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Everything posted by SilverAngelus

  1. I'm right here! I'll keep this watch ongoing (Raion)
  2. I was in a battle. My Flygon was paralyzed and thus didn't attack for one turn, but the opponent Clawitzer didn't do anything that same turn. Completely skipped out on any action.
  3. Just finished Ghost Trick:Phantom Detective and itfewvdbfniryvfudvh

    If you've ever enjoyed Ace Attorney, you're gonna love this one

    *cough cough @LykosHand *cough

    ...excuse me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SilverAngelus
    3. Candy


      Prolly the same doggo in an alternate universe 


    4. SilverAngelus


      These games were made by the same creators, so berry likely!

  4. Bummer. Any online work? lol I actually didn't know Season 1 ended already. Guess I'll binge that when I can :3 I know right? One in particular named Kenny makes nice music
  5. How can Cass topple the tower when 206 doesn't end with a 7 2
  6. Henlo Trixxy and welcome to the Reborn forums! Did you say Tower of God? Admittedly, I'm so hyped with the anime now! I haven't read ToG in so long, so I'm waiting for a lot of the anime episodes to build up so I get to binge watch them! I also read a whole handful of Webtoons :3 Also do you have any paintings you want to show us? I'd like to see them
  7. Castle is past the labyrinth! You have to navigate through its maze to reach Vanhanen castle. If you're having trouble getting through the maze, you can refer to outside resources for a bit of guidance:
  8. Sorry about that, that slipped by my mind >_<
  9. Farewell teen years 🌊

    1. Dreamy


      Happy belated 20th! (I assume), sorry I didn't see it on the day!

    2. SilverAngelus


      No problem, thank you berry much Dreamy! 😺

  10. There's a scientist in the Celeste Pokemon Center that trades an Elekid for a Houndour. Electabuzz helps tremendously with this gym battle!
  11. HM moves! You won't have to teach your Pokemon HM moves so long as you have Golden items in your bag, along with the HM itself and the corresponding Gym badge.
  12. Who is Jarred? The answer is very complicated:


    Jarred is the most prestigious owner of sore toes.


  13. First speak with a lady sitting on a bench in Addenfall and complete her little quest. Once you've done that, you'll have access to another area in Addenfall Woods where you can obtain Aipom. Just be ready for a fight first.
  14. It's not nonsense! Far from it, your art makes things way better :') Idk how you made so many products in not a lot of time, but very well done!!! Quick question, will we be seeing these artworks in game? (My apologies if this has already been asked before >.<)
  15. First key is back in Old Ranger's Base in Blackview. Talk to the diary on the table and continue upwards.
  16. Silver Forest, east side. Prepare to fight an electric type Pokemon boss.
  17. If it's not in your save files, try looking inside the Rejuvenation game folder for your saves.
  18. I AM HERE Hopefully that invokes Candy to come heheh
  19. Nice to see this back up! Those boom effects are on point~ (Julia is very proud of you :3 ) As much as Meteor deserves consequences for their heinous actions, it's not pleasant to see Flannery so worked up about revenge. She's better than that ;-;
  20. Nice to see you Vulpix! Perhaps dnjdndf will show next?
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