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Autumn Zephyr

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Everything posted by Autumn Zephyr

  1. *Spends several hours hunting for a pansear with a Passho Berry*
    *Finally finds one, and use Thief to nab it*
    *Pansear survives and uses Incinerate, destroying the Passho Berry completely*


    1. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      Update: RNGeesus has finally deigned to release me from my suffering.


  2. I'm gonna agree that the desert isn't very easy to get lost in, just large and empty. It does get really frustrating to find all of the oasis mirages to spawn the Mirage Tower as a result, but at least doing so heals all the damage you probably took battling all those Arena Trap dugtrios! The 1R253 Scrapyard made me get really tired of the train horn SFX, though... If I remember correctly, every room in Titania's Gym has its own name. 'Cuz, you know, it just wasn't quite memorable enough as it was! Seeing as you're going Reshiram, don't let your guard down- the next Gym isn't going to be very nice on the feels either! Though it is reportedly very easy so long as your name isn't Autumn Zephyr, so at least you should be able to get the Badge just fine once your file's saved.
  3. Basically, if a pokemon is in the game for capture/general obtainment, it is available shiny. The odds are around 100/1, but RNG is extremely fickle- being that far past odds is unfortunate, but not beyond the realm of belief.
  4. Welp, my USB just decided to and and delete the vast majority of my files, it seems. R.I.P.

    1. Fuchsia


      That sucks dude, I've been through similar situations 🙁


      I hope that your files weren't too important.

    2. Azeria


      Massive yikes.

  5. Ooh, check out dat coral reef- now with 120% less bleach! Seems like the oddly vibrant colors from Flora's trees in Route 3 have bled beneath the sea, hm? Also, am I the only one who's a tad amused that this thread cropped up the same day Commander dropped a review for this game?
  6. >That feel when kittens and cats apparently aren't animals smh Terrible and pointless nitpicking aside, welcome to this somewhat foggy domain we call the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to read on the rules, feel free to check out all we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay!
  7. If it makes you feel any better, I messed up and didn't get full Relationship Points with him before Didn't quite feel like hunting down all the mirage oasis at the time, R.I.P. Anyway, enough of that sad stuff! Welcome to this cookoo land we call the Reborn Evolved Forums, o Follower of the Path of Truth! Be sure to read up on the rules, feel free to check all we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay~!
  8. Well, that's not entirely accurate. Your team is fully healed between the first two battles, and your "given Full Restores" between the second and third, so it's not like they leave you completely swamped. Didn't help me from getting blocked for somewhere between a month and a half and two months, but it's generally accepted at this point that I really, really suck compared to what the devs think their demographic is, so... eh. You should to fine in comparison. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. Well, 'some trouble' is a lot smoother than 'hardwalled for a month', so, uh, it would appear that I'm worse than you. Hopefully this trend will continue for you against your next big challenge!
  10. You got that far in only 80 hours? Seems suspicious... Tell me, you wouldn't happen to have had difficulty beating Ammaria at all, would you? Anyway, welcome to the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to read up on the rules, feel free to check out all we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay~!
  11. Haven It was always awesome to witness these massive clashes of power as a bystander, even after all this time. They were rather rare back home, of course- even if group combat hadn't been the norm, it simply wasn't very common for powerful people to feel threatened enough to go that far in a spar. Perhaps even more awesome than that, however, was the fact that Nova just... gave up, despite being the one who started this whole mess in the first place! Haven couldn't help but hesitate in surprise as the myriad parasols ran through the aggressor's body and seemingly left nothing but a shimmering blue orb... ...Nova's soul, no doubt. And then Veronica ate it. "Too many things are happening all at once..." she muttered as she jumped onto the (newly expanded!) ground and started to make her way toward the surviving trio. Bulla pulled out from Haven's helmet, though the girl remained transformed. "I'll admit, I wasn't expecting things to end quite like this either. I guess the crystal's exact form is based on the victor's usual objective items?" "So now the umbrella's eating rocks? This is managing to get more and more absurd as time goes on!" Both of them fell silent as they closed the rest of the distance. "Well, um, congratulations on your victory," Haven, ever the master of starting conversations, stated awkwardly.
  12. After hours of scouring Gearen Park, I have come to the conclusion that pansage do not actually exist, yet alone the Occa Berries they supposedly carry. Thus, I have to ask: how exactly does berry farming work in Rejuvenation?

    1. Gentleman Jaggi

      Gentleman Jaggi

      It works just like in the Gen III and IV games - you plant a Berry in soil, wait and regularly water it. You can get a watering can from a guy in the terajuma ranger Center.

      Also you can skip the waiting part by setting your computers clock forward by several hours.

    2. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      Alright, then. Thanks for the help! 

  13. The Move Relearner is in the southern portion of Sheridan Village- at least, it is once you complete the ??? Help Center Quest all the way over in Kristilline. I'm actually not sure if it's usable before that, since I've only used it in post myself...
  14. I mean, I'd prefer to see either Tressa or Cyrus myself, but the second O and the P do have that marketing going for them over the rest of the cast, which kinda gives them more of an edge. I'm definitely with you on preferring Primrose between those two, though: as much as a like Olberic, Primrose slots into a less worn archetype and is more elegant to build around as a whole, especially with the Moonlight Waltz-> Night Ode tying into the BP mechanic thing being a possibility. On the other hand, she is a quick and light character with daggers, dark magic, and potential summoning shenanigans, which would make her uncomfortably similar to Joker... Speaking of summoning shenanigans, I had an idea come up as I was typing this. Instead of throwing out some Allure'd NPC, she called upon one of the other Travelers when she used Summon? That'd allow all of them to be represented in Smash while still letting Primrose take the spotlight! Granted, that's more work for the modeling department, but having Summon in her kit at all already did that, so it probably wouldn't change the workload that much, right?
  15. Personally, I doubt that we'll be seeing an Octopath rep, but not for the reason listed in the poll. The way I see it, their problem lies in the simple fact that the game is made by a team in Square Enix, which presents two major hurdles in and of itself: 1) Square has been very uncooperative with its involvement with Smash this time around, for some bizarre reason, so the chances of getting one of their characters in this DLC wave are rather slim by default 2) If we did get a new fighter out of ol' Squeenix, there's a long line of potential candidates that are more likely to show up than one of the Travelers. Sora, Neku Sakuraba, a Bravely character (probably Tiz), Geno, another Final Fantasy rep... There's some pretty steep competition here! TL, DR: I really doubt an Octopath Rep will crop up, but have a fairly solid idea of how that'd function if one did manage to make it against all odds. Expect the worst, prepare for the best, I guess?
  16. ...Ugh. That's terribly unfortunate. In any case, that's case closed, sorry to be a bother.
  17. Less of something concrete and more of a suspicion I'd like to have checked: I think there may be something wrong with Evasion now. Sure, I could just have been having bad luck, but when 2 Close Combats, a Bullet Seed, and 12 Body Slams in a row all manage to land through +4 or+6 Evasion, I kinda start having doubts. Weirder still, Earthquake and Earth Power were dodged just fine. And no, none of the pokemon giving me these issues are able to have No Guard as their Abilities under normal circumstances (I checked early on).
  18. Vs. Evil Gym got updated? And it's an original tune?! My, that's quite the interesting surprise, indeed!
  19. The time has come! ...For to figure out which Time Stone connects to what again, 'cuz I don't wanna pay the train far back from Sheridan Village. Anyway, thanks for your hard work so far, folks who had a hand in this part of the project! Hopefully it'll be as enjoyable as we've anticipated~!
  20. Oh, that's just A Hat In Time's MC's dancing emote. She's a bit of a sassy child.
  21. Assuming I can get the token Ice Type ready in time, I'll be going in with the following: Froslass Magnezone Pinsir Reuniclus Primarina Arcanine Weeeeee~
  22. Out from the floorboards, xe doth climb~ To escape xyr disappointment this Christmas time~! Because xe didn't get even a single gift~ Xe'll be attending the Revel to get their fix~! Ah, sorry, not quite sure what came over me there. Anyway, I'm always a fan of stuff like Lie Alive, and Cards Against Humanity is usually a good time for all, so I think I'll hit those booths up when tomorrow comes. Guess that means I'll have to actually show up in Discord beforehand, huh?
  23. Haven This was going by a bit too fast. Both sides had only exchanged a few quick blows, and that Nova chick was already busting out the stereotypically massive laser of a finishing move! If she was doing something like that, then she was either confident or desperate- and neither her face nor the tone of her scream helped with figuring out which was the case, either. In any case, Rust and her partner answered the blast with a more technical technique of their own, duplicating the parasol many times over and pushing the beam to a near halt. 'So it's come to a clash of raw power, huh?' Haven mused as she circled around the trio, getting into position to easily Butt In with a Spearing Skewer if things seemed to go too far in Nova's favor. It seemed like she didn't have to worry, as the pair were able to quickly regain their slight advantage even after their foe poured more magic into the Hypernova Outburst, but there was no telling whether that advantage could be kept or not at this point. Better to be prepared for the worst then be off guard when it happens, after all...
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