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Autumn Zephyr

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Everything posted by Autumn Zephyr

  1. At Lv. 50+, they naturally learn Healing Wish, so that stops being so much of an issue. And before that, shouldn't a regular ol' chansey be enough?
  2. [INTRUDER ALERT] [INTRUDER ALERT] [DEPLOYING ALL DEFENSE MECHANISMS] ... ... ...Uh, hello? Welcome back to the Reborn Evolved Forums, I guess? Be sure to read up on the rules, feel free to check out all we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay before the antivirus kicks you out, anyway!
  3. Ohoho, a fellow from a land that's as frozen over as Ametrine? My, we don't get visitors from such places very often~! Anyway, welcome to the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to read up on the rules, feel free to check out all we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay~!
  4. Guess who's back, back with more Crests~? These are a little more experimental, I confess~ Hopefully, they'll still stand up to the test~! But even if they do get trashed, I will not have regrets~ Hey~! ...No, I haven't been playing too much Pokemon Spork lately, what are you talking about? My offerings for today combine the 'Binding' moves, which are basically a DoT that also traps the target until one the pokemon go down, with a slight buff to the Defenses (either +20 to the lower one, or +10 to both if they happen to be the same). They tend to be pretty stally by nature, so if that's not your cup of tea, I'd recommend looking elsewhere. Each of the Binding Moves has two pokemon tied to them (except for Magma Storm, for hopefully obvious reasons), each of which are able to learn the move anyway. Functionally, the statuses all do the same things, but I'm keeping them organized like this to preserve the flavor. Anyway, enough prattle- onto the main event! I don't expect all of these to get into even the final build of the game (that'd absolutely absurd!), but hopefully this at least supplied food for fault. Oh, and I do have one last design set aside, just in case you really want to make lunatone sad- Solrock Crest: +20 Sp. Def., and engulfs attackers in flames. Anyway, that's all for now. See ya later!
  5. My guess is that you have the Modular Mod Pack completely installed on one of your games. Do you have a file where the player's name is Tina in either Reborn or Rejuvenation? If so, them the Shared Box is simply letting you move the absol (and any other pokemon put into it) between your files without a whole lot of hassle.
  6. This ain't no bug, kid- just pure fluff (in multiple senses of the word)! There are NPCs who comment on the weird situation in the offices downstairs, though, so the foxes aren't going completely unnoticed.
  7. Hey, nice Conquest avi! Shame its Psychic power can't help you with Ayaya! a whole lot... Anyway! Welcome to the peculiar realm we call the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to read up on the rules (if you hadn't already), feel free to check out all we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay~!
  8. Round two: Water/Ground Edition! Quagsire Crest: +10 Atk., +10 Def., +30 Sp. Def. The Logic: Whishcash Crest: Negates Grass Typed attacks and raises Attack one stage (ala Sap Sipper) The Logic: Gastrodon Crest: +10 Def., +10 Sp. Def, and slows attackers that make physical contact (ala the Gooey Ability) The Logic: Seismitoad Crest: +20 Atk., and allows to holder to inflict Poisoned Status to Poison and Steel Types (ala Corrosion) The Logic: Note that I'm not giving swampert a Crest because it already has a Mega to work with. Why should I go invalidating that?
  9. Baring the Water and Grass starters (I'm assuming you chose a Fire Type), getting the Old Rod and access to the pool in Lower Peridot gets you goldeen and finneon; having the Rose Incense on hand during a sunny day in North Peridot will get you a budew; and getting access to Mr. Seacrest's garden gives you a shot at cherubi. Not much in the way of options, but hey- this is Reborn. Limited resources to start with is kinda its thing~!
  10. Is it Crest Suggestion time at last? Well, I wasn't actually expecting one to crop up, so this is quite a pleasant surprise! So, I'm gonna suggest a bit of a doozy: I personally like Insulation Trash Cloak Wormadam a fair bit, and would love to see it get buffed a bit! But it wouldn't be fair to improve one wormadam without also giving something to the other two, and it'd be a bit of a hassle to create a Crest for each individual form. Thus, I had to come up with a concept that would provide a blanket boost that all three forms would benefit from- a bit of a tricky endeavor, given that one of them's a wannabe Quiver Dance user, another is liable to run Gyro Ball, and the last is Physical AF. But hey, I got something to offer here despite those differences anyway! Wormadam Crest: Increases the holder's Defenses (either by +10, +15, or +20, depending on what the devs feel is more balanced) and reduces damage from Fire attacks (as if it had the Ability Heatproof). The two things that tie all of wormadam's forms together is that they are slow, and weak to Fire. Being so slow, they can stand to be a bit more bulky- and we know from the original Cofagrigus Crest that the code isn't happy with ones that affect HP, so we have to stick to Defense buffs. While reducing Fire damage is pretty self-explanatory, it's important to note that it only nullifies the weakness for the Sandy Cloak- the other two would still take double damage from it. Still, it does give them a slight edge over the other pokemon with their Type combinations, so it's still a win on their end anyway~!
  11. Whenever you use a Stat Reducing Berry (Kelpsy, Hondew, and the like), the game says that the stat in question won't go any lower even if you have EVs in that stat. The game still reduces them as normal, however.
  12. 'Allo, just popping in to say I've been enjoying this little light-hearted game of yours so far! Well, that and the fact that you managed to blindside me with the Holiday Pokemon. For some reason, I expected there to be one per season and was really curious to see what you'd do for the Summer one... only to have Valentine's Day show up instead! I feel like it was a bit of a missed opportunity to have it be a swoobat, but at least it fit in the the area it's in, right? Also, I'm having a little too much fun with just swapping sprites all the time. Why be one person when you can just... be everyone and everything, and have everyone recognize you instantly anyway? That girl in the corner? That's Dia. Oh, you're curious about that cradily? That's Dia as well! Still confused as to how the guy who fought off an organization single-handedly is the same as the espurr that cried over lost donuts? Don't be- Dia's just magical like that~!
  13. Hmm, weather magic isn't exactly within my field of expertise, so I can't offer any advice in that regard. All the better for me, though- I despise wind chill! Anyway, welcome to this probably-a-bit-too-warm-for-the-average-polar-bear realm we call the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to read up on the rules, feel free to check out all we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay (temperature not withstanding)~!
  14. Well, I can't say I know where your will to live is, but I'd imagine that wherever it is, my way to live is with it. Anyway, welcome to this (apparently soulless) realm we call the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to read up on the rules, feel free to check out all we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay~!
  15. Well, uh, it seems that Smeargletail and I have opposite opinions, 'cuz I actually find grookey to be kinda ugly. Hopefully its evolutions will patch that one up, eh? Anyway, I'm on the Sobble Squad. Maybe I should rethink my stance on the Water Type, because we've been getting some dang good looking one these past few Gens!
  16. Names, names, everywhere, yet not a single one to keep~ Don't ask Anyway, welcome to this odd realm we call the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to to read up on the rules, feel free to check out all we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay!
  17. Actually, Luck moves his tent to Route 7 (the part with the dodro in the overworld), so it's still possible to change your difficulty at the current endgame. I'm not quite sure why'd you want to do so if you made it that far, but to each their own. Edit: Er, nevermind that. He is there, but he doesn't actually do his job anymore, instead preferring to comment on his boredom repeatedly. That's odd...
  18. I feel like Trading's probably off the table for this one. Assuming I'm understanding things correctly, modding the game as heavily as this results in it being removed from Reborn's server, so Blue'd have to set up a whole new one to make that work. Not exactly the most practical choice one could make, ya know? Also, hi! Semi-long time watcher, first time poster here! Thanks for the good work so far, BlueTowel!
  19. Hint: check the trees. She's quite fond of photosynthesis, you see~
  20. For some reason, my Rejuvenation file decided to automatically go down on the majority of menus. Makes it really hard to accept trades or heal at the Pokemon Center...

    1. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      Update: It's not just Rejuv.-Reborn's acting up as well. Guess there's a problem with my keyboard, then?

  21. Oho, is this the beginnings of a future thread in the Fan Games Expose subforum? Guess only time will tell! Anyway, welcome to this creative-ish place we call the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to read up on the rules, feel free to check out all we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay~!
  22. Flying and Bug Types work well in this particular fight, since they now resist Rock and deal Super Effective damage to them. Fire and Ice also resist Rock attacks in this field, but they don't strike them for SE damage like the previous two do-keep these guys as tanks in case the others drop. Things are a little different with his tyranitar, however. Thanks to its held Seed, it's a Normal Type with Normal Typed attacks only. This means it's weak to Ghost, but deals Super Effective damage to Ghost Types. As such, I'd reccomend leading with a non-Ghost that happens to know a Ghost attack (note that the Shadow Ball TM is available at this point). Another thing to keep in mind is that you can use his own trick against him: have a pokemon hold a Magical Seed to turn it into a Normalized Normal Type of its own! This'll allow them to deal Super Effective damage against all of his pokemon not named Tyranitar with a 1.2X damage increase to boot. I'd recommend doing this to a pokemon that doesn't already have one of the above advantages, since it'd be wasted on a Bug/Flying/both Type or the one designated anti-tyranitar unit. Based on your specific list, I'd say a team of Espeon w/ Shadow Ball (anti-tyranitar unit), Masquerain, Altaria (your core members), Typhlosion, Alolan Nintales (the relative tanks), and Alolan Raichu w/Magical Seed held should be able to net a win. At the very least, it'll do well as a decent starting point.
  23. Well, I've had the 'Veterans' tag on my profile for half a month now, so I guess I oughta do this. It's funny, though- I don't remember participating in any wars! Known As: Autumn Zephyr, of course! Age: I'm 20 years of age, and admittedly little salty salty about it. Gender: An androgynous mess, better known as Non-Binary. Birthday: April 24th Location: Athens, Georgia... though a conversation I had recently revealed that I can't really say that I'm from here. Height: To quote myself from last year, "Tall enough to be the one called on to reach high things, while still being below 6'. Is that an awkward zone?" Hair Color: A dark, dark brown. Kinda like dark chocolate, now that i think about it! Eye Color: Past!me put it best: "Anywhere between the-clouds-while-it's-just-sprinkling grey and a sort of pale aquamarine(?)" Relationship Status: Single, though I'd probably be more of a burden than a legitimate significant other in my current state anyway. Lives With: My two younger brothers, my step-mother, her cat and snake, and a certain paternal tyrant Pets: See above. Why'd I keep this category, again? Favorite Food; Sweet potatoes, butternut square, blueberry-pomegranate ice cream... and orange-infused dark chocolate. Basically, I've got an odd sweet tooth! Least Favorite: Hope you like turkey stuffing, 'cuz I ain't touching that even on Thanksgiving! I'm not a fan of spaghetti squash or avacados either. Favorite Drink: Cheerwine, blueberry-pomegranate-acai Vitamin Water, tea with the same flavor set as the previous entry- all rarities, of course. Water usually does fine. Least Favorite: Alcohol. And I'm not saying this out of principal, either! Favorite Color: Lighter shades of purple and orange usually suit my tastes just fine. I even wrote a poem about them once~! Least Favorite: Green and brown might look fine side by side, but they often turn out hideously when blended together! Favorite Genre of Music: I'm not exceptionally picky, though I've found that I typically gravitate towards upbeat 'folk' arrangements and mellow ones with electronic instrumentation. Favorite Band: Welp, still don't have an answer for this one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Favorite Album: This, on the other hand, I do have an answer for this time! Meltberry- Bioluminescent is one of my favorite discoveries from the past year. Favorite Song: Outside of the above, last year's entry (Magenta by Nano) is still valid. Favorite Game: Haven't been able to play much new from last time, so that list (Elebits, We Love Katamari, Pokemon BW/2, and Mario Kart Wii) still works. I do wonder why I didn't have The World Ends With You on it at the time, though... Favorite Genre of Game: High, I'm still all over the place here! I'm a bit more picky with these than I am with music, though. Hobbies: Mucking about on internet forums, watching other people play video games, playing Reborn and Rejuv, and occasionally attempting to make something halfway decent on Windows Paint. Riveting, I know. Favorite Movie: Same as last year: Madoka Magica: the Rebellion Story. I don't exactly get to watch a lot of films... Favorite TV Show: *Flounders about uncomfortably* So, Who Are You?: A curious fellow who's just as likely to be undetectable as unmissable in a social gathering, with stories to tell ranging from silly and light-hearted to frustrating and disappointing, depending on how severe my unmedicated depression is at the time. I make an effort to help others when I can, which I hope makes up for the bitterness I can exude when said depression gets the better of me, which is admittedly pretty often- that sort of thing happens when you're still living in a toxic relationship that's now threatening to actually ruin your whole life, after all. Hopefully I'll be able to keep my silly side as the most commonly seen one here for the following year, at least! Anything You're Responsible For?: Aside from apparently all the chores in the house (most of the others tend to ignore theirs completely), I kinda have an almost $1,000 debt I need to somehow pay off. Don't let your parents charge you rent, kids! Especially if they're still claiming you on their taxes! If you had to choose one of your posts as your way to introduce yourself, which would it be?: I'd say this one will do. It shows my general frame of thought (and my wordiness), without delving into the dark depths of my angsty soul in the slightest. It's almost perfect~! What Can I Talk To You About?: Pokemon's a pretty safe bet, though there are a lot more games I could potentially work with. Seriously, I know waaaay too much about games I've never played myself~! Any Closing Remarks?: What is a year, but a brief moment in time? Hopefully this next moment will unshackle those here who are imprisoned, and bring joy to even those who never were~!
  24. Getting the sad critter up to Lv. 28 in the Goldenleaf area during the Nighttime hours should do the trick.
  25. Given how early in the game your supposed to do it, it's actually very true to the original. It was always a brutal enemy if you rob its shop even at high levels in the PMD games, so why should it be any different here?
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