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[Spoilers] E16 Status Discussion


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Actually, I did the math wrong. If he's missing Charlotte, than Fern would only be able to fight Charlotte, and the 3 leaders that follow her, which is Terra, Ciel, and EP16's leader. So if he's battled Amaria already, yet skipped Charlotte, than Amaria has to follow Ciel.

But where did you get the actual order of leaders from? Because, following the rules, there would be no need for us battling them in order, really.

Without any specific order, it is impossible to deduce it.

Your theory is not necessarily right:

-You have supposed that Ciel, Amaria, Terra and Charlotte are a cluster of 4 leaders in the tier.

-But, consider this scenario: if the order were Ciel-Terra-Charlotte-rest of leaders, including Amaria; Fern could have missed Charlotte and still could have been able to face Amaria, since she could be 1, 2 or 3 leaders ahead of Charlotte... For example, the odrer Ciel-Terra-Charlotte-Adrienn-Hardy-Amaria could also be possible with the premises Ame gave us.

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Well pre XIII there was the old system of 4 leaders per block (season 3 had 3 leaders per block) so it's something like this:

Tier 1: Julia, Florinia, Corey (replaced with Aya), Shelly

Tier 2: Shade, Kiki (replaced with Samson), Serra, Noel

Tier 3: Luna, Radomus, Charlotte, Terra

Tier 4: Ciel, (Amaria), (Titania), (Hardy)

Tier 5: (Saphira) (Adrienn would not have existed but maybe here)

Though with the new system:

Tier 1: Julia, Florinia, Corey (replaced with Aya)

Tier 2: Shelly, Shade, Kiki (replaced with Samson)

Tier 3: Serra, Noel, Radomus

Tier 4: Luna, Charlotte, Terra

Tier 5: Ciel, (Adrienn), (Amaria)

Tier 6: (Hardy), (Titania), (Saphira)

I have to put Aya and Samson in parentheses due to them possibly shifting down leaders from their current position to a lower tier since well new leaders have a different set amount of skills. That does not matter since we're figuring out the rank of leaders we haven't faced yet. Now that I have them tiered(ish) I'll explain how the league system worked due to them all being the same level.

Challengers were allowed to face a leader ranked up to 4 above of the old system and 3 above in the new system of the current badge they were missing. I'm going to use the new system for this example. Let's say I haven't defeated Serra yet, but beat everyone before her. I could challenge Noel, Radomus, or Serra, but not Luna.

...Well if the player is facing them in proper order and Fern did get Amaria's badge...I think we know who's next. Her Lapras was level 80 anyways.

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who's this sandy person? is it the ground reserve leader?

Well, from what I've heard, Sandy was essentially an April-Fool's prank that Terra once pulled during the online league. Apparently she changed her sprite ( I think just recolored it ), used a different ace ( Quagsire, I believe ), and was even acting so differently that her personality was like some odd amalgamation of herself and Ciel. But since I wasn't here in the way-back days of then, I'm just going by what I can remember from what little I've heard of the event.

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Well, from what I've heard, Sandy was essentially an April-Fool's prank that Terra once pulled during the online league. Apparently she changed her sprite ( I think just recolored it ), used a different ace ( Quagsire, I believe ), and was even acting so differently that her personality was like some odd amalgamation of herself and Ciel. But since I wasn't here in the way-back days of then, I'm just going by what I can remember from what little I've heard of the event.

Sandy was indeed an April Fools joke, but not on Terra's behalf. During the teasers for the Season 2 leaders, Ame only showed silhouettes, and the obviously-shaped Terra shadow was recolored entirely on release (which happened to fall on April Fools) and this new trainer became known as Sandy, who was characterized as the opposite of Terra, but I don't believe Sandy ever actually battled. The Ciel-Terra mixups were a late Season 3 thing I believe, where they would act as each other, even battling as each other at times. The new personas they took on came to be known as Terriel (Terra acting as Ciel) and Cierra (Ciel acting as Terra).


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With Adrienne being our potential next leader, I've been thinking. What was/who was the voice that tells you to come play again when down in the caves? Celebi could make sense, but I don't find it likely. I wonder if we will learn about it next episode. We could learn about the lack of time there from Team Meteor perhaps.

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If we are not going to the desert yet it would make sense that the next 2 gyms will probably be Amaria's or Adrien's. As of Ep 15 we know their exact locations. Probably the sleeping pulse/ radio waves phenomenon from Agate are solved too then Hardy's gym could be next too but I doubt it since Terra is responsible of that and she is stuck in the computer. My bet is on one of those 3 gyms.

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How does the beta of the new episodes work?

I think it's gonna be handled pretty much the same as usual, it gets posted to the Ace Member's sub-forum and everyone who wants to can partake in it like always, though it's probably be in beta testing for slightly longer due to the sheer amount of new things being added in E16. Also I do recall Ame saying somewhere on this thread that during alpha testing she will have more than 1 person testing it this time to make it more efficient, or something like that.

Edited by TheMoltenGuy
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With Adrienne being our potential next leader, I've been thinking. What was/who was the voice that tells you to come play again when down in the caves? Celebi could make sense, but I don't find it likely. I wonder if we will learn about it next episode. We could learn about the lack of time there from Team Meteor perhaps.

I think we have heard nothing else, but Terra down there - around time we fight her (after or before battle speech), she says something about baby arceus - I`m not sure if I remember correctly, but it was something about playing (with him?), taking care of her, finding interests; anyway, it gave me idea that she`s familiar with arceus and this whole place. Plus, I suppose there was something more in her than hacking skills, that found her way into Team Meteor.

P.S: After battle in the house at the top of the waterfall, Solaris says that it will be 2nd house he gonna burn to get those rings - maybe it wasn`t accident that girl`s house burned down, but coincidence that Charlotte played with fire at this moment? We gonna get nice part of vengeance story if that`s the case. Anybody thought of this this way before me, or it was just obvious and I`m missing something?

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Anybody thought of this this way before me, or it was just obvious and I`m missing something?

It's been theorized since E15 was first released. If it's true (I'm 99% confident it is), I wonder if Charlotte will find out and how she'll react if she does. She's always kept an "in control" exterior without showing much emotion besides sarcasm, but I think that would make her visibly feel feelings. And burn Sirius.

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It's been theorized since E15 was first released. If it's true (I'm 99% confident it is), I wonder if Charlotte will find out and how she'll react if she does. She's always kept an "in control" exterior without showing much emotion besides sarcasm, but I think that would make her visibly feel feelings. And burn Sirius.

Charlotte's reaction would be nothing compared to what Saphira would do. As you so accurately mentioned, Charlotte acts as if she's in control, but upon knowing the thuth, that facade would most likely crumble, her personality could get a slight change after that but that's it. Saphira, on the other hand, is always insanely protective of her sisters. Just imagine if (when) she finds out that her little sister was scarred for life and blamed herself (yes, Charlotte blames herself, she just denies it) for a terrible thing that was never her fault. Miss scaly underpants would be out for blood, and I wouldn't be stupid to get in her way.

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It's been theorized since E15 was first released. If it's true (I'm 99% confident it is), I wonder if Charlotte will find out and how she'll react if she does. She's always kept an "in control" exterior without showing much emotion besides sarcasm, but I think that would make her visibly feel feelings. And burn Sirius.

I feel like if Charlotte ever finds out that it is true, her " burn scars " that Anna sees, well disappear.

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If you look at the badge image in the game's files, Titania is the next leader up.

Or maybe it's just a red herring. idk.

The badge order there changes every episode to keep us guessing. That means nothing.

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P.S: After battle in the house at the top of the waterfall, Solaris says that it will be 2nd house he gonna burn to get those rings - maybe it wasn`t accident that girl`s house burned down, but coincidence that Charlotte played with fire at this moment? We gonna get nice part of vengeance story if that`s the case. Anybody thought of this this way before me, or it was just obvious and I`m missing something?

I always thought the house he mentioned was the house that Titania described when she found the Sapphire Bracelets the first time, and I don't really think this was the sisters' house since none of them ever mentions having any Sapphire Bracelets or anything like that.

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I always thought the house he mentioned was the house that Titania described when she found the Sapphire Bracelets the first time, and I don't really think this was the sisters' house since none of them ever mentions having any Sapphire Bracelets or anything like that.

The house Titania described was the Belrose house IIRC.

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The house Titania described was the Belrose house IIRC.

Oh really? Well it would make sense since I think she said it was by a lake in the mountains or something, but I always kinda disregarded that since, as I mentioned earlier, none of the sisters ever mentioned having owned a pair of sapphire bracelets or anything like that. Though I did always think that Saphira was the original owner of the bracelets since you know... the names, but it doesn't really matter that much does it.

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Oh really? Well it would make sense since I think she said it was by a lake in the mountains or something, but I always kinda disregarded that since, as I mentioned earlier, none of the sisters ever mentioned having owned a pair of sapphire bracelets or anything like that. Though I did always think that Saphira was the original owner of the bracelets since you know... the names, but it doesn't really matter that much does it.

The Sapphire Bracelets were given to Laura by their mother, Caroline Belrose. Laura said that she "lost them after the fire."

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Oh really? Well it would make sense since I think she said it was by a lake in the mountains or something, but I always kinda disregarded that since, as I mentioned earlier, none of the sisters ever mentioned having owned a pair of sapphire bracelets or anything like that. Though I did always think that Saphira was the original owner of the bracelets since you know... the names, but it doesn't really matter that much does it.

They do talk about it. It's after Saphira gets blasted by Lin's Hydreigon ( at least, I'm pretty sure that's when it happens, could be wrong ). The gang start talking about why Team Meteor wants Heather's ring and Anna's pendant, and you ( the protagonist ) somehow silently communicate ( I assume via telepathy ) that they're trying to use them as keys. Shelly then starts stuttering out an explanation about a story she heard about keys being made into jewelry. Charlotte then mentions that Laura once got a pair of sapphire bracelets for her birthday a long time ago, and that they were lost in the house fire. At least, I think that's how it goes down. More or less.

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So The Cellist is the literal best and composed a terrain tag fix that removed a significant portion of events from the puzzle. With that, it's playable. Still lags on weaker computers, especially on one part, but it's bearable, and even testing it through lag, that one part (which is a lot more fun than it is difficult tbh) is still passably enjoyable.

Meanwhile in the story department

shit = done

or all of the story content through the gym battle is, anyway.

also just based on potential maximum relationship values, this episode's leader can end up liking the player way too much ;;;


i still have loose ends to tie up, stuff like TV dialogues for this episode and whatnot

so that's tomorrow

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So The Cellist is the literal best and composed a terrain tag fix that removed a significant portion of events from the puzzle. With that, it's playable. Still lags on weaker computers, especially on one part, but it's bearable, and even testing it through lag, that one part (which is a lot more fun than it is difficult tbh) is still passably enjoyable.

oh boy this will be a joy to beta test

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Meanwhile in the story department

shit = done

or all of the story content through the gym battle is, anyway.

also just based on potential maximum relationship values, this episode's leader can end up liking the player way too much ;;;


i still have loose ends to tie up, stuff like TV dialogues for this episode and whatnot

so that's tomorrow

Now it's my turn to spam hidden items in places and fix tile errors elsewhere!


EDIT: Did I say fix tile errors? Because what actually happened was:


and now I'm all grumbly. grr.

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They do talk about it. It's after Saphira gets blasted by Lin's Hydreigon ( at least, I'm pretty sure that's when it happens, could be wrong ). The gang start talking about why Team Meteor wants Heather's ring and Anna's pendant, and you ( the protagonist ) somehow silently communicate ( I assume via telepathy ) that they're trying to use them as keys. Shelly then starts stuttering out an explanation about a story she heard about keys being made into jewelry. Charlotte then mentions that Laura once got a pair of sapphire bracelets for her birthday a long time ago, and that they were lost in the house fire. At least, I think that's how it goes down. More or less.

Oh xD Then I just have a shitty memory and don't remember the scenario even though I've played through the game multiple times, and that confirms that Solaris was indeed responsible for the fire and not Charlotte.

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P.S: After battle in the house at the top of the waterfall, Solaris says that it will be 2nd house he gonna burn to get those rings - maybe it wasn`t accident that girl`s house burned down, but coincidence that Charlotte played with fire at this moment? We gonna get nice part of vengeance story if that`s the case. Anybody thought of this this way before me, or it was just obvious and I`m missing something?

Sirius said that iirc, and yes, that was the implication. He killed Corey's wife for the Ruby Ring, too, after all. If you think Charlotte would be angry, don't forget Saphira...hoo boy.

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Sirius said that iirc, and yes, that was the implication. He killed Corey's wife for the Ruby Ring, too, after all. If you think Charlotte would be angry, don't forget Saphira...hoo boy.

Or Heather... just sayin'

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