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Aironfaar's Mod Box [E19][Updated: 2022-05-22]


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Miscellaneous Modular Mods

Download: v11 - 2022-05-22


Older versions:



Extract the Mods folder and its content to <Pokémon Reborn install path>/Data. If you already installed my Additional Options pack, you might find that some of the files with MonkeyPatched in their names are already present. As long as you use the newest version of both mod packs, these files are the same between both mod packs and you can safely overwrite them.

If you don't want to use one of the mods, remove the corresponding files from the Mods folder. Read the "Description of the mods" section to find out which features come with which file.



Delete the Mods folder in <Pokémon Reborn install path>/Data.

If you want to keep using other mods using the same modular approach, only delete the files that came with this mod.


Description of the mods:


CandyExcess expands Exp. All's functionality: It now produces Exp. Candies worth up to half the experience points that you otherwise would lose out on because they would go past your current level cap. Once you get the Exp. All Upgrade, it produces Exp. Candies worth up to all of that excess experience.

Files: AMB - Misc_CandyExcess.rb, AMB - MonkeyPatched_PokeBattle_Battle_pbGainEXP.rb


DaycareHotline adds the capability to call the Obsidia Daycare from any computer once you have finished its related quest. This allows you to collect eggs, get a summary of the situation at the daycare, drop off or pick up pokémon as though you were there.

Files: AMB - Misc_DaycareHotline.rb


EggWaitingIcon makes an egg icon appear in the upper left corner of the screen when an egg is waiting for pickup in the Daycare. It becomes visible upon the first step a player takes after the egg has been generated.

Files: AMB - Misc_EggWaitingIcon.png, AMB - Misc_EggWaitingIcon.rb


FabulousTransformation changes the way Transform and Imposter handles shininess. Instead of copying the target pokémon's shininess, the transforming pokémon keeps its own shininess even when transformed.

Files: AMB - Misc_FabulousTransformation.rb


GenerateSpecificID is less a mod for regular use and more a proof of concept. I originally created it for E16, i.e. way before my Additional Options mod, and ported to E17.1 as a modular mod just because I can. And then kept updating. It adds a function to the EV/IV/pID section of a pokémon's Debug menu that allows you to generate a pID for the pokémon so that it natively has the nature, ability, gender and shininess you enter, and you can choose to keep any of those random if you wish. This doesn't allow you to give a pokémon an ability or gender it can't normally have. Also, to use it, you'll have to find a way to access the game's Debug menu.

Files: AMB - Misc_GenerateSpecificID.rb


RelearnRework does two things. Firstly, it allows the Move Relearner to also teach egg moves and moves of prevolutions, even at the levels that the prevolutions would've learnt the respective moves. (The code for the egg moves part is @Waynolt's.) Secondly, and more importantly, it adds a Retrain command to the pokémon menu within the team screen, where you can also access a pokémon's Summary and so on. This allows you to teach any move that the pokémon could have learnt on previous levels entirely for free, including tutor moves that you have paid for once and egg moves that it knew at some point! However, when you do it this way, moves that the pokémon could have already learnt had it remained in a prevolution, but will learn at a higher level in its current form will not be available until it has reached that higher level if you do it this way, and the current PP of a move you teach your pokémon that way won't be higher than the current PP of the move it forgets in turn. This can be remedied, though: If you have a Heart Scale in your inventory while you use Retrain, you will be asked if you want to use it for retraining. When you do, the PP of the new move will be full and, even better, you can teach it any egg move its species has access to! Once the pokémon is done learning the new move, one Heart Scale will be removed from your inventory as though you had used the Move Relearner.

Files: AMB - Misc_RelearnRework.rb, AMB - MonkeyPatched_pbGetPreviousForm.rb, AMB - MonkeyPatched_PokemonScreen_pbPokemonScreen.rb


WeDontKnowHowItGotThere is a strange thing to say about pokémon eggs when you run a day care for those critters. With this mod, that can actually be understandable though: It removes the requirement for two pokémon to be one male and one female so they can breed. If there is no clear mother (i.e. one female pokémon with one that isn't female), there's a 50% chance for either pokémon to be designated the mother to determine things like the baby's species and ball type inheritance. Further, you can enforce a pokémon to be treated as the mother by giving it a Big Pearl, Cheri Berry, Chesto Berry, Honey, Moomoo Milk, Oval Stone or Whipped Dream to hold, or to be treated as the father by giving it a Big Root, Lagging Tail, PP Up, Rare Bone, Stick, Thick Club or Wacan Berry to hold. If both pokémon hold items that enforce the same role, it's back to 50-50. You still can't breed pokémon that normally couldn't produce offspring at all (e.g. two Dittos or pokémon from the No Eggs Discovered egg group), but other than that, all parents that share an egg group can have babies now. You're welcome, monowoke runners.




v11 - 2022-05-22

NEW: AMB - Misc_DaycareHotline.rb, AMB - MonkeyPatched_PokemonScreen_pbPokemonScreen.rb

CHANGED/FIXED: almost all the files – updated to contain changes made between beta version E19.08 and full release E19.12.

v10 - 2022-05-12

NEW: AMB - Misc_CandyExcess.rbAMB - MonkeyPatched_PokeBattle_Battle_pbGainEXP.rb

FIXED: AMB - Misc_GenerateSpecificID.rb – doesn't crash upon taking a break during very long loops anymore.

v9 - 2022-05-03

FIXED: AMB - Misc_RelearnRework.rb – now handles cases correctly where you need a Heart Scale to retrain a pokémon rather than crashing.

v8 - 2022-05-03

NEW: AMB - MonkeyPatched_pbGetPreviousForm.rb – not a mod, but needed for another mod to work.

CHANGED: AMB - Misc_RelearnRework.rb – moved the fix from v7 into a separate file (the one above) because it's technically not part of the mod. This mod now asks you to extract this dependency into the Mods folder if it isn't there before it lets you play.

FIXED: AMB - Misc_WeDontKnowHowItGotThere.rb – seems like tipsy coding led to an oversight in the mod's internal logic that caused certain combinations of pokémon in the day care to ignore items that should enforce different parenting roles, which is now fixed after a partial rewrite.

v7 - 2022-05-01

FIXED: AMB - Misc_RelearnRework.rb – fixed one of Reborn's vanilla methods so that it no longer causes the game to crash when you select Bulbasaur or its evolutions in the team screen with this mod installed.

v6 - 2022-04-30

FIXED: AMB - Misc_GenerateSpecificID.rb – the vanilla debug mode caused the game to crash upon opening the Ability settings in a pokémon's Debug menu from the pokémon storage box screen. I guess that means this mod now also doubles as a little bug fix, haha.

CHANGED: AMB - Misc_WeDontKnowHowItGotThere.rb – no changes to the functionality, just slimmed down the mod's internal logic a little. Ironing out kinks caused by coding while being tipsy is fun. No kinks were shamed in the process.

v5 - 2022-04-29

NEW: AMB - Misc_WeDontKnowHowItGotThere.rb

v4 - 2022-04-28

NEW: AMB - Misc_RelearnRework.rb

REMOVED: AMB - Misc_LearnPrevolutionMoves.rb – has been fully replaced by RelearnRework.

UPDATED: ALL the files


Compatibility with other mods:

Any mods that add nothing to the Mods folder should be compatible. For others, it depends on whether or not they change the same parts of the game's code, and whether they do it with or without an alias. If you know what the latter meant, you can probably check on your own whether there will be conflicts; otherwise, feel free to ask instead of trying. Known incompatibilities are listed in the spoiler below.


RelearnRework is incompatible with

  • SWM - LearnEggMoves from @Waynolt's SWM modular modpack. RelearnRework already includes its functionality, and having both installed makes things messy.
  • HMD - Move Relearner Mod from @Haru,,'s Mod Depot. RelearnRework and this mod sort of do the same thing, but in slightly different ways and scopes. Take your pick, but only use one at the same time.


Pre-E19 version of this post:


Miscellaneous Modular Mods
Download: v3 - 2018-08-18

Older versions:



Extract the Mods folder and its content to <Pokémon Reborn install path>\Data.

If you don't want to use one of the options, remove the corresponding files from the Mods folder. Read the "Description of the mods" section to find out which features come with which file.



Delete the Mods folder in <Pokémon Reborn install path>\Data.

If you want to keep using other mods using the same modular approach, only delete the files that came with this mod.


Description of the mods:


EggWaitingIcon makes an egg icon appear in the upper left corner of the screen when an egg is waiting for pickup in the Daycare. It becomes visible upon the first step a player takes after the egg has been generated.

Files: AMB - Misc_EggWaitingIcon.png, AMB - Misc_EggWaitingIcon.rb


FabulousTransformation changes the way Transform and Imposter handles shininess. Instead of copying the target pokémon's shininess, the transforming pokémon keeps its own shininess even when transformed.

Files: AMB - Misc_FabulousTransformation.rb


GenerateSpecificID is less a mod for regular use and more a proof of concept I originally created for E16, i.e. way before my Additional Options mod, and ported to E17.1 as a modular mod just because I can. Ha. It adds a function to the EV/IV/pID section of a pokémon's Debug menu that allows you to generate a pID for the pokémon so that it natively has the nature, ability, gender and shininess you enter. This doesn't allow you to give a pokémon an ability or gender it can't normally have. Also, to use it, you'll have to find a way to access the game's Debug menu.

Files: AMB - Misc_GenerateSpecificID.rb


LearnPrevolutionMoves lets the move relearner teach a pokémon the moves of its prevolutions. As a side effect, this means you can also, for instance, have a level 19 Ivysaur "relearn" the move Razor Leaf, which it normally learns at level 20, at the expense of a Heart Scale because Bulbasaur would have learnt it at level 19.

Files: AMB - Misc_LearnPrevolutionMoves.rb




v3 - 2018-08-17

- NEW: AMB - Misc_FabulousTransformation.rb (Thanks for giving me the idea and possibly manipulating me into creating this, @DreamblitzX. 😜)


v2 - 2018-08-17

- UPDATED: ALL the files - starting with this release, Additional Options is for E18

- CHANGED: ALL the files - new naming convention for mod files; if you still have it installed, please remove all of this mod's files before installing this version!


v1 - 2018-03-30

- initial release


Compatible mods:

  • Any mod that don't change the Scripts.rxdata file
  • Any mod that doesn't add more files to the Mods folder (although this should be compatible with all of those currently around; I'll add more information about this in the future) 


Thanks to:

The whole Pokémon Reborn team for creating and continuing to work on this wonderful fan game, obviously!

@Sardines for helping me with some things I didn't understand about Ruby when starting to fiddle around with mods for this game.

@Waynolt for bringing a modular approach to mods to Pokémon Reborn.


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  • Global Mods
18 minutes ago, Blackbeared said:

So I'm curious as some of these options are what I'm looking for. Is this compatible in conjunction with the SWM modular pack ? Or in how much is it compatible ?

Should be fully compatible, uses the same structure

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3 hours ago, DreamblitzX said:

Should be fully compatible, uses the same structure

So I should be able to use ALL of these mods TOGETHER with SWM then, I know some are duplicates but just curious :P. Only mainly looking for the exp thingie that doesn't let you overlevel 🙂 . But I might use others ofcourse 🙂


Edit: Just tried, jup can use em easily 😛 .

Edited by Blackbeared
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Hello there,

Firstly i would like to say thank you for updating your mods to E18.Unfortunately for me, the rocksmash encounter ratio mod doesnt work.Eveytime i use rocksmash the game crashes and a message pops up(see below).When i delete the rocksmash mod then rock smash works.Im using your mods plus waynol't mod in case thats the issue.

Message that pops up:



Is there a way to fix this?I dont NEED the rock smash mod but it would be nice to have nonetheless.Thank you in advance.

EDIT:Forgot to mention that location in not the issue.I have tried rocksmash on pretty much every area that offers rocks and the same message appears.

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6 hours ago, Blackbeared said:

So I should be able to use ALL of these mods TOGETHER with SWM then, I know some are duplicates but just curious :P. Only mainly looking for the exp thingie that doesn't let you overlevel 🙂 . But I might use others ofcourse 🙂


Edit: Just tried, jup can use em easily 😛 .

Yeah, as of now, they are all compatible. Also, there are no duplicates - those that seem like they might be merely allow you to configure Waynolt's mods, these options are pretty much a collaboration. 🙂


3 hours ago, Pozyher said:

Hello there,

Firstly i would like to say thank you for updating your mods to E18.Unfortunately for me, the rocksmash encounter ratio mod doesnt work.Eveytime i use rocksmash the game crashes and a message pops up(see below).When i delete the rocksmash mod then rock smash works.Im using your mods plus waynol't mod in case thats the issue.

Message that pops up:

  Hide contents


Is there a way to fix this?I dont NEED the rock smash mod but it would be nice to have nonetheless.Thank you in advance.

EDIT:Forgot to mention that location in not the issue.I have tried rocksmash on pretty much every area that offers rocks and the same message appears.

Oof, thanks for the bug report! I'll look into it.

EDIT: Whoops, I accidentally caused that bug in a really stupid way. Fixed, about to upload this.

EDIT2: Uploaded.

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Just now, ArcBolt27 said:

will there ever be plans to port these mods over to rejuvenation when v11 gets released or................?

When I get around to play Rejuvenation myself, I'll probably port the mods over unless someone else has done that by then. Right now, however, I can't afford to play more than one Pokémon game - not enough time, sadly. Sorry! :(

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How do I use the Auto-hook option? Can't seem to understand how to change to code in the .rb file for it to work.
Edit: Nevermind. Realised I don't need to change the code, just change the things in the options menu. Cheers for the great mod!

Edited by aaramdev
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2 hours ago, Waynolt said:

Little problem: when someone links this thread, the preview shows an error message.

To fix this, @Pozyher should delete the uploaded image and @Aironfaar should upload a better one for the preview (it doesn't matter where; only the upload date matters).

Sorry wasn't aware of it.I deleted the the uploaded image.

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18 minutes ago, Aironfaar said:

Does the preview simply use the latest image posted in the thread, no matter who posted it where in that thread?

Copy/paste of the answer a mod gave me when I asked the same thing:


The reason why what you did ([uploading an image in the first post to replace the error message shown in the preview]) didn't work is that for some idiotic reason the way the preview picture is determined is chronological rather than whether it is in the thread (these usually align but it makes life difficult for people like you). We have no way to manually change this, so what I did was go through the thread and delete any picture attachments in people's posts, as they had all been addressed and generally didn't have anything other than a picture of a no method error. 

So, if you want to change around the picture now to get something that works a bit better with the preview, whatever you post in the first post/ elsewhere should become the preview image, provided you delete your old one and no-one else posts in the interim. 

Essentially, @mde2001 had to go through every post and delete everything uploaded just so I could set a preview image.
After that, it stayed as the preview image because it was the oldest one still uploaded in the thread.
Uploading an image now should prevent this problem from happening - well, it's a problem assuming that it would bother you, of course. 😛

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hi am from the other thread and can someone add walk through walls option to the mod pack because the warp to map option can get abit of a problem



edit hi its me again and i have a problem with the walk through walls mod when i hold ctrl it wont turn the walk through walls on and i also tested it to be sure if it worked and it dont bye the way great job but i think that you should test them before you put it in so this error don't show up again but that is how games work you make it with the least amount of errors to create the game or mod

Edited by guardianknight
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2 hours ago, Waynolt said:

Copy/paste of the answer a mod gave me when I asked the same thing:

Essentially, @mde2001 had to go through every post and delete everything uploaded just so I could set a preview image.
After that, it stayed as the preview image because it was the oldest one still uploaded in the thread.
Uploading an image now should prevent this problem from happening - well, it's a problem assuming that it would bother you, of course. 😛

Whew... Thanks for that explanation! I have no idea what kind of picture to put up, though, as I'm artistically inept. Guess I'll have to find something, because previewing with error messages is not rad, lol.


1 hour ago, guardianknight said:

hi am from the other thread and can someone add walk through walls option to the mod pack because the warp to map option can get abit of a problem

I'm afraid I have to disappoint here; I have no idea whether that is possible with the RPG Maker XP, and if it is, how it could be done. A quick research I just did didn't turn up with anything conclusive, but maybe that's just 12 am between work days syndrome. I think I'd better go to bed now... ^^"

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11 hours ago, Aironfaar said:

I'm afraid I have to disappoint here; I have no idea whether that is possible with the RPG Maker XP, and if it is, how it could be done. A quick research I just did didn't turn up with anything conclusive, but maybe that's just 12 am between work days syndrome. I think I'd better go to bed now... ^^"

Patience you must have young padawan, and find the answer you will. 😛

(It's in the game already, activated in the script "Game_Player_", line 252)



I'm artistically inept

Me too 😄

If you
can't think of anything at all, then maybe you could upload an image containing 1 pixel of transparency (or even 1 pixel of the forum's background color) - at least it will prevent the preview from showing error messages.

If instead you can think of something but don't know how to draw it, then write it: maybe someone can help you. 🙂

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On 8/28/2018 at 11:26 AM, Waynolt said:

Patience you must have young padawan, and find the answer you will. 😛

(It's in the game already, activated in the script "Game_Player_", line 252)

Thanks for pointing me at that line! I didn't have time to look into it properly, but not having to hunt for whether there's lines of code for that already makes it a ton easier. I'll tackle that once the information that it's weekend and I can relax a little properly reached my brain, ha...


On 8/28/2018 at 11:26 AM, Waynolt said:

Me too 😄

If you can't think of anything at all, then maybe you could upload an image containing 1 pixel of transparency (or even 1 pixel of the forum's background color) - at least it will prevent the preview from showing error messages.

If instead you can think of something but don't know how to draw it, then write it: maybe someone can help you. 🙂

That transparency idea is quite a good one. I think I'll to that, at the latest upon updating the mod next. Which should be soon, considering I want to try implementing that walk through walls thing.


On 8/29/2018 at 6:24 PM, Alisae said:

Yo I don't think Auto-Hook Fishing works

On 8/30/2018 at 4:33 PM, Pozyher said:

I think i have the same problem as Alisae.Whether it's on or off i still need to press a to hook the mon.

Whoops... You're right, it doesn't work as of now. I confused some things I wanted to do when I wrote that module and somehow ended up with redundant code that basically adds nothing new. (Wait, that last bit of the previous sentence was redundant, too...)

It'll be fixed with the next update, which I intend to put together tomorrow. (Still have to actually code the fix, otherwise I'd upload it immediately.) Fingers crossed.

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On 9/8/2018 at 7:12 PM, Angelkitsune said:

um...can you please tell me how to use the text input style, like I want to change a sentence which button should i press.

What do you mean by changing a sentence? I'm not sure I understood what you mean. All the Text Input Style option does is allowing you to choose whether, whenever the game prompts you to enter text (like when naming your character or pokémon), you do so using your actual hardware keyboard or a "select letter by letter using the cursor keys" on-screen keyboard, like in the original games (which is pretty handy when you play with a gamepad and don't want to grab the keyboard anytime you catch a critter).

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