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Pokemon Reborn Pentaop is Here


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Mo's mention of needing a trigger warning is actually a good point.  While the game is not nearly as vivid in its depictions of suicide as other games (considering it's gen 3 sprites in a pokemon game), the concept in and of itself can be enough to send someone.  I know that Absol in a sense acts as a trigger warning since he appears before every disaster, but it's not something necessarily clear.  And I do also know in the title screen that there is a message (that doesn't last for long unfortunately) that mentions that the content may not be suitable for all audiences, but it clearly didn't do enough for Mo in this situation. As much as people can assume he can be faulted for not paying enough attention, it's easy to miss that message in the title screen and the Absol, while implying a disastrous event is to occur, does not explicitly state a trigger warning for suicide.  And with the 2 suicide attempts, an implied third, and Amaria's implications of self-harm, it might be important to make a trigger warning more apparent.  I hadn't really considered it before since I've never had an issue with the way self-harm and suicide were dealt with in this game, but clearly for Mo, he felt unprepared for what was coming.  I hope @Amethyst sees this when she gets the chance after waking up because I feel it's a valid necessity for some people.  I don't know exactly if there would be an easy way to implement in-game trigger warnings, especially considering that depending on the timing, they could become spoilers, but something before each thing would be nice if possible.  So I'd say trigger warnings for Corey's suicide, Kiki's death, Amaria's attempted suicide, Eclipse's death, Titania's murders in WTC, Taka's death, and Amaria's implication of self-harm (and maybe even her attempted murder) at the very least.  And perhaps an amendment to the home page and download page to include trigger warnings for the topics mentioned above. 

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perhaps a bigger warning in the title of the game would help?

Also, Mo's reaction to Correy was, dare I say it, perfect. He was shocked like you couldn't believe and if we had facecam he probably had wide open eyes and a hand before his mouth. His reaction was, if I'm correct, what Correy's death is supposed to call upon you. disbelieve that this game can be so real at times

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6 minutes ago, uberle said:


Shout out to Nappy for giving the guy who commented about Corey a few videos ago the proper title.

He said "forewarned by an Absol," not "forewarned by an asshole."

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6 minutes ago, J-Awesome_One said:

Hey. Anyone who has twitter, check out Mo's tweet. This Episode must have really gotten to him.

Considering they pretty much ignored Amarias diary 

i wonder how they'll react to the waterfall cutscene

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7 minutes ago, uberle said:


Well I cannot hear

I apologize

Not sure why, but I feel like I should.

I mean I really do relate with the constant need to apologize for no reason, but it's definitely easy to mistake what he said considering other people were talking at the same time.  

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So I looked at the whole game searching for the warning you guys are talking about well...it's only about bright flashes. So I did some digging and looked at some other games which are similar and...none of them had warnings other than Doki Doki Literature Club. FFVI didn't have one. I'm actually personally against having a label like that on a game since it does damper the surprise and shock factor. I mean we all kind of dropped our mouths given we don't see that kind of stuff in a Pokemon game and that's what made Reborn "not like other fan-games" back in the olden days. I don't think there needs to be a trigger warning but I guess I like surprises like that.


As for Absol, I've just never been a fan of that nor would I count it to mean anything other than "Oh something bad is probably going to happen." Only time I felt it was done really well was the moment after you get Surf because it's just quiet and staring. Most scenes didn't have an absol and it was just kind of added for effect iirc. Really kind of glad it was dropped in the later parts of the game.


Also not surprised Ame is watching this. I do watch and keep an eye on a lot of Redux/HC talk/playthroughs so I don't see why she wouldn't. I probably would watch the videos if I was just more of a fan of any of them and the whole nuzlocke aspect. I do like watching the conversations going on in the chat as they are kind of entertaining but I couldn't even tell you what happened in the Pentop. I watched Julia fight, Florinia fight, and the suicide scene but that's about it. But power to you since a lot of you guys seem to be enjoying this series.

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4 hours ago, Wolfox said:

perhaps a bigger warning in the title of the game would help?

Also, Mo's reaction to Correy was, dare I say it, perfect. He was shocked like you couldn't believe and if we had facecam he probably had wide open eyes and a hand before his mouth. His reaction was, if I'm correct, what Correy's death is supposed to call upon you. disbelieve that this game can be so real at times

Mo's comment to corey and the police officer who left behind growlithe was so sweet

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1 hour ago, Commander said:

So I looked at the whole game searching for the warning you guys are talking about well...it's only about bright flashes. So I did some digging and looked at some other games which are similar and...none of them had warnings other than Doki Doki Literature Club. FFVI didn't have one. I'm actually personally against having a label like that on a game since it does damper the surprise and shock factor. I mean we all kind of dropped our mouths given we don't see that kind of stuff in a Pokemon game and that's what made Reborn "not like other fan-games" back in the olden days. I don't think there needs to be a trigger warning but I guess I like surprises like that.


That's sort of where things like this tend to get complicated.  I know that since I personally don't take issue with these things, a trigger warning would, as you said spoil the shock factor of it all.  But for people who clearly need warnings before these events, as they are more sensitive to these topics, it would probably be more important for them to know in advance.  I don't want to sit here and speak on behalf of people who would want a trigger warning, because I know that I don't care either way and a trigger warning is not a necessity for me, but it feels as if the shock factor does not nearly outweigh the emotional damage or reminders of past traumas.  And that's where the issue lies.  Should the minority of people in need be given the warning as a precaution for their own safety, or should the majority be satisfied by the shock factor of it all?  In my personal opinion, I'd feel better seeing the former, but I'd be fine either way.

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I would have been pretty upset ifa trigger warning suddenly interrupted my from my ingame immersion to spoil me. If ppl are weak to these things, an option could be added to turn trigger warnings on or off. Tho it would do nothing big because they would still go through the scene to progress.


@Commander the fight vs the two magma gangsters is very worth watching.  They were NOT ready

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18 minutes ago, DemICE said:

the fight vs the two magma gangsters is very worth watching.  They were NOT ready

No one is ready for Charlotte's proteges.


I assume that's what they are anyway.

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as I said, a big warning on the title screen might be a good idea.

And I actually kinda liked Maxwell's voice. It could use some more power in the "For Glory Baby!", but outside of that, it was pretty good

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21 hours ago, LeoYT said:

Totally worth the 2 days of work


No wonder Kiki didn't feel so good


Honestly from all the LP's of the game, Kiki seems to be the easiest gym battle up to that point in the game. I'm starting to wonder if that was deliberate on Ame's part to lull the player into a false sense of security before she drops Solaris on them. 

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The Kiki fight is unintentionally easy for a lot of people as it actually is planned out and designed with a team that is stronger than Shade's. Biggest issue is that it's a field effect that doesn't really help the typing handle their weaknesses better and in fact boosts one of them. It's kind of like Luna's field effect which she's usually seen as rather easy bar her high levels (which she got nerfed a bit there). It's also not a level cap leader so some teams might be higher than the expected average.

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