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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Glass Factory speak to Simon in the lower rooms, event takes places after Amaria
  2. Nope aromaterapy, wish & misty terrain are the three possible egg moves
  3. You need super rod to catch it in the magma at the peak , just as a heads up a
  4. If you upload you file someone could fix that, it's a fairly common issue that needs to be fixed. Well not that specifically but you get what I mean hopefully?
  5. Yay just beat Zelda Phantom Hourglass

    1. Wolfox


      not a bad game at all, but compared to other Zelda's... let's just say it's the worst I played personally

    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      It has a bit odd controls at first but didn't overly mind that, my biggest issue was aiming so I had wanted to be a completetionist but after basically a week or so of trying to get the last heart container I gave up. The story was good but I haven't played many of the other Zelda's

  6. I can trade you a level 1 one or an egg if you want to hatch it with your own OT
  7. So just realized I have 500 Rep, which I find amazing

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SilverAngelus


      If you thought your rep was high, look at your content count. Holy Miltank o_O

    3. seki108


      Congrats, but wow that content count is getting high

    4. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Mostly from online trades/on the hunt answers

  8. It doesn't matter when you get the applications I don't think but it matters that you talk to Archer before using them in front of them.
  9. Haven't read the leak just seen the videos
  10. Yes they would as the ability has ??? beside it
  11. Who would you choose to get a new form? I really liked the Kiss Ziggy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J-Awesome_One


      Arbok aaannnd the typings I think would be 1 of these 4:





    3. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      @SilverAngelus in general

      @Majin J-Awesome_One Could be cool to see a water snake lol

    4. doombotmecha


      What with Team Yell being a thing, I wonder if Galarian Exploud will be revealed at some point.

  12. Will wait to see it's ability before I completely judge it on my own personal prefences, I don't like alot of the poison type pokemon so with that being said take it as a complement
  13. They gave us Kiss as a pokemon.... Weezing looked kinda cool as well
  14. Aliright I'll request, sorry for some reason didn't go off @ViniGs can you refresh waiting screen, it seems to be stuck @ViniGs seems like it got stuck again, I will request again @ViniGs it's stuck again, can't see your team at all which means it's stuck I will wait this time, user is Snorlax @ViniGs have a good day/night
  15. Alright on, what is your user for online play? PS if you don't want the grubbin I'll take it
  16. Alright brt, sorry something came up
  17. I can breed one for you if you still need one
  18. In reborn it's in shades gym at the back locked room, look up guide on solosis cause the key is right by it
  19. Took a new path on reborn, decided to fight Sirius at abandoned power plant (can't spell it's name)  and decided to let Sapphira get kidnapped, was cool watching the animation for it

    1. SilverAngelus


      *Abandoned Yureyu building

      I think


      How they managed to accomplish that, I'll never know.

    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Don't know.... Drunk on morning coffee and decided to stick with it

  20. Happy birthday hope the balls of bludder cuddle up to you to make amasealing day

    1. Seal


      Thank you!

  21. Have a Super brithday, don't forget to get you kitty some food before he decides to to be the God of destruction he is

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