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Everything posted by BIGJRA

  1. Anyone have any idea where Poliwag is? Can't find it by Good Rodding in Terajuma Jungle...
  2. Find all the copies of Nim scattered about and then the nurse will finally let you go.
  3. I'd go with the Pyroar, Heliolisk, Bibarel (for now at least), Diggersby and then maybe PorygonZ and a physical tank like Snorlax but idk. Btw if this is about Reborn then it's better fit for the Team Showcase section.
  4. According to the Reborn EV training guide that part of the UR has only Stunky and Noibat at that point... I might be wrong; will check later.
  5. On the topic of Route 3, at least the NPC saying that there's two paths to take is more accurate.
  6. TBH I'm working on a Psychic run and so far its been HARDER than my steel run
  7. You're technically allowed to use an HM slave as long as they don't battle, ever.
  8. I think there will be one master ball, no gimmicks at all about it. It just seems like a basic thing to do.
  9. Lol, we should also put Kyogre into Pyrous Mountain and Groudon into the one at the bottom of the sea, just for fun.
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if Mewtwo was in the door hidden beneath the blacksteam factory. Heatran in Tanzan perhaps.
  11. Solving the Aventurine woods puzzle requires a lot of exiting and re entering using Tauros to hop ledges. If you can't figure it out go to a different entrance and try something different.
  12. ^ I second this. Don't give up on steel, after you beat Florinia it's mostly smooth sailing from that point.
  13. Of course my monotype experience was in Reborn and not competitive, but Steel was the most fun and challenging monotype for me. The balance of challenge wasn't too impossible but kept it fresh and I always had to plan ahead. The team is my TC if anyone's interested.
  14. You have to arrange all of the floors such that you fall straight from the top to the web at the bottom.
  15. Happy birthday Shing! and now only 19 days till I catch up to you hehe
  16. I did the run with Piplup and it's certainly possible to beat Julia and Florinia (pineco is a beast at this point) so I would recommend that.
  17. Skuntank is found somewhere within the Northern mountains of reborn, I'm pretty sure you might have to use a strength glitch to get it but idk.
  18. I use OBS, works fine for me.
  19. BIGJRA

    Version 5-5

    I second what GreatNinja said, I replayed the GoldenWood incident and now I can't select a new mission.
  20. BIGJRA

    Police force

    If you found four of them then you triggered the capture. The fifth, doesn't affect this event.
  21. (sorry for being that guy today) where exactly in amethyst cave is the Litwick? I can't find it anywhere
  22. ...Yes, lets take the Roguelike dungeon explorer and turn it in to a PLATFORMER
  23. They don't like each other means 20% iirc. Sucks, but you'll just have to wait it out longer until he finds an egg.
  24. All we need left is the bae Sirius though
  25. Anyone wanna point me to where the Odd Key is in the gym? Ain't nobody got time fo dat
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