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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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Jade O'Duffle

"Aye, better than being at each other's throats. Ha ha ha." Jade spoke up brushing off dust from his shoulder. Enemies of our enemies are basically allies. "The name is Jade by the way, Jade O'Duffle. It's a pleasure. Anyways, instead of focusing why we're here lets focus on more important things, like a place we can rest our heads and get some drinks, Non-alcoholic if you're underage of course." He gave a small smug grin. You could barely see his eyes due to that hat placed on his head covering parts of them which made the grin ever more noticeable.

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"Perhaps. From what it looks like, none of the people here are actually from wherever this is. Though I have to wonder what goes through his mind when he talks to me. I don't know what dragons in his homeworld are like, but they don't sound like they are always the most pleasant of individuals. Oh well," he sighed. "What of the others? Shall we just get everyone moving along now?"

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"Wonderful, I'm glad we could come to an agreement," as she said that, Magna's mask almost seem like it formed a smile. Or was it merely a trick of the dark? In any case, she extended her hand for a handshake, clearly disregarding her earlier statement of being a germophobe. If she were to have H.K. trust her as a potential ally, then Magna felt that she could give up a secret or two to do so. "As for my capabilities... if you hadn't seen earlier, then you'll find out soon enough. It'll be a pleasure fighting with you, H.K.~"

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Venus frowned beneath the hem of his mask at Alexandria's forwardness. "If you had any talent at all?" Him, Venus Tireur, lack talent? How farcical.

"Take me for what a being you do now, mechanical miss?" He found it difficult to resist the hint of offense he had in his tone. It was brief, however, and he tried to remain polite, albeit refusing the handshake. "My clients expect the best. And my talent gives them the best. A shame for that of your homeland to be spurned of such opportunity. But what a thing would an elegant girl such as yourself require of my services?"

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"Well, good sir, to understand that you must know that we are very long-lived, and went through an... unconventional cultural development. We also tend to process emotions less intensely than most of the species we have encountered. Put simply, our ability to produce creative works is far outstripped by the demand for such, and thus any artist who wishes to can find a ready and eager market," Alexandria smiles slightly at this, "In fact, some refuse to sell to us. They claim it is too easy. I do not pretend to understand why being a starving artist makes them feel superior, but they will do what they feel they must I suppose. An endlessly appreciative audience, as long as you don't mind that it isn't a human one."

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Quite frankly, Venus couldn't blame the various artists for rejecting Alexandaria's kind. It was rather reasonable, really; no artist would want mindless, emotionless puppets to enjoy their work, and the very news of one acceding to the request of such....substandard species would earn one the reputation of a fool, a laughingstock in the whole industry. Gaining off their incapability would also be the lowest of the low, and and he knew he had much more -- far more -- superior talent than any of the artists she mentioned ever did. He had a reputation, he had prestige; he had clients who paid him well and awaited his compositions and masterpieces. He was the stunning puppeteer and choreographer who pulled the strings and and brought his puppets to life as they sang and danced. He earned the ovation and the cheer of all who watched him perform. He would not sully such reputation under any means. He had to be perfect.

The thought of a blunt rejection entered his mind, but alas, he couldn't bring himself to do so; be it the innocent gaze of the android's eyes -- rationally speaking, more unintelligent and uncivilized, moreso -- her kind and her had been rejected all her life for the opportunity for such beauty. And it was his job, his passion, his love, to make everything beautiful, and to make others appreciate the beauty in everything, and that of what he did, as well.

For a while, Venus said nothing. A hand with a bullet emerged from his poncho as he opened the contents of the glowing, magically enhanced capsule, letting a portion of the green flow of liquid leak out. Taking a gentle, but sufficing bite off his index finger, he allowed the sanguine to slowly leak from it like a pen, as he tore of a piece of his notebook and began to quickly -- but adroitly -- make a masterpiece out of the blank piece of slightly withered paper. He needed no sketch; his index finger was his paintbrush as he skilfully began to paint and draw on the paper, with no blemish from the stains of his blood, only wonderful shades and beautiful strokes adorning the paper more and more. One moment he used red, and green in the other; he continued to flourish his fingers on the paper for around a few minutes, before he raised the piece in front of him while making sure the mechanical woman did not see it. His wound still bleeding, he simpered in satisfaction on how it turned out.

He handed her the finished piece -- a simple, but splendidly drawn and painted bouquet of roses, and smiled from underneath his mask. He did not deserve to compromise his reputation for their needs and desires, but more so, Alexandria didn't deserve to be denied the chance for art forever.

"Here -- but a token from me. The simplest, basic examples of my work."

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The Hellfire Knight looked at the extended hand much as one might look at a pit viper preparing to strike, though of course this response was largely hidden by the cloak and stoop. It would be really weird to not accept the handshake, but I look weird already, and. . . ugh! Her hand darted forward, seizing Magna's roughly and abruptly, and cranking it up and down once before what she was feeling clicked. The electronic voice resulted in a blast of static assaulting the hearing of those in the immediate vicinity as her hand moved backward just as quickly as it had extended, and one could almost feel the shock in the unseen gaze of the one beneath the hood.

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"Ah. Thank you very much," Alexandria inclines her head slightly. She then raises her hand to the simple painting, and geometric shapes spring forth, surrounding the paper in a glowing yellow frame. The paper is visible inside, but clearly covered by a thin, translucent pane. Once thus protected, she takes it gently, and places it over her back, where it hovers with no visible means of support. "Your generosity is remarkable. A beautiful piece for such a brief effort, although the memory of having watched you create it may prove more precious than the product itself. I shall endeavor to repay your kindness when I have the opportunity." When she turns towards the main group, Venus can see that while her front side has a few scratches, scuffs, and what looks like a place where a spiked mace bounced off her, her back is unmarred.

"I, what do you organics say, sense a disturbance in the force. I do not know who, but somebody is doing politics and they didn't invite me. Being out of the loop makes my bearings catch. I can feel my neck seizing up already..."

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It That Embraces holds on to the spider-woman throughout her struggles, taking silent note of Aurora's (she doesn't know the name yet, but it's convenient for writing) starfields, the constellations and the points of light that shine and shimmer and dance through her shrieking terror.

[Quiet. Assurance. Peace. Comfort.]

She repeats the soothing ideas over and over again while she lives up to her name, like she were hushing a child. As the shrieks fade to be replaced by purrs, she smiles with eyes alone, pressing the spider lightly into her body (did she get a bit taller?) and stroking a hand through her platinum hair, another hand tracing those beautiful points of light along her back.

[Assurance. Peace.]

Also there's still edginess in the background, but she totally ignores it because shut up Solomon I'm going to bed now

Though the spider tensed at being pulled even closer, soon enough her purring was again uninterrupted. She made no attempt to stop the being tracing her back, the patterns actually growing brighter and even beginning to swim about on her carapace, a fully animated spectacle showing the infinitely repeating birth and death of an entire galaxy. For perhaps the first, and only, time in a long while, the innate predatory nature that had for so long driven her forward with pragmatic and savagely brutal determination sat docile. Though she still had no idea where the entity came from nor why it was here, there was certainty that it wasn't as big a threat as she'd feared. And it made her wonder in the back of hunger ridden mind, truly, just what it was.

But of even greater curiosity though, was how utterly obvlious or plain deaf the fleshies gathered there were. With all that commotion that would've easily scared small prey off at the drop of hat, sent fellow beasts of prey backing away from the sheer volume and alerted each and every last one of her old companions and brought them running, not a single one of the strangers had so much as looked up to investigate anything.

Hells, if she'd known they'd be so engrossed in their own affairs that they couldn't notice something that otherwise would've instantly ruined her stealth, she wouldn't have fretted so much about simply reaching down with a silken line and towing one of them up from the ground... that could for wait for later though. For now the entity offered far more comfort than food ever had, as impossible as she'd once thought such a thing to be...

the purring again intensified as she nestled her head against the thing's shoulder.

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The Primordial sighed, not with exasperation but with contentment as she handled the Arachni, carefully pulling her down off of her perch- perhaps to make her more approachable? Perhaps. Very slowly, of course, and with mirth all the way, countless fingers tracing the beautiful arcane stars dancing across her carapace. [beautiful], she noted, as if to reassure the child in her arms.

Although, judging by the amused titter, she may have noticed said child's... particular interest in her companions brought out by their lack of situational awareness.

[scolding: Do not eat your allies, young one.We will find sustenance for you.]

It That Embraces nodded sagely, glancing towards the roofs they saw in the distance, the place some of her companions were so eager to explore. A place of residence would surely have food, even if by some chance every one of their number did not. Though, it probably would not be full of enemies to defeat, which might disappoint those people who were so fed up with conversation... oh, well.

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Indulging in the pleasure of satisfying the girl while subtly eluding the sensitive point of conversation earlier, Venus bowed urbanely yet again. "And a pleasure it would always be, my mechanical maiden."

The sudden change in her at her response of "political issues" did little to bother him -- and much like a play from it's start to end, it was relatively satisfying for Venus to have made her acquaintance.

" I see. To your endeavors to that of you wish to attend to now, the best of luck I wish you."

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A growl at the reprimand, subtle and short, like a child weakly trying to protest a parent's decree, or a dog trying to hold onto something it was intent on chewing on. But yet again, Aurora soon enough went back to docility. Fiiiiiiiiiiiine, the fools were probably too much work to kill and eat anyway, probably wouldn't even taste that well either. Most of them smelled a bit on the sour side, with a subtle hint of edge, anxiety, and bewilderment. She noted the lowering of height, but at that point she'd really stopped caring if she wasn't even going to have to snatch one of the fleshies.

It didn't really matter much what or who she ate, so long as they were organic and not... entirely warped beyond recognition by unsavory darkness, and whatever it was, she got it soon, she'd be content...

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One could practically see the fond smile forming on the strange entity's face, that little crinkling of her many eyes as she stroked through the spider's hair and [shhhhh]ed her, soothing her growls back into those content purrs, working her supernatural peace into the young beast's mind and body like an impossibly adept masseuse.

Even as her arms worked, however, some of her eyes turned to the rest of the party, and even as she led Aurora slowly forwards along the path, she called out to the others around her. (Yes, hopefully even Alexandria. It required a certain recalibration of her 'voice' to translate it into something that could be received by a mechanical mind as well as a natural one, but she felt it was a worthy endeavor, and it did not take too much doing in any event.)

[Request: Does anyone have any food? The starry one requires sustenance.]

Starry one: a fond concept for the spider-woman, drawing attention to the beautiful stellar patterns upon her eyes and carapace rather than her beastly nature.

Edited by Twei
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Upon hearing the request made by It that Embraces, Eon decided to poke into his stock and see what he could find. Technically he only had what some civilizations gave him as currency in an attempt to...please him, but he really had little care for it. Regardless, he kept it in the hopes that someday it could be useful. Like now.

"Well, I probably have something. Any particular type of food, or will anything work?"

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The grey cloaked man examines the map the dragon gave him, so far it hasn't tried to kill him yet; perhaps it might not be pure evil.

The growling seems to have stopped; the grey cloaked man made sure to try and see if any of the group had suddenly disappeared.

He wondered where the armored snarky woman was, and he reached inside of his pocket for one of the false golden coins he kept there, and he made sure to unwrap the foil before consuming the chocolate contained within.

The grey cloaked man hoped that there would be a more substantial meal inside of the castle, or maybe a nice history book.

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Upon hearing the request made by It that Embraces, Eon decided to poke into his stock and see what he could find. Technically he only had what some civilizations gave him as currency in an attempt to...please him, but he really had little care for it. Regardless, he kept it in the hopes that someday it could be useful. Like now.

"Well, I probably have something. Any particular type of food, or will anything work?"

[Explanation: I suspect that meat would be best, though I am not truly certain.]

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Kagari turned as the weird creature spoke directly into her mind. Creepy. Telepathy wasn't anything too special, but it still felt weird.

"Food, huh..."

Kagari glanced at the corpses that lay on the floor. Theoretically, if she were to ingest it, she should be able to purify it into an edible form. She wasn't looking forward to how the shadowy stuff would taste though. Would probably taste like despair and dead dreams or something. Besides, she wasn't all too eager to reveal her true nature to the rest of the party just yet. Who knew how many of them were adventurers in their original realities? They might have a knee-jerk reaction to killing slimes. Like, "OOH, EXP! *slice*". Not a wise idea.

Thankfully, it seemed that the dragon had some food on him. Dragons were truly such convenient creatures. Friendly, helpful, and fun to ride, too. Kagari liked dragons.

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"Meat eh? I'm sure I have some around here somewhere. Not much, but some," Eon muses as he opens a small rift and sticks a hand into it. After a bit of fidgeting, he finds a few slabs of raw meat in a container labeled "XX2:144528".Recognizing one of the labeling codes he uses for various items, Eon opens his book and flips through the pages until he finds the reference code.

"Well, I have raptor meat it seems. One of the older civilizations I visited once had an entire market based around this stuff apparently. I never actually tried any, but hopefully this will do?" Eon asked, beginning to move in the general direction of It that Embraces.

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After he had spoken with Venus, Edmond ambled along, absentmindedly eavesdropping on conversations. So Alexandria is not unique in her culture... He noted the hostilities developing between Eon and Solomon. I suppose this is unavoidable when so many beings are summoned from such diverse backgrounds. Some were bound to clash with others.

He was vaguely aware of It that Embraces' request for food.

Well, I for one am glad that someone's trying to keep that spider from eating us...Food. I wish I had some.

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"Meat eh? I'm sure I have some around here somewhere. Not much, but some," Eon muses as he opens a small rift and sticks a hand into it. After a bit of fidgeting, he finds a few slabs of raw meat in a container labeled "XX2:144528".Recognizing one of the labeling codes he uses for various items, Eon opens his book and flips through the pages until he finds the reference code.

"Well, I have raptor meat it seems. One of the older civilizations I visited once had an entire market based around this stuff apparently. I never actually tried any, but hopefully this will do?" Eon asked, beginning to move in the general direction of It that Embraces.

In response, It That Embraces simply reaches out (quite a ways, in fact) and takes the container - opening it up, of course, before handing over the raw meat inside to the spider-woman. Let her be the judge of whether or not it is delicious to her.

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Aurora snatched the stuff up in her jaws without hesitation. Not point stopping to sniff or any such preamble, she knew decent meat when she saw it. The speed at which her fangs tore into the hunk of prepared flesh and consumed it was so fast few besides the fellow inhumans present likely had sight acute enough to even fully track the frenzied motions. A satisfied grin spread across the mutes face, teeth gleaming red with the blood of raptors, and cheeks right along with it, eyes finally returning to normal as the silver pools retreated back into the confines of conventional irises and the pupils and whites reemerged.

Blood... yes, sweet, glorious blood. The stuff was like nectar to her kind, regardless to where it came from, though that drawn from humans was always the richest. And she wanted more... but she could not kill the humans without making the white being mad... so she stayed put, turning her attention the dragon who'd provided the slabs. He seemed familiar... well, no, that was incorrect. Not him specifically, but the composition of his body- stars, planets, quasars, empty void, supernovas and white dwarfs. Was he made of the cosmos themselves? he had to be... how else could his appearance mimic them so closely?

The purring yet again intensifies...

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Having had his attention drawn to where It that Embraces and...some sort of spider like creature, Eon was able to see that the sentient enjoyed the meat he provided.

"Well, looks like old Metras was wrong. My collection of items did end up being useful," Eon stated proudly. Still though, It that Embraces was quite a curious existence. He had not seen a great many things that would be comparable, so he was very curious to learn more about her. Additionally, the spiderlike sentient seemed to be quite hungry, so he might as well go over and see if she wouldn't want more food. Deciding on his course of action, he bid a temporary farewell to Kagari before floating over to the pair near the cliffside.

"Hello you two," Eon greeted, before looking at the spiderlike sentient once more. "I have a bit more of that meat on hand if you would like some," Eon said, pulling out a bit more of the raptor meat from his storage rift.

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"How old is that stuff?" Alexandria inquired, heading slowly in the direction of the light show. "Organic fuel tends to get squishy after a while. And then when the organics try to use it, they turn different colors and start leaking everywhere. Unless you've got a stasis field up in there?"

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