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[IC] Trespassers LF: The Teleglitch Incident


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"I will keep that in mind Sir Vratislav you never know what uses I could have for you," Yvette said letting the implication hangs in the air for a bit. "But I shall excuse myself for now and see if I can be of use somewhere else. You are welcome to join me in my wonderings if you wish," she said giving a curtsy to Vratislav "You two are also welcomed to join in the wandering dear Baron and Ms. Yoko. If not I will see you to later hopefully you will not of killed each other by then." she said to Yoko and the Baron giving them a small curtsy "Now lets head in this direction Jezzabella." Yvette said as she wandered down the loud hallway into the Teleglich room.  avoiding the blob the best she could even though it was of great curiosity to her she made her way to the portable console that Evelyn and read the message on the screen and attempt to see if she could find any more information on the console about the blob.


Yvette moves to the Teleglich room and sees if she can find any more information on the blob on the console with the warning message.

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Yoko got another one of those bloodthirsty grins she’d been constantly flashing. ”I welcome your attempts to kill me — and whoever else tries. I don’t have the slightest idea what Sword Logic you’re talking about, but the more people try to kill me, the more I kill them in return. It’s combat like we had which furthers my pursuit of enlightenment, after all, from which I learn, so truly this is even ideal! Let all who desire attempt to take my life with violence... they’ll find I am no easy target, bahaha. And I will advance.”

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While Deadlift wouldn't see it, Evelyn had smiled once again. It seemed that her words did something to the Brute... No matter how small. Perhaps her words would lose meaning... But it was doubtful. After all, strength meant nothing if one couldn't land a hit. Thankfully, she decided to let the matter drop, instead walking back through the hallway in silence...


At least, until she reached the room where the giant blob resided in, stopping when she saw a familiar person. Specifically, the 'noble girl' that had appeared not long after she had attempted to execute Hirata's little experiment. That, and her... Servant, from the looks of things, and an inhuman one at that.


"So, I am to assume you're working with us?" Evelyn asked as she finally began walking into the room again, only to stop a respectable distance away from the pair.

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Yvette sighed as Evelyn entered the room. She turned and smiled at the new face. "Yes, that would be correct. My name is Yvette and this is my Dear Jezzabella and what would be your name Ms?" Yvette asked Evelyn looking rather perplexed about the blob.

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"Evelyn" was all the Hunter responded with, looking to the side at Vratislav, giving him a simple raised hand as her silent greeting towards him, "Judging by your looks, I'd say you seem rather sensible. Hopefully that remains true, we're on a low supply on that here."

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"Sounds like a load of horseshit to me."


"You can't become the strongest just by fighting.  You have to cut away what makes you weak, and be willing to do anything, or you'll just be some aggressive bug, fighting to stay on top of the dung heap."  Deadlift interjects, leaning against one of the steel walls.


"I've killed countless people who have fought every second of their life with all their might.  It takes ambition, and willpower."


"Yoko doesn't give a shit about power, just Violence.  I might not agree with her squandering her potential like that, but I can recognize it for what it is."

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Hirata had spent a few moments examining the computer in the teleporter room, eventually finding a list of locations the party could travel to, and after waiting a few more moments for someone, anyone to get here by themselves, she decided to get their attention by yelling out "HEY! I THINK I FOUND OUR WAY OUT!," after saying that she made a mental note to work on some other method of long distance communication at some point, lest her throat get too dry. 

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"I like to think that I am sensible most of the time. I was just seeing if there was anything I could find out about this blob it's rather fascinating. Do you....."Yvette was cut off by Hirata yelling that she found the way out in the next room over. "Well, it looks like we will have to come back here later unless we want to get left behind. Well, I hope I don't offend you Ms. Evelyn but I will be heading over to that room to see what the little dear has found."Yvette said with a curtsy as she turned as walked to the teleporter room with Jezzabella right behind her.


Yvette moves to the Teleporter Room


Arriving in the room Yvette looked around intrigued by all the stuff in this room but not seeing any way out of there she looked at Hirata "So where is our way out Dear?" she asked the young girl.


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Meanwhile, Roy had been preparing a second goal


Luck: 94, Roy finds about thirty Wi-fi access points within range, about 1/3 are too weak to connect and another 1/3 are locked.

Having found some network connections to connect to, Roy managed to get the low level assess of any random person in the facility.

Finding the data on the planet, and disappointed by its lack of habitability, he decides to do something to make this planet more useful to them.

Confirming neither protection suits or airlocks in this sector, he quickly goes about scanning the plants in the garden.



[87] Mostly various naturally poisonous plants, some non-poisonous plants that can be processed into poisons, and the one odd looking sapling is labeled "Poisonous Plastics Tree".

It's a tree that can be processed down into additives for plastic that make it harder, more durable, and highly poisonous.

Poison poison and more poison.
This was getting a bit silly. "Military applications" did not mean "MAKE EVERYTHING POISONOUS"


Thinking for a few moments, Roy decided on the basics of how he would make the planet habitable, and thanks to data from the facilities systems, he knew the chemicals and compositional elements that would have to be dealt with. He should get plants out of the way first.



Alright, I go back to my biomass pile, and take a few chunks of biomass, and Using data on the atmospheric, and soil composition from the labs network. Attempt to Create, Medusa grass seeds Medusa tree seeds. And a container of Medusa anti-radiation bacterium

These two plants are genetically engineered to thrive on Medusa-1 and create safe environments for humans and other such creatures.


The grass grows quickly and processes the air slightly, and can act as a food source for small animals if you have enough.


The trees attempt to grow tall and into large canopies, and process the toxic atmosphere into something breathable, in its general area. They also provide some level of rad shielding with there leaves.


Meanwhile the bacteria live and reproduce in the breathable air created by the trees. They absorb radiation for energy, and fulfill there extremely small calorie requirement on small plant life.


Although more complete ecosystems are required for these three to exists Indefinitely, when all three are paired and grown they create a small survivable zone around each tree. The tree creates the “field” they can live in The grass feeds the Bacteria And the Bacteria stops radiation.

Int is 8 Bonus of 75% Roll bonus of three Roll bonus of two


Craft: 28 vs 29, Quality: 62, Roy creates...functional biology for his new mini-biome. It isn't his best work but it should do its job. Now how to get it outside and spread around?

Once satisfied Roy stores the small seeds and Bactria container. He also takes a sample from the plastics tree, and gets moving to meet the others in the teleporter room

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Hirata wasn't really paying attention to her surroundings when Yvette entered the scene, and she let out a slight eeek sound as she jumped up a little out of surprise just before she quickly turned around and lightly whacked the right side of Yvette's hip with the flat side of her gunblade. Her eyes frantically examined Yvette for a moment before she let out an awkward chuckle and said, "Oh! itt's you, wwwell I found a machine here that can take us to other parts of this facility...although it won't allow us to teleport to the central computing core just yet, maybe because it's out of range? And wwwwait! Do you even know why we're here and... what a computer is?."

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Yvette grunted a little at getting whacked only because she wasn't expecting to get hit by anything which caused Jezzabella to give Hirata a death glare. Yvette waved Jezzabella down before she did anything "It was an accident Jezzabella calm down. " She said before turning back to Hirata. "Well, I was given some basic information we are here to get a copy of something and the good Sir Roy gave me a quick explanation on what a computer is and how they work. As well as made me my own with his abilities that I can practice with. Is it that noticeable that I come from a place that doesn't have such technology?" Yvette asked Hirata while looking around the room some more at the mention of Teleportation and casted Detect Outsiders to make sure there was any such thing here(other then Jezzabella) since they were prone to using teleportation.


Yvette cast Detect Outsiders to see if anything is around the Teleportation Room...other the Jezzabella


Detect Outsiders


A simple spell that shows the caster the location of beings or objects not native to the current plane of existence. Also shows the locations of rifts or portals into other planes as well as areas where the veil may be thin. Has proven 99% effectiveness. Usable three times per encounter.



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Hirata slowly but surely lowered her gun as she let out an awkward sounding "Ssssorrybutthisplaceisprettyscaryandyoukindofsnuckupbehindmesorry" at Jezzabella's general direction before she took a couple of steps back and said,  "And it's not noticeable at all!, I didn't want to assume that your world had them since Yoko asked me about computers earlier, and umm... what kind of computer did he give you? I might be able to help you learn how to use it."

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Shamhat gave Deadlift a round of applause as she got up. Impressed, she was. She would've said more, had the macho man not engaged in another philosophical debate over power and whatnot. Amidst the bickering, she heard Hirata yelling about "a way out," and decided to take the opportunity and flee from another fight that was about to break out.


Shamhat moves to the Teleporter Room as well.


She found herself in a room with machinery vaguely resembling the teleporters she had seen before. "This level of technology, eh? Does it still work, Hirata?"

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Hirata's tone of voice was brimming with confidence when she turned towards Shamhat and said, "It should work perfectly well actually...," before it all started to disappear as she moved on to say, "although I can't tell you how it works yet, or get us to the central computing room from here, or fix it if anything goes wrong...and the AI might have tampered with the control console to display false positives..." by this point she had started to look down and pressed two of her fingers together with whatever passes for a guilty expression on her face as she shot herself in the foot with, "aaand umm; I haven't actually tested it yet....." There was a brief but awkward moment of silence before she rather hurriedly said, "Bbbut at least it still has power?," which honestly didn't help much at all.

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Shamhat squinted her eyes. "And we were likely this close to being atomized and thrown into the vacuum of space by the AI. Yeah no, we're not using this teleporter at its current state," she shook her head, and continued with a stern voice. "If you can't fix whatever the AI's tampered with, we'll just have to walk to the coordinates ourselves."


"I'd like to trust you on this one, though. Get to work, tech wizard~" She suddenly changed her tone to an uplifting one, encouraging the girl to do what she did best. Shamhat was somewhat experienced with magitek, though she never really got into pure technology, so she'd rather give the only "expert" in the room another shot. Or more.

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"Wwwell we should test it out first to see if it is broken right? And ummm, in fact I think I'm going to do that now!."

Hirata uses Mienai Senkensha and the teleporter to try send a bug over to military software to scout out ahead and map out the area/retrieve any usable data.


Mienai senkensha:

Hirata can use her automatic assembly device to construct and send out extremely realistic spider robot things that can record and transmit audio-visual-scent/chemical-tremor (Or AVS/CT for short) back to her, allowing her to bug any place that can be reached by a spider, assuming that it wasn’t destroyed before it reaches the target by literally anything that can kill a spider, as she inexplicably decided to program her bugs to automatically malfunction if it detects a large enough concentration of chemicals commonly found in bug spray in the air.
Usable once per encounter, and requires an Intelligence check after every encounter to see if it gathers usable data and an essence check to see if it got destroyed immediately afterwards

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Vratislav had been pushing the crates of nails into his portal while the two women spoke, and had just about finished when the call about the teleporter came. So he quickly finished and then entered the next room. Seeing as someone more qualified is messing with the teleporter, Vratislav searches the room for anything of interest besides the teleporter.

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"Oh, what's going on here? What's the robot for?" Morp arrives in the teleporter room, and after briefly considering it, decides not to attempt to find neat gadgets for his collection in the internals of the machine that Hirata is working with. That'd just be rude. It was best not to irritate the patrons.

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Once Yvette began to move towards the room filled with strange machinery, Evelyn began to follow a fair distance behind. She wasn't planning to bother with them, after all she didn't even know what they were, but she might as well be around when they did figure it out. One could never be too certain on where danger could lie. Though, as she hung back to keep an eye out, she watched Vratislav searching the room. Out of everyone, he seemed to be one of the few people she could talk to without trying to not kill. At the very least, he could pass the time for her with a bit of conversation.


"Found anything of note when we this group of ours parted ways?" Evelyn asked as she approached Vratislav, folding her arms when she was nearby.

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Vratislav looks up before shaking his head with a shrug. Then after a moment of thought he raised a finger and stood up all the way.

"Well, yes and no. I have found AN item of interest, but it was of interest to only one or two people. And automated garden full of plants. Normally I would have collected any fruits or vegetables since you never know when you need food but... Greg tells me everything in this facility has a military application and thus I do not believe I should touch anything I can't trust immediately. That said, Roy has gone to investigate it and will be back fairly soon. Or we'll go to see where he went and he'll have died horribly. You can never know in these places aye?"

Vratislav says the last part jokingly hoping to take the edge off with some humor, as dark as it is.

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Roy reaches the teleporter room right on time. Vratilsalvs joke, convienetly gave him an excellent time to enter.

    “Don’t go killing me off that Easily. If I die, who’s going to heal you?”

As Roy stops, the little wolf pup looks around, only to return to Roy when he tells him to get away from the bubble of space.


”Do we know what that is by the way?”

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