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[Spoilers] E16 Status Discussion


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Love the new animations ^-^

what field is hardy getting can i have a link or is it already in the game files? either way hardy is going to be a pain for me as i have quite a few flying and ice and it seems my swamprt/venasaur wont be much help.. dam i need to prepare more.

...that hasn't been determined yet... There's speculation, of course, but it's not certain for what field Hardy will be having.

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Animations were requested a couple of weeks ago. Mde's here to deliver Ice Beam and Moonblast all in one go.


did you know that changing teleport events by the dozen is very tedious

even if you've never touched a game engine before, you probably did

but in case you thought it was not

let me tell you

it is

Looking good on the animations! Ice Beam calls to mind the 3rd Gen one, I think. Always a good choice~ Moonblast took me a couple watches but I'm sold, for sure.

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Oh. Yeah, I can see him doing that. Well, to be fair, my Donnel gave me an OP Owain that can't break weapons, so I can't complain that much about him (except on his recruitment stage, how I hate leveling up villager).

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I wouldn't underestimate Lilligant if I were you. Own Tempo Lilligant with Quiver dance and Petal dance can be lethal with the right EVs once set up, even that is boosted loads if Laura had the flower field (or whatever the one that changes is called).

Grass is resisted by too many types, and Lilligant desperately lacks coverage moves.

Do the updates on the updates take this long? >.>

Silencio perra c:

(The developers don't owe you a thing. Please refrain from complaining about updates.)

Edited by Foamy
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also those animations are awesome, can i have some more please?

Oh, I guess.

Mde Plays Rough.


Those animations look amazing, but could we get and update on the status thread? Last one as over a month ago.


And I answered why not the last time I got this question like two weeks ago.

My only question is: Will the backsprites one day be the proper size. This is the smallest, most petty detail but it catches my eye so much. >>>>;;;

By proper size, what are you referring to? The Pokemon backsprites are sized to 5th gen, and the trainer backsprites to 3rd gen. That said, I don't have any plans to redo either.

Finished the general teleport connections and whatnotever. I say general because that's not counting coming out of buildings or anything like that, which is a kitten caboodle I'll handle when I start really getting into eventing. Map cleaning shouldn't be too bad now.

EDIT: Tfw you get got by your own wynaut prank.

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It started out roughly a third of the length it is now, but looked kind of strange and incomplete. It might be a little on the long side, but it looks better like this than it did before.

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As the others above I also think the Play Rough animmation is too long. A half or 2/3 of the current length should be enough imo. Otherwise great job Mde!

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Oh, I guess.

Mde Plays Rough.


> mde's play rough

>> doesn't even Dedenne


EDIT: Tfw you get got by your own wynaut prank.

it's not like you'd remember it was there in the first place amirite

It started out roughly a third of the length it is now, but looked kind of strange and incomplete. It might be a little on the long side, but it looks better like this than it did before.

Kinda wish I could see the "incomplete" one to compare with current one tbh.

It does look pretty damn awesome though so 100/10

hey look bugged quote :T

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The update will be out when it's ready. Ame and the others who work on Reborn do have things going on irl as well as Ame having to deal with some medical issues. Ame has said in the past that episode 16 would take a long time. I believe there was a post within this topic that Amethyst put up a few weeks ago explaining her circumstances so please be patient. She is working behind the scenes and will have done a bit more work than what the progress topic says she has done.

Why not try other fangames such as Rejuvenation or Desolation whilst content for episode 16 is being completed?

Medical problems? Scizors, sorry 'bout dat. I just thought Ame forgot to update, but uhh...medical problems, right.

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At least not as part of the animations project, and I would assume no in general. If that is happening, it would have to be done in a completely different editor and so on, but I can't be sure Ame doesn't have a plan for it.

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