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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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Katsuo made a mental note not to anger the electronic lady. And then made it again, and again, and again. And then he made a note not to anger Alexandria.

"Gwaedu, please girl, chill out." He pleaded, fearing she might rip off his ear lobe in her rage, "Don't worry about her, she's just another clueless buffoon for us to work with. We're used to that."

Gwaedu stopped tugging but made a buzzing sound to indicate she was still unsatisfied.

"Look, we don't know who around here is going to kill us if we make them angry, so please try not to make them all angry. And also try not to kill them when they make you angry."

(OOC: There's so much irony here you have no idea, Alexandria)

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Alexandria notices that everyone else is reacting to something. She looks between them, up at It That Embraces' physical manifestation, and cocks a sculpted eyebrow as she connects the dots (and low-level, broad-spectrum emissions). "Oh. You're sapient and talking. Huh. Terribly sorry about this, but whatever mental arts you're using seems not to be working on me. Wouldn't be the first time, but that doesn't make it more convenient. If it needs aiming, shoot for where humans keep their livers. Otherwise, hmm. Unless you know a good blink code or sign language we might be out of luck."

[OOC @Tachibana: I am fully aware of the irony and it amuses me. After literal millennia fighting to give artificial intelligences the same rights as organic ones Alexandria has some easily pressed buttons. And while I'm not sure what an Intelligent Device is, I'm pretty sure the relationship is a lot more complicated than 'You're a welding arm. You don't get to have a soul,' which is what she's used to hearing from people.]

Edited by Zoe_Walker
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Hearing someone speak to him, Eon looked down to find a girl dressed in a swimsuit trying to talk to him. He was a bit curious as to why she was wearing a swimsuit somewhere that didn't seem to be any equivalent to a beach of some kind, but he had seen stranger things, so it didn't bother him.

"Greetings. I am Eon. And apparently nobody seems to care about this map. Oh well, their loss," Eon remarks, seeing that nobody else had really been interested in where they were going. Considering what the armor clad woman said, she had no interest in anything but getting through whatever this place is. Eon makes a brief note before closing his book temporarily.

"So then, I don't suppose you have any idea why any we're all here would you?" Eon decided to ask. She probably was just as in the dark as everyone else, but perhaps she may know something about the group she came with. It was worth a shot at least.

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Bridgett was about to chime in on the conversation she and the other girl's where having as they walk. Well she would have if once they entered the place where the fighting was heard and gripped Mornings Arrow tightly. There was a dragon that could talk a humanoid thing that just didn't seem right i and a giant metal lady.

Well yes they where all friendly as she could tell(though the sounds of hissing and growling from behind didn't help) she couldn't bring her to do much more then try and hide behind Hikari and make herself small.

"My Lady. No hostiles detected. Are you Okay." The monotone voice of Mornings Arrow said as Bridgett hid.

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"Hm. I assume we landed in similar predicaments. Displaced from whichever reality we were from, then deposited here, then beset upon by monsters of some sort. The monsters we fought were a little different from those here, but still all shadowy and dark and stuff."

She paused for a while.

"What I can say without doubt is that we all come from very different worlds. For example, I'm reasonably good friends with a dragon, but she was pretty different from you. Not as long. Stockier legs - don't tell her I said that. Actual wings. How do you fly, anyway?"

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Snow, The Lady Ashford.

"Hot Air and really bad gas. What they said about the dragons of his type back on Graterras when they still existed."

Snow said, passing by the two, she had turned to start leaving going up the path a ways. She wasn't really in the mood to stick around but figured she'd get in a comment for the laughs. She needed one. She wasn't very interested in staying here and continued on her way as soon as possible.

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"Well, you'll find that I don't so much fly as I float. I am a natural denizen of the stars. Or, in more simpler terms, I inhabit space itself. As such, I have the means to propel myself towards any destination I see fit," Eon remarks, doing a demonstration of him moving back and forth, with the rest of his body primarily stationary.

"As for your dragon friend, I suspect that she is a considerably different type. Even in my world, there are many things that are considered dragons. Most of them don't actually resemble a different type, but they'll never know. Most of them don't live long enough to find out."

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"Oh don't be like that! Everyone's special in their own way. You just don't realize it!" Magna beamed. And they were, but everyone literally just doesn't realize it! Because she doubted they could see souls!

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Magna Sigyl, occupation- well- I'm actually unemployed right now. Pardon me for not shaking your hand; I'm a bit of a germophobe, see," as she pointed towards her other gloved hand. That wasn't remotely true, but if Hiroki were to shake her hand, she would find out that Magna's hand is awfully bony. "I overheard your name earlier, but I hope you wouldn't mind introducing yourself once more?"
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The growl louder with every inch of ground the being covered. Before long it was easily great enough in magnitude that one would've had to be deaf not to notice it. The spider's eyes beginning to burn with the silver light of a thousand flickering stars and the starfield upon her back doing the same. But it was only as the arms began to encroach on her that she completely lost it, an ear splitting, purely inhuman screech resounding throughout the area even with the many bits of idle chit-chat going on, her spydric limbs thrashing and attempting to stab at the being like a storm of glossed, black lashes as her upper body squirmed with ounce of physical might it could muster, only to find not a single strike left any tangible injury on the appendages, and the raw strength that could've easily snatched up a human, snapped their spine in half like a twig and tossed them away like a ragdoll all in the same maneuver was next to worthless to free herself.

And then there came the wave that passed through her mind. She didn't know what it was, but she instantly began to resist whatever it was... and failed. Perhaps in another time, another place, a prior state of being, she'd once possessed the raw fortitude to withstand the enemies at the gate. But this was not that time or that place. With one final, desperate roar that again threatened to split the ears of all those listening, the spider began to lose the raw fight that had till now so vigorously flowed through her body, her bids to draw away from the embrace weakening, eyes dulling their light. What little vestiges of defiant instinct lingered in her mind quickly began to settle as the feeling started becoming less and less foreign and far more familiar.

Eventually the roaring and screeching mess of noise ceased altogether, replaced by a nigh cat-like purr as the look of savage rage was replaced by that of a subdued child... eyes staring ahead at the eldritch being with the same thousand yard stare they always held, the struggling finally beginning to stop...whatever sensation filled the beast's mind at that moment, not even she herself knew... but indeed... it felt far too familiar to her...

the Squidman flashed in her eyes, a mere glimpse before it was gone again...then the girl soon after... and the struggle stopped entirely, the purring intensifying.

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The grey cloaked man finds himself thinking of the past; they had a poison then, it was said to separate the soul from the body, only worked on dragons; he found himself hoping that he had brought some with him.

"You know; for some odd reason I'm not feeling like asking twenty questions with a dragon; it might try and make a deal, and everyone knows how well that turns out".

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"Hellfire Knight, as I said. Favored champion of the Fourth God and the fourthmost in Favor in the seven planes - except the gods." She noted the woman(?)'s name for later; Magna. It was worth remembering. She didn't actually believe they'd ever end up fighting, but stranger things had already happened to her today; who knew what was coming next? For the same reasons that she filed the name away, she wasn't particularly forthcoming about herself; the less people knew about her until she was able to return and win the tournament, the better. . .

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A new stage, a new audience, a new composition.

The artist now found himself in an avant-garde environment --- perhaps too busy, no, rather much too populous for his liking.....

Oh, dear me. I love to perform, but I hate crowds.

Regardless, the stage would have to do. He withdrew his notebook, and, for a rare moment of time, scribbled a few words on it, perhaps to record the first events of the day, but not without finalizing them with a brief, albeit stunning, sketch of a rose. He would find either interest or contempt in the many idiosyncratic beings gathered here. but it would suffice in entertaining his first experiences in the new setting. He was here for one purpose. To execute what others could not.

"Salutations, everyone." Venus first introduced himself with a courteous bow. "My name is Venus. Certified artist."

Edited by Noir
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It That Embraces holds on to the spider-woman throughout her struggles, taking silent note of Aurora's (she doesn't know the name yet, but it's convenient for writing) starfields, the constellations and the points of light that shine and shimmer and dance through her shrieking terror.

[Quiet. Assurance. Peace. Comfort.]

She repeats the soothing ideas over and over again while she lives up to her name, like she were hushing a child. As the shrieks fade to be replaced by purrs, she smiles with eyes alone, pressing the spider lightly into her body (did she get a bit taller?) and stroking a hand through her platinum hair, another hand tracing those beautiful points of light along her back.

[Assurance. Peace.]

Also there's still edginess in the background, but she totally ignores it because shut up Solomon I'm going to bed now

Edited by Twei
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"Hugging, drunk people, artists.... Dragons, Vengeful angelic types using british swearwords, that guy has a parrot; It's kind of funny, I don't remember taking any hallucinogens this morning".

"So does that piece of paper have anything useful on it Dragon? Or do you want to make a deal first?".

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"An artist?" Alexandria's face lights up, showing a startling increase in animation, "Phenomenal! I do not believe we have been introduced. I am Alexandria, and it is an honor to meet you." She starts walking over to Venus, but at her current speed it's going to take a few minutes to get over there.

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"A deal? What, do you take me for one of those types of dragons who tries to swindle people of their livelihoods...or just their lives? This paper seems to be a map of wherever we are. Whether that's useful to you depends on how much you want to know about this place I suppose," Eon remarked. He wasn't entirely sure what "deal" the cloaked man expected to give, but he didn't really care. One would think that in such a situation with so many different and strange sentients, normal conventions wouldn't fully carry over, but alas.

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The grey cloaked man sighed, he never liked to deal with dragons, but if the piece of paper he was carrying was worth as much as he thought it would; then this might be worth it after all.

They grey cloaked man walks on a staircase made out of summoned books until he matched the dragon's current height.

"Alright then Dragon, if those are your terms, I would like to find a way out... Please".

Edited by Cronos5010
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"My gallant garrison," He paused, turning to Edmond as he examined his soldier-like attire. He turned to see another approach him from afar -- admittedly rather flattered by such recognition, but nothing he hadn't experienced before. Granting her the privilege of a greeting wave, his attentions returned to Edmond. "An icon doesn't have to explain himself. Little would it do for my capabilities to divulge themselves through my mouth. To learn best is through one's eyes than one's ears, that of especially in the arts of my own caliber..... that on the battlefield where we are to feud side by side against the shades that plague out there, see what I can do you will. I was paid to put on a killer show."

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"Your talents are available for purchase? Even better," Alexandria beams, offering yet another handshake. "After the current unpleasantness, and your current job of course, are concluded, I believe we may have things to discuss. The market for fine art in my homeland is utterly insatiable, and I am certain you would be able to make considerable gains if you have any talent at all."

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"I don't recall making any terms, but if you care that much, I can just give you the map. One moment," Eon states before making a copy of the map in his book. He was always one to make copies of anything important or interesting, including maps. Once done, he handed the original map towards the cloaked figure.

"Well if you want the map, its yours. Feel free to do with it whatever you please," Eon told the man, holding out the map for him to take. Eon secretly was hoping that this would be enough to deal with him.

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"Well then, H.K.," Magna said, deciding on a whim to give Hiroki a nickname. Talk of favor and gods eluded her, and would no doubt mean nothing to Magna as a whole.
"What do you make of all, this?" she asked nonchalantly. She performed a vague gesture with her hands, referring to all the strangers gathered here. "From where I come from, all this? Doesn't exist. I don't ever recall people being able to evolve their capabilities this far, even with the technologies available at the time. I suspect that you nor I are familiar with this place, or these people. Which brings to me to the conclusion that we were gathered here. From different worlds."
"The question is though, for what purpose?" Magna thought to herself.
"I've rambled on for a little too long now, so let me cut to the chase," Magna said. "I've seen how you fight, and I think that you're quite strong. What do you say about forming a temporary alliance?"
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"It is. . . strange. I suppose it's possible we were gathered here, but that raises the question of why." It was a conundrum, indeed. It's not as if the concept of fighters being gathered from across the planes was a foreign one to her - though this seemed to be decidedly different from her usual experience, what with the kinds of magic being thrown around and such. Different worlds. . . More people that she would have to prove herself against. And she'd been so close to the top already. Why now? A small part of her was glad that she was wearing a disguise that obfuscated her expressions and mannerisms - it hid her growing consternation. She almost didn't notice the question.

"A-an alliance? That may be a good idea, at least for now."

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The grey cloaked man warily took the map from the dragon; after staring at the map for a few moments he started walking down the path again.

"Well that's funny, this might actually work".

(My character is going to try and make it to the the castle from earlier).

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