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Gen 4 - Shiny Thread | Public Development


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So this is my submission for Togekiss-line.




I know I should finish Abomasnow first, but I got stuck so I'll drop this WIP of Mega Abomasnow for now. The idea is to have Route 2 frozen and turn it into this, but it ends up to be too similar with normal ones. Any ideas to improve this guys?



Edited by Phi-Bi
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@Phi-Bi To be honest the brown is a little off in the Abomasnow (I think it looks out of place), the white could be changed to match the colours you've used (maybe that way the brown won't feel out of place). Yeah...at the moment the white makes it look really unfinished to me (don't worry I'm keeping in mind that you're stuck) it's just too bright. The purple and the pink look nice though. :) Hope I've helped, if not then I hope I inspired.

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7 minutes ago, Felcatty said:

@Phi-Bi To be honest the brown is a little off in the Abomasnow (I think it looks out of place), the white could be changed to match the colours you've used (maybe that way the brown won't feel out of place). Yeah...at the moment the white makes it look really unfinished to me (don't worry I'm keeping in mind that you're stuck) it's just too bright. The purple and the pink look nice though. :) Hope I've helped, if not then I hope I inspired.


Thanks for the suggestion! The white is supposed to act as the snow while the pink and brown are meant to resemble these trees. I'll find a way to make it works.


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before i post these, i should probably explain hpw i decided the color of the static stuff around them. basicalyl all i did, was take the original color and then go counter clockwise on the color wheel till i got to a new color. and then yah.. XD so here they are Rotom _front.pngRotom_Back.pngRotom_Fan_Back.pngRotom_Fan_Front.pngRotom_Freeze_Back.pngRotom_Freeze_Front.pngRotom_Heat_Back.pngRotom_Heat_Front.pngRotom_Mow_Back.pngRotom_Mow_Front.pngRotom_Wash_Back.pngRotom_Wash_Front.png

Gonna work on craniados line tomorrow XD

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So mega garchomp is done. I went with two different ways for design. I kept the same darkish purple color for its body and went with different colors for its claws. One is black the other is white.






I think the dark tone claws is the better one from looking between the two.

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1 hour ago, Atticus said:

@Njab (Tangela), @Might Gai (Electabuzz and Sneasel), @Dypatome (Rhydon) do you guys have any problem if we finish your lines? Or do you want to finish them yourself? Because I don't have any claim left and these are the only ones that aren't claimed. So it would help to speed up the process :^)

go for it (would do it myself but kiiinda low on time)

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1 hour ago, Atticus said:

@Njab (Tangela), @Might Gai (Electabuzz and Sneasel), @Dypatome (Rhydon) do you guys have any problem if we finish your lines? Or do you want to finish them yourself? Because I don't have any claim left and these are the only ones that aren't claimed. So it would help to speed up the process :^)

Feel free to grab it, thanks. I don't have a ton of time to do these right now, and the colors for Rhyperior are different than Rhydon anyway so I didn't think it would be much of a problem for someone to pick up.

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12 minutes ago, Atticus said:

@Njab @Might Gai @Dypatome could you guys please supply me with the sprites? It would save me some time tbh.


Taking Tangrowth and Electivire first.


edit: made this one quickly, didn't have time to make it transparant ^^'


Edited by Might Gai
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@Atticus Here you are; keep in mind that there is a difference in horn sizes between male and female.





Sorry for the not being transparent, I didn't know how to at the time.

Edit: Also, you may not need the sprites anyway due to the fact that Rhyperior uses a different color scheme than Rhydon and Rhyhorn do.

Edited by Dypatome
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2 hours ago, Dypatome said:

Edit: Also, you may not need the sprites anyway due to the fact that Rhyperior uses a different color scheme than Rhydon and Rhyhorn do.


I just wanted it to have some kind of reference. Anyway, thanks!


Here are the evos.


eJDGZQ0.pnghXRdgGs.png (female)

PAEjUWc.png  Xq4T7jV.png (male)

also finished weavile for might gai hehe

GSBawZ5.pngwOyubSp.png (male)

ctYbXhu.pngzyyvbKt.png (female)

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22 hours ago, Siragon said:

And there we are with the backsprites




See you tomorrow for the Luxray ! (and a little clue of the reference it will be : Code L****)



18 hours ago, ycoder321 said:



before i post these, i should probably explain hpw i decided the color of the static stuff around them. basicalyl all i did, was take the original color and then go counter clockwise on the color wheel till i got to a new color. and then yah.. XD so here they are Rotom _front.pngRotom_Back.pngRotom_Fan_Back.pngRotom_Fan_Front.pngRotom_Freeze_Back.pngRotom_Freeze_Front.pngRotom_Heat_Back.pngRotom_Heat_Front.pngRotom_Mow_Back.pngRotom_Mow_Front.pngRotom_Wash_Back.pngRotom_Wash_Front.png

Gonna work on craniados line tomorrow XD

I like these a lot. Approved!


15 hours ago, Jmanultrax1 said:

So mega garchomp is done. I went with two different ways for design. I kept the same darkish purple color for its body and went with different colors for its claws. One is black the other is white.






I think the dark tone claws is the better one from looking between the two.

I personally like the white claws more. What does everyone else think?


10 hours ago, Siragon said:

XANA should better watch its back because here comes Odd-Luxray !







I like the reference, though I think the faces are a little hard to see and the spots are a little wonky. Perhaps move the light yellow to a gold color? Try making it darker so that the faces can stand out more.


9 hours ago, KmK said:

Chatot backsprite:

Chatot B.png


Starting on darkrai now



8 hours ago, Anti_Hero said:
  Reveal hidden contents

Should I try another colour set?

@Felcatty, I dont know but shouldnt your togetic have yellow pattern on the backsprite too?

I think the one on the far right is the best one.


7 hours ago, Anti_Hero said:

Hello, can someone help me with dusknoir?


  Hide contents

b.png.f8cfafd0c388ca58f03de003b11dab21 (1).png

Those flames on the back dont look good to me and I dont know how to alter them... Can someone give me a gand?


Drawing flames isn't something I'm really good at, tbh. Does anyone have anyone have any tips?


1 hour ago, Atticus said:


I just wanted it to have some kind of reference. Anyway, thanks!


Here are the evos.


eJDGZQ0.pnghXRdgGs.png (female)

PAEjUWc.png  Xq4T7jV.png (male)

also finished weavile for might gai hehe

GSBawZ5.pngwOyubSp.png (male)

ctYbXhu.pngzyyvbKt.png (female)

Looking great. Approved!

1 hour ago, foznkr said:

Anyone remember this mon? because although i did chimecho i almost  forget about it





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Hey Jan + others, I have a busy week coming up and I'm not really... in a perfect emotional state right now to say the least... so I have to relinquish Finneon/Lumineon and Probopass. For reference if anyone is willing to pick Probopass up where I left off these are my sprites, plus the color edit Jan recommended.




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1 minute ago, BIGJRA said:

Hey Jan + others, I have a busy week coming up and I'm not really... in a perfect emotional state right now to say the least... so I have to relinquish Finneon/Lumineon and Probopass. For reference if anyone is willing to pick Probopass up where I left off these are my sprites, plus the color edit Jan recommended.




No worries. I hope things get better for you. Thanks for your help!

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