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Pokemon Desolation Episode 5


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No offense, but if you think Rosetta is that hard, then how on God's good earth did you get past Tristan? 

Tbh, Tristan was really easy for me, I only used 2 mons, Magneton and Blaziken, Blaziken was my sweeper having Bulk Up time 3 + speed boost + rock smash.

Rosetta is another story since Blaziken gets destroyed by her Mega and Magneton by mons like Azumarill, so ... she takes out my 2 main mons to win and then she just sweeps me xD


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Since it's mid february already, can we talk about the ending for a bit now that the next release approaches? I just love speculating. (Spoilers ahead, for everyone that hasn't finished the game yet!)


First off, am I the only one who finds this game incredibly creepy? Way more so than rejuvenation or reborn. In a good way, though! I was home alone last night playing, and when I got to the final cutscene when you're in that dark corridor with the mysterious voice and the other characters' sprites start to show up, I was so creeped out I had to turn all my living room lights on. So kudos to Caz on that ending, you really managed to freak me out!


So what are people's theories on what happened in that ending, the weird voice, the right choices to make, etc.?


Personally I saved both Nova and Scarlett (lucky I snooped through the forum first or I wouldn't have known to go back for the bow). I'm not sure if saving Nova was the right choice, but it seemed wrong to side with Shiv's sister or just do nothing when I had the option to. 


I was convinced that the disembodied voice that kept asking what our dreams are and what a hero is was Tristan, but after that ending now I'm thinking that maybe it's Aurora? So my new theory is that since Aurora thought we were interesting she put us to sleep and conned us into telling her all our backstory so she'd know what the heroes had been up to, starting from the boat ride, which is the adventure we've been having up until now. As for waking up with her in the jungle, I think that's the dream and the rest of the adventure was real, and she just wants us to think that it's the other way around (to con us into trusting her, maybe?). The only problem is that apparently Garrett said people only have powers in the dream world, so we might have been in a dream the whole time. This is confusing, man. Caz should seriously consider a career as a philosopher or something.


And what's Tristan's deal? Am I the only one who thought his grandpa had locked him up in that pokeball in his house? If we didn't actually get his badge, why couldn't we have just taken one from his house like everyone else apparently did? If he wasn't really with us throughout silver rise, were all the trainers in there just a bunch of jerks ganging up two-on-one against a poor kid? Didn't he speak to some of the rangers in the mountain, or am I remembering wrong? Plus, did Tristan do some ghost magic voodoo to stop us from snooping through his house when we first enter it? The first sign I had that something wasn't quite right with Tristan was when it said we "shouldn't really read other people's diaries" and "shouldn't snoop in people's rooms", considering that's the first thing we pokemon players obsessively do as soon as we get to a new place or spy a suspiciously-coloured item anywhere.


Anywhoo, I'd love to hear people's theories! And congrats on making a very enjoyable game, Caz!

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Anybody else make the mistake of not saving Scarlett from killing herself. Lol I found out super late that you could go back and pick up an item that would potentially save her, and now I have this feeling that I'm gonna be missing out on a major part of the plot with her (permanently??) out of the picture. The feeling really sucks especially since I'm way too lazy to make another run of the game (cause some of these gym leaders really out here kicking my ass 30 times over. I'm looking at you Emily ...). So yeah here's to Scrlett pulling some "heroes never die" bs and returning to the scene to spice up our lives.

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@LunarCosmos If you remember Conor ( iirc that his name ) went looking for her. He told emily that he doesnt believe she is dead.

I have save files in which  i save her and save files in which i dont and there arent many differences with the exception that you fight scarlett in the semi finals instead of hardy.

So its possible that she is not really dead ( she has a togekiss that can fly *wink* *wink* ).Also based on how the episode ends i dont know if it really matters.

Moreover,though this is just me, i havent worked in a game before nor have i created my own in any means,but i think it would be a pain in the ass to code two different routes based on the adsence or not of an important character.

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Okay, we're in a real awkward situation right now. Normally when someone goes silent for 3-6 months, we can naturally assume that they are no longer working on the project or are on a very long hiatus. Going on a hiatus can lead to the cancellation of a project as these fan-games are a massive and draining amount of work.


We've recieved no updates since that message which a simple "it's still being worked on" is important to state once in a while. Anyways, I'm not saying to cease all discussion here, but try to keep speculation talk to a minimum. The only thing I really want to avoid telling people is "Hey, the next version of Desolation is coming soon" and in reality it's actually discontinued without anyone even knowing.


I'm also stating this for another big reason: At the end of the month, I will be updating the fan-game directory and if I don't see any responses from Caz or proof he is still working on it, Desolation will be placed in the status unknown. That warning does spread out to anyone else who has been completely silent 4-6 months.

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Guys i just found the solution to the bidoof puzzle you have to interacte withe the 4 bidoofs in your left from top to bottom

and btw i can say that almost all of you missed TM20 you can find in the keneph village behind the first house (the knowledge keeper)

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