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Hal Henderics

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-Snowdin Road


The child walks forward with the others in anticipation, and they even pause as soon as you all cross the bridge...


After a long, awkward pause, nothing happens?


The child is frowning now.


Moving further ahead, you all see an incredibly simplistic puzzle, which simply requires the solver to walk over X's on the ground in order to transform them into O's.

A small strip of spikes blocks passage to the next area, and Papyrus is on the other side.


As you approach, he notices you.


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Ignia glares up at Papyrus, disenthused with his antics at this point.

"We didn't eat any of it, it was a frozen block."
She deadpans at him.  She turns back to the rest of the group.
"Is there any reason we can't just ignore these puzzles and keep going?"

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11 hours ago, Hal Henderics said:



"Oooh.  Well... I'm Napstablook, and this game is called Thundersnail."


"It's really easy," he says as the snails line up at the starting line.


"If the yellow snail wins, then you win!  You can cheer on your snail to help her along."

Nodding at the very friendly ghost and his explanation of the game and its rules, Jun takes a brief moment to say, "Then may the best snail win!." Before she witnesses the race unfold in front of her, and attempts to use her skills as a diplomatic to help her figure out how and when to best cheer the yellow snail along, ending up cheering for it a total of 13 times.

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"W- WHA- whwha- the- the FUCK IS-- wha-- ff--" Sufficiently terrified by the eldritch beings that his speech lost all coherency, falling apart into stumbled words and slurred syllables, it was probably little surprise to Proditor that Nader reacted the way he did. His words might not have been working... but hopefully his guns would, with the loud bark of gunfire filling the True Lab. One of the sounds was deafening, the distinctive BOOM of the Horsekiller firing a .60 bullet at one of the Memoryheads, while the roar of a machine-gun was paired with it, bullet after bullet spat out as the Sorraia liberally peppered the hallway with smaller bullets -- but a lot of them. The combined force of these weapons sent Nader stepping back once, twice, but right now he didn't seem to care. After all of that, though... a loud crash sounding out from further in the lab. This time, Nader found his voice. "WHAT THE FUCK NOW?"


Nader fires the Horsekiller at one Memoryhead, not doing 5d6+3+DEX+STR (from perk) damage to it, and he fires the Sorraia at all three, not doing 1d4+DEX+STR (from perk) damage to each of them!




Rabid Tiger Infantry Armor (Perk, Starting Gear, Level 2): Nader's prized possession, a full-body-concealing set of manganese-steel alloy plates with thick, tough military fabric backing, and usually capable of deflecting the majority of small arms fire. The ergonomics of his armor is improved from the standard, with series of small interlocking plates being used at the elbows, pauldrons, and knees, and with the ends of the plates themselves being rounded. It has two rails, on on each arm, that he can fit his guns onto, either so that they can slide when fired or to fix them there completely. He can pull on a trigger on the bottom of his wrist to fire these guns.
+12 RES, Nader gains two additional action slots that are limited to guns of at minimum rifle size, and the armor automatically levels when Nader clears a world.
(Levels: Perk: +3 RES, the action slots, the auto-leveling
Starting Gear: +1 RES
Level 2 (AP): +2 RES

Level 3 (Australia Clear): +3 RES

Level 4 (XCOM Clear): +3 RES


Horsekiller 1935R (Starting Gear, Level 5): A semi automatic .60 cal rifle, this gigantic, five-foot-barrel beast of a weapon can deal some massive damage, capable of killing a horse in one hit or penetrating Tiger Armor, but even with the multiple upgrades Nader has given the gun, it is unwieldy and inaccurate.
Deals 5d6+3+DEX damage, but has a 10% chance of missing. Heavy weapon.
(Levels: Starting Gear: 1d6+3+DEX damage, 10% miss chance
Level 2 (AP): +2d6 damage

Level 3 (Merit): +3d6 damage

Level 4 (Merit): +4d6 damage

Level 5 (Merit): +5d6 damage)


M3 Sorraia (Level 5, all Merit): A literal machine gun, this general purpose machine gun fires .30 cal bullets and can fire 800 rounds in a minute, with the tripod removed for mounting on his armor. However, even with a solid system of straps and braces he can only fire a burst for a second or two before the recoil makes it utterly uncontrollable.
Deals three attacks of (1d4+DEX) damage, 2 turn cooldown, which can be distributed among up to 3 targets as Nader wishes. Heavy weapon.
(Level 1 (AP): 2/3*(1d4+DEX) damage, 2 turn cooldown)

(Level 2 (AP): Can hit one target with both attacks or two targets with one attack each

Level 3 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 1d4+DEX damage

Level 4 (Merit): Upgraded to 3 attacks, damage dropped back to 3/4*(1d4+DEX) per attack.

Level 5 (Merit): Damage reupgraded to 1d4+DEX per attack)


Mk. 3 Osprey (Level 4): A much more tame rifle than his other weaponry, the Osprey rifle is chambered in 7.62mm, with a 10 round magazine and with the Mk. II Eagle Scope, and is a very accurate weapon, as well as not being a weapon that would blow a man to pieces. Meant for snipers, Nader uses it when he needs precision, and holds it rather than mounts it.
Deals 3d6+DEX damage and if the target has a dodge chance they must pass a DEX check (vs damage that would be dealt, if the GM chooses to use a DC) or they fail to dodge. Rifle-sized, not heavy.

(Level 2 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 2d4+DEX.

Level 3 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 3d4+DEX

Level 4 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 3d6+DEX)


Personal Assault Weapon (Level 3): Unimpressed with the piddly little PDW he got in Australia, Nader gave it a bigger, full rifle sized chassis, entirely ruining the point of the weapon but making it more likely to hit on target. He also modified it to be automatic, completely changing the gun’s mechanism.
2d4+DEX damage, or instead can stun 1 enemy for 1 turn, at the expense of rendering the gun unusable for a 3 turn cooldown. Rifle-sized, not heavy.
(Level 1: 1d4+DEX damage
Level 2 (Merit): Upgraded to 2d4+DEX damage, counts as rifle sized.
Level 3 (Merit): Given the ability to stun an enemy for 1 turn, at the cost of a 3 turn cooldown for the whole gun.



UF-XW-US Gut Punch (Level 5): This "underbarrel" shotgun is actually just a flat-out normal sized pump-action shotgun built by Nader, which has a rig with metal loops that can be cinched over another gun. It is at its best when fired at an approaching enemy, or when time is taken to line the spread up.

The UF-XW-US “Gut Punch” deals 3d6+Dex damage, but an action can be used to pump the gun, which lasts until Nader is attacked/the gun is fired. If Nader is attacked in melee, the “Gut Punch” will automatically fire and deal 5d6+Dex damage, which is applied before the opponent’s attack lands.

(Level 2 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 2d6+DEX, 4d6+DEX w/ pump

Level 3 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 3d6+DEX, 5d6+DEX w/ pump

Level 4 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 4d6+DEX, 6d6+DEX w/ pump

Level 5 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 5d6+DEX, 7d6+DEX w/ pump)


UFS-XW-AAL “Tigerseye” (Level 3): A motherfucking laser cannon, developed by Nader with advanced materials, a manual on laser gun maintenance, and a lot of time and work. This thing fires several small lasers in a sweeping pattern design to cut the surface of what it hits into pieces. 

The Tigerseye deals 4d6+Dex damage, and reduces RES by five when it hits a target. However, it can only fire three times before needing to be reloaded, which requires new power supplies in order to do so.

(Level 2 (Merit): RES decrease increased to four.

Level 3 (Merit): RES decrease increased to five.)


Akimbo: Nader carries an awful lot of guns around with him, and though it's usually entirely impractical to go firing two guns at once, sometimes Nader can find an opening with which to fire two of them off, or to fire one off as he does something else. It's a tiring affair, though, with the size of the guns he often uses.

Nader gets an extra move this turn. 3 turn cooldown.


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(3d6+8+(1.6) = 27.6)  Prodditor unleashes Psionic fury, slamming into the monsters and dealing 276 Damage!


(5d6+3+13 = 46 & 1d4+13 = 17)  Nader, meanwhile, unleashes hellfire from all of his guns, blasting the memoryheads with 92 damage to one of them, and 17 Damage to all three of them!


"H̴A̷V̶E̵ ̷S̵O̴M̸E̵ ̴F̷R̵E̶E̵ ̴S̸T̸U̵F̷F̶" "J̴O̶I̷N̷ ̷T̵H̸E̵ ̶P̴A̷R̵T̷Y̶" "I̴T̷'̸S̸ ̷A̷ ̵R̸E̸A̵L̴ ̸G̷E̷T̶-̴T̵O̶G̷E̸T̷H̸E̸R̷"


The entities phase out of reality.


The memoryhead puts a piece of itself in Nader's Loadout!



Bad Memory

Item Level 1: Deals 5 damage to the user if used, unless...


The memoryhead attacks Prodditor, dealing 2 damage!  Faces erupt from the ground!


The memoryhead attacks Prodditor, dealing 3 damage!  Faces erupt from the ground!


The entities return.




  Hide contents




  Hide contents

Nader: Healthy

Prodditor: 22 / 17




Memoryhead 1: +99999999999̴9̵9̸9̷9̸9̸9̷9̴9̷9̴9̵9̶9̵9̷9̷9̶9̴9̸̧̏9̷̗́9̷̙̀9̶̬̒9̶̬̏9̶̤͐9̸̛̰9̴̫̀9̸͚̿9̴͙̀9̸̘̀9̸̛̜9̵̘̽9̷̦͗9̸̭̾9̴͖͆9̶͚̂9̷̣͈͒9̶͔̫͋9̷͉̽̊9̵͔̤̍9̵̟̚9̵̩͇͋9̷̬͈̇9̴͕̓9̷̞̲͒9̶̢̹̀͋9̵͍̌9̵̧̬̾9̸̳́̽9̶̲͊9̷̻͛́9̴̛͇̇9̸̥͑9̵̗̈́9̷̧̫̌9̴̯͈͒9̴̪̟̽̔9̸̦͕͗̆9̷̜̚9̸̹̥̇͘9̵̠͝9̵̬̍9̵̥̈́̾ͅ9̷͎̳̆͒9̷͚́9̶̬̹̉͌9̵̺͇̚9̴̜̎͑9̴̡͋9̶̠̅͝9̶̦͖̯̃̐̀̇9̸͔̃͊͒̓̉̚9̸͚̽̅̋̈̌9̶̨͇̻̰̈́͐̇̿̿̇9̴͓̝͇̣̩̈́͋̏̅͗̊9̴̤͖̣̘͊9̷̨̡͙̺͓̞͍̫̕9̴̡̯͕̲̮̖̳̯̼̺̀̐͐̂̈̌̈̓̍͝9̵̢̛͚̦̘̘͕̬̜͕̘̪͍̔̒́́͒̀͂̈́̕̕͜͝͝͝9̷̧̢̠̱̝̰̮̩̜̳̮̒̀̈́́͜͝9̶̨̜̬̤͎̪̱͙̈̾̂̌̾͐9̴̲̽̾̋̊͆̚9̸̧̛̥̹̤̫͇̬̗̦̭̳̝͍̜̲͈̙̙̝̣̤̫̤͚̲̼̪̾͋̈́͗̒͛́̒̉̕͘͜ͅ9̸̧̢̧̜̤̲̱̦̥̥̤̝̬͔̙̙͍̹͕̜̻͙͍̖̻̭̮̜̟̩̎͗̓͆͠9̸̡̻͓͙̭̝͇̰̭̦̠̙̞̭̳͇̖͔͉̊͐͌̑̋͑̾̌̓̇͂̔̃͘̚͠9̶̡̡̪̗̲͈̭̯̞͔̰͕̥̓͆́̍͌̔͆̅͆͋̆̚͘9̷̛̭͙̣̖͚̬̈͂̅̋͒͑̋̏͒͋̚̕͠͝͝͝͝9̵̥͎́̂̏̓̑͛͂̈́͊̀͒̓̈́̆̇͋͐̋͐͒͂̊̄͗̚̚͘͝͝H̴̨̢̨̧̧̢̧̡̢̨̡̧̧̧̨̢̢̢̨̡̡̧̢̨̧͕͇̱̣͙̥̟̪̳͖̟̲͚͉͙͈̱̰̤̣͎͔̮̗̞̰͖̞͈͙͕̼̱̹͍̯̳̞̤̺̦̩̣̲̘̹̮͔͉̣̤͍̩̗͎̥̜̱͚͇̫̗̗̣̳̳͖̻͈̯̩̼̟͙̳͚̩͇̬̳̫̗̟̰̙̦̮̰̦̞̮͖̙͙̦̜͙̣̫̠̜̥̝̼̗͓̩̘̖̺̹͔͚̟͍͉͔̝͔͔͚̪͎͉̼̳̣̭̲̼̦͇̻̩̣̮͓̥̝̞̫͔͖͈͙̝͍̺̤̜͈̭̣͎͖̦̳̭͈͇̤͎̲̱̭͖̬̜̣̳̺̺̫̮͎͍̯̩͈̭͉̻̩̯̫͇̖͙͎͖̰̲͙͇̥̩͍̱̼̹̺̞͌̔͐̀̄̃̎̔̅̎̓̍̓̓͆̆̇̉́̆̈́̊̎̌͐͜͜͜͜͜͜͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅP̶̧̡̧̡̨̨̧̧̢̢̧̢̡̡̧̨̧̨̧̡̡̞̘̪̺̦̩̭̯̯̩̠͇̩̣̟̳̠̙̦͇̙̱͍̬̭̤͎͉͇͚͎̯̙͖̦̠͍̖̤̜̦̯̭̼̝̭̬̱͉̟̦̠̺͕̞̮̘̲̺͉̦̟͕̗̪̠̞͚̻̹̪̺̘̬͎̙͖̪͉͍̦̰̮͕̗̰͓̤̠̺̪͍̹̹̼͙͔̮͚̼̖̪̦̖̦̺̺̺̳̦̲̜̥̻͍̘̩̻͈͙͍͙͔̹͈̪̳̠͉̳̱̬͇̙̙̭̭̥̞̦̖̩̳̟̰̩̦̺͚̦̝͔̰̘̱̦̱̗̠͖͎̦͓͎̤̹̪͖̤̺̩̰̳̞͔̝̬̜̙͍͚͚̘̦͙͓̪͉̲̠̻͇̪̱̙̺͚͓͈̻̣͈͍͑̍͒̌̐̒͌̒͌̌̈́̿̀̓͆͂̅͋̆̆̍͂̍͑͂̀̈́̄̄͊̊̀̀̃̅͊͘̕͜͜͜͜͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅ

Memor              +99999999999̴9̵9̸9̷9̸9̸9̷9̴9̷9̴9̵9̶9̵9̷9̷9̶9̴9̸̧̏9̷̗́9̷̙̀9̶̬̒9̶̬̏9̶̤͐9̸̛̰9̴̫̀9̸͚̿9̴͙̀9̸̘̀9̸̛̜9̵̘̽9̷̦͗9̸̭̾9̴͖͆9̶͚̂9̷̣͈͒9̶͔̫͋9̷͉̽̊9̵͔̤̍9̵̟̚9̵̩͇͋9̷̬͈̇9̴͕̓9̷̞̲͒9̶̢̹̀͋9̵͍̌9̵̧̬̾9̸̳́̽9̶̲͊9̷̻͛́9̴̛͇̇9̸̥͑9̵̗̈́9̷̧̫̌9̴̯͈͒9̴̪̟̽̔9̸̦͕͗̆9̷̜̚9̸̹̥̇͘9̵̠͝9̵̬̍9̵̥̈́̾ͅ9̷͎̳̆͒9̷͚́9̶̬̹̉͌9̵̺͇̚9̴̜̎͑9̴̡͋9̶̠̅͝9̶̦͖̯̃̐̀̇9̸͔̃͊͒̓̉̚9̸͚̽̅̋̈̌9̶̨͇̻̰̈́͐̇̿̿̇9̴͓̝͇̣̩̈́͋̏̅͗̊9̴̤͖̣̘͊9̷̨̡͙̺͓̞͍̫̕9̴̡̯͕̲̮̖̳̯̼̺̀̐͐̂̈̌̈̓̍͝9̵̢̛͚̦̘̘͕̬̜͕̘̪͍̔̒́́͒̀͂̈́̕̕͜͝͝͝9̷̧̢̠̱̝̰̮̩̜̳̮̒̀̈́́͜͝9̶̨̜̬̤͎̪̱͙̈̾̂̌̾͐9̴̲̽̾̋̊͆̚9̸̧̛̥̹̤̫͇̬̗̦̭̳̝͍̜̲͈̙̙̝̣̤̫̤͚̲̼̪̾͋̈́͗̒͛́̒̉̕͘͜ͅ9̸̧̢̧̜̤̲̱̦̥̥̤̝̬͔̙̙͍̹͕̜̻͙͍̖̻̭̮̜̟̩̎͗̓͆͠9̸̡̻͓͙̭̝͇̰̭̦̠̙̞̭̳͇̖͔͉̊͐͌̑̋͑̾̌̓̇͂̔̃͘̚͠9̶̡̡̪̗̲͈̭̯̞͔̰͕̥̓͆́̍͌̔͆̅͆͋̆̚͘9̷̛̭͙̣̖͚̬̈͂̅̋͒͑̋̏͒͋̚̕͠͝͝͝͝9̵̥͎́̂̏̓̑͛͂̈́͊̀͒̓̈́̆̇͋͐̋͐͒͂̊̄͗̚̚͘͝͝H̴̨̢̨̧̧̢̧̡̢̨̡̧̧̧̨̢̢̢̨̡̡̧̢̨̧͕͇̱̣͙̥̟̪̳͖̟̲͚͉͙͈̱̰̤̣͎͔̮̗̞̰͖̞͈͙͕̼̱̹͍̯̳̞̤̺̦̩̣̲̘̹̮͔͉̣̤͍̩̗͎̥̜̱͚͇̫̗̗̣̳̳͖̻͈̯̩̼̟͙̳͚̩͇̬̳̫̗̟̰̙̦̮̰̦̞̮͖̙͙̦̜͙̣̫̠̜̥̝̼̗͓̩̘̖̺̹͔͚̟͍͉͔̝͔͔͚̪͎͉̼̳̣̭̲̼̦͇̻̩̣̮͓̥̝̞̫͔͖͈͙̝͍̺̤̜͈̭̣͎͖̦̳̭͈͇̤͎̲̱̭͖̬̜̣̳̺̺̫̮͎͍̯̩͈̭͉̻̩̯̫͇̖͙͎͖̰̲͙͇̥̩͍̱̼̹̺̞͌̔͐̀̄̃̎̔̅̎̓̍̓̓͆̆̇̉́̆̈́̊̎̌͐͜͜͜͜͜͜͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅP̶̧̡̧̡̨̨̧̧̢̢̧̢̡̡̧̨̧̨̧̡̡̞̘̪̺̦̩̭̯̯̩̠͇̩̣̟̳̠̙̦͇̙̱͍̬̭̤͎͉͇͚͎̯̙͖̦̠͍̖̤̜̦̯̭̼̝̭̬̱͉̟̦̠̺͕̞̮̘̲̺͉̦̟͕̗̪̠̞͚̻̹̪̺̘̬͎̙͖̪͉͍̦̰̮͕̗̰͓̤̠̺̪͍̹̹̼͙͔̮͚̼̖̪̦̖̦̺̺̺̳̦̲̜̥̻͍̘̩̻͈͙͍͙͔̹͈̪̳̠͉̳̱̬͇̙̙̭̭̥̞̦̖̩̳̟̰̩̦̺͚̦̝͔̰̘̱̦̱̗̠͖͎̦͓͎̤̹̪͖̤̺̩̰̳̞͔̝̬̜̙͍͚͚̘̦͙͓̪͉̲̠̻͇̪̱̙̺͚͓͈̻̣͈͍͑̍͒̌̐̒͌̒͌̌̈́̿̀̓͆͂̅͋̆̆̍͂̍͑͂̀̈́̄̄͊̊̀̀̃̅͊͘̕͜͜͜͜͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅ

M m r h  d         +99999999999̴9̵9̸9̷9̸9̸9̷9̴9̷9̴9̵9̶9̵9̷9̷9̶9̴9̸̧̏9̷̗́9̷̙̀9̶̬̒9̶̬̏9̶̤͐9̸̛̰9̴̫̀9̸͚̿9̴͙̀9̸̘̀9̸̛̜9̵̘̽9̷̦͗9̸̭̾9̴͖͆9̶͚̂9̷̣͈͒9̶͔̫͋9̷͉̽̊9̵͔̤̍9̵̟̚9̵̩͇͋9̷̬͈̇9̴͕̓9̷̞̲͒9̶̢̹̀͋9̵͍̌9̵̧̬̾9̸̳́̽9̶̲͊9̷̻͛́9̴̛͇̇9̸̥͑9̵̗̈́9̷̧̫̌9̴̯͈͒9̴̪̟̽̔9̸̦͕͗̆9̷̜̚9̸̹̥̇͘9̵̠͝9̵̬̍9̵̥̈́̾ͅ9̷͎̳̆͒9̷͚́9̶̬̹̉͌9̵̺͇̚9̴̜̎͑9̴̡͋9̶̠̅͝9̶̦͖̯̃̐̀̇9̸͔̃͊͒̓̉̚9̸͚̽̅̋̈̌9̶̨͇̻̰̈́͐̇̿̿̇9̴͓̝͇̣̩̈́͋̏̅͗̊9̴̤͖̣̘͊9̷̨̡͙̺͓̞͍̫̕9̴̡̯͕̲̮̖̳̯̼̺̀̐͐̂̈̌̈̓̍͝9̵̢̛͚̦̘̘͕̬̜͕̘̪͍̔̒́́͒̀͂̈́̕̕͜͝͝͝9̷̧̢̠̱̝̰̮̩̜̳̮̒̀̈́́͜͝9̶̨̜̬̤͎̪̱͙̈̾̂̌̾͐9̴̲̽̾̋̊͆̚9̸̧̛̥̹̤̫͇̬̗̦̭̳̝͍̜̲͈̙̙̝̣̤̫̤͚̲̼̪̾͋̈́͗̒͛́̒̉̕͘͜ͅ9̸̧̢̧̜̤̲̱̦̥̥̤̝̬͔̙̙͍̹͕̜̻͙͍̖̻̭̮̜̟̩̎͗̓͆͠9̸̡̻͓͙̭̝͇̰̭̦̠̙̞̭̳͇̖͔͉̊͐͌̑̋͑̾̌̓̇͂̔̃͘̚͠9̶̡̡̪̗̲͈̭̯̞͔̰͕̥̓͆́̍͌̔͆̅͆͋̆̚͘9̷̛̭͙̣̖͚̬̈͂̅̋͒͑̋̏͒͋̚̕͠͝͝͝͝9̵̥͎́̂̏̓̑͛͂̈́͊̀͒̓̈́̆̇͋͐̋͐͒͂̊̄͗̚̚͘͝͝H̴̨̢̨̧̧̢̧̡̢̨̡̧̧̧̨̢̢̢̨̡̡̧̢̨̧͕͇̱̣͙̥̟̪̳͖̟̲͚͉͙͈̱̰̤̣͎͔̮̗̞̰͖̞͈͙͕̼̱̹͍̯̳̞̤̺̦̩̣̲̘̹̮͔͉̣̤͍̩̗͎̥̜̱͚͇̫̗̗̣̳̳͖̻͈̯̩̼̟͙̳͚̩͇̬̳̫̗̟̰̙̦̮̰̦̞̮͖̙͙̦̜͙̣̫̠̜̥̝̼̗͓̩̘̖̺̹͔͚̟͍͉͔̝͔͔͚̪͎͉̼̳̣̭̲̼̦͇̻̩̣̮͓̥̝̞̫͔͖͈͙̝͍̺̤̜͈̭̣͎͖̦̳̭͈͇̤͎̲̱̭͖̬̜̣̳̺̺̫̮͎͍̯̩͈̭͉̻̩̯̫͇̖͙͎͖̰̲͙͇̥̩͍̱̼̹̺̞͌̔͐̀̄̃̎̔̅̎̓̍̓̓͆̆̇̉́̆̈́̊̎̌͐͜͜͜͜͜͜͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅP̶̧̡̧̡̨̨̧̧̢̢̧̢̡̡̧̨̧̨̧̡̡̞̘̪̺̦̩̭̯̯̩̠͇̩̣̟̳̠̙̦͇̙̱͍̬̭̤͎͉͇͚͎̯̙͖̦̠͍̖̤̜̦̯̭̼̝̭̬̱͉̟̦̠̺͕̞̮̘̲̺͉̦̟͕̗̪̠̞͚̻̹̪̺̘̬͎̙͖̪͉͍̦̰̮͕̗̰͓̤̠̺̪͍̹̹̼͙͔̮͚̼̖̪̦̖̦̺̺̺̳̦̲̜̥̻͍̘̩̻͈͙͍͙͔̹͈̪̳̠͉̳̱̬͇̙̙̭̭̥̞̦̖̩̳̟̰̩̦̺͚̦̝͔̰̘̱̦̱̗̠͖͎̦͓͎̤̹̪͖̤̺̩̰̳̞͔̝̬̜̙͍͚͚̘̦͙͓̪͉̲̠̻͇̪̱̙̺͚͓͈̻̣͈͍͑̍͒̌̐̒͌̒͌̌̈́̿̀̓͆͂̅͋̆̆̍͂̍͑͂̀̈́̄̄͊̊̀̀̃̅͊͘̕͜͜͜͜͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅ 




Lucine and Asgore hear gunshots coming from deeper within the laboratory.


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Nader stared half-uncomprehendingly at the beings -- the attacks had appeared to do gouts of damage to at least one of them, not to mention that the mind ability of the psychic space alien appeared to have been viciously effective as well... but he could tell no visible difference in the shifting, terrifying things afterwards. He supposed that he just had to hope that his bullets mattered, and dig in and fight the damned things. The attack that they had --faces, from the damned ground-- hadn't been used on him yet, and weren't yet too much of a problem, but that was a risk that he could not take. So, he unslung the scoped rifle from his back and took another few shots, rapidly squeezing the trigger.


Nader uses the Mk. 3 Osprey on Memoryhead 1, dealing 3d6+DEX damage(?) and forcing an opposed DEX check for enemy dodge abilities to work on it (not that that should be a problem)!


Remaining Cooldowns:

Akimbo (2 turns)

M3 Sorraia (2 turns)




Rabid Tiger Infantry Armor (Perk, Starting Gear, Level 2): Nader's prized possession, a full-body-concealing set of manganese-steel alloy plates with thick, tough military fabric backing, and usually capable of deflecting the majority of small arms fire. The ergonomics of his armor is improved from the standard, with series of small interlocking plates being used at the elbows, pauldrons, and knees, and with the ends of the plates themselves being rounded. It has two rails, on on each arm, that he can fit his guns onto, either so that they can slide when fired or to fix them there completely. He can pull on a trigger on the bottom of his wrist to fire these guns.
+12 RES, Nader gains two additional action slots that are limited to guns of at minimum rifle size, and the armor automatically levels when Nader clears a world.
(Levels: Perk: +3 RES, the action slots, the auto-leveling
Starting Gear: +1 RES
Level 2 (AP): +2 RES

Level 3 (Australia Clear): +3 RES

Level 4 (XCOM Clear): +3 RES


Horsekiller 1935R (Starting Gear, Level 5): A semi automatic .60 cal rifle, this gigantic, five-foot-barrel beast of a weapon can deal some massive damage, capable of killing a horse in one hit or penetrating Tiger Armor, but even with the multiple upgrades Nader has given the gun, it is unwieldy and inaccurate.
Deals 5d6+3+DEX damage, but has a 10% chance of missing. Heavy weapon.
(Levels: Starting Gear: 1d6+3+DEX damage, 10% miss chance
Level 2 (AP): +2d6 damage

Level 3 (Merit): +3d6 damage

Level 4 (Merit): +4d6 damage

Level 5 (Merit): +5d6 damage)


M3 Sorraia (Level 5, all Merit): A literal machine gun, this general purpose machine gun fires .30 cal bullets and can fire 800 rounds in a minute, with the tripod removed for mounting on his armor. However, even with a solid system of straps and braces he can only fire a burst for a second or two before the recoil makes it utterly uncontrollable.
Deals three attacks of (1d4+DEX) damage, 2 turn cooldown, which can be distributed among up to 3 targets as Nader wishes. Heavy weapon.
(Level 1 (AP): 2/3*(1d4+DEX) damage, 2 turn cooldown)

(Level 2 (AP): Can hit one target with both attacks or two targets with one attack each

Level 3 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 1d4+DEX damage

Level 4 (Merit): Upgraded to 3 attacks, damage dropped back to 3/4*(1d4+DEX) per attack.

Level 5 (Merit): Damage reupgraded to 1d4+DEX per attack)


Mk. 3 Osprey (Level 4): A much more tame rifle than his other weaponry, the Osprey rifle is chambered in 7.62mm, with a 10 round magazine and with the Mk. II Eagle Scope, and is a very accurate weapon, as well as not being a weapon that would blow a man to pieces. Meant for snipers, Nader uses it when he needs precision, and holds it rather than mounts it.
Deals 3d6+DEX damage and if the target has a dodge chance they must pass a DEX check (vs damage that would be dealt, if the GM chooses to use a DC) or they fail to dodge. Rifle-sized, not heavy.

(Level 2 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 2d4+DEX.

Level 3 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 3d4+DEX

Level 4 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 3d6+DEX)


Personal Assault Weapon (Level 3): Unimpressed with the piddly little PDW he got in Australia, Nader gave it a bigger, full rifle sized chassis, entirely ruining the point of the weapon but making it more likely to hit on target. He also modified it to be automatic, completely changing the gun’s mechanism.
2d4+DEX damage, or instead can stun 1 enemy for 1 turn, at the expense of rendering the gun unusable for a 3 turn cooldown. Rifle-sized, not heavy.
(Level 1: 1d4+DEX damage
Level 2 (Merit): Upgraded to 2d4+DEX damage, counts as rifle sized.
Level 3 (Merit): Given the ability to stun an enemy for 1 turn, at the cost of a 3 turn cooldown for the whole gun.



UF-XW-US Gut Punch (Level 5): This "underbarrel" shotgun is actually just a flat-out normal sized pump-action shotgun built by Nader, which has a rig with metal loops that can be cinched over another gun. It is at its best when fired at an approaching enemy, or when time is taken to line the spread up.

The UF-XW-US “Gut Punch” deals 3d6+Dex damage, but an action can be used to pump the gun, which lasts until Nader is attacked/the gun is fired. If Nader is attacked in melee, the “Gut Punch” will automatically fire and deal 5d6+Dex damage, which is applied before the opponent’s attack lands.

(Level 2 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 2d6+DEX, 4d6+DEX w/ pump

Level 3 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 3d6+DEX, 5d6+DEX w/ pump

Level 4 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 4d6+DEX, 6d6+DEX w/ pump

Level 5 (Merit): Damage upgraded to 5d6+DEX, 7d6+DEX w/ pump)


UFS-XW-AAL “Tigerseye” (Level 3): A motherfucking laser cannon, developed by Nader with advanced materials, a manual on laser gun maintenance, and a lot of time and work. This thing fires several small lasers in a sweeping pattern design to cut the surface of what it hits into pieces. 

The Tigerseye deals 4d6+Dex damage, and reduces RES by five when it hits a target. However, it can only fire three times before needing to be reloaded, which requires new power supplies in order to do so.

(Level 2 (Merit): RES decrease increased to four.

Level 3 (Merit): RES decrease increased to five.)


Akimbo: Nader carries an awful lot of guns around with him, and though it's usually entirely impractical to go firing two guns at once, sometimes Nader can find an opening with which to fire two of them off, or to fire one off as he does something else. It's a tiring affair, though, with the size of the guns he often uses.

Nader gets an extra move this turn. 3 turn cooldown.


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Lucine had been terrified enough that she couldn't even shriek on her way down; she probably would have remained stationary and trembling for a few extra moments after landing if the sound of gunfire hadn't brought its own delightful mix of emotions. She squeaked in surprise, then took a few steps towards the noise. The reports of the weapons sounded familiar, very familiar. "Is that-? I think that's Nader!" She turned to Asgore. "Be careful, my friend Nader is here, and I think he's in trouble, but he also might hurt you if you show up suddenly. Just, umm, stay behind me or something." And with that, Lucine turned and ran full tilt towards the booming roar of firearms, hoping that she wasn't going to arrive too late to head off something terrible.

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Though he wasn't expecting his attack to be enough to outright kill the entity, Proditor was still somewhat surprised at the result. His lance tore through his mark, yet by the time it dissipated back into the air, the monster had reformed, seemingly unharmed by his attack. It seemed that these creatures were naturally weak, but made up for that weakness with incredible regenerative capabilities... Likely related to this world's "determination", judging by the location and journals. It was certainty odd, if an emotion could bring about this kind of ability. Regardless, the two vulnerable, and Proditor couldn't take much risk. So for now, he would simply need to incapacitate... If it was even possible.


Shortly after firing his lance, Proditor's three other arms emerged from within his robes, lifting into the air as his helmet began opening, psionic energy swelling around his hands. Then, as if crushing something, each one of Proditor's hands closed into a fist, a vortex of purple mist rapidly appearing and, just as quickly, exploding within the center of the creatures.


Proditor unleashes his Rift, dealing 3d8+Int damage to each of the entities, as well as forcing a check with their Essence vs his Int*1.5, giving them a 50% chance to miss their attacks if they fail. Proditor's Int is currently 20.




HP: 22
Moves: 1

Essence: 10
Constitution: 1
Dexterity: 1
Intelligence: 18
Resistance: 1
Strength: 0
Synergy: 8



Ethereal Mind: The minds of the Ethereals are powerful and complex, capable of using their great intellect to shape the world around them. Proditor gains +1 Int whenever he gains Int without spending Merit


Extreme Will: Ethereals are steadfast creatures… For the most part. Proditor stands among them as one of the strongest minds of their race. All mental affecting ailments are forced into a check Proditor’s Essence vs their Essence, and must succeed against him, to actually effect him.


Mind Control: Ethereals, due to their power of psionic energy, are capable of dominating the minds of lesser creatures, and use them for their own. Unlocks the ability "Psionic Control".


Pyrophobic (Flaw): Proditor has a special fear of fire, seeing it as a tool that can destroy anything it sets it’s sights on, no matter what technology is used against it. When hit with a fire attack, Proditor has a 75% chance to be stunned on his next turn.


Actions (5/5)



Psionic Control: Ethereals can take over the minds of weaker opponents, using them for their own use. Targets one enemy and forces a check that uses Proditor’s Intelligence vs the target’s Essence. If Proditor wins, the enemy falls under his control for 4 turns, but has to sacrifice his actions to control the target. If he fails, nothing happens. 6 turn cooldown.

Psionic Control Level 2: Mind Controlled unit now acts separately to Proditor.
Psionic Control Level 3: Duration increased to 5 turns.


Psi Lance: A bolt of pure psionic energy that Proditor fires from his mind at a single target, dealing 1d6+Syn damage.

Psi Lance Level 2: Damage increased to 2d6+SYN
Psi Lance Level 3: Damage increased to 3d6+SYN



Growing Knowledge: Proditor has learned a great many things from previous wars, making him a quick learner on the battlefield. After every round, Proditor gains +2 Int, up to a maximum of +6.



Rift: Proditor unleashes his full Psionic might, creating a large rift in the air that promptly explodes. Up to four enemies can be targeted by this ability, and when they do, they must make a check against Proditors INT*1.5 vs their Essence. If they do not succeed, They gain a 50% miss chance for 1 turn due to nausea. Enemies targeted by this take 3d8+INT damage each, Bypassing many physical defences. Once per encounter.



Psionic Amplifier: Proditor has installed a small device into his helm, amplifying his already immense Psionic powers. Enhances Psionic Lance’s damage by 20% of his Syn.


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Lucine and Asgore follow the sound of gunfire into the room!


(2d6+6 = 18 ) Nader fires more guns, dealing 32 damage to the Memoryhead!


(3d8+20 = 44)  Prodditor's rift unleashes a hellish maelstrom of energy, dealing 440 Damage to all Memoryheads!


"L̶o̴r̷e̸m̶ ̶i̸p̴s̸u̶m̴ ̴d̴o̶c̵e̶t̵"  ̷"B̵e̴c̷o̴m̷e̶ ̶o̷n̵e̸ ̴o̷f̷ ̷u̴s̷!̵"  ̷"B̴e̶ ̷s̶e̵e̸i̶n̵g̸ ̵y̶o̶u̸.̶"


The memoryheads miss two of their attacks!


Seeing the danger, Asgore pushes Nader out of the way of an attack, taking 60 damage from the erupting faces!




The room smells like batteries.



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Nader: Healthy

Prodditor: 22 / 17

Lucine: Healthy




Asgore: -60 Health




Memoryhead 1: +99999999999̴9̵9̸9̷9̸9̸9̷9̴9̷9̴9̵9̶9̵9̷9̷9̶9̴9̸̧̏9̷̗́9̷̙̀9̶̬̒9̶̬̏9̶̤͐9̸̛̰9̴̫̀9̸͚̿9̴͙̀9̸̘̀9̸̛̜9̵̘̽9̷̦͗9̸̭̾9̴͖͆9̶͚̂9̷̣͈͒9̶͔̫͋9̷͉̽̊9̵͔̤̍9̵̟̚9̵̩͇͋9̷̬͈̇9̴͕̓9̷̞̲͒9̶̢̹̀͋9̵͍̌9̵̧̬̾9̸̳́̽9̶̲͊9̷̻͛́9̴̛͇̇9̸̥͑9̵̗̈́9̷̧̫̌9̴̯͈͒9̴̪̟̽̔9̸̦͕͗̆9̷̜̚9̸̹̥̇͘9̵̠͝9̵̬̍9̵̥̈́̾ͅ9̷͎̳̆͒9̷͚́9̶̬̹̉͌9̵̺͇̚9̴̜̎͑9̴̡͋9̶̠̅͝9̶̦͖̯̃̐̀̇9̸͔̃͊͒̓̉̚9̸͚̽̅̋̈̌9̶̨͇̻̰̈́͐̇̿̿̇9̴͓̝͇̣̩̈́͋̏̅͗̊9̴̤͖̣̘͊9̷̨̡͙̺͓̞͍̫̕9̴̡̯͕̲̮̖̳̯̼̺̀̐͐̂̈̌̈̓̍͝9̵̢̛͚̦̘̘͕̬̜͕̘̪͍̔̒́́͒̀͂̈́̕̕͜͝͝͝9̷̧̢̠̱̝̰̮̩̜̳̮̒̀̈́́͜͝9̶̨̜̬̤͎̪̱͙̈̾̂̌̾͐9̴̲̽̾̋̊͆̚9̸̧̛̥̹̤̫͇̬̗̦̭̳̝͍̜̲͈̙̙̝̣̤̫̤͚̲̼̪̾͋̈́͗̒͛́̒̉̕͘͜ͅ9̸̧̢̧̜̤̲̱̦̥̥̤̝̬͔̙̙͍̹͕̜̻͙͍̖̻̭̮̜̟̩̎͗̓͆͠9̸̡̻͓͙̭̝͇̰̭̦̠̙̞̭̳͇̖͔͉̊͐͌̑̋͑̾̌̓̇͂̔̃͘̚͠9̶̡̡̪̗̲͈̭̯̞͔̰͕̥̓͆́̍͌̔͆̅͆͋̆̚͘9̷̛̭͙̣̖͚̬̈͂̅̋͒͑̋̏͒͋̚̕͠͝͝͝͝9̵̥͎́̂̏̓̑͛͂̈́͊̀͒̓̈́̆̇͋͐̋͐͒͂̊̄͗̚̚͘͝͝H̴̨̢̨̧̧̢̧̡̢̨̡̧̧̧̨̢̢̢̨̡̡̧̢̨̧͕͇̱̣͙̥̟̪̳͖̟̲͚͉͙͈̱̰̤̣͎͔̮̗̞̰͖̞͈͙͕̼̱̹͍̯̳̞̤̺̦̩̣̲̘̹̮͔͉̣̤͍̩̗͎̥̜̱͚͇̫̗̗̣̳̳͖̻͈̯̩̼̟͙̳͚̩͇̬̳̫̗̟̰̙̦̮̰̦̞̮͖̙͙̦̜͙̣̫̠̜̥̝̼̗͓̩̘̖̺̹͔͚̟͍͉͔̝͔͔͚̪͎͉̼̳̣̭̲̼̦͇̻̩̣̮͓̥̝̞̫͔͖͈͙̝͍̺̤̜͈̭̣͎͖̦̳̭͈͇̤͎̲̱̭͖̬̜̣̳̺̺̫̮͎͍̯̩͈̭͉̻̩̯̫͇̖͙͎͖̰̲͙͇̥̩͍̱̼̹̺̞͌̔͐̀̄̃̎̔̅̎̓̍̓̓͆̆̇̉́̆̈́̊̎̌͐͜͜͜͜͜͜͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅP̶̧̡̧̡̨̨̧̧̢̢̧̢̡̡̧̨̧̨̧̡̡̞̘̪̺̦̩̭̯̯̩̠͇̩̣̟̳̠̙̦͇̙̱͍̬̭̤͎͉͇͚͎̯̙͖̦̠͍̖̤̜̦̯̭̼̝̭̬̱͉̟̦̠̺͕̞̮̘̲̺͉̦̟͕̗̪̠̞͚̻̹̪̺̘̬͎̙͖̪͉͍̦̰̮͕̗̰͓̤̠̺̪͍̹̹̼͙͔̮͚̼̖̪̦̖̦̺̺̺̳̦̲̜̥̻͍̘̩̻͈͙͍͙͔̹͈̪̳̠͉̳̱̬͇̙̙̭̭̥̞̦̖̩̳̟̰̩̦̺͚̦̝͔̰̘̱̦̱̗̠͖͎̦͓͎̤̹̪͖̤̺̩̰̳̞͔̝̬̜̙͍͚͚̘̦͙͓̪͉̲̠̻͇̪̱̙̺͚͓͈̻̣͈͍͑̍͒̌̐̒͌̒͌̌̈́̿̀̓͆͂̅͋̆̆̍͂̍͑͂̀̈́̄̄͊̊̀̀̃̅͊͘̕͜͜͜͜͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅ

Rifted: 50% miss chance!

Crippled: Disabled Dodge!


Memor              +99999999999̴9̵9̸9̷9̸9̸9̷9̴9̷9̴9̵9̶9̵9̷9̷9̶9̴9̸̧̏9̷̗́9̷̙̀9̶̬̒9̶̬̏9̶̤͐9̸̛̰9̴̫̀9̸͚̿9̴͙̀9̸̘̀9̸̛̜9̵̘̽9̷̦͗9̸̭̾9̴͖͆9̶͚̂9̷̣͈͒9̶͔̫͋9̷͉̽̊9̵͔̤̍9̵̟̚9̵̩͇͋9̷̬͈̇9̴͕̓9̷̞̲͒9̶̢̹̀͋9̵͍̌9̵̧̬̾9̸̳́̽9̶̲͊9̷̻͛́9̴̛͇̇9̸̥͑9̵̗̈́9̷̧̫̌9̴̯͈͒9̴̪̟̽̔9̸̦͕͗̆9̷̜̚9̸̹̥̇͘9̵̠͝9̵̬̍9̵̥̈́̾ͅ9̷͎̳̆͒9̷͚́9̶̬̹̉͌9̵̺͇̚9̴̜̎͑9̴̡͋9̶̠̅͝9̶̦͖̯̃̐̀̇9̸͔̃͊͒̓̉̚9̸͚̽̅̋̈̌9̶̨͇̻̰̈́͐̇̿̿̇9̴͓̝͇̣̩̈́͋̏̅͗̊9̴̤͖̣̘͊9̷̨̡͙̺͓̞͍̫̕9̴̡̯͕̲̮̖̳̯̼̺̀̐͐̂̈̌̈̓̍͝9̵̢̛͚̦̘̘͕̬̜͕̘̪͍̔̒́́͒̀͂̈́̕̕͜͝͝͝9̷̧̢̠̱̝̰̮̩̜̳̮̒̀̈́́͜͝9̶̨̜̬̤͎̪̱͙̈̾̂̌̾͐9̴̲̽̾̋̊͆̚9̸̧̛̥̹̤̫͇̬̗̦̭̳̝͍̜̲͈̙̙̝̣̤̫̤͚̲̼̪̾͋̈́͗̒͛́̒̉̕͘͜ͅ9̸̧̢̧̜̤̲̱̦̥̥̤̝̬͔̙̙͍̹͕̜̻͙͍̖̻̭̮̜̟̩̎͗̓͆͠9̸̡̻͓͙̭̝͇̰̭̦̠̙̞̭̳͇̖͔͉̊͐͌̑̋͑̾̌̓̇͂̔̃͘̚͠9̶̡̡̪̗̲͈̭̯̞͔̰͕̥̓͆́̍͌̔͆̅͆͋̆̚͘9̷̛̭͙̣̖͚̬̈͂̅̋͒͑̋̏͒͋̚̕͠͝͝͝͝9̵̥͎́̂̏̓̑͛͂̈́͊̀͒̓̈́̆̇͋͐̋͐͒͂̊̄͗̚̚͘͝͝H̴̨̢̨̧̧̢̧̡̢̨̡̧̧̧̨̢̢̢̨̡̡̧̢̨̧͕͇̱̣͙̥̟̪̳͖̟̲͚͉͙͈̱̰̤̣͎͔̮̗̞̰͖̞͈͙͕̼̱̹͍̯̳̞̤̺̦̩̣̲̘̹̮͔͉̣̤͍̩̗͎̥̜̱͚͇̫̗̗̣̳̳͖̻͈̯̩̼̟͙̳͚̩͇̬̳̫̗̟̰̙̦̮̰̦̞̮͖̙͙̦̜͙̣̫̠̜̥̝̼̗͓̩̘̖̺̹͔͚̟͍͉͔̝͔͔͚̪͎͉̼̳̣̭̲̼̦͇̻̩̣̮͓̥̝̞̫͔͖͈͙̝͍̺̤̜͈̭̣͎͖̦̳̭͈͇̤͎̲̱̭͖̬̜̣̳̺̺̫̮͎͍̯̩͈̭͉̻̩̯̫͇̖͙͎͖̰̲͙͇̥̩͍̱̼̹̺̞͌̔͐̀̄̃̎̔̅̎̓̍̓̓͆̆̇̉́̆̈́̊̎̌͐͜͜͜͜͜͜͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅP̶̧̡̧̡̨̨̧̧̢̢̧̢̡̡̧̨̧̨̧̡̡̞̘̪̺̦̩̭̯̯̩̠͇̩̣̟̳̠̙̦͇̙̱͍̬̭̤͎͉͇͚͎̯̙͖̦̠͍̖̤̜̦̯̭̼̝̭̬̱͉̟̦̠̺͕̞̮̘̲̺͉̦̟͕̗̪̠̞͚̻̹̪̺̘̬͎̙͖̪͉͍̦̰̮͕̗̰͓̤̠̺̪͍̹̹̼͙͔̮͚̼̖̪̦̖̦̺̺̺̳̦̲̜̥̻͍̘̩̻͈͙͍͙͔̹͈̪̳̠͉̳̱̬͇̙̙̭̭̥̞̦̖̩̳̟̰̩̦̺͚̦̝͔̰̘̱̦̱̗̠͖͎̦͓͎̤̹̪͖̤̺̩̰̳̞͔̝̬̜̙͍͚͚̘̦͙͓̪͉̲̠̻͇̪̱̙̺͚͓͈̻̣͈͍͑̍͒̌̐̒͌̒͌̌̈́̿̀̓͆͂̅͋̆̆̍͂̍͑͂̀̈́̄̄͊̊̀̀̃̅͊͘̕͜͜͜͜͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅ

Rifted: 50% miss chance!

Crippled: Disabled Dodge!


M m r h  d         +99999999999̴9̵9̸9̷9̸9̸9̷9̴9̷9̴9̵9̶9̵9̷9̷9̶9̴9̸̧̏9̷̗́9̷̙̀9̶̬̒9̶̬̏9̶̤͐9̸̛̰9̴̫̀9̸͚̿9̴͙̀9̸̘̀9̸̛̜9̵̘̽9̷̦͗9̸̭̾9̴͖͆9̶͚̂9̷̣͈͒9̶͔̫͋9̷͉̽̊9̵͔̤̍9̵̟̚9̵̩͇͋9̷̬͈̇9̴͕̓9̷̞̲͒9̶̢̹̀͋9̵͍̌9̵̧̬̾9̸̳́̽9̶̲͊9̷̻͛́9̴̛͇̇9̸̥͑9̵̗̈́9̷̧̫̌9̴̯͈͒9̴̪̟̽̔9̸̦͕͗̆9̷̜̚9̸̹̥̇͘9̵̠͝9̵̬̍9̵̥̈́̾ͅ9̷͎̳̆͒9̷͚́9̶̬̹̉͌9̵̺͇̚9̴̜̎͑9̴̡͋9̶̠̅͝9̶̦͖̯̃̐̀̇9̸͔̃͊͒̓̉̚9̸͚̽̅̋̈̌9̶̨͇̻̰̈́͐̇̿̿̇9̴͓̝͇̣̩̈́͋̏̅͗̊9̴̤͖̣̘͊9̷̨̡͙̺͓̞͍̫̕9̴̡̯͕̲̮̖̳̯̼̺̀̐͐̂̈̌̈̓̍͝9̵̢̛͚̦̘̘͕̬̜͕̘̪͍̔̒́́͒̀͂̈́̕̕͜͝͝͝9̷̧̢̠̱̝̰̮̩̜̳̮̒̀̈́́͜͝9̶̨̜̬̤͎̪̱͙̈̾̂̌̾͐9̴̲̽̾̋̊͆̚9̸̧̛̥̹̤̫͇̬̗̦̭̳̝͍̜̲͈̙̙̝̣̤̫̤͚̲̼̪̾͋̈́͗̒͛́̒̉̕͘͜ͅ9̸̧̢̧̜̤̲̱̦̥̥̤̝̬͔̙̙͍̹͕̜̻͙͍̖̻̭̮̜̟̩̎͗̓͆͠9̸̡̻͓͙̭̝͇̰̭̦̠̙̞̭̳͇̖͔͉̊͐͌̑̋͑̾̌̓̇͂̔̃͘̚͠9̶̡̡̪̗̲͈̭̯̞͔̰͕̥̓͆́̍͌̔͆̅͆͋̆̚͘9̷̛̭͙̣̖͚̬̈͂̅̋͒͑̋̏͒͋̚̕͠͝͝͝͝9̵̥͎́̂̏̓̑͛͂̈́͊̀͒̓̈́̆̇͋͐̋͐͒͂̊̄͗̚̚͘͝͝H̴̨̢̨̧̧̢̧̡̢̨̡̧̧̧̨̢̢̢̨̡̡̧̢̨̧͕͇̱̣͙̥̟̪̳͖̟̲͚͉͙͈̱̰̤̣͎͔̮̗̞̰͖̞͈͙͕̼̱̹͍̯̳̞̤̺̦̩̣̲̘̹̮͔͉̣̤͍̩̗͎̥̜̱͚͇̫̗̗̣̳̳͖̻͈̯̩̼̟͙̳͚̩͇̬̳̫̗̟̰̙̦̮̰̦̞̮͖̙͙̦̜͙̣̫̠̜̥̝̼̗͓̩̘̖̺̹͔͚̟͍͉͔̝͔͔͚̪͎͉̼̳̣̭̲̼̦͇̻̩̣̮͓̥̝̞̫͔͖͈͙̝͍̺̤̜͈̭̣͎͖̦̳̭͈͇̤͎̲̱̭͖̬̜̣̳̺̺̫̮͎͍̯̩͈̭͉̻̩̯̫͇̖͙͎͖̰̲͙͇̥̩͍̱̼̹̺̞͌̔͐̀̄̃̎̔̅̎̓̍̓̓͆̆̇̉́̆̈́̊̎̌͐͜͜͜͜͜͜͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅP̶̧̡̧̡̨̨̧̧̢̢̧̢̡̡̧̨̧̨̧̡̡̞̘̪̺̦̩̭̯̯̩̠͇̩̣̟̳̠̙̦͇̙̱͍̬̭̤͎͉͇͚͎̯̙͖̦̠͍̖̤̜̦̯̭̼̝̭̬̱͉̟̦̠̺͕̞̮̘̲̺͉̦̟͕̗̪̠̞͚̻̹̪̺̘̬͎̙͖̪͉͍̦̰̮͕̗̰͓̤̠̺̪͍̹̹̼͙͔̮͚̼̖̪̦̖̦̺̺̺̳̦̲̜̥̻͍̘̩̻͈͙͍͙͔̹͈̪̳̠͉̳̱̬͇̙̙̭̭̥̞̦̖̩̳̟̰̩̦̺͚̦̝͔̰̘̱̦̱̗̠͖͎̦͓͎̤̹̪͖̤̺̩̰̳̞͔̝̬̜̙͍͚͚̘̦͙͓̪͉̲̠̻͇̪̱̙̺͚͓͈̻̣͈͍͑̍͒̌̐̒͌̒͌̌̈́̿̀̓͆͂̅͋̆̆̍͂̍͑͂̀̈́̄̄͊̊̀̀̃̅͊͘̕͜͜͜͜͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅ 

Rifted: 50% miss chance!

Crippled: Disabled Dodge!




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Lucine helpfully contributed with another earsplitting shriek of fear when she stumbled into the room, and immediately witnessed Asgore taking an attack for Nader that seemed to originate from the. . . things, attacking them. Things that she had no way to describe, other than being both alien and disturbingly familiar. It reminded her of something she'd seen at home, once. A memory she'd tried to push back, of a strange wretched thing that still hadn't been disposed of. A sister of hers, in a twisted way. She at least had enough presence of mind to grab Opal out of the air and deploy the device's magic, swapping her outfit around and granting her the imitation divine ward that was God Hand - though she didn't yet allow the AI to take control of her actions. "I-I don't know what they are. Nader, what's happening!?"


HP: 24

Mana: 75%
Moves: TBD


  • Essence: 3
  • Constitution: 2
  • Dexterity: 3
  • Intelligence: 6
  • Resistance: 2
  • Strength: 1
  • Synergy: 11


Conceptual Coder: Lucine has the somewhat unique talent of being able to inscribe Class Cards with a summoning ritual (with sufficient magical power), both on the traditional medium and into other items, to grant them properties based on the Heroic Spirit forming the card. Summoning a Heroic Spirit into a card relies on her Synergy, and can pull from the history of the world she is currently in if she has learned any meaningful amount of it; she may also attempt an Essence roll to influence the card summoned. The ritual itself must also take place over a confluence of leylines, or it runs the risk of significantly draining Lucine's energy. Creating components or Mystic Codes using a Card relies on her Intelligence. Some Class Cards can be leveled; others have a fixed scaling.

Include: Limit Expand: Lucine's imitation Kaleidostick retains the ability to include a Class Card, modifying its properties based on the card included and applying this modifier to all of her actions. Grants a special Action Slot that can only be used for this purpose. The precise changes are detailed in the Card's description. 

Install: Phantasm Summon: Though Lucine's Kaleidostick doesn't have the power needed to do a full Install, it can grant its wielder some of a Heroic Spirit's properties; due to the loss in power, it prioritizes defensive ones first. Grants a special Action Slot that can only be used to equip a Class Card. The precise ability granted is detailed in the Card's description.

Flaw: Magical Life: Lucine, despite appearing mostly like a human and largely being set up like one, is still a person created using magic rather than being born naturally. While she has large reserves of power, she burns through them quickly. Each combat takes a baseline of 15% of her storage capacity, and summoning a Class Card takes 60%. There are numerous methods of restoring one's mana, but she does not begin knowing them.


Include: Red Sonja: Lucine's attacks cannot be impeded.
Install: HeraklesGod Hand: Negates all non-Trump actions targeting Lucine's that are Level 2 or lower. After being attacked, she gains +2SYN/3 resistance when attacked with the same damage type for the remainder of the battle. 



Big Blast I: A long-ranged magical assault consisting of a number of blasts of raw magic. Not a particularly refined technique, but it gets the job done. Deals SYN damage 3 times, to up to 3 different targets. 1 turn cooldown. 
Unassuming Presence: The user has a nonthreatening, innocent appearance. Enemies must make an opposed Essence check against the user or the user gains +1 RES against them, they will be 10% less likely to target the user, and will give the user small free items, such as candy or bullets (depending on context.)


 Elphet Style II: Every three attacks, the user may make an additional attack.

Low Quality Flow Acceleration: The user loses less magic to inefficient equipment.
-Gear Level 1: Automatically gain +1 Syn in combat when using a transformation or buff, which ends with the transformation or buff


Kaleidostick Magical Opal (Level 3): Provides numerous things to Lucine, including a fair amount of unnecessary headache at times and the ability to utilize her powers as a magical girl. It's been modified heavily from the original designs by both Lucine and her father, resembling a pair of oversized pistols when in use in combat. The guns lock together into a slightly less threatening-looking winged box when not in combat mode, a box that can fly about under its own power. 
-Damage: (Worlds Cleared+1)d8+SYN (Currently 2d8)
-Soulbound: This item is immune to most item destruction or theft effects, but can be given away, granting most of Lucine's combat powers to the bearer instead. 

Necromantic Shotgun: A shotgun modified and enhanced by Freya and Lucine, turning it into a Mystic Code. It has a nasty bite.

-Base: Deals 1d8+DEX damage. +5 to opposed checks that involve shooting or striking someone with the gun.
-Craft Level: This gun now deals Synergy-based damage. 
-Craft Level: Craft level: as an action the user may make a melee attack with this weapon for 1d6+[Syn]+5(due to it's other attribute) Necrotic damage, successfully hitting a biological enemy with this attack increases the damage of the next normal attack made with this weapon by 2d8, cooldown of 2.  
-Craft Level: This weapon is only usable by Freya or Lucine, if both are present in the same combat this secondary attack of this weapon deals an extra 1d6 Necrotic damage and the damage buff caused by striking biological targets also increases damage dice by one step.


Berserker Class Card - Herakles: A Class Card containing the essence of the Heroic Spirit Herakles, as summoned under the Berserker class. When Included, it places a debuff on all enemies Lucine targets (regardless of whether her attack is successful) that halves the effect of all defensive and regenerative abilities. When Installed, Lucine cannot be damaged by non-Trump attacks that are level 1. 
-Level 2: When attacked, gain SYN/3 resistance when attacked again by the same damage type.
-Level 3: As Level 2, but add an additional SYN/3 resistance for a total of 2SYN/3
-Level 4: Now defends against attacks of level 2 or lower.


Archer Class Card - Red Sonja: A card containing the tale of Red Sonja, under the Archer class. When Included, it prevents any effects from hampering Lucine's attacks, and allows her to load anything she can lift into Opal as a projectile; Opal gains a large top-loader and a laser sight. When Installed, it renders Lucine immune to most environmental effects.

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Arminius, rather than worry much about the "trap" for the moment, instead makes himself busy by covering himself with snow, making sure to get a light dusting on everything despite the discomfort. Assuming no one finishes the puzzle in that time, he starts walking over the switches only to pause half way through to turn to the skeleton. "Hey, you're a royal guard right?"

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Papyrus freezes, stock still.


He steps over the spikes with relative ease.
From the snow surrounding you all, several noses poke out all at once.
A voice says, their nose and mouth poking up from the snow underneath Papyrus, who looks down with confusion.
Suddenly, the snow erupts!  Papyrus is flung comically into the horizon as six massive dog-people leap out of hiding.
A dog with a spear says, twirling it impatiently.
The ghost helpfully announces what is going on.
Even the child is stunned.





Rachel: Healthy

Arminius: Healthy

Ignia: Healthy

Toriel: Healthy

The Child: Stunned




Doggo: Healthy, Can only see Moving Things

Dogamy: Smitten, Smells only?

Dogaressa: Smitten, Smells only?

Lesser Dog: Healthy

Greater Dog: Healthy

Doge: Healthy


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Ignia drew her weapon and took a few swift steps back, trying to decide how best to proceed from here.

Her keyblade came up and leveled at the Doge.
A moderate burst of flames flew out of it and towards the monster.


Ignia uses Fira(2d10+10, 50% chance to burn for 1d10+10 twice) on the Doge as a quick action, and then holds her other action to use Cure(1d4+10) on her most wounded ally.


Payback Crush active! (Stun counterattack)





HP: 52

DP: 3+3


Essence: 3

Constitution: 2

Dexterity: 0

Intelligence: 0

Resistance: 3

Strength: 10

Synergy: 10


If an attack would reduce your HP to 0 or lower, it instead reduces it to 1 unless you were at 1 HP when the attack landed or the attack would reduce you to a negative HP that has an absolute value is greater than your MHP.


Reduce incoming Dark-type damage by 20%

Reduce incoming Physical damage by 7.5%




Cure: Restorative energy that mends bones and seals wounds.

Restore 1d4+[Syn] HP to one target.

Level 2: Quick action, may be used with the same move as another Quick action.


Fira(Bolt): Launch a single small ball of fire that homes in on your target.

Deal [Key dmg]+[Syn](instead of Str) fire damage to one target, 25% chance for target to catch fire and take [Syn] fire damage each round for two rounds.

Level 2: Quick action, may be used with the same move as another Quick action.

Level 3: +1dX to burn effect.(based on Keyblade dice)

Level 4: Staggers target, interrupting any charging actions.

Level 5: Burn chance increased to 50%.

Level 6: Optional First Strike.


Strike Raid: Make a ranged Keyblade attack against two targets, if one(or both) of the targets has made a melee attack within the last round this attack hits again for a second Keyblade attack, cooldown=2.





Deck Boost: A technique used to fit more commands into the user’s deck.

Gain two action slots that can only be used for active actions.


Combo+: See Frigus.


HP Boost: A common skill among Keyblade wielders, used to boost one’s physical durability.

Increase MHP by 8.

Levels 2-9: +3/each.(total of +32)


Heart Armor: Any Keyblade wielder worth their salt knows how to summon Heart Armor to protect themselves in combat against the Darkness.

Provides immunity to most environmental effects including brief void exposure.

Level 2: Reduce incoming Dark-type damage by 20%

Level 3: Reduce incoming Physical damage by 7.5%

Borrowed Power(Dark): Drawing from the Darkness has bolstered Ignia’s powers faster than ever before.

Current: +4 Syn, +3 Str, equipping this action at the start of combat causes Ignia to gain 1 DP.

Level 1: +3 Syn, equipping this action at the start of combat causes Ignia to gain 1 DP.

Level 2: +1 Str

Level 3: +1 Str

Level 4: +1 Syn

Level 5: +1 Str





Payback Crush:

Upon being hit by an enemy with a Stun effect Ignia cancels the Stun and makes a Keyblade Counterattack against her assailant, cooldown of 4.





Name: Keyblade

Damage: 0d6+[Str]

Type: Active

Special Qualities:


-Growing Power,


-Smash II: Keyblade damage dice are now d10 instead of d6.


Name: Distrust
Description: The bronze Apprenticeship emblem Ignia started using after she “failed” her first Journeyman test and her previous keychain “Embers of Light” ceased to work, it creates a fairly old, elaborate, and slightly tarnished looking bronze key that is just a little corroded in places.

Special Qualities:

-Keychain: Attached to  a “Keyblade”.

-Ancient Bolster: +2 dice.

-The First Step: DP is considered 3 points higher when using this Keychain, these temp DP do not reduce MHP.

Level 2:

-Two Steps Back: Ignia may choose to ignore the first three DP she would gain in an encounter.


Name: Ability Stud

Description: A small lump of metal on a chain that seems to broaden its holder’s abilities.

Effect: Gain two action slots that can only be used for passive actions.


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Arminius avoids the urge to whip around when he yells at Ignia. "Idiot, we WANT them to take us in!"

Arminius tries to avoid drawing attention to himself.



Arminius stats.


HP:  24
Moves: 1
Essence: 10
Constitution: 2
Dexterity:  2
Intelligence: 3
Resistance: 2
Strength: 2
Synergy: 2
 Flaw: Only human: The user's stats (Excluding Essence) are considered 1/3 lower, and this effect can be negated temporarily for a random debuff.

Monster Girl Binding Field: Once per world, when a boss is defeated their essence is sapped to create a minion with halved stats. Each boss gives a bonus to player characters in a group with Arminius. Only one bonus can be used at a time and once per plot switch MG mid combat, but whenever any other time.

Goblin Negotiation Tactics: Prices are divided by Arminius's Essence minus the shopkeeper's

Mythriltongue: Grants access to the move "Mythril tongued"
Actions: 6
Inspire: Improve an ally’s morale giving them +½ essence to Str for a turn.

    More Inspirational: Inspire lasts for an additional turn.

    Dr. Feelgood: Who needs a medical liscence!?  Heals the target for 1/2 Ess

Mourner's Ice: Arminius forcibly grabs some of the opponent's soul and takes it for himself. This reduces the opponent's Essence by 1 for the encounter and gives Arminius an essence piece of a type that depends on the person he took it from. 

      Souls for the Soul Forge!:  After combat Arminius automatically collects an essence piece from dead enemies.

     Your soul shall suffer!: Mourner's ice may deal 1d6+Essence damage to the target.

     Death Grip: Mourner's Ice's essence steal may be permanent.


The Art of War: Arminius looks over the enemy to get an idea of their strengths and weaknesses. This reveals their health and a little bit about the enemy that is relevant.


Perk Backed: Mythril tongued: Arminius tries to get an enemy to be more willing to help the party. Ess V Ess, exact effects are up to the GM.


Vessel Fulfilment
Level 1: The user may infuse Essence into an object, breathing life into it. The object will retain the goals and intentions of its donor.

Minion, help!: When Arminius is below half health, his Minions gain +½ Essence Res.


Nothing to see here: Arminius just looks like he belongs, and he acts like it as well. +ESS to checks for enemies to notice him when he's not fighting.


Kosi-chan's Remidial Cardio Routine 2/2 (Level 1, Passive):  The next 2 times Arminius attempts to train a physical stat in a manner that involves at least 20 minutes of constant physical activity, he gains +1 constitution.

Demolitions Amateur (trick, level 1):  Drawing upon his experience with explosives and the Force's guidance, Arminius gains a +[ESS/2] bonus to checks involving the placement and use of bombs.
Mass Inspire: Improves all ally’s Morale giving them +½ essence to Str for 5 turns. Usable once per plot.

    Churchill's Counterpart: Also improves the RES of allies.

    Gorge your Hatred: Inspired Allies get an extra attack.

 Knife: Simple and tough. Deals 1d8+([Dex] or [Str]), can be concealed more easily.
 Terrarian Copper Bow of Chilling: Deals 4d4+[Dex]+3 cold damage and reduces the target's Init by 2 points, Frostfire arrows used with this weapon have a 50% increase in magnitude, cannot be used with Fire arrows.
 Watcher's Totem: may be used to create a small floating eye that is either visible or invisible at the user's choice and relays anything it sees within 20 feet directly to the holder of the totem. Eyes vanish after 12 hours or when dismissed. Usable once per encounter, addition uses may be "bought" with Demon-eye essence.

Gauntlets of the Meteor Head: +1 Res. Support: When equipped has a strange effect on one action chosen by the user. Mourner's Ice: All "weak" essences extracted become Meteor Head essences.

Aglet: increases the wearer's Init by 4 when worn.

Bug Eater Armor: This black slime covered chitin plate regenerates by consuming bugs with it's sticky surface.

    Gear Level 1: +3 RES
    Gear Level 2: +10 MHP
    Gear Level 3: Gains +1 RES when hit by a bug based attack, until the end of battle.

    Gear Level 4: The first bug attack to strike the user in combat grants +2 RES instead of +1.


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"The previous canine creature did not seem like a particularly reasonable individual," Rachel points out, "We may have to fend these creatures off somehow."  Without slaying them.  Hm.

Sister Rachel activates Triage to get a bonus action for healing, and applies Feel No Pain to Ignia, reasoning that her attack will make her a priority target.  Ignia gains two stacks of Guts and a mildly traumatic experience with needles!


Then she turns to the Child, and uses Chirurgeon's Treatment to treat the Child's stun.  She automatically reaches for her needles again, but she's seen enough action to recognize when an ailment isn't physical.  "Hey, get your head in the game," She lightly taps the Child on the forehead with an armored finger, "I can tell you were expecting something different to happen.  Whatever the reason for that, we can discuss it when the danger is passed.  For now, you need to be able to defend yourself.  Get up, get moving, and may the Emperor be with you."



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Ignia uses Fira(2d10+10, 50% chance to burn for 1d10+10 twice) on the Doge as a quick action, and then holds her other action to use Cure(1d4+10) on her most wounded ally.


( 2d10+10 = 22 & 2d2 = 2, 2 & 2d10+20 = 32 ) Ignia unleashes a hail of flames at Doge, dealing 66 damage! Doge is burned for an additional 32 Damage!


Arminius stands still!


Rachel snaps the Child out of their funk!


The Child checks Doge, and their ghostly ally feeds them information which they recite!


The child warns the enemies about Ignia.  They're on their guard now!
The child chooses to hold still during the enemy turn!
Toriel creates a wall of flames to protect The Child!


( 3d6+6 = 2+4+6+6 = 18 ) "Don't move an inch!" Doggo shouts, swiping at the party with glowing cyan blades!


Rachel takes 18 Damage! 

The blade passes harmlessly through Ignia!

The blade passes harmlessly through Toriel!

The blade passes harmlessly through The Child!

The blade passes harmlessly through Arminius!


( 2d6+1 = 7 & 2d6+1 = 4 )  "Don't touch my hot-dog!" "(He means me.)" Dogamy and Dogaressa exclaim, performing a dual attack and dealing 11 damage to Ignia with a flurry of axe attacks!


Lesser dog summons a magical pup-pet, which sleeps soundly... But nobody woke it up! The magic spell disappears.


(1d6+6 = 8 )Greater dog boofs loudly, wagging his tail as he playfully stabs at Arminius with his spear!  Arminius takes 8 damage!


Doge frowns.


She casts a spell on The Child, turning their soul Orange!  Their feet look almost on fire as they begin running around at high speeds helplessly!
( 1d4+10 = 14 ) Ignia casts Cura, healing Rachel for 14 Health!
The child says, frantically running around with a determined expression on their face.


  Hide contents




  Hide contents

Rachel: 26/28

Arminius: 16/24

Ignia: Healthy, Guts X2

Toriel: Healthy

The Child: Healthy, Malicious Orange: The user has hotfeet, and can't stop moving! Choose two enemies, one deals no damage, but the other deals quadrupled!




Doggo: Healthy, Can only see Moving Things, On Guard

Dogamy: Smitten, Smells only? On Guard

Dogaressa: Smitten, Smells only? On Guard

Lesser Dog: Healthy On Guard

Greater Dog: Healthy On Guard

Doge: -98 Health On Guard


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The Child is moving.  Based on what happened last time, moving is clearly not advisable.  The knife-wielding creature will attack whoever moves.  However...  When the knife-wielding creature attacks with its knives, its movements become predictable.  Sister Rachel draws her Inferno Pistols, points them at the Doggo, and waits.  When he raises his knives to swing, she'll attempt to blast them into slag with the melta beams.  Being microwave lasers, they can be very precise.  And if she misses and hits his hands, well, it won't kill him and he has demonstrated intent to at least seriously injure Rachel and her allies.  "I wish I'd been issued riot suppression gear," Rachel mutters as she prepares to take the shot, "It's so much easier to disarm someone with a stubber loaded with beanbags."

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"You want us to what?"
Ignia whips her head between the kid and the dogs a few times while narrowly avoiding an axe to the chest.  Landing in a pile of snow off to one side with a huff.

She glances between the snow and two dogs that seem to be sniffing the air an awful lot, and remember the sign in a previous area.


Ignia uses her Keyblade to try and shovel snow at Dogamy and Dogaressa.




HP: 52

DP: 3+3


Essence: 3

Constitution: 2

Dexterity: 0

Intelligence: 0

Resistance: 3

Strength: 10

Synergy: 10


If an attack would reduce your HP to 0 or lower, it instead reduces it to 1 unless you were at 1 HP when the attack landed or the attack would reduce you to a negative HP that has an absolute value is greater than your MHP.


Reduce incoming Dark-type damage by 20%

Reduce incoming Physical damage by 7.5%




Cure: Restorative energy that mends bones and seals wounds.

Restore 1d4+[Syn] HP to one target.

Level 2: Quick action, may be used with the same move as another Quick action.


Fira(Bolt): Launch a single small ball of fire that homes in on your target.

Deal [Key dmg]+[Syn](instead of Str) fire damage to one target, 25% chance for target to catch fire and take [Syn] fire damage each round for two rounds.

Level 2: Quick action, may be used with the same move as another Quick action.

Level 3: +1dX to burn effect.(based on Keyblade dice)

Level 4: Staggers target, interrupting any charging actions.

Level 5: Burn chance increased to 50%.

Level 6: Optional First Strike.


Strike Raid: Make a ranged Keyblade attack against two targets, if one(or both) of the targets has made a melee attack within the last round this attack hits again for a second Keyblade attack, cooldown=2.





Deck Boost: A technique used to fit more commands into the user’s deck.

Gain two action slots that can only be used for active actions.


Combo+: See Frigus.


HP Boost: A common skill among Keyblade wielders, used to boost one’s physical durability.

Increase MHP by 8.

Levels 2-9: +3/each.(total of +32)


Heart Armor: Any Keyblade wielder worth their salt knows how to summon Heart Armor to protect themselves in combat against the Darkness.

Provides immunity to most environmental effects including brief void exposure.

Level 2: Reduce incoming Dark-type damage by 20%

Level 3: Reduce incoming Physical damage by 7.5%

Borrowed Power(Dark): Drawing from the Darkness has bolstered Ignia’s powers faster than ever before.

Current: +4 Syn, +3 Str, equipping this action at the start of combat causes Ignia to gain 1 DP.

Level 1: +3 Syn, equipping this action at the start of combat causes Ignia to gain 1 DP.

Level 2: +1 Str

Level 3: +1 Str

Level 4: +1 Syn

Level 5: +1 Str





Payback Crush:

Upon being hit by an enemy with a Stun effect Ignia cancels the Stun and makes a Keyblade Counterattack against her assailant, cooldown of 4.





Name: Keyblade

Damage: 0d6+[Str]

Type: Active

Special Qualities:


-Growing Power,


-Smash II: Keyblade damage dice are now d10 instead of d6.


Name: Distrust
Description: The bronze Apprenticeship emblem Ignia started using after she “failed” her first Journeyman test and her previous keychain “Embers of Light” ceased to work, it creates a fairly old, elaborate, and slightly tarnished looking bronze key that is just a little corroded in places.

Special Qualities:

-Keychain: Attached to  a “Keyblade”.

-Ancient Bolster: +2 dice.

-The First Step: DP is considered 3 points higher when using this Keychain, these temp DP do not reduce MHP.

Level 2:

-Two Steps Back: Ignia may choose to ignore the first three DP she would gain in an encounter.


Name: Ability Stud

Description: A small lump of metal on a chain that seems to broaden its holder’s abilities.

Effect: Gain two action slots that can only be used for passive actions.


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Arminius half turns to look at the child before turning back to the greater dog. "Hey, don't do that! That hurt! If you wanna play, c'mere pup."

Using his knowledge of canine beings, Arminius gives greater dog a good petting!



HP:  24
Moves: 1
Essence: 10
Constitution: 2
Dexterity:  2
Intelligence: 3
Resistance: 2
Strength: 2
Synergy: 2
 Flaw: Only human: The user's stats (Excluding Essence) are considered 1/3 lower, and this effect can be negated temporarily for a random debuff.

Monster Girl Binding Field: Once per world, when a boss is defeated their essence is sapped to create a minion with halved stats. Each boss gives a bonus to player characters in a group with Arminius. Only one bonus can be used at a time and once per plot switch MG mid combat, but whenever any other time.

Goblin Negotiation Tactics: Prices are divided by Arminius's Essence minus the shopkeeper's

Mythriltongue: Grants access to the move "Mythril tongued"
Actions: 6
Inspire: Improve an ally’s morale giving them +½ essence to Str for a turn.

    More Inspirational: Inspire lasts for an additional turn.

    Dr. Feelgood: Who needs a medical liscence!?  Heals the target for 1/2 Ess

Mourner's Ice: Arminius forcibly grabs some of the opponent's soul and takes it for himself. This reduces the opponent's Essence by 1 for the encounter and gives Arminius an essence piece of a type that depends on the person he took it from. 

      Souls for the Soul Forge!:  After combat Arminius automatically collects an essence piece from dead enemies.

     Your soul shall suffer!: Mourner's ice may deal 1d6+Essence damage to the target.

     Death Grip: Mourner's Ice's essence steal may be permanent.


The Art of War: Arminius looks over the enemy to get an idea of their strengths and weaknesses. This reveals their health and a little bit about the enemy that is relevant.


Perk Backed: Mythril tongued: Arminius tries to get an enemy to be more willing to help the party. Ess V Ess, exact effects are up to the GM.


Vessel Fulfilment
Level 1: The user may infuse Essence into an object, breathing life into it. The object will retain the goals and intentions of its donor.

Minion, help!: When Arminius is below half health, his Minions gain +½ Essence Res.


Nothing to see here: Arminius just looks like he belongs, and he acts like it as well. +ESS to checks for enemies to notice him when he's not fighting.


Kosi-chan's Remidial Cardio Routine 2/2 (Level 1, Passive):  The next 2 times Arminius attempts to train a physical stat in a manner that involves at least 20 minutes of constant physical activity, he gains +1 constitution.

Demolitions Amateur (trick, level 1):  Drawing upon his experience with explosives and the Force's guidance, Arminius gains a +[ESS/2] bonus to checks involving the placement and use of bombs.
Mass Inspire: Improves all ally’s Morale giving them +½ essence to Str for 5 turns. Usable once per plot.

    Churchill's Counterpart: Also improves the RES of allies.

    Gorge your Hatred: Inspired Allies get an extra attack.

 Knife: Simple and tough. Deals 1d8+([Dex] or [Str]), can be concealed more easily.
 Terrarian Copper Bow of Chilling: Deals 4d4+[Dex]+3 cold damage and reduces the target's Init by 2 points, Frostfire arrows used with this weapon have a 50% increase in magnitude, cannot be used with Fire arrows.
 Watcher's Totem: may be used to create a small floating eye that is either visible or invisible at the user's choice and relays anything it sees within 20 feet directly to the holder of the totem. Eyes vanish after 12 hours or when dismissed. Usable once per encounter, addition uses may be "bought" with Demon-eye essence.

Gauntlets of the Meteor Head: +1 Res. Support: When equipped has a strange effect on one action chosen by the user. Mourner's Ice: All "weak" essences extracted become Meteor Head essences.

Aglet: increases the wearer's Init by 4 when worn.

Bug Eater Armor: This black slime covered chitin plate regenerates by consuming bugs with it's sticky surface.

    Gear Level 1: +3 RES
    Gear Level 2: +10 MHP
    Gear Level 3: Gains +1 RES when hit by a bug based attack, until the end of battle.

    Gear Level 4: The first bug attack to strike the user in combat grants +2 RES instead of +1.


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Once again, although they were clearly pushed back, Proditor's attack *seemed* to do nothing to the creatures, only managing to disrupt their forms and aim. For a moment, Proditor's attention was taken from the fight, focusing on the arrival of Lucine and a gigantic, bipedal goat, before he refocused. He could clarify what was happening later, and Nader would be a... Good enough spokesperson, despite his paranoia and theories. Right now, Proditor needed all the focus he could muster, seeing as what he was about to do could backfire hard on him. But he needed to understand what these truly wanted, or there was a good chance they would die long before they did. And what better way to understand your enemy, then to look into the mind of your enemy.


Proditor attempts to use Psionic Control on Memoryhead, forcing a check against Proditor's Int (now 22) vs Memoryhead's Essence. If Proditor wins, he will have control over Memoryhead for 4 turns, and if he can immediately give a command, he will attempt to use it to get the other two to stop attacking as well. If Proditor fails the check, nothing happens.




HP: 22
Moves: 1

Essence: 10
Constitution: 1
Dexterity: 1
Intelligence: 18
Resistance: 1
Strength: 0
Synergy: 8



Ethereal Mind: The minds of the Ethereals are powerful and complex, capable of using their great intellect to shape the world around them. Proditor gains +1 Int whenever he gains Int without spending Merit


Extreme Will: Ethereals are steadfast creatures… For the most part. Proditor stands among them as one of the strongest minds of their race. All mental affecting ailments are forced into a check Proditor’s Essence vs their Essence, and must succeed against him, to actually effect him.


Mind Control: Ethereals, due to their power of psionic energy, are capable of dominating the minds of lesser creatures, and use them for their own. Unlocks the ability "Psionic Control".


Pyrophobic (Flaw): Proditor has a special fear of fire, seeing it as a tool that can destroy anything it sets it’s sights on, no matter what technology is used against it. When hit with a fire attack, Proditor has a 75% chance to be stunned on his next turn.


Actions (5/5)



Psionic Control: Ethereals can take over the minds of weaker opponents, using them for their own use. Targets one enemy and forces a check that uses Proditor’s Intelligence vs the target’s Essence. If Proditor wins, the enemy falls under his control for 4 turns, but has to sacrifice his actions to control the target. If he fails, nothing happens. 6 turn cooldown.

Psionic Control Level 2: Mind Controlled unit now acts separately to Proditor.
Psionic Control Level 3: Duration increased to 5 turns.


Psi Lance: A bolt of pure psionic energy that Proditor fires from his mind at a single target, dealing 1d6+Syn damage.

Psi Lance Level 2: Damage increased to 2d6+SYN
Psi Lance Level 3: Damage increased to 3d6+SYN



Growing Knowledge: Proditor has learned a great many things from previous wars, making him a quick learner on the battlefield. After every round, Proditor gains +2 Int, up to a maximum of +6.



Rift: Proditor unleashes his full Psionic might, creating a large rift in the air that promptly explodes. Up to four enemies can be targeted by this ability, and when they do, they must make a check against Proditors INT*1.5 vs their Essence. If they do not succeed, They gain a 50% miss chance for 1 turn due to nausea. Enemies targeted by this take 3d8+INT damage each, Bypassing many physical defences. Once per encounter.



Psionic Amplifier: Proditor has installed a small device into his helm, amplifying his already immense Psionic powers. Enhances Psionic Lance’s damage by 20% of his Syn.


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