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Autumn Zephyr

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Everything posted by Autumn Zephyr

  1. You guys say that, but then there's my friend who got kicked out of school entirely early in his senior year because he wore a trench coat... that he had worn throughout all of his previous years as well. That's it. There are at least 20 kids in the building who carry pocketknives on their person on a regular basis, yet it's the the guy who doesn't even own any traditionally-viewed-as-weaponry type weapons they attempted to ruin the entire career of because he 'looked like he might be dangerous'. The fact that said trench coat was the only form of winter wear he owned due to coming out of a family of four struggling to get by off of just a soldier's paycheck didn't matter in the slightest. Later on in the year, my brother got in-school suspension for wearing makeup that was part of a costume he had been granted permission to wear at school on Halloween. He even asked first, and still got bricked! It's been of my experience that Zero Tolerance doesn't care about the circumstances surrounding an affront, no matter how minor, and ultimately winds up coming down on the people who need its protection most. The quiet autistic kid who's known to be abused at home and spends most of xyr time at school either drawing or reading in a vain attempt to close themselves off from the 150+ peers that are all attempting to get under xyr skin in hopes of witnessing one of those (in)famously explosive fits of frustration firsthand? They actually did blow up a couple times and hurt someone in process, so clearly they're the problem! Not the girl who finally succeeded in snapping an arm off their backpack after months of combined effort between her and her friends on the bus, not the 5 jerks who busted down the bathroom stall xe was in just see what sort of reaction they'd get- the quiet kid. Gee, thanks guys, I feel sooo safe from the bullies! Admittedly, the ensuing suspensions were more justified than the first two, but they still terribly missed their mark and only made things worse for the years to come. Middle School was a bloody nightmare through and through... 0/10, would not do again.
  2. PULSE=J-E-N-O-V-A, confurmed? Both have the grotesque thing going on, at least.
  3. Specifically, the Goldenwood Cave uses GlitchXCity's remix of Waterfall, which uses the same motif as Undertale (the song) and Spear of Justice, to name a few. Jan hasn't been especially picky with what series the original song was from when it comes to using Glitch's work (FF7 has a piece in the game, and Sonic 06 used to, for further example), so I wouldn't be too surprised if one of her Octopath pieces wriggles its way into V11. Also, the time doth draw ever nearer! Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha!
  4. Not gonna lie, I kept thinking of how utterly salty you must be throughout the Direct. Everything you were hoping wouldn't happen did, all at once! Personally, I'm glad we don't have Decidueye hogging both of Pokemon's fighter slots. Sure, we could probably have gotten something that wasn't quite so obvious, but Inceneroar was practically made for a fighting game and is certainly a better pick than, say, crabominable, so I'm chill with that. The fact that the other character was an Echo of a third party rep. I don't care for myself was a bit of a bummer, but that's probably to be expected from a series that's trying to be The Greatest Crossover Fanfic of All Timetm. I was admittedly surprised that wait until the end of the last Direct to reveal this game's Lethal Joke Character (a gosh darned Pirhana Plant, of all things!), but considering that they didn't formally reveal the Duck Hunt Duo in the last one, I'd say that's still making a stride or two. Spirits being Stickers+ was unexpected, though the story aspect is a little lacking from what little we've seen so far. Speaking of- Dammit, Sakurai, quit giving your OC the spotlight! Though, this is admittedly the sort of situation Kirby has to deal with every other month, so it does admittedly make sense that he, of all characters, survived, but still... Oh, and let's not forget this man's tendency to deal in false securities: Sakurai: "This game's story mode is intended to be more fun than serious." Story Mode: *Murders everyone in the multiverse and reanimates the corpses a few powerful individuals* Well, that certainly escalated far quicker than it had any right to! Whoops.
  5. ...I thought you'd have access to Surf by that point in the game already, though? Huh, guess not. I also thought dewpider would be fishable, but that seems to be off as well. Welp, that's unfortunate. From what I've seen, people tend to either go full-Physical with silvally, or give it a more supportive role. Naturally, having an IV spread like that leans you toward the latter option, especially ion a game where a pokemon's Nature can be changed. Granted, you can't go all in with Z-Parting Shot shenanigans for a long while yet, but it's not like that's the only trick the chimera's got in its arsenal anyway!
  6. Not necessarily all of it- I don't believe there's anything on the to-catch list in the infamous southern portion- but North Adventurine Woods is the only place you can find dewpider in the game, and the Fire Gym notably occurs during the period where the area is unavailable. There's also the Pikachium-Z, but I doubt that's ever gonna be useful!
  7. Hi, I'm Severely Behind, and I'm here to declare that It'll be a while before i get anywhere close to on track. Halloween Season is always the most packed one for me IRL, more serious goings-on are at play behind the scenes, and I've got a few RPs vying for my attention as well. I'll probably do short, couple sentence summaries of the vids i haven't seen yet when I get the time to actually watch them, though, worry not- Autumn's Autistic Episode Review shall eventually return! maybe... Judging from the lack of notifications I've gotten from this side of the universe, I believe you haven'y dealt with the Adventurine Woods quite yet? You're starting to cut things a bit close there, methinks- Radomus isn't all that long before much of the Region is locked out, after all!
  8. Haven Haven facepalmed and groaned inwardly, grasping at the centermost pin on her hat. If what Rust said was correct, then Goldie was certain to be a serious thorn in her side. 'Dealing with people really isn't my strong suit...' More importantly, though, if Rust was telling the truth about the whole seeing souls thing, then perhaps this trip wasn't so bad after all. That's a sort of power that's almost always going to find a way to be useful when people are involved, and notably shores up one of her own weaknesses- it would be selfish to ask for more of a potential ally this early in the game. Which, of course, meant that she had to be really careful to mess this up as well! Which, in turn, meant that she shouldn't openly express her doubts about Rust being exactly as she appears quite yet. Fortunately, the world decided that it would be best to postpone any more awkward conversations. Unfortunately, it was by way of exploding walls, free flying shortcakes, and a red-headed girl who was clearly waaaay too hyped up on sugar and adrenaline. And possibly even herself, judging from her insistence on being 'the best magical girl'. "Tch, 'action' seems like a mild way to put it," she muttered as the shockwave died out, letting her take notice of a second newcomer- most likely Rust's partner- descending towards them. Was that parasol part of her arm? That was certainly weird, but there were bigger things to worry about right now. She nodded in acknowledgement as the hasty introductions proceeded, as aware as the others that the blazing blood knight before them was not going to let them chat the time away while she was around. "I believe I understand the situation well enough. Feel free to call me if you feel you need help." She leapt to the side, both to get of Rust and Veronica's way (and the path of the aggressor's attacks) and to keep from reentering Goldie's territory. Tension mounted all around her, the music changed to a dramatic pace (were there guitars before?), Veronica revealed herself to be the parasol, and both parties began to radiate absolutely absurd amounts of power that she never would've bothered to put out even if she could. It was probably mostly theatrics in this place, but it was initially overwhelming nonetheless... But even the strong have weaknesses, and she was going to see if she could pinpoint Nova's. But why wasn't...? "Don't tell me that you forgot that your vision's restricted here already," Bulla's voice chided behind her. "...Habits are hard to break." Haven sighed- this wasn't the time to be bickering. "Whatever. I'll just transform and get it over with." "Understood." The sprite's form quickly changed to a mass of azure magic, then divided into six portions that flew into Haven's pins, initiating the girl's shift in attire. Haven adjusted her newly formed goggles as magic seeped into her eyes, enhancing her vision significantly. 'Now, let's see here...' From what she could tell, Nova's power was more akin to a star's energy than standard light magic- brilliant and barely filtered, showcasing extremely little of the variance she could typically catch in this state. Which meant that if she wanted to pinpoint the wholes in the aggressor's magical defenses, she'd have to get creative. Looking at Rust and Veronica revealed a bit of a curiosity- their guards manifested not like a mystical haze like most, but as a pair of spheres that seemed to be gradually approaching each other. Even with her gift, they seemed hazy and indistinct, leaving Haven with the impression that the only reason she could see them at all was because the pair drew their power from them- basing off of Rust's commentary earlier, Haven was looking at their very souls! She didn't take the time to dwell on the sheer surreality of the situation quite yet, however, and quickly scanned them for points that weren't quite as strong as the rest. Presumably, Nova has a soul as well, so a little bit of cross-referencing should... 'There!' Sure enough, there a couple marginally darker gaps in her aura that roughly corresponded with what she saw in the locals'. 'Looks like I've found a couple sunspots!' 'Sure, but you can't exactly relay that information without the Starmantle's telepathy or one of the Technomancer's gadgets,' echoed sardonically in her head. 'You can't just let me have my moment, can you?' Haven shrugged the sprite's ire away and refocused on the battle itself. It wouldn't do to be distracted when a shot is flying at her or her assistance was called upon, though it seemed like the former was a more likely outcome by a long shot at this point... Haven gains 1 EXE from the Seamless Sight of the Shallow Seas
  9. Haven It took a moment, but it seemed that Haven was able to get enough of an immunity to the square's enchantment to actually hold a sensible conversation. She wasn't sure if all territory hazards were like this, but considering that the rain in her area never even seemed to threaten to soak her before she left, she figured that this was probably a special case. Regardless of the logistics, though, she couldn't help but feel a bit relieved anyway. She never had been the most graceful of dancers... Judging from the look on Rust's face, it seemed she hadn't noticed Goldie's shift in attitude. Understandable, given how laid back the reddish girl seemed, but still a little annoying. "Um, sorry about skipping out back there. It seemed like i was starting to push a few buttons, and, well... I don't think making enemies would be too beneficial for anyone at this point. Figured it would be wise not to push my luck." There was something else to the pale lady's shift in mood, though, and Haven wasn't quite sure what to make of it. She seemed to think that she had something to hide, which didn't make a whole lot of sense if they all had similar amounts of information accessible (though Bulla never had been one to paint the whole picture). Which meant that it was probably something about herself. Strategically, it was a good idea to keep your capabilities hidden at this point, but seeing as it was the mention of Stanza that triggered the change... was there possibly something wrong with their pact? Or maybe she was just used to trying to hide her magical nature that the urge came up even in such a nonsensical moment? Whatever it was, it was probably a mystery best saved for a later time.
  10. Haven "...Okay, then." She hadn't expected the term to offend anyone, given how commonly used it was back home, but it did make sense in retrospect- after all, the chances of there being anyone else from that world here probably weren't very high. She'd have to figure out what if this place had a generalized term for them later. For time being, it seemed to be more wise to give this woman space. "Right. Anyway, thanks for putting up with my inquiries. Hopefully you'll find a way for the rest of your day to be good despite these bizarre circumstances." She bowed stiffly, and tried to subtly motion for Rust to join in her departure. 'I have no idea how Cer does it...' she bemoaned to herself as she tried to prepare to defend against the neighbor's magical music.
  11. I'm personally a Shift user, for a couple reasons. First and foremost, I'm just too lazy to go into the Options Menu every time I start a new file. Why bother hiding that? The second thing is that I don't like complete surprise- so if the game's going to give me part of the puzzle for free, then I'm gonna take that! It's important to note that in most cases, just knowing what species the opponent is packing isn't always enough to hold an advantage- they could always be running a bizarre but effective set, or outspeed your sweeper with a Choice Scarf, or something else along the lines. And that's to say nothing of pokemon with multiple forms: if the game says you're about to face a rotom, and your opponent isn't a Monotype Specialist, then you have to decide whether you should risk your Water 'mon in case it's a rotom-H, leave your already set up Ground Type out and hope you can coverage it to death fast enough, or possibly pull some other trick entirely! Yes, Shift helps a bit, but it can easily catch you offguard anyway.
  12. Haven "Riiight." Haven was a little unamused by Rust's nonchalance about it, but she decided to let it go. After all, it wasn' the stranger's title that got lost in translation. More importantly, her choice of words suggested that she was likely the pactmaster of her pair, and thus an individual with significant personal power- especially considering her apparently human form. Even if that power was backed by a lack of skill, it would still be wise to avoid angering them... And then there was the matter of the pale lady. "...That's an understandable decision, given the situation. Besides, Rust and Goldie are both names derived from metals. That should keep things simple for the time being." She focused her attention to Goldie again, and kept Rust in the corner of her eye on the off chance that the newcomer tried something. "You mentioned someone called Stanza earlier. That'd be your pactmaster, I take it?"
  13. Haven Haven's attempt at voicing her own agreement with the pale lady's musing was interrupted by the newcomer, so she kept her mouth shut and let them say their piece. She was quick to notice that this off-colored girl's friend hadn't come with her, and figured that they must be trying to cover more ground by visiting two places at once- certainly a distinct advantage of having two humans on their team. One of them probably saw her pass through their plot while they were arguing with each other, so the other girl probably went to the bakery or even whatever landscape was to their north- assuming, of course, that she was right in their motives. You can't always tell with people, yet alone people from other worlds... "Nice to meet you, Rust," she responded, hoping that this would prove to be the truth. "I am Magical Girl Shimmer☆...Haven." Her face took on an increasingly confused expression as she attempted to process what exactly was rolling off her tongue. "...Weird. That's not quite the title I meant to give."
  14. Haven "Seems like we came to the same conclusion regarding the Purgatory bit," Haven confessed. 'Why does everything seem to lead to violence?' The group had hoped that they wouldn't have to fight anywhere near as much with that last battle, but it seemed that she wasn't so lucky. This did mean that she had to look at every single person as a potential enemy again, and that was rarely a pleasant experience. More importantly, that meant that the entity, or entities, that gathered them all here was unlikely to let whoever survived this experience return home without a whole bunch of strings attached... "So, some higher power snagged a bunch of warriors when their disappearance would be most unobtrusive to their realms, and had them beat each other down to see who is the strongest of the bunch," Haven shook her head. "This feels like a situation that won't end well to anyone who loses a match, or makes it all the way to the end. Though that's a fitting predicament, considering the previous conclusion..."
  15. Haven Crossing the border between regions was a bit... different from what she was used to, audibly speaking. That was probably to be expected, though- back home, the change was typically a little more gradual compared to the abrupt nature of this one. That didn't stop the change from simple but calming rainfall to lively song from being any more jarring! Haven was more of a hip hop type of girl, but even she had to admit that this piece sounded good enough to... '...No! This is some sort of siren's song!' She snapped herself out of the trance and forced her way back toward her goal, heaving a sigh of relief when she found that the next border hid no similar traps. 'Guess I'll have to stay on my guard here...' Haven halted when she saw that this quadrant's resident had noticed her, and tried to look as non-threatening as she could while the lady approached. Between the overall pale complexion and the golden eyes, Haven couldn't help but wonder if she might be related to an old friend of hers, though their demeanors and senses of style seemed to be quite different so far. "It certainly is," Haven answered the local's inquiry. "Especially the place behind me- there's some sort of enchanted song that can only be heard in its borders." She shrugged and shifted to a more comfortable stance. "Anyway, I was wondering if it was possible that different people were given different bits of information when we arrived here, and figured that it might be worth it to ask around."
  16. Haven 'Seriously, why am I always the whose body gets hijacked?!' Haven complained as her body missed another swing against at the shadowy figure before her. The Annuler had done it, one of the crime bosses the Spritebound Investigative Agency had targeted early on did it, even Cer's stuck-up twin had done it. Though, she had to admit that this was the first time one such body thief had tried to destroy her psyche in the process. It took as much magic as she could muster to keep the psychic tendrils at bay... "This is getting old, Ven." The shadow declared as it deflected another jab with its blazing scimitar, curved slit-eyes filled with displeasure. It warped to the top of a nearby cliff with a burst of flame, the blade now a longbow drawn and aimed at her. "How many times have we told you to work on your mental resistance now?" 'Well, well, well! It seems I've found weak spot in your team's synergy~!' her possessor's voice jeered in her head as he willed his puppet to lunge up the cliff and deflect the arrows fired at them along the way. 'And the other four were playing so well togethe- what?!' This time, the punch landed true- but it had hit a mere distraction, a fake that exploded into countless shards of blackened ice and gave the real shadow an opening to press a blade against the body's neck. "You actually fell for that? Seems like you haven't been able to access our tactical secrets yet, huh?" They pressed against Haven's back, allowing their foul aura to eat at the cords that bound her. "You don't have enough power to snap them, you know," the villain chided in Haven's voice. "The only way you can free this girl from my grasp is to killer her. Can you live that guilt, Ms. Hearth?" The shadow was silent for a moment. "...Talk about cliche. But, as it turns out..." She let go and quickly stepped away just as a massive blade shrouded in brilliant light ran through where she had just been- and Haven's torso. "...I don't even have to." Two different voices wailed in excruciating pain as both victim and villain were rent asunder and seared by raw divine power. One voice died out as his presence was exorcised away. The other died as her wounds claimed her. As, too, did the trenches of the realm beyond... ... - - - ... ...But the trenches occasionally make returns shipments. Through the haze of unconsciousness, Haven was vaguely aware that she could feel herself again. That led to questioning about her state of being. Was this the afterlife? If so, where was she? The ground beneath her was too rough to be Heaven. Or had NYM managed to revive her despite the grievous wounds? No, that couldn't be right. She would never allow rain to fall in the healing ward. Besides, she didn't seem to be able to heal mental injuries... Eventually, she opened her eyes and drug herself to a sitting position. She seemed to be on the roof of an apartment complex- one very similar to where she lived before... well, before the situation that led to her making her pact. Except for the school of see-through anchovies that just swam by. "...Uhm?" "Finally awake, I see." Haven looked behind her to see Bulla, her patron, mixing something in a plastic bowl. "I'd imagine you're pretty hungry. Care for some tuna salad?" "...Tuna salad? Seriously?" Bulla shrugged and scooped some of it into another bowl. "For a multistory apartment building, this place isn't especially well stocked." "...Fine." She took the bowl from her familiar and sighed. "...So, did we win?" "A bit hard to say," Bulla replied. "My memories end shortly after our backup arrived for some reason. I do know that you didn't, though." "What do you mean by that, exactly?" "The fact that we're here means that you died." The matter-of-fact way the sprite had put it was a little off-putting, but at least confirmed Haven's suspicion. "As did at least half of the people in this realm..." Haven looked up toward the rainy sky for a moment, only now realizing that the water wasn't actually sticking to her at all. "Guess this is some sort of Purgatory, then. Hell doesn't strike me as the type of place that'd give you time to contemplate the situation before throwing into of the thick of things." "Could be," Bulla answered, floating toward's the edge of the building. "Though the view from here gives me other ideas..." The human followed them, and dropped her bowl in surprise at the sight. To every side of their apartment was a different sort of location, ranging from a restless graveyard, to a concrete square, even to some place with massive stone words! Weirder still, the closest any of the places got to sharing her weather was a thick haze that shrouded a nearby forest. "Th-this is even worse than when the worlds first became marbled!" she exclaimed. "Exactly. My theory is that this is some sort of alternate dimension set aside for those who have both forged a pact of some sort and fallen in battle in their own worlds." It heaved a sigh of its own. "At least whatever power it is that brought us here had the decency to let me know that each area is technically a manifestation of its resident's mind, which means that this has nothing to do with the Great Spirits' Conflux." "...Weird. But the separate dimension thing does suggest that there may be a way back home." Haven's face shifted from one of awe to one of determination. "And if there is one, then we'd best start searching for it!" "Certainly beats sitting around twiddling our digits while we hope for the Starmantle to find a way to rescue us." "...For the umpteenth time, he has a name." Haven snapped her fingers, and paused. "...Huh. I can't seem to change vision modes anymore." If Bulla had eyebrows, they would've been furrowed. "That's odd. I'm still granting you that power... Maybe it only works when you transform here?" "And people are likely to panic if I approach them looking like I'm ready for battle. Talk about inconvenient..." She cracked her neck and climbed atop the railing. "Might as well start by seeing if anyone knows anything we don't, hm?" She leapt confidently off the edge, caught her fall on a windowsill, and safely dropped the rest of the way to the sidewalk below. 'A bakery is probably best visited last, and the pair directly north of us probably shouldn't be interrupted alone... Guess I'll start with the campfire then.' Bulla caught up to her as she started to head northeast. "Just as eager as ever, I see." "You know the saying: think too much at the start, and investigation never gets done. Come on!"
  17. So, Chaoticangel is now a gengar? Anyway, sorry about the drop there. Between housesitting for someone with a trash computer, yardwork up the wazoo, having a hurricane somehow manage to get this far inland (it was just a tropical storm when it got here, but it was still bad enough to pop the internet router), and generally being an easily distracted individual who can't even stick to Inktober for even half a week, it seems I've managed to miss almost a fifth or so of the game... You don't mind if I start back up with the next vid, do you?
  18. ...Oh, dear. It seems I have finally found someone I couldn't come up with a witty opening sentence for right off the bat. Um, the moon's nice... Anyway! Welcome to the starlit(?) realms we call the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to read up on the rules (again, I guess), feel free to check out all we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay!
  19. Pokemon Magictm, presumably. It may also be a reference to a certain joke ROMHack that used lavafishing as one of its many gags. Anyway, it may be a bit before I actually come up with one of my infamous reaction posts. On the plus side, it means I might not wind up double posting!
  20. ...Probably? They're in the area post-restoration, and while that does add a significant number of pokes to the wild list, wooper and quaggy make sense to have already been in the Azurine Region in the first place. If they are there, then wooper should be a common encounter and appropriately easy to locate as a result.
  21. Not just any drifblim, mind- one that has absolutely nothing to do with Fire because the species wouldn't get Heat Wave until Platinum, or Flare Boost until BW! It's there to counter Ground Types, which trample over his actual Fires. Oh, you already know he has it and brought a Ghost of your own? He has a Normal Type to counter that! Okay, so it shares rapidash's weakness to Rock attacks, maybe that'll work? Nope! He's got a steelix. Add in the fact that infernape is actually a really good pokemon (itwas even OU back in the day), and you've got yourself the makings of the real gatekeeper of the Elite 4! Like, Aaron and Bertha I was fine with having wildcards in comparison, seeing as the former's Drapion most likely was a Bug Type when he got it, and the latter's sudowoodo at least shared both of the most commonly exploited weaknesses in-game with her actual Type. But Flint's actually somewhat balanced type spread, with only two pokes of his purported specialty? That was some Grade A nonsense! Let's not forget that DP's level curve spikes tremendously after the events at the Spear Pillar, to the point where my team is usually lower leveled than the wild pokemon in Victory Road when I get there, and that trend continues throughout the entirety of the gauntlet! Basically, DP's Elite four consists of a pathetically easy Bug user, followed by Sand Stream: the Battle (R.I.P. Potions), followed by OH DEAR LORD ARCEUS WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA?!, then Lucian's annoying bronzong (the rest of the team barely matters, though that girafarig did manage to screw me over once), and then you finally go up against what is widely considered to be the strongest Champion in the series, who would be very likely to tear your pathetic casual team limb from limb even if it weren't already horribly bloodied by the battles that came before! All whilst being underleveled from the get-go, and watching helplessly as the gap between your team's might and the opponents' rapidly increases based off of that one number alone. It's quite the challenge, but dang if finally getting through it doesn't feel amazing!
  22. Fair enough, I guess? I'm actually not familiar with vivillon's Reborn shiny, so I wouldn't have guessed that. Considering that it's created during the evolution of nincada into ninjask, which is the pokemon equivalent of the final molt between cicadas' nymph and adult stages (a process that's known for leaving behind the old shells in unusually pristine condition), it's safe to say that shedinja is indeed that old skin. The pokeball's just there to make sure said skin doesn't pull a "I'm free! So long, sucker!!" type of move once the possession happens. Though, considering that the shedinja retains the original's personality, does that mean that the original sheds part of its own spirit to animate the shell? That's the most ambiguous part of the whole deal, really...
  23. There's a significant amount of variety across all the lists, hitting as many different viewpoints on what Halloween means across them all. Can't argue with that, no? Assuming the possessed moth question is referring to shedinja, that thing's a cicada shell. There was one of those in my backyard just last week, actually...
  24. I mean, drapion and heracross aren't bad (though the former's a big cheat), but dustox and pre-Quiver Dance beautifly just aren't E4 material by any stretch of the imagination. Having two pokemon with the exact same Type combination (Bug/Flying, shared between beautifly and vespiquen) doesn't help his case either, even if they do have different roles on his team. Besides, the rest of that League was plenty difficult without Megas, especially in the originals- two Fire Types doesn't make you a Fire specialist, Flint! Really, Aaron was a terrible first look for what's to come...
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