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Hal Henderics

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Jun settled on wandering over to one of the snails then, on the sole basis that they seemed less likely to immediately run away or try to kill her on sight. Gently waving at them from a distance before she asked, "Hey! What're you guys up to?."

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A ghost, looking as if they were truly made from a bedsheet draped over a basketball, hovers nearby.  The snails don't appear to be capable of speech, and mill around in their fenced off area.


"Oooohh.  The snails are doing just fine..."


"Welcome to the Blook Acres Snail Farm, oooh.  Would you like to play a game?  It's only 10G..."

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"I didn't break in! Or, well, um, it wasn't my idea, anyway. And how was I supposed to know that was your house?" She folded her arms in that smug way that seemed to be common among all twelve-year-old girls. "You didn't even let me try to explain before you zapped me. And those weren't soldiers, either. Those are my friends." Lucine deflated slightly as she remembered why she was there. "We were just trying to figure out how to stop all this bad stuff from happening."

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Miming patting her pockets down a little, and finding the obvious lack of cash or 'G' as the currency was presumably called here, Jun politely shakes her head and says, "Oh I would love to, but I don't really have that much G right now, perhaps I'll just come back to play later..."

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Arminius considers stealing the microwave for a minute. Then he decides that'd be both a waste of time and silly besides. Looking to the others he shrugs. "If you're hungry I think Sindragosa could try thawing it at least."

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Nader seemed to take a while just absorbing and mulling over the knowledge that he'd seen. "This is becoming something of a large sidetrack, all of this business with DETERMINATION... we know that he ascended into broken godhood, that is just established fact by this point, but he seems to spend a lot of time on this. Perhaps... this is actually related to HOW he attempted to ascend?" Nader took another moment to think, just staring at one of the lab entries, shockingly unaware of the world around him for a while. "He speaks of time travel here... attempting to use raw human willpower to travel through time, somehow... and it didn't quite succeed, it broke and scattered and exploded and spread, but it spread materially, so if he tried to use a SOUL -- if he tried to use himself -- he would scatter as a soul, wouldn't he? He just thought he had to use enough DETERMINATION, at first, right? He said that, earlier. I didn't understand it yet, but he was trying to use DETERMINATION and hoping that the KARMA that he was making would just get drowned out by enough of that. That didn't work.


 But where did he try to travel to, to become a god? Did he try to travel before all of it, at the very start, to the very end, did he perhaps try to travel outside of it all, recklessly? He... has spoken, more or less, of being in pieces. I think that this makes sense. His method of ascension was trying to travel to a time that was not mortal, but he failed and he exploded thanks to being hit with the KARMA while using humanity... he exploded all over space and time, didn't he? That's what he is talking about. That's what he has been talking about. He's in pieces, that's what this means -- pieces scattered inside and outside of space and time as we perceive them, unable to influence the world directly. But he saw that coming, because he saw the future through seeing through time, through the CORE and through iron will... so he set this up for us beforehand to try to get us to fix this, somehow. But there's that last entry, too. Did he also write that beforehand? Or did he write it after? I am missing something."


It was only then, having finished this current bout of contemplation, that Nader stepped back and actually saw the note that Proditor was hovering in the air. It said... 'Behind You.' "OH SHIT FUCK GOD DAMN--" Spitting all over the inside of his mask with panicked curses, Nader lumbered into an about-face, drawing the PAW and the Osprey rifle from the back and extending them in the direction of the opposite wall, pointing no fewer than five guns at the wall in a clumsy tangle of guns held, attached to the sides of his arms, and attached to the underside of the gun attached to the side of the arm. Judging by the futile twitches of his right arm towards his hip, he was actually trying to bring six guns to bear on whatever was behind him, but tragically had to settle for only five.

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-New Home


Alphys nervously, taps her fingers on the table, glancing to the side as she sweats.


Alphys recoils, as if the words physically harmed her.






Toriel frowns.  "I am certain he tried, but please do not eat this spaghetti." she orders.


-True Lab


Laying on the ground behind both Nader and Prodditor, a small key sits on the ground.


Before they can breathe a sigh of relief, the note in Prodditor's grip begins to melt and swell, fluid pouring out of it!


A smiling face appears on the ball of white fluid.


"C̸̠͔̍̋Ȍ̸̯͊M̸̧̟̊Ȩ̶̨̀ ̴̗͓͐J̷̯͘O̸͙͜͠I̶̧̧̎̽N̸̝̑ ̶̛̹̾T̸̻̬̓̈́Ḧ̵̲̬̃E̴̫̩̽̃ ̴͔̪͝F̶̤̓̈́U̵͉̭̅N̷̫͆̚""C̸̠͔̍̋Ȍ̸̯͊M̸̧̟̊Ȩ̶̨̀ ̴̗͓͐J̷̯͘O̸͙͜͠I̶̧̧̎̽N̸̝̑ ̶̛̹̾T̸̻̬̓̈́Ḧ̵̲̬̃E̴̫̩̽̃ ̴͔̪͝F̶̤̓̈́U̵͉̭̅N̷̫͆̚""C̸̠͔̍̋Ȍ̸̯͊M̸̧̟̊Ȩ̶̨̀ ̴̗͓͐J̷̯͘O̸͙͜͠I̶̧̧̎̽N̸̝̑ ̶̛̹̾T̸̻̬̓̈́Ḧ̵̲̬̃E̴̫̩̽̃ ̴͔̪͝F̶̤̓̈́U̵͉̭̅N̷̫͆̚"


The room darkens into pitch black, save Nader, Prodditor, and their foes.


The three entities are indescribable...


Glowing hearts erupt from their chests at the same time, and they instinctively recognize them as their very SOULs.








Nader: Healthy

Prodditor: Healthy




Memoryhead 1:


M m r h  d






"Sorrrry....  I guess I could give you a freebie...  I mean, if you want...  If you don't... that's fine too..."

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"I guess." Judging by her tone, she still didn't feel particularly sorry. Lucine took an experimental sip of the tea, before glancing back up at Asgore. "And, um. . . I know you said that me trying to help using the cards was a nice thought, but I think we could really do it." She looked at her feet for a moment before her eyes came back up again. "I could show you it if you gave me a chance." A small spark of realization landed in her mind, prompting her to forget her irritation with Alphys. "Hey, you're kind of a mage or something, right?" A brief moment of concern flashed over the girl's expression, before she decided that an underground monster mage was probably not going to try and turn her into a cup because she wasn't human. "I could show both of you it, and then maybe you could see if you could help."

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At first, Proditor was simply surprised to notice a lone key. It didn't give him any relief thanks to the situation, but he didn't get much time to dwell on it before the note in his mind's grip began to melt and bubble. In an instant, the alien went on autopilot, releasing his hold over the note as he spun back around, taking a second to aim, wasting no additional time before shooting a hardened lance of psionic energy into the middle of the group.


Proditor uses Psi Lance on Memoryhead, dealing 3d6+8+(1.6) damage.




HP: 22
Moves: 1

Essence: 10
Constitution: 1
Dexterity: 1
Intelligence: 18
Resistance: 1
Strength: 0
Synergy: 8



Ethereal Mind: The minds of the Ethereals are powerful and complex, capable of using their great intellect to shape the world around them. Proditor gains +1 Int whenever he gains Int without spending Merit


Extreme Will: Ethereals are steadfast creatures… For the most part. Proditor stands among them as one of the strongest minds of their race. All mental affecting ailments are forced into a check Proditor’s Essence vs their Essence, and must succeed against him, to actually effect him.


Mind Control: Ethereals, due to their power of psionic energy, are capable of dominating the minds of lesser creatures, and use them for their own. Unlocks the ability "Psionic Control".


Pyrophobic (Flaw): Proditor has a special fear of fire, seeing it as a tool that can destroy anything it sets it’s sights on, no matter what technology is used against it. When hit with a fire attack, Proditor has a 75% chance to be stunned on his next turn.


Actions (5/5)



Psionic Control: Ethereals can take over the minds of weaker opponents, using them for their own use. Targets one enemy and forces a check that uses Proditor’s Intelligence vs the target’s Essence. If Proditor wins, the enemy falls under his control for 4 turns, but has to sacrifice his actions to control the target. If he fails, nothing happens. 6 turn cooldown.

Psionic Control Level 2: Mind Controlled unit now acts separately to Proditor.
Psionic Control Level 3: Duration increased to 5 turns.


Psi Lance: A bolt of pure psionic energy that Proditor fires from his mind at a single target, dealing 1d6+Syn damage.

Psi Lance Level 2: Damage increased to 2d6+SYN
Psi Lance Level 3: Damage increased to 3d6+SYN



Growing Knowledge: Proditor has learned a great many things from previous wars, making him a quick learner on the battlefield. After every round, Proditor gains +2 Int, up to a maximum of +6.



Rift: Proditor unleashes his full Psionic might, creating a large rift in the air that promptly explodes. Up to four enemies can be targeted by this ability, and when they do, they must make a check against Proditors INT*1.5 vs their Essence. If they do not succeed, They gain a 50% miss chance for 1 turn due to nausea. Enemies targeted by this take 3d8+INT damage each, Bypassing many physical defences. Once per encounter.



Psionic Amplifier: Proditor has installed a small device into his helm, amplifying his already immense Psionic powers. Enhances Psionic Lance’s damage by 20% of his Syn.




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-New Home
Lucine notices Alphys shaking.
(5, 19)
Alphys breaks out into a cold sweat, hyperventilating.
Her chair screeches on the wood as she stands up and runs out of the house.
Asgore looks apologetically towards Lucine.
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"It's okay." Lucine stood up, prepared to follow as well. "I can't really do the whole summoning thing on the way, but I could show you the Cards? I have a few. . . although I guess most of them are ones you probably wouldn't recognize. I actually don't really know some of them myself, but. . ." She dug in her bag, debating stuffing Opal down into it before deciding that the magical device might be needed in a moment. She fished Jim Raynor's card out, then grabbed Opal out of the air and popped the Herakles card out as well despite the resulting squawk of protest. "These are Class Cards. They're like, umm, how do I explain this. . ." Lucine thought for a moment. "Basically, sometimes when people die and they're really important, they get recorded by this weird magic thing called the Throne of Heroes. There's a big ritual that can make partial copies of those records, and I can make things that are sort of copies of those."

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-Snowdin Road


The gang moves on.


In the next area, there's a sign right out the gate.


On it, there is a short, but ominous message.


There is a large pile of snow nearby that covers a perfectly square area on the ground, and a short wall of spikes blocks the way forward across a short bridge.
The Child simply runs over to a seemingly random patch on the ground, digging around until they find a switch.
Flipping the switch, the spikes retract, and the way forward is cleared.
The child seems confused about something, looking around curiously.
-New Home
Asgore hears Lucine, but doesn't respond.
They enter Alphys's lab, but she is nowhere to be found.
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Lucine looked down the shaft, then back to Asgore, then down the shaft again, then at Asgore again. "Umm. . . sure." She glanced sideways at nothing in particular. "Can you, um, fly or something? I don't really see a good way down there." Regardless, she took the proffered hand, despite the fact that it was probably several times the size of her own. 

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Lucine gave both Asgore and the elevator shaft a number of concerned-looking glances before deciding that, between the monster's kind exterior and apparent confidence in not splattering horribly at the bottom, combined with this being a rather ridiculous and elaborate ploy to kill her if that were ever going to be the case, that she would, in fact, trust him. ". . . Uh. I see." She squeezed her eyes shut. "Just do it, I don't really want to look." Lucine had never really considered herself to be afraid of heights, but a fear of plummeting down a dark elevator shaft to her doom was rather different, in her opinion.

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Jun stops to think for a moment to consider the ghost's offer, weighing the stress relief and novelty of playing a game with a ghost against the importance of finding the small child and his heavily armed contingent. It should come to no surprise that Jun's answer is, "Well, if you don't mind then yeah, I would love to. My name's Jun by the way, what's yours?."

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"Oooh.  Well... I'm Napstablook, and this game is called Thundersnail."


"It's really easy," he says as the snails line up at the starting line.


"If the yellow snail wins, then you win!  You can cheer on your snail to help her along."

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