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Hal Henderics

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Lucine takes the hand and pulls herself up, momentarily dazed. "Um, thank you, sorry for that." The question clicked in her head, reminding her of what she had actually been doing. "Um, I-I'm a homunculus, and if you don't really know what that is I can't really explain it to you. But, uhh, I'm trying to find someone that will listen to me." She glanced around, trying to decide exactly how much she was going to explain at once, when something else that the large monster had said fully processed. "You mentioned Undyne? She wouldn't listen to me, and now she's chasing my friends, and I just. . . Everyone needs to stop fighting, because I think I can help work everything out without anyone getting hurt!" She stopped to catch her breath; she still had more to explain, but needed oxygen in her lungs to do it, and she'd never been the most athletic child. . .

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Stalking a litle closer to the edge of the mountain, Jun watches Undyne intently for a while, trying to determine if the armored person was anywhere close to figuring out where she was hiding, before she decided to try opening up dialogue once more, focusing her psionic energies at the armored person's direction to say, "So, you didn't kill the little girl right?."


Jun basically just uses Listen Up on Undyne to try and remain relatively hidden while she speaks to them.

Listen Up: Jun gains the ability to mentally communicate with a single person using focused psionic energy.  That person is thrown directly upward with a pressure equal to four times earth's gravity until the communication session ends, if they fail to resist it.

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"I would not enjoy what I would have to do if you get possessed by some daemon from that," Sister Rachel tells Ignia seriously, "So please.  Do be careful.  Regardless, we cannot tarry here.  We must press on."

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As Arminius walks along, the Child follows them at a distance close enough to speak without being heard.


"When the others go through the maze, we should talk."


The rest of the gang move forward, encountering an icy path with Sans and Papyrus standing on the other side.







The child pokes Rachel.  "You have the best armor.  It makes sense for you to go first," the child points out.




(19, 7)


The hulking figure chuckles sadly.  "Oh Undyne, what did you get yourself into this time.  Very well, I will go with you to talk with Undyne."


"Come along now, young one," he says, walking towards Waterfall.


Despite Lucine's panicked words, the large monster remains calm, and pleasant.  "Undyne can be a bit aggressive, but her heart is in the right place.  I'm sure we can all settle this over a nice cup of tea."


"I've never heard of a 'homunculus' before, I'm afraid.  Hmm," he says, mostly to himself, before, after a moment in thought, his eyes light up in recognition.


"Ahh, no, I believe I have, Dr. Alphys attempted to explain them once, but I'm afraid a great deal of it sailed over my head."


"Well, whatever the case may be, you are a very brave monster to stand up for your friends," he offers Lucine a warm smile.




(7, 8 )


Undyne hardly reacts to the mental probing, aside from a brief moment of shock.


"She isn't the one you should be worrying about."

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Rachel looks at Papyrus' orb with no small amount of disdain.  "Your sorceries shall not avail you, creature.  For I am girded with the Armor of Contempt, and the Shield of Faith!  And through the greatest trials, I shall not falter!"  She begins to walk slowly, implacably forward, keeping her hands loose and empty by her sides, looking the skeleton directly in the eyes.  "For the light of the Master of Mankind is with me.  And the Emperor.  Protects."

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Rachel takes exactly one step forward before Papyrus lights up like a Christmas tree, spazming in the air while crackling with electricity.


"SANS!  WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Papyrus shouts.


"uhh, i think the human has to hold it," Sans explains.


"OH...  OK!" Papyrus says joyfully, walking through the maze and following the exact path leading from them to the group. 


"HOLD THIS PLEASE!" He hands the sphere to Rachel and then dashes back through the maze, once again following the path to get through it exactly.


A trail of footprints are left in the icy snow.



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Brave? Was she really? Lucine didn't feel particularly brave. Mostly, she was just scared of not being able to see people that had been nice to her again. Not that nobody had been nice back home, but there was always a layer of separation that didn't exist here. "I- Um, okay. Thank you," she said, as she followed the monster that towered over her head. "My friends, they're, uhh, a little weird, though. So, um, expect the unexpected?" She wasn't sure if she should actually tell him they were human. This place seemed like it could turn at any moment. After all, there was that museum, or whatever it had been. Very innocuous, until the bit about killing humans and taking their souls. 

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Rachel stops in surprise as Papyrus gets zapped instead of her.  "The Emperor protects?"  She ventures questioningly, taking the orbs from Papyrus mostly on autopilot as she goes through a brief moment of 'wtf'.  She gives Sans a brief 'are you serious man' look as she examines the device...  Huh.  This is some outdated technology, if in reasonably good condition.  Not sorcery at all.  But it still has a machine-spirit, and that spirit is reasonably cooperative...  "I wonder..."  Rachel reaches into her pack and comes up with a plastic tongue depressor, which she slips between the battery and the contacts that allow it to complete the circuit and deliver electricity.  She does her best to keep Papyrus from seeing it... but he does anyways.  "Oh well, I was never great at Inquisitorial work anyways," Rachel mutters, giving up on the pretense of playing along.  She strides through the 'maze' without pause, yanks the tongue depressor out of the ball once she's next to Papyrus and lightly tosses the electric orb to bounce off his chest.  "Not sorcery after all.  Good."

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Hoping that Undyne's vague threat meant that she hadn't figured out her hiding spot yet, Jun simply opted to continue telepathically speaking at the royal guard, "But no seriously, did you kill the kid or not? She kinda went back to try and talk to you on her own initiative, and it would really suck if she died."

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Continued experiments, continued failures. It seems as if the project lead made a little bit of progress with their research, seeing as they attempted to create a vessel to house new 'souls'. In fact, the flowers left in this room, along with the entries, hinted that they attempted to create a flower  to do so. An odd choice, but considering what was presented, he could see the logic behind it.


Outside of his own inner thinking, Proditor simply floated to the end of the room, his psionics lifting up the note that lay on the ground so and turning it over so that both he and Nader could read it, should it readable.

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Ignia mostly stands at the head of the maze, trying to make her mind up about something before she watches the turn of events involving Papyrus and Rachel.

She turns to look at Arminius, Toriel, and the Kid with a bewildered look on her face.
"Who is this dumbass?"

She gestures to Papyrus.

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Papyrus looks at Rachel, who is also in the general area that Ignia gestured to after crossing through the maze


He plants his hands on his hips.


With that, Papyrus dashes away, leaving Sans standing quietly behind, hands in his pockets as he smirks at the party. 
With the puzzle solved, everyone is free to walk across.
Sans stops Ignia for a moment.
When Ignia blinks, he's gone.
Meanwhile, the child finally opens dialogue with Arminius.
Arminius notices, even as they speak, the ghost he's been hearing is giving the child information, offering them options for what to say.
The child either doesn't notice, or isn't surprised by what they're hearing.
Further ahead, Rachel, Ignia and the gang encounter a bunny monster selling ice cream, he looks morose, and his moneytill looks empty...
"I don't understand why these aren't selling, it's the perfect weather for something cold..."
"OH! A CUSTOMER!  Hello!  Would you like a Nice-Cream?  It's the frozen treat that warms your heart!" he shouts, noticing the people right in front of him.
-True Lab
When Prodditor picks up the paper, he can see something written on it, in hasty scrawls.
"Behind You"
The monster that Lucine is following waves to Undyne, who has a vessel bulge on her forehead at the sight.
Undyne forces a fake smile on her face.
She looks up where Jun is hiding, while Asgore, the King of the Monsters, looks stunned, and unhappy.
Despite Undyne's warnings, Asgore looks calm.
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Arminius raises his eyebrows at the kid, kneeling to better maintain the privacy of the conversation. Finally he nods. "Yeah, though I'm kind of hesitant to try that again, last time I tried it... It was pretty."

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Ignia give Sans a puzzled look for a second.

Her statement got cut off by Sans apparently breaking his own advice and just vanishing.

"What is going on with this place?"

A little further down the path as they encounter the salesman.

"Uhhh....Well I uhh....I don't have any money, and I don't think any of them do either."

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Arminius nods. "Well, you've seemed to know what you're talking about so far... As for the things he's missing, what do you suggest we do about them? I have some firey essence, could act as a representation of love or compassion maybe?"

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The child responds to Arminius.  Indeed, Arminius himself has the strange feeling that it wouldn't work.
Out of all the essences, he's sure the Meteor and Demon Essences wouldn't do anything helpful.
"I have some money, I suppose I could afford to treat you all, just this once if you wish," Toriel says to Ignia
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Lucine blinked. Asgore? As in, the guy who was planning on absorbing all those human souls? But he seemed so. . . nice. "Umm, all that stuff about taking the souls of humans. . . i-is that really what you want to do?" She glanced between Undyne and Asgore, nervousness painted clearly across her face. She pulled at the neck of her hoodie as she tried to figure out where to go next. Would they hurt her if she said she was with them? "I-I mean, I heard you yelling earlier, you said you thought humans were cool. And I think I could maybe work out something that might act like a soul but wouldn't actually need to, um, come from anyone."

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Arminius nods. He thinks on it for a few moments before starting to put just the lingering will into the doll. No point trying something dangerous without help around. "By the way, did you just get a sense of deja vu a second ago?"

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"Nice cream..."  Rachel raises an eyebrow at the concept, "You are aware that it is rather cold and snowy here, and that the name of your product sounds rather like ice cream, something people rarely want to eat when it was cold?  If what you are attempting to sell is not in fact a frozen dessert, I might advise a rebranding, to make your product more inviting to customers."

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Jun slowly stands up to make her presence known, her expression of vague annoyance at the fact that Lucine seemed to be in the middle of putting herself in danger once more thankfully concealed by the helmet he was still wearing. She considers speaking up for a moment, but chooses to wait and see for now, while she considers any possible escape routes she could take that would uh, allow her to carry the small child away to safety again if things turned pear shaped.


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-Arminius and Child


Arminius's question is met with a blank stare.  It seems he isn't receiving an overt answer.  The ghost helpfully narrates.




Arminius, feeling incredibly lucky for some reason, manages to imbue the plush doll with the essence.


The doll's blank face melts like putty, before reforming, slowly and meticulously, into a familiar visage..




The doll-  Flowey, clenches their hands several times.


They look straight at the child, leaning up.
Flowey glances knowingly at Arminius.
After a few more moments, they return their focus to the child.
The child doesn't respond.  They look almost bored, but Flowey doesn't notice.
He laughs for a very long time at this, tapering off into soft chuckles, and then falling silent entirely.
-Snowdin Road
The bunny blanches at this.  "What do you mean?  People don't like eating ice cream when it's cold?"
They look down.  "Oh dear."
"I need to go rethink my business model, sorry!" they say, starting to push their cart down the road.
Toriel shrugs.  "Well, I suppose it is for the best.  Though, if any of you did want ice cream, I am afraid that may prove difficult once he is gone."
She looks around.  "Where did the young one go?  And Arminius?"
(17, 6)
Asgore swallows.
Undyne looks shocked.
She attempts, only for Asgore to interrupt.
She's stunned.  Stunned in a way that clearly indicates he rarely uses that term with her.
Asgore looks at Lucine for a moment, before walking towards Hotland once again.
Undyne glances around briefly, before stomping away in the opposite direction.
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