flys off, heading back in the direction they came. while Lilly sits down on the steps of one of the buildings. 

"So what are you guys talking about, I was kinda busy looking for this kids parents."

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Ambassador Jun had given Armsmaster the relaxed handshake of someone who feels like they really shouldn't have to try and seem trustworthy when they shook their hands. And Jun quickly examined his armor's systems after Arms asked the rest of the group if they needed transportation. He coughed before he said "I could use a ride as well, not really a point in getting lost on my way towards the Protectorate HQ if I could have just taken a  car to get there". As he had realized that simply dashing towards the building would be highly impractical and foolish.

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Frigus pauses a moment to think and weigh his options, on one hand Soma mentioned that the "Protectorate" was one of the few hero grounds trying to get anything done in the city.  On the other hand, cramping into a small van that was being driven to an undisclosed location for vague but potentially viable reasons seemed...sketchy at best.


"I've got my own transportation, but thank you for the offer." 

After thanking Armsmaster he walked over to where Satomi was quite possibly drooling over the tech and politely asked "Sorry to interrupt, but may I borrow your pen, I seem to have forgotten mine."

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Satomi doesn't initially look particularly happy to have her attention ripped away from her examination of Armsmaster's motorcycle, but it becomes clear that that's a kneejerk reaction when her expression of irritation calms down in a couple of seconds. Then that expression becomes one of confusion -- with Satomi now turned towards Frigus, he might now see that what she's holding along with her notebook is a small (and diminishingly full what with all the use) pot of ink and a brush. Satomi stares at Frigus for a couple of seconds, before asking him a little sheepishly: "Er... what's a pen?"

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"Hmm?" Frigus looks confused as well for a split second before he looks down at Satmoi's notebook and notices the brush.

"Oh, I'm sorry from a distance I couldn't see that you were using a brush.  A pen is the same, it just holds ink longer.  I'd like to write something and have neither a pen nor a brush with me, may I use yours?"

He reaches back and pulls a small piece of paper from a rear pocket that may or may not exist.

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Satomi was hesitant for a moment, looking back at the motorcycle she'd been eagerly taking notes of, but she did end up handing Frigus the ink and brush. "Um... sure. But make it quick if you can, please!"


Then Calvera came and spoke to her, and it was Satomi's turn to look confused at another person's lack of xomprehension about something. Still, Satomi supposed it would be hypocritical of her not to provide the woman with an answer. "Erm, right, well, it's a notebook. I draw pieces of designs I notice in case I can figure out a way to use them later," Satomi had the thought that maybe Calvera came from somewhere before writing. "Uh... ...and since in most countries certain symbols make words when you put them together I can take down notes about things I see."

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Calvera nods. Her expression still slightly curious in nature, with one eyebrow raised.

"My apologies for my lack of knowledge. Giant spheres of fire don't exactly have experience with... notebooks, and symbols. Even if I am billions of years old. Remind me to have you teach me more on this matter later... if you would not mind."

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Frigus shakes one of his hands to dissolve the gauntlet on it before taking the brush and writing two words in very small print on the piece of paper which he quickly folded over and replaced in his pocket.  "Thank you very much." He said while handing Satomi back her brush and ink.


He turned back to the main group of people and said "I'm ready to go whenever then."

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Satomi's expression of confusion returned to her face when Calvera spoke. "Giant spheres of fire? B-billions of years old? Wh-whuh...?" Satomi had never actually even heard the number billion more than once or twice in her life, and now this woman was claiming to be as old as multiple of that number? AND she was claiming to be a great sphere of flame? Satomi found herself totally noncomprehending.

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"Yes.  Dragon is widely considered the greatest tinker worldwide."  Armsmaster says simply.


Sitting on the front porch of the Apartment Condeminium, a taxi eventually makes it's way by, where a hilariously drunk woman makes her way out of it, and is spoken to by PRT troopers.


The child in Lilly's arms wriggles their way free, shouting "mommy!" as he toddles over to her.  How unnerving, it seems to be in the proper authorities' hands now though.


The Gang, given the offer, more or less universally accepts Armsmaster's offer of a ride to the PRT Headquarters, those who opt out making their way after the two vans containing the party.


Before long, after An Hour, the gang arrives and sits in a lobby of uncomfortable chairs while a high priority meeting is apparently being set up due to tonight's events.


Finally, the doors open.  A rotund woman walks out, in heels and wearing a rather gruesome expression on her face, like she smelled something sick.  She motions to the party.


"Come with me, the meeting room is ready." she says plainly.




Moving into various positions, and preparing in general, the group recieves word from the main group that they might be late to get to the warehouse, that's fine, some of them might think, as they too will be late.


About An Hour passes, each time the gang is about to jump in, the situation becomes juicier, Proditor's Mind reading at first picks up very little of value, before more people arrive, each one being high enough up the chain of command to know a little bit more.

It seems Cocaine is the least of their worries, as the white powder is a Tinker-Drug from Boston, which the Merchants have been hired to transport safely through Brockton Bay and onwards to New York, using the Vehicles of a Tinker named "Squealer".


Her specialty, Vehicles, seems to afford the Merchants the privilege of Glorified smuggling for someone named "Blasto", something which carries with it the offer of a 2 Million Dollar Cut of the profits.


The actual purpose of the substance is unknown, seems nobody needed to know this "Need-to-know basis" tier info.


Then things get even wilder, as the two leaders of the Merchants enter as well.  Despite their appearances, demeanor, and attitude, Proditor sees past the ruse.


It seems this "Skidmark" person is terrifyingly smarter than he seems at a glance.  Squealer, meanwhile, is being fed a near constant stream of knowledge through her Psychic Link, which Proditor has thus far seen in all Parahumans  The knowledge seems to be the methods by which one can produce nearly impossible machinery from mundane technology, by exploiting very rare occurrences, circumstances, and information, such as the planet's superposition in the universe, and the overall temperature of nearby hydrogen molocules.


"OK Cunts, if I see so much as a grain, a fucking granule, a speck on the ground of this shipment, I'll make sure the only thing you're smoking is you on the ground!" Skidmark shouts, with a smile that betrays his pleased mood.


"Yeah, fuckers, we'll all be scrooge-mc-ducking it up for years after this haul if none of you dumb shits fuck it up.  Just get it in the trucks, and get those trucks on the road."   Squealer continues, holding a remote control of some kind in her hand, which she fiddles with.




Players have an assumed hour, in which they can do as they please within reason.  The Characters at the PRT are assumed to be in a Van, and then a Lobby for an hour, while the Characters surrounding Skidmark's Den are assumed to be near it.

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Mirri attempts to spend the time meditating to re-center herself within the Living Force (and train essence), though she will engage if conversed with during this time.

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Harry spent the time observing the others, noting down what he could about their physiology. Obviously there was nothing to be discovered about those clad in armor, except that they mostly seemed bipedal. Others like Lilly and Caldera were easier, and Harry noted down anything that might help in treating future injuries. He did the same for those who had come to escort them to the PRT. When the woman appeared, he quietly followed, stretching.

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Lilly had spent her time playing with Ador, and looking at things. and now it was time for a meeting. she practically jumped out of the uncomfy chairs, as Ador flew up to rest on her shoulder. 
Ador gives a little rawr, and looks at the woman. where there a psychic spying on the link between the pair. They would probably hear Lilly and Ador talking about how she looked disgusted with something. With Ador expressing emotions somewhere along the lines of worry.

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