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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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"Food tends to go bad primarily due to exposure to outside bacterium and such. In conditions where such things are not present, I've found that you can store edibles for quite some time with no ill effects to the consumer," Eon responded to the robotic being. Taking a look at Alexandria, he was slightly curious as to her origins. He had run across a few technically advanced civilizations before, but none of them had anything quite like her, or at least not on record.

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"Hm. Well, I suppose you would know better than I. It'd be a shame for her to get sick after all this," Alexandria indicates Aurora with a nod, "I could hear her gears grinding from across the room. No, that's not right. Gizzard grinding? Something was grinding."

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Just as Magna's hand had made contact with H.K.'s, she had immediately rescinded her grip. It was followed by a strange crackling sound that would have been deafening had it not been for the fact that her hearing didn't work the same as a human's. As if almost anticipating her reaction, Magna let out a laugh. Not a vocal one, but rather the sound of her skull clattering. The sound echoed hollowly, hopefully only within distance of just H.K. She had forgot how fun surprising humans were. Back in her world, she wasn't allowed to interact with mortals outside of work, and would always get scolded for doing so. But that was neither here nor there. This truly was a vacation!

"Apologies if I... startled you. I figured if we were to team up, you should know-" Just as Magna was about to finish her sentence, another unearthly shriek pierced the air. What was it now? Another enemy encounter? She really didn't miss having eardrums. "What in Death's name was that? An attack?"

Whatever it was, it seemed to have settled down. Had one of them been attacked? Perhaps the others would go and investigate. Looking around, she wondered who else she could potentially be willing to team up. For the moment, someone who could heal wounds. There were two whom she recalled fit the criteria. She decided to go for the singer, as she had stopped talking to the dragon, and could possibly bring her aside to talk with. "By the way, H.K., you don't mind I enlist more people do you? Of course, I wouldn't mind if it were just the two of us either~"

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[greeting], the Primordial politely answered in response to Eon, along with a gesturing nod for him to feed Aurora as she demanded. Well, maybe more like [acknowledgement of greeting] or [reciprocation of greeting]. Language is complicated.

[informative: Teeth grinding. Stomach growling?]

Hopefully, the recent adjustments to her 'voice' would do for letting Alexandria hear her. In the meantime, It That Embraces continued to idly cuddle with the starry one- something she seemed to be basking in almost as much as the spider herself. Fitting of her name, to be fair, and it's not like they're going anywhere fast.

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Eon nods at It that Embraces as she responds to his greetings. Leaving the meat to float for the spiderlady , Eon pulled his book closer to him and began to take notes inside of it.

"You know, I don't often encounter entities such as yourself," Eon says to It that Embraces. "And out of the few I have run into, you are certainly the most friendly," he finished, just as he jotted down the last few notes in his book.

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Hiroki dully shook her head, indicating she didn't mind Magna's proposition. What on earth is she? That felt like. . . no, it couldn't be bone, but that sound. . .! Her increasing distress wasn't helped by the screeching sounds, so she simply did her best to continue to avoid attracting attention, reaching one hand up to her chin to adjust a setting on the voice changer; she didn't want it picking up her breathing.

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Aurora, the pet spider

She accepted the meat left floating before her without question, digging into it just as ravenously as the first batch, as she listened to the few beings beginning to gather round her talk. The purring turned into a coo once the rest of the raptor flesh was gone, finally looking content with the meal coupled with the attention from the white being. She'd never truly let anyone pet or otherwise cuddle her like some pet, but then again, the vast majority of others had seldom had the courage to even try... except for one. But that one was not here, and aurora knew naught whether she'd ever cross paths with them again.

Regardless, She still stared up at the dragon writing in his book, as mesmerized by the strange celestial scenery of his body as the white being was with her own, cocking her head in curiosity as she edged closer, trying to reach out for his cosmic scales...

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Eon nods at It that Embraces as she responds to his greetings. Leaving the meat to float for the spiderlady , Eon pulled his book closer to him and began to take notes inside of it.

"You know, I don't often encounter entities such as yourself," Eon says to It that Embraces. "And out of the few I have run into, you are certainly the most friendly," he finished, just as he jotted down the last few notes in his book.

[understanding. Declaration: Size/scale/vastness breeds contempt.] the Primordial responds, almost knowingly - she isn't quite so vast as her progenitor, herself- even as she continues to lightly scritch at Aurora, letting the spider stare in fascination at Eon's own star-camouflaged body. Will she pet him? Whatever happens, she suspects it will be suitably adorable.

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"Yes indeed. It's even funnier when some of the larger things around tend to have their own unique hindrances that end up being their own undoing," Eon laughed, reminded of some of the other dragons who fell prey to their own arrogance. Far too often he saw one of his kind believe themselves to be completely invulnerable, only to end up caught in some stupid contraption, forced to do the bidding of some random civilization. Being aware of his surroundings once more, he noticed the spider lady moving closer to him, seemingly interested.

"Ah yes, I suppose I never did ask for your name at all," Eon stated, reaching out to pet the spider lady with his free hand. He did not often find anything resembling her kind during his travels, so naturally he was a bit curious.

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She held onto the hand that pet her, mind trying to process the request as she studied the starfield as the cooing stopped, pensiveness taking over her expression.

"A....A.....A.....a?" the syllables failed to come her, as the pain from her last attempt to vocalize again crept back to the foreground. Still she tried to press on, hoping her compliance might earn her more food whenever she got hungry in the future... "A...U......u.......R......" the veins of what little skin wasn't covered in chitin began to throb and visibly writhe with every forward push. Left with little choice, instinct screaming for her to halt, she shut her mouth, looking up at the dragon almost like an apologetic child, but for her concession the veins beginning to calm from their frenzy.

But the spider had yet another idea. She focused her eyes ever more intensely on the dragon, beginning to glow as she stared directly into his own. And then with a brilliant burst of astral light not unlike that of a dying star, there came a memory across the subtle link she'd established.

Within his mind, a voice would've briefly called in Eon's mind, that of a child's from the pitch of it, the concern obvious in her tone

"Aurora... aurora, wake up! what happened!? Aurora!!"

another one soon after, obviously an adult of whatever species it belonged to, a smooth as flowing water and wizened with age

"She can't hear you, child. I've been trying to break her out of the spell since I came to, but... it's far more complex than I was expecting..."

"Ajax? W-who did this to you two!?"

"...the answer to that is beyond even me. But whoever they were, they weren't from this castle. And they knew Aurora from somewhere, the war maybe... couldn't have been a human though, too long ago for their pitiful life spans, more likely an elf... but why are you here, young one? Won't your overseer be upset if you're missing from the kitchens on such a busy night?"

"....the kitchens were closed."

"Hmmm? Well, this is... interesting... why?"


the audio of the memory died just as suddenly as it had been sent, cutting off whatever else might've been said as the spider cut her gaze sheepishly and let go of his hand, the glow in her eyes fading. Hopefully the brief fragment from her mind had been enough to give him what the information he sought. Or perhaps it hadn't, Aurora did not know either way... it was the first and only time she'd attempted such a thing, chaining together the essence of the very stars themselves to bridge two minds, two souls... but she figured at least something would've gotten where it was supposed to. They seemed alike after all, on some level, both of them inexplicably tied to the night sky in their own way...

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"Translating... Cleaning... Aurora?" Alexandria guessed. Pretty much any AI gets to be a good lip reader eventually. "Is that your name? Just nod or shake your head. Hm. If you'd like, I think I could put a translation program together. We'd have to stay close to each other, but you'd have a much easier time communicating."

Edited by Zoe_Walker
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As the spider lady attempted to say her name, it appeared that it caused her a great deal of distress. As she grabbed his hand however, he did manage to perceive the memory that she tried to show him. While space dragons weren't naturally attuned to such things, Eon, having spent a great deal of time interacting with some telepathic civilizations, did possess the ability to perceive telepathic links. Once the audio cut off, Eon spent some time trying to discern her name. Out of the memory, only two names were directly mentioned. But considering the conversation the two speakers were having, he could likely figure that the first name mentioned belonged to the individual before him.

"Aurora is it? How fitting," Eon replied, quite curious about her telepathic abilities. Perhaps it could be something for potential conversation, though Eon would have to recall his abilities to use telepathy.

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A nod to both of them simultaneously, smirking that the dragon had indeed gotten the message. Though the metal person's offer peaked her curiosity- just what was a "Translation Program"? Could she eat it? Did it taste good? If it did, she most definitely wanted one at some point. She gave another nod at the robot, especially eager with nothing but her own assumption to guide her decision, though she did take the time to ask:

"F...o...od? E...a...t?"

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Alexandria's mouth doesn't move, but sound emanates from somewhere in her back, filling in the gaps and stutter between Aurora's words to make them perfectly understandable, although still clearly in their original voice.

"Hm. That sounds about right," Alexandria remarks, "It should work without you making any noises, though, if that causes you as much pain to do so as it looks."

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Where was she? Ah yes, she was going to go find the singer, Kagari. There was something about her voice that granted restorative properties. For someone like Magna who didn't like getting up all close and personal, Kagari seemed like an ideal ally to fight with. Kagari certainly had her... fighting quirks, but Magna wasn't really one to talk. There was something early on in her undeath about scythes and how important "iconography" was, but she wasn't really listening by that point. In any case, Kagari wasn't that hard to find; no one else had swimwear on by default.

"Hello Miss Singer," she greeted. Magna already knew her name from her introduction earlier, but there was nothing like a proper introduction to get acquainted. "I saw how well you fought back there. With all the uncertainty of what's going on and all the strangers, I think it'd be a good idea to form a... temporary alliance while we get things sorted out. What do you say about teaming up with me and Hellfire Knight over there?"

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While the others were busy forming alliances and consuming raptor meat; the grey cloaked man had been busy trying to figure out a route to the castle he had seen earlier.

"Um.... Does anyone know what this place is called?"

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Jade O'Duffle

"Your guess is as good as mine pardner." Jade responded to the cloaked man. He crossed his arms and fixed his gaze upon the castle in the distance. "Though there maybe some information in that castle and if there isn't I think it'd make mighty fine place to stay the night"

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she again cocked her head at the sound of her voice, this time in utter bewilderment at the complete sentences it somehow managed. She shuffled around to look at the back of the metal person, though as unfamiliar with whatever strange magicks or contraptions made them work as she was, she had trouble seeing where it could've possible come from.

"It should work without you making any noises, though, if that causes you as much pain to do so as it looks."

She circled back around to the front. What, was this what a "Translator Program" was? Just a way to take her voice out of her throat and get it to say what it could not while trapped inside her? How... disappointing....

"T...h...N...t... F......d"

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The grey cloaked man's smile visibly widens.

"It's a large easily defensible position that has a high chance of still having soft beds; that and I have always wanted to sleep in one"

"I wonder if it still has a library..."

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Jade O'Duffle

"Maybe if we're lucky the owners might be willing to pass out some drinks while we're there! Ha ha ha!" He then turned his gaze towards the sky. "Though we should start heading out soon, stay in one spot too long and the coyotes will surely sniff us out."

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"That's assuming they are still alive; which might mean that the pillar based defense system we had destroyed earlier might have been this dimensions equivalent of a trespassers will be shot sign. Although that is highly unlikely."

The grey cloaked man replies to Theodore with "Who knows; maybe one of us saw a sign somewhere".

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As useful as a translator would be, if the two had to stay in close proximity, it may not always be available when needed. Noting this, Eon decided to see whether Aurora would respond to telepathy at all. Considering the memory sharing that occurred earlier, he figured it should be possible. With that, Eon attempted to create a telepathic link between himself and Aurora to test out his theory.

"Aurora, are you able to hear this properly. If so, simply project a thought of affirmation to me." Eon thought towards Aurora. Though he was once quite comfortable with telepathy, it had been some time since he had actually used it. Nevertheless, now seemed as good a time to test it out once more.

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Izumi Kurosawa

So they're doing something back there, not entirely sure what. Not entirely sure I want to know either. Curiosity - it's a mistake I've made more times than I care to admit. One that I'm getting better at making these days. One that's getting less painful at least. Guess I'm getting used to being shot. Hope that ain't a bad thing. Doesn't feel like it at least.

Still, that being said, company's always nice. Even if it's silent. Especially if it's silent.

Okay not always. Usually. More often than not. Good enough for me.

With that in mind, I follow Frosty. Don't expect her to talk, hoping she won't even. The armor's bright, too bright. The kind you'd pick for the presence alone. The kind worn by fools swayed by shininess... or, those who have something to hide within the light. Probably a few shallow graves. There's usually a few of those somewhere in there.

"Go on ahead, check for anything that looks like an ambush."


And with that, the dove flutters from her arm, soaring high as it begins to trace the path ahead.

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Bridgett did her best not to look at where the sounds of growling that turned to purring where coming from, but as any human would do she looked and saw what she didn't need to see.

"Is that dragon and what ever in the world that other things is feeding meat to something? Actually where did the spider lady come from? Oh God i want to go back home...Mama was right I shouldn't be wondering around looking for him. I not ready yet. I will just stay near Hikari that her name right? I will just stay near her shes nice and once we get to a place i can contact the TSAB i will call them and have them send someone to pick me up. Yes that will work." The young mage said freaking out with in her own mind not aware that she was broadcasting the thought out in telepathy for anyone who was capable of hearing it could.

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