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"Flee somewhere. I will keep whatever it is distracted."

The masked figure faces back towards his cloud of gas, keenly watching through the enhanced lenses of his gasmask, which allowed him to see past it. He unslinged his AK47, resting it calmly in his hands, fitting like a glove.

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Nader turned from alarm and instinctive aggression to yet more deep confusion as the spearman kind of just... shattered his spear out of existence, and even more noticeably, the little girl (uh, Lucine) abruptly... had her magical flying thing transform into hand cannons, and also she let out a flashing light and suddenly was wearing a fancy dress... and talking in a monotone... and also something about combat protocols apparently? "Wh-- nuh-- no, fuck it, okay."


Though his confusion had lessened his alarm, that's why he had to snap himself out of it -- it wouldn't do to be anything less than on his highest guard when there was something like the thing that grabbed that poor bastard with its hook out there, and accordingly Nader kind of just aimed all his guns in that general direction, backing away. When the masked gas man (mentally, Nader made a note to work a gas filter into his own mask) suggested his plan, Nader didn't even stop and question it. "Okay, sounds like a plan! I can't move very fast in my Rabid Tiger Armor, so I guess I'll keep up the rear of the group. Come on!" He began to move in the opposite direction of where their enemy presumably was, moving as fast as he could sideways (he had guns to point and people to watch, after all) while in his armor (an okay pace at the very best), and gestured for the others to follow and pass him.

Edited by Powder Miner
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The towering figure towards the edge of the group put his hand to the hilt of his blade, as the plans were made. He had said nothing thus far, nor done much of anything, really, to even give away his presence, had one not been idly looking around already and simply caught him there... watching. Despite the sweltering heat, he somehow didn't seem that bothered, moving as swiftly and comfortably in his armor as one might expect from a large man wearing full plate. His attention turned to the man with the strange, otherworldly mask who had spawned the poison cloud, as black Damasc steel slid from his scabbard. 

       "Allow me to aid you then," his voice, a graveled tone mixed with a strange accent of an unknown land, emanated from with an echoing hail from the slit in his spiked helm "whatever it is, there is likely to be greater safety in numbers."

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"Look, the guy after me and the rest of us calls himself Roadhog.  He was the most dangerous serial killer in Australia before some lunatic decided to infuse him with the power of the strongest demigod of all.  No, not Herakles.  That guy has better PR, but Maui would take him to the cleaners," The man hastily explains, "I'm Overwatch Agent Vitor; we have a safe house a few miles to the west.  Roadhog isn't exactly fast, and he didn't bring any cannon fodder with him this time, but the guy could laugh off bullets before he got magic and he's got a shotgun that can tear through steel plate.  I stabbed him through the heart, and he barely even flinched.  Unless you've got something deadlier than impalement through the heart, I don't think this is a fight we can win directly.  We need to fall back and figure out how to cut off his supply of mana.  He's no mage, and unless someone dropped the ball in a major way there's no Holy Grail War happening around here, so he's got to be getting power from somewhere."

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While many of the terms bandied about were entirely unfamiliar to Ena, a few quick calculations made something apparent. "That does not sound possible. That is good for me, as my specialty is making the impossible impossible. I will follow your orders for now though. It would be imprudent to charge in without planning and intel, regardless of how effective my capabilities are." Ena set herself to follow Vitor at a precisely regulated distance, head pivoting at steady intervals to look around.

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Originally, Freya had a good feeling. They were being sent here as reinforcements, and while the odds seemed  stacked against them, she had a feeling they would be able to win against whoever was chasing Vitor if they tried. But, as Vitor explained this 'Roadhog', her face visibly paled, nearly being a complete opposite color of her black clothing. She didn't precisely understand what this entire "'Holy Grail War', but the simple fact that this guy was able survive getting stabbed trough the heart (which NO ONE should be able to shrug off), having one of those sweet guns, and having mana on top of all that made her opinion on the matter changed entirely.


"Alright, I am personally on board the 'get-the-hell-out-of-here' carriage. Right now, preferably" Freya stated, inching closer to Nader, with a body stance that practically yelled "I'm going to bolt at the slightest opportunity".

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"Um, I'm Lucine Nadine. Please don't threaten to stab me again." She followed after the man, listening to his explanation on the way. The girl seemed somewhat nervous and hesitant for someone wielding two hand cannons that were nearly the size of her arms. She tried to think of the magical power sources she knew of. He wasn't a mage, and it didn't sound like he always had magic, so he wasn't like her either. Nadine supposed he could have some sort of Mystic Code that either stored power or let him tap leylines directly. Nadine pushed her hair back as she spoke. "I could try to help figure out where his mana is coming from."

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Aquila wasn't very impressed. He fought people that could take on rabble like this one all the time. He didn't feel very dead either. Chances were this guy was just scared.

"I'm not scared of someone who got famous for murdering people when they weren't expecting it, supposed demi-god or no. Let's just kill him and find out what's so important that he's out here in this shit hole."

Aquila could imagine it already, perhaps there's a stash of steel nearby! Oh, that would be so nice to have for making the place not as bad. Money talks and all that.

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The Terror Knight turned to the crusader "I am inclined to agree with the first part. Rats who lurk in the gutter, only to emerge and kill before slinking back into it's safety of it's shade, seldom know anything of open combat. But this man sounds too similiar to certain... beings from my home. Beings people foolishly compare me to, because they've studied nothing of the old days, and know naught their true might. Let us not forget either, we are strangers in this... realm, barely just arrived. We have no bearings, and no whispers of what our foe is capable of besides what this footman here has provided. An army that marches blind falls like a house build on a foundation of sand; it would be wise we beat a tactical retreat, and learn more of this... how did you say- "Roadhog?" -before we contemplate how best to gut him like the mad pig he likely is."

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Sha'Tith was honestly(and unpleasantly) surprised to see yet another Skyfaller here, he twisted his long neck towards the direction of the Terror Knight and Crusader and let a puff of greyish smoke out from his nostrils before speaking generally aloud, not caring who within the group heard.

"This is why even between you Skyfallers and the Red Plane, my homeland will never fall.  You're to busy fighting yourselves."

As he spoke he rose back up to his previous height of over seven feet, still partially hunched.

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Aquila turns to the Terror knight and after a few moments nods. Then he looks to Sha'Tith and shrugs.

"So you're saying that your homeland's enemies have to beat themselves up for you to have a chance? That's sad, my homeland fights their enemies at full strength. And both of them at the same time."

One gets the feeling that Aquila is smirking.

Edited by kj1225
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As Aquila speaks Sha'Tith clearly and openly grows in anger until when Aquila finishes smoke is practically billowing from his nostrils and the side of his mouth.  He turned his head slightly and spat out a glob of thick, blackish, flaming liquid that smelled of burning bile, it smoked profusely and rapidly burned itself out.

Sha'Tith took a single step towards the Aquila, and as he did so he straitened his legs, back, and neck, raising to a height of easily nine feet, his long lizard's tail still trailing the ground as he loomed, looking down at Aquila.  From this close in the day light Aquila would likely see several things that would have easily been missed in DR. DOOM'S hall, noteworthy among them were a long stringed instrument strapped to the Lizard's back along with a metal tube of some sort, very small green-ish fungi growing from in-between some of his scales, and a thick belt woven of sharp barbed wire that seemed to cause no hindrance to his movement, pressing against the scales of his waist.


"You insult my home and my name, do you expect me to cower in the den like a hatchling!?"

Aquila would feel a hot acrid breath as the lizardman practically hissed this at him.

"No.  I will defend my honor, and if you are a warrior of such pride and skill you will meet me in a stone circle in a duel of flesh on the next sun's rise to defend yours."

He slowly pulled his head back some and gave what could only be described as a lizard's smirk before speaking on a lower tone.

"Unless you would admit cowardice now.  I would not blame you, I've yet to find a significant spine in any of the Skyfallers I've killed."

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"It sounds like we should get moving. I don't like the Idea of fighting this guy without a plan if he's as scary as you say. But first, is there anyone in town who might be in danger? if so we need to pick them up as we go." 


"Agreed, we should move, now."

 Anddd now people where challenging each other to honor duels. leo turns to face them.

"worry about your honor later! we have a mission to complete and we cant complete if we're dead!

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Aquila does something that is most likely unexpected to Sha'Tith. He gets up in his face, arms outstretched. The others looking at them would note that he was on his tip toes to do it. But still he gets up in the lizards face as best he can.

"I accept your challenge. No tricks, no weapons, no armor, at the dawn of tomorrow then?"

There's not an ounce of fear in Aquila's voice. He's been in plenty of duels before (though usually he had weapons and armor) and just because his opponent was bigger, and probably tougher, and... it suddenly occurs to Aquila that this may have been a mistake. Oh well, to late now.

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Nader had been understanding enough about retreating even before Vitor further explained, but once the Overwatch agent did in fact explain what they were up against, one line stuck out rather prominently and rather horrifyingly to the armored man. "...but the guy could laugh off bullets before he got magic and he's got a shotgun that can tear through steel plate..." Vitor had said. Nader looked down at his guns, which were his primary, secondary, and tertiary means of attack and his security, "...oh shit..." Then he looked downwards at his armor, which was his other big piece of security... and made of manganese-steel plate. "OH SHIT!"


Nader abandoned his sideways gait, now fully in the direction of running, furiously gesturing for the others to follow him, shouting. "WE ALL NEED TO MOVE! If this man blows through steel plate and ignores plating, he is a BIG DEAL and you are NOT gonna take him down just by talking confidently about him because Allah save, he's practically a damn tank!" Upon looking and seeing that not everyone was following, he saw the two talking about duels. They were already being talked at, but Nader found this to be a rather pressing matter, turning in their direction, stopping for just a second, and shouting at them as loud as he could. "COME THE FUCK ON! IF YOU KEEP STANDING THERE, YOU ARE GOING TO DIE! MOVE!" Then he got back to running as well.

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For a split of a second Aquila might have noticed what could be described as hesitation, it was fleeting, and quickly replaced by a steel like glare.

Sha'Tith nodded slowly, and took a step away.

"You may bring your metal hands if you wish."

He is then distracted by the Landburner shouting something at them and turns to see what they want.  He made some sort of incoherent half-growl half-hiss noise and turned back to Aquila.

"We should make haste, least we don't survive to settle this dispute."

With that he begins taking long strides in the direction the rest of the party is heading in.

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The hook came crashing through the ramshackle house's windows, before latching onto the windowsill.  "Manaiakalani!" A deep, rumbling, slightly muffled voice shouted, and the entire house went flying off its foundations to crash behind a towering figure who slowly advanced toward the group.  "Found you."




















Blue Occultist







Contagion: Healthy

Aquila: Healthy

Vitor: Healthy

Roadhog: Healthy

Alan: Healthy

Leo: Healthy

Sha’Tith: Healthy

Lucine: Healthy

Freya: Healthy

Ena: Healthy

Stelio: Healthy

Nader:  Healthy

Blue Occultist:  Healthy


Encounter:  Survive the Hog

Roadhog is coming for you.  Fortunately, the effective range of Roadhog's hook is only three blocks; farther than that, you can dodge it with relative ease.  By spending an action, you can run 1 block.  Get all three blocks away, and you're relatively safe, though you can still use ranged actions to help your allies.  Roadhog is fat and lazy, and will not move fast enough to catch up.


Try not to die!

Edited by DragonRage
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Leo Runs away.
Frostbrute uses Ice fire stream on Roadhog.





Channel: The user channels mana from there soul to perform a fiatable action.

Shape solid: Allows the user to shape non-living solids to their whim. Subject to gm fiat



Alternate Mana Casting: The user may attempt to cast a spell they know using a different type of mana, the effects of this are unknown until discovered. Spells cast like this require that at least 1 point of mana be spent.



Golem tech arm mounted computer: a custom-built arm mounted touch screen computer. It has a small touch screen with a curve to it, and can project hard light holographic screens and interfaces on command. Its Main purpose is to monitor and control golemic systems, but it IS a computer. It also includes a web browser, several utility programs, and…a few simple computer games, along with a few movies.

In battle this device can project a hard-light shield. granting plus+1 res. This item does not take up an action slot.

Frost brute (equip minion): a large bulky and stocky mechanical golem made primarily of iron and copper, with large hands and claws. its large enough for a human to sit on its shoulders, or be crushed in a single hand, but small enough height wise to fit in most buildings without issue, if it can get past the doors. When its ice fire engine is running there is a constant rumbling in its chest, and the three exhaust pipes, on each side of its head, spew snow and ice, and its body is perpetually cold. Although it can act without this engine it is incredibly slow and weak without it, barely able to move under its own weight. Because of the danger and collateral risk of ice fire, this character is reluctant to field it without his own personal supervision, or the direct supervision of a trusted individual who can counter the ice fire. When using ice fire to attack, this minion uses magic heat manipulating systems to prevent it from going out of control, and choke the fire as necessary.

This equip item takes up TWO action slots. this minion may be given a command once per turn as a free action when equipped.

Ice fire stream: Frost brute releases twin streams of ice fire at its target from its hands, while using heat manipulation to keep it under control. This Deals 1d3 ice damage to a target, and inflicts the ICE FIRE! Debuff on warm and hot targets. Continually dealing 1d3 damage until it is extinguished. But passing on the debuff to anything they touch which is warm or hot, or just not frozen.

     Extinguish ice fire: Brute purges the ICE FIRE! debuff from a target.

     Absorb heat (passive): when struck by a fire or heat based attack the attack is negated and the next ice fire stream deals extra damage. However, if struck by an ice or cold attack, the damage taken is increased, and ice fire stream’s next use is negated, and all strength based actions are weakened considerably until ice fire streams next use.



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As Roadhog appears Sha'Tith deeply inhales and slings his ukulele to in front of himself.  Then even as he walks away he spews forth a gout of stinking fire from his mouth and strums his instrument sending arcs of electricity down range.

Main action: Sha'Tith runs, activates Barbed Wire dealing 1d2 Pure damage to Roadhog.

FREE action: Flame breath on Roadhog, dealing 2d6+3 fire damage, activates Ukulele dealing 3d6 electrical damage.






Flame Breath: Breath a massive gout of fire on a nearby enemy.

Deal 2d6+[Ess] fire damage to one target, counts as a breath attack, this attack cannot be dodged.


Lemurian Burrowing: Benefit of living underground.

Sha’Tith can move up to [Str]*15 kilograms of earth per round.  This action can be used to create barriers, with resistance equal to his own and HP equal to the kilos of earth put into them.  1 person can hide behind a barrier created in this way, but multiple barriers can be made, though not with a single use of this action.




Extra Pockets: You can never have enough pockets.

Gain two action slots that can only be used for equipment with passive effects(Lemurian Pauldrons & Barbed Wire).


Bustling Fungus: You can feel it growing in the wound, and it’s every bit as unpleasant as it sounds.

If you took no damage between this turn and your last heal for [Ess]/2.


Ukulele: ...And his music was electric.

When you attack fire three lightning bolts that deal 1d6 electrical damage each, cooldown=2.




Lemurian Pauldrons: Made of anything from advanced alloys to scrap copper.

Type: Passive

Effect: +3 Res


Barbed Wire: Back off.
Type: Passive

Effect: At the start of each of your turns deal 1d2 pure damage to up to three different targets.  Pure damage cannot be reduced or prevented in any way.


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Twinges of doubt about fleeing were quickly suppressed by the arrival of this thing. Ena stared for a moment, then beat a hasty retreat, following the advice of the one who seemed to know the world best.

Ena Flees.




CPH Core Mounts (perk backed soulbound item,+6 CON)


CNT Humanoid Body (perk backed soulbound item, htf would she leave this behind, grants +75% to base RES and +3 RES)


Holmium Plasma Torch: Deals 1d6+STR damage. Ignores most RES checks.


The Great Equalizer: [Trump]Ena enforces the laws of physics for herself and a single target for three turns. During those three turns, both Ena and her target are inflicted with a status causing them to be unable to use any actions that break or bend the laws of earth physics. Once per world cooldown. This action has first strike.

Level 2 (Char creation action enhancement): While this action is in effect, Ena has +3 STR.


Leverage: Through advanced computational software, Ena is capable of applying force in an optimized manner. Ena has +3 STR in combat and when it is being considered for checks. (passive, another thing I'm not sure how Ena could not bring into battle)


Imposition: Deal weapon damage, +1d6 for each status on the target.


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((so uh... I couldn't say anything on the discord when all this went up because, you know.... I was kinda doing this nice thing humans do called sleeping, but Stellio is actually supposed to have a minimum of 2 moves. And yes, it's mentioned in the master sheet))


"Well, no better time to start that tactical retreat then now, now is there? The rest of you make sure to keep your paces ahead of me, I will do what I can to slow him down..." And with that said, a strange, coelescing energy began to filter in between the knight's gauntleted hands and flow up his arms into his entire metal clad body, as he began to take his own advice and put some distance in between himself and the figure in the distance who that he could see, was quite indeed some bizarre cross of man and pig....


Stellio runs away

Stellio runs away again




Slots: 5



Paralytic Wave- "Ripple ye forth in waves of darkness, steal five temples of the soul, to bind them in your blindness!" [Cost 10 MP, Dark Element. Forces an Int vs Ess check on a group of up to 3 targets. Any targets who fail are afflicted with Paralysis for 3 turns, giving them a 25% failure chance on all actions.] 



Years of Service- A veteran with decades of experience behind them knows their way around the killing field better than most... [Passive Ability. The user gains +1 move in combat, making it so they always have a minimum of 2 moves rather than 1. This ability is not eligible for any upgrade.] 




The Headsman- A single-edged, 2-handed sword used by executioners. Its broad, curved blade is well suited for parting heads from shoulders [Deals 2d6+Str Dark/Slashing Damage. Has a 30% chance to inflict "Dark-Averse" Status on hit, lasting 3 turns; units suffering Dark-Averse take 1.25x more damage dark-based sources.] 
Ebony Plate- A suit of black-tinted, full plate armor forged from damasc steel. A tad bit cumbersome, but highly Resistant to rust, and far more durable than common forms of steel. It almost seems to cut a menacing profile around it's wearer, with its spiked pauldrons and helm... [Grants +5 Res, but at a –2 Dex penalty.] 

Ring of the Mind- [Increases MP accumulation & Checks made by MP-fueled actions by (½ Int) while equipped.] 



HP: 26/26

MP: 5/30 (+7MP per turn)

TP: 0/200 (Fills at a rate of [Damage Dealt/Received+Essence((5))])



Has a minimum of 2 moves each round (due to "Years of Service")

Current Ogre Boost: +0 Str/Ess (gains +1 Str/Ess every time he deals damage or is damaged, up to x2 Str/Ess)




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Freya had paled when she heard what Roadhog was like. But seeing that... thing  in person caused her face to become pure white as she quickly turns and begins to sprint, keeping a hand on her hat as she ran to keep it from flying off. However, as she does, she drags her staff along the ground, leaving a trail of black behind her. Soon enough, she lifted her staff, which caused the ground that she had messed with to rumble a bit, before breaking open as men, no, zombies made of the very earth, eye sockets glowing with a misty purple light, with rocks and roots poking out of them, began to claw their way up, moaning silently as all 27 of them converged onto Roadhog.


Freya begins to run, not really making it far but making sure to distract Mr. Roadhog with her Natural Requiem.





(Perk backed)Necromancy: Freya targets a dead enemy, specifically, the skeleton of a long dead body, or a revenant, reviving them to heed her command. These revived creatures have their dexterity reduced to 0, though Freya is forced to make an Essence vs Resistance check in order to keep them at their full strength. A success let's Freya use them with their stats at their normal ability, while failing halves each stat aside from Con. These minions count as actions, and must have actions slots to use.


Misty Skulls: Freya slams her staff into the ground, releasing multiple skulls made of grey mist that fly at an enemy, dealing 1d6+SYN damage.
(Perk backed)Resurrection: Freya revives a friend from death, because she can. Freya brings a person back to life, but permanently loses 1 Syn minimum. The revived person in question starts off with 0 stat points, but gains 1 stat point for every Syn Freya spends.



YES! YES! YES!: Freya loves death, and craves seeing it. When 5 creatures die around her, she gains a 25% increase to her Synergy and Essence until the battle ends. 



Natural Requiem: Freya infuses powerful necromancy into nearby soil, causing it to temporarily return to what it once was, spawning undead made of the ground itself. Freya summons Syn*4 zombies made from material in the ground around her, which are grouped into one. Freya then rolls 1d4, which is the health of each zombie. Each zombie can attack for 1d2 damage each. Usable once per encounter.


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