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Everything posted by Anstane

  1. The Jackpot Starter concent worked better when it was an actual surprise, now when everyone knows of it it just...lost one of it's main points. Still, it's meant to be rare as hell. Specifically, 1/22 * 1/60 odds for a specific Jackpot Starter.
  2. Fair warning, there will be a few overlaps here.
  3. Anstane


    If you got it while you were there, a Snover from Blacksteeple is one of the best choices for Valarie. Abomasnow is one of the best Pokemon you can use for Valarie as it's not weak to her anti-Grass Ice coverage.
  4. The forces in front of them fall, one by one, but they seem to keep coming, judging by the second wave approaching not far behind the line they have broken through. For now, though, Darius focused on finishing off the enemies in front of them right now. Whipping out his Flux tome, he prepares to end the poor fool's life. Equip Flux, eliminate Knight 1.
  5. Okay, this is weird... I completed the Oshawott sidequest after V9, then I found the last Kimono Girl and went straight to the battle, healing in the Healing spot just inside Darchlight Forest. However, after losing to the Kimono Girls... I ended up stuck here. I can't advance the dialogue or anything. Basically, I am forced to reset at this point.
  6. It was a good tournament. Allowed for some nice item usages (Weakness Policy Crobat) and it was definitely a lot of fun. Grats to @pyrromanis for second place as well.
  7. There really is no "Best" starter. You should just pick whichever starter you like the most. Failing that, you can use the Starter Randomizer.
  8. It's trundling forward, albeit slowly. K_H?
  9. Pads in Hm? What is it? Micky, do you know?
  10. Anstane


    The chances are roughly 1/22 * 1/60 to get a specific Jackpot Starter, apparently.
  11. Alternatively, you could have gotten an Eevee as a jackpot starter. However, that would have meant not being able to pick Popplio, so...yeah. As for Mawilenite, it's not released yet, but it's a moot point as the Mega Ring is not released yet.
  12. Wanders in. Yeah, I'm around here. What about you, Micky?
  13. There is no "Best" starter, as all starters have their values and all are perfectly viable. As for the second Gym, you're better off getting some Flying-types. An Unfezant in particular is great against the second Gym leader, bar her Ace.
  14. Well, it's about time I finished up the run, at least as of E16. Chapter 16: Devonyx Gauntlet As soon as we exited the Agate Circus tent, we taught Louis Fly (The only Pokemon of mine to be able to learn it) and, with that, it was time to get busy with Reborn...reborn content. My first priority: Get the Super Rod (And the Toxic TM while I was at it). Once that was taken care of, I went off and started fishing everywhere and amassing a collection of new Pokemon. And a fair few new Pokemon I got to get. Alongside all of that, a few more evolutions took place, mainly of Pokemon I don't plan on using, but...well, why not. After such a lengthy journey to collect everything, it was finally time to raid Devon Corp. The first part of the assault went well. Then I lost to Orderly David (The last one before Devonyx). So I had to redo the puzzles in the building and battle him and his Ferrothorn again. Second time lucky, thankfully. Then we were forced to step into a trap because plot. After that, the Devonyx gauntlet began. First up, Victoria. After Victoria, it was time for Arclight. You know, the Elec/Sound using Arclight. Against my Water Mono. Yep. And, finally, it was time to finish things up with one of the Meteor Admins. It was time for the final battle with ZEL. After completing all those battles and the subsequent search for recruits (That, and this is when I went off to get Mudkip), it was time for Adrienn and to finally finish this run, at least for now. And, with that, the run, for now, is over. First of all, the Pokémon that I used against Adrienn. Secondly, I might as well show off all the Water-types I had accumulated up to this point. For reference, the upper three rows of the second box are the Pokemon I am using in my rotation, all 18 of them. All the others are ones I am not using, at least currently. And with that, I am done for now. Any comments on this run would be definitely welcome.
  15. I really need to pay more attention here... Hycrox?
  16. I don't know if I'll be able to be in, but I'll definitely try to be in.
  17. http://prntscr.com/fvyxko


    Well, I've officially been part of the community for one year now. I must say, joining was one of the best things I've done with my life so far.

    1. Wolfox


      eyy, happy aniversery

    2. HongaarseBeer


      Yaaay, Happy anniversary indeed!

  18. Darius expected another attack to come from behind the walls or around the corner. However, the line of knights stood firm and unmoving and no more surprises happened from attacks from anywhere unexpected. Finally, the group could focus on breaking through the knights. "This should be a good chance to try out this new tome..." he thought to himself as he pulled out his Carrion tome and, after moving to position, channeled the energies from it straight at the central knight, standing at the front of the line. Move to D2 and attack Null Armor 2 with Carrion.
  19. Well, hope you enjoyed those short updates, because now...now we've got one hell of a long one. Chapter 15: The Gauntlet. Having obtained waterfall, I obtained access to a few more Water-types I could obtain. Specifically, Totodile, Lapras and Feebas. Thus, my first order of business was to find their locations and capture them. Once that was taken care of, it was time to begin the chapter of many battles. After we stormed the WTC, it didn't take long to run into our first major obstacle... Just kidding. I was not in the mood to put up with it and it's Discharge spam. No, the actual first serious battle was against Taka whom we decided to battle. After that, we got a brief reprieve to reorganize my team. Once I did so, it was time for the main Gauntlet. For starters, the duo of Meteor Aces deserve a mention. Then came the battle that always tripped me up before: Fern and Blake. And then, at long last, it was time for the main event! By now, I was starting to get tired of this and wanted to get this chapter over with. Thus, all that was left is the Gym Leader, Ciel. And the team that finally broke through this barrier. Ciel, that is. I used a variety of Mons throughout the entire chapter. So yeah, I'm going to need to go out of my way to get my Mons at least *some* EV's, even if it means using vitamins.
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