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Starry Knight

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Okay come get them both back @Halialeuco don't want both back?
  2. Fury cutter on ninjask? Or just say no to all moves and let you use move relearner
  3. @Halialeuco did you want the one I traded you or do you want this one evolved?
  4. You request me my User is Snorlax, having troubles with yours
  5. You still on? I will do it, will just use rare candy to level it up though @Eigengrau sheninja doesn't appear on some games even when merry the requirements. For this person that is happening
  6. Check the spoiler section of my signiture. For mons most are wild now as most of the events are done in the reborn region, you could get Klefkei or Zoura I think that's it Mon wise left You will need to look at the Neo section for the reborn region and Apophyll region
  7. Morning, I can do right now if you want
  8. Happy Burthday. Hope your day goes well, looking forward to see what you have in store for the community

  9. Alright, sorry didn't se or hear a reply till now, if your still on that is
  10. Sorry called it disc but is upgrade. I see I have a spare upgrade i can give instead then, i don't have a pory Z currently
  11. U remember where you fought Steelix? Now that the event is done you can go back and there will be a couple metal poles making a path to the cave on the other side pretty sure disc is in there
  12. @Rayfe Thegrim Gonna retry sending it seems stuck
  13. Alright I'll request then kojin66 is yours
  14. do you care that grubbin is still an egg? if not I can trade right away
  15. Hi, I can trade you a couple of lvl 1's if you want, no need for starters unless your doing a mono run
  16. Reborn has phione and Type Null / Silvally though if you count UB's it has piopole
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