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Pokemon Reborn Pentaop is Here


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I originally stayed on the ride just to enjoy the sight of them getting bodied by Florinia, but now that you mention it it would be great advertising if they actually play far enough to show the different branches of story from the choices they make.

Watching Nappy playing uncharacteristically sloppy feels...... budew. Kind of defeats the point of wanting to see him play reborn in the first place, hopefully he can switch gears once the illness passes.

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On 7/6/2018 at 5:32 PM, Wolfox said:

iirc Kiki had Cancer, but @Amethyst could clear that up if I was mistaken

Wow that's hard i lost my mother to cancer so yeah...

2 hours ago, Zane0144 said:

This game needs a field training area or something. A way to practice with these fields. Even if it's only available once you get their entry in the field effect guide. I've mentioned before in the trainers school there are battle arenas set up already which you be perfect to foreshadow some later gyms. But they are just the generic standard arena with no field effect. 

I really love your idea for me most of these fields i only see them once (like the fields that luna,radomus,serra,terra uses) i think that having a field training area would be beautifull to recall this fields that they worked so hard on and get ready for other fields

39 minutes ago, Wolfox said:

NAPPY does tend to remember that type mu isn;t everything. Surprisingly Nexus knows this, but just never uses it (cuz for him if it aint at least BL1, it's shit)

isn't thinking that mons that aren't at least BL1 are shit, the biggest mistake to don in a game like reborn

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2 minutes ago, dragonsbeat said:

isn't thinking that mons that aren't at least BL1 are shit, the biggest mistake to don in a game like reborn


It is, and nexus always makes that mistake. Like, seriously, he always makes that mistake

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The thing about the field training, is that because you're not supposed to nuzlocke it, for most people the "training" is supposed to be their first attempt at the gym. reading through field notes in advance actually helps a lot with predicting certain tricks and strategies the leader will probably use in advance, much more than just knowing their type.

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loved the way Nappy handled the battle honestly, but he could have sped things up by going into Monferno sooner than he did

Twit keeps pressing alt + enter and making his game full screen lol

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NAPPY found his sea legs in Reborn it seems. Mo did as well, but that's a bit more on the Luck side. Jay is still being Jay. Twit needs to learn the keybinds, Nexus... nothing needs to be said

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A little worrying that they didn't check the vendor next to Joy selling super potions and commenting it was unavailable, seems like they are going to rely on comments for all the sidequesting tid bits.

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I thought Jay was actually gonna be fine

But it was not to be....

Nappy and Mo have a handle on things

Twit is cruising on luck

Nexus refuses to realize he's doing something wrong


This is going to be a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong series

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On 7/5/2018 at 1:59 AM, Tacos said:

Yea, I haven’t really been following this too well, but I do know that there have been quite a few struggles already.  What scares me is that the failures and frustrations of a nuzlocke is going to scare viewers away from potentially playing the game as well.  All I want to see is healthy growth for this community and playthroughs by big youtubers are always excellent ways for growth.  Shofu brought so many people to this community through his playthrough of Reborn.  The last thing I want to see is an opportunity for more growth with this penta-op wasted because of a negative image presented by a blind nuzlocke.

As the saying goes, any exposure is good exposure and people will be roughly as interested in the game no matter how the person handles it. You can't control how someone is going to act when playing a game, but you can control yourself. If we keep representing ourselves more as a kind and mature community along with accepting reasons and fact some people my just really hate the game, then we will grow. There's a lot of fun and nice people so it's best to try and be as welcoming as possible.


I get that they are frustrated because this game was built and became famous for being frustratingly hard. That's why that old thread which I think is called "So you want to play reborn" is so true and why we love it. I think one of the best things to look at is Shofu's Phoenix Rising run. Fans were supportive of him and noticed how he was acting and honestly not really enjoying the game. They called him out on it and it likely helped improve his commentating. Don't be afraid to call someone out. Hell, I'm not afraid of a little criticism since it's just part of the process of improving. So if you think they aren't handling something professionally or maturely, just let them know but handle it maturely and not like "OMG! You guys are so awful saying dese characters are bad" which...brings me to my next point.


On 7/5/2018 at 3:08 AM, Abyssreaper99 said:

And not only that, some people are saying that the characters are more basic than main series characters when that shit ain't true. There was that person in the comments who was laughing about Corey (they've started playing) and he said he was ridiculous. That comment really pissed me off as they're basically not giving depression and suicide the sensitivity and respect they deserve. Intentional or not I'm not sure. At this point, the comment section is pissing me off more than the lp. 


They either need to up their game or turn this into a regular playthrough because they're not gonna get past the Taka and ZEL double battle at this rate. Also they're getting Titania mixed up with Battle Girl Tatiana from Alola

It's actually comments like this that are going to drive people away. You choose to ignore an opinion simply because it is different than yours which can make you look stuck up. I'm sure someone will throw this back at me and call me a hypocrite, but it wouldn't be my first dance. I can definitely agree to a point that the overall cast could be considered very weak do to its diluted design. In fact, that's part of my negative aspect of the game which I will talk about in that review I've said I'd do for Reborn once the game is completed. Hate to be that guy, but just suck it up. Been on the forums for five years and this kind of talk isn't anything new. People said Corey's suicide was weak and stupid on top of characters being bad even back then.


And Abyss, please don't take this personal at all because you are far from the only one. Hell, I consider myself part of the problem a lot. But if you guys really think they might enjoy a normal run more, be vocal about it, but please be supportive of their decision if they decide to keep nuzlocking the game. I've learned that with enough patience, the good will triumph the bad comments on youtube. Numbers help as well and there's like 15 of you watching and supporting this thing (not me though). Comments could be something like:


"Hey, I've really been enjoying your guys's run so far, but I notice you guys seem really frustrated with the nuzlocke. Reborn is plenty difficult with all kinds of surprises and I think it would much more fun to watch as a normal playthrough instead of a nuzlocke. I've had plenty of rage inducing experiences myself and it's always fun to watch how other people take it on. Regardless though, I'm still going to watch and support you guys as it's been quite a ride."

On 7/8/2018 at 9:40 AM, Zane0144 said:


But the first three gyms somehow fall short of this. In each gym you are faced with a leader with an entirely new field you have no experience playing in. The player has to learn on the spot and it is asking a little much. Knowing pin missile does more in Desert doesn't mean much until you actually see how well florina uses it and how it can wreck her team. This is repeated later on with Adrien where you are thrown into the fairy tale field and proceed to get wrecked without a steel type.


This game needs a field training area or something. A way to practice with these fields. Even if it's only available once you get their entry in the field effect guide. I've mentioned before in the trainers school there are battle arenas set up already which you be perfect to foreshadow some later gyms. But they are just the generic standard arena with no field effect. 

I've talked about this before (maybe you were the same guy) but yes it is a problem more likely due to the fact field effects were added around the halfway point of the game's creation. It's pretty hard to completely change everything to design it around a concept made halfway through, but there is stuff I agree that could be done. Making a miniboss foe on the field is a good way to do this as it shows you what this field is capable of and can help prepare for it if you aren't ready. This is called Show, Don't Tell which Reborn simply tells you what the field effects do.


One of my favorite example of Show, Don't Tell is Legend of Zelda Wind Waker. The later games do get a little hand holdy when acquiring a new dungeon item but lets actually look at Wind Waker's first dungeon and the grappling hook IF no dialogue was shown. So when you walk up to the miniboss area to acquire this item, the stairs behind you completely crumble so there's no going back the way you came in. It seems impossible to escape but you got this new item so there has to be a way. You likely noticed this random platform that seems to do nothing but it's the only thing you can really check out. When you look around, you notice this weird looking branch thing that is very different from everything else. Since you don't know what it does nor what the grappling hook does, maybe the two go together. When you do that, it works and you manage to escape the area. A lot of the puzzles are super basic when getting a new item on purpose. It teaches you what it does for a basic understanding for when puzzles get harder. Imagine if the developers made it so that you had to hook onto the branch, climb up onto the top, then roll jump to get onto a platform as your first experience. It'd be terrible and frustrating.


The easiest way to show, don't tell field effects is simply make the gym trainers a bit harder and put up an actual fight and le gasp...use strats. You know a cool way to teach how seeds work; Give the player a telluric seed (or whatever one gives the effect) and throw them into a boss fight with a Pokemon that one shots the players with explosion in which they only have a starter. Only way to beat the boss is to equip the seed to the Pokemon to avoid damage. And now you taught a player how to abuse a field effect to their advantage. There's so many ways you can show it other than a hard boss kicking their ass so they have to spend hours grinding since the developer didn't prepare them.




I tend to avoid this thread and respond to posts a few days old but I feel it would be a good idea to at least address some things going on. Like Tacos, I want to see the community grow as well and I feel like the most important aspect is for it to feel welcoming to new people. I just want to say that one of the biggest member jumps for this site was from a man raging while playing the game filled with youtube comments hating on it which to our surprise we learned that he really liked it. Yes, Shofu got frustrated at the game a lot. The biggest jump was from a 9gag post of all things. That actually crashed the site from traffic. Ah the power of memes. And now I go back to my cave and be a grouchy old man.

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Well, I'm glad they eventually noticed how useful Echoed Voice is. I'll stand by my opinion that Noctowl isn't even bad in Reborn, I've used it in three different playthroughs and never dropped it before Starly becomes available.

They've actually been handling this gym decently imo. Made an effort to note how the field works, and while water spout didn't do anything it was nice to see them experiment. Some tactical improvement too.

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6 hours ago, Commander said:

You know a cool way to teach how seeds work; Give the player a telluric seed (or whatever one gives the effect) and throw them into a boss fight with a Pokemon that one shots the players with explosion in which they only have a starter. Only way to beat the boss is to equip the seed to the Pokemon to avoid damage. And now you taught a player how to abuse a field effect to their advantage.


the issue here is that literally, nobody likes situations like that. outside of getting the seed, you have 0 indications that you should try to use that one use item that might be really important later for that. this way people will just bang their heads against it until they lose focus and quit. it's one of those "you gotta do something extremely specific things to even stand a chance" kinda things that, in many a case, removes more players than it gains. I get what you mean here, more of a Metroid style of "tutorial", but that's not the best way to handle things in an RPG. and just putting them in an impossible battle unless you do that one specific thing... doesn't make it better

4 hours ago, ZEL said:

They've actually been handling this gym decently imo. Made an effort to note how the field works, and while water spout didn't do anything it was nice to see them experiment. Some tactical improvement too.


*Water Sport sorry, had to be that guy for a bit

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6 hours ago, Commander said:

It's actually comments like this that are going to drive people away. You choose to ignore an opinion simply because it is different than yours which can make you look stuck up. I'm sure someone will throw this back at me and call me a hypocrite, but it wouldn't be my first dance. I can definitely agree to a point that the overall cast could be considered very weak do to its diluted design. In fact, that's part of my negative aspect of the game which I will talk about in that review I've said I'd do for Reborn once the game is completed. Hate to be that guy, but just suck it up. Been on the forums for five years and this kind of talk isn't anything new. People said Corey's suicide was weak and stupid on top of characters being bad even back then.


And Abyss, please don't take this personal at all because you are far from the only one. Hell, I consider myself part of the problem a lot. But if you guys really think they might enjoy a normal run more, be vocal about it, but please be supportive of their decision if they decide to keep nuzlocking the game. I've learned that with enough patience, the good will triumph the bad comments on youtube. Numbers help as well and there's like 15 of you watching and supporting this thing (not me though). Comments could be something like:

I can agree that there are some characters that are weak in design *looks at Serra*. In the main series, not many leaders do get an enriched backstory. I would say that 5th gen is the gen where leaders are a lot more relevant than ever because they do stuff other than sit around in their gym not doing anything. 5th gen leaders have some backstory revealed by NPCs and the memory link feature in B2W2. Obviously there's Blaine, Lt. Surge and Giovanni in 1st gen as well as Wallace and Norman in 3rd. I can agree that there are characters in Reborn that are bad, simply because they haven't had the time to be fleshed out. Adrienn has joined the league end of season 2/start of season 3. Xe joined at a late point and hadn't been there for too long so it would make sense for xem to not be as fully integrated into the storyline as possible. 


As for Corey, it's fine to dislike the guy and it's fine to be indifferent to his suicide. It's when people take it as a joke and start laughing about it *Hello Fern* is when I have problems with people. I think if people were able to see the contents of his diary prior to his death then it would mean a bit more to more players. 


Also imagine them try to nuzlocke your Reborn hardcore version, they would be messed up even more.

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10 hours ago, Commander said:

I've talked about this before (maybe you were the same guy) but yes it is a problem more likely due to the fact field effects were added around the halfway point of the game's creation. It's pretty hard to completely change everything to design it around a concept made halfway through, but there is stuff I agree that could be done. Making a miniboss foe on the field is a good way to do this as it shows you what this field is capable of and can help prepare for it if you aren't ready. This is called Show, Don't Tell which Reborn simply tells you what the field effects do.

I think that the show and tell is used in reborn for example in the byxbison wasteland before you fight Aya you get to see what the waste can do and there's Fern too but that's after ame tells you about the waste and i like to consider Samson a way of teaching about his field since he was easy because Ciel gets boosted in that field. you know what i mean

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Mo got so lucky with cacnea not sandstorming, cottonee not using leach seed/missing nature power/getting poisoned, and cradily not using recover(glitch?). Nappy got super lucky though with none of florinia's pokemon being able to deal with  masquerain, criting the maractus, avoiding ferroseed leach seed, and landing every air cutter including on the sand veil cacnea. Really felt like Nappy just got lucky on this battle more than him being prepared for reborn and can't wait for when it is his turn to get unlucky.

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Given what I've seen of Nappy and co play other games, I didn't expect them to be much for the story, just doesn't seem up their alleyway. Especially the 'darker' parts of the story that, uh, kinda don't come off the right way in a pixel sprite game. The aesthetics of the game make getting invested in the story and suspending your disbelief harder rather than easier most of the time. Makes for an easy point to pick at. At worst, I can see why people might cringe at Corey even if it's not a good thing to mock.


But yeah, they're learning, that's cool. I think the next big hurdle they're most likely to flop on will be Shade. Corey gets a lot of options to fight before the gym and there's a damn good chance they'll get something to resist his stuff. Maybe the ZEL/Taka fight will trip em up.


The real question is if their rate of deaths is too high, they've barely scraped by with the abuse of shiny clause but they've set a limit on it now. After a point they'l just not have enough mons to sustain the run.

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